Oh Nooo! The DOW Is Tanking !!,So Who's Economy Is It Today? Obama Or Trump ?

I detest our unequal justice system. If you want to arrest every business owner also, great. As long as they walk, I support everyone walking.
Trump is walking Has illegals working for him

every illegal who managed to get a job at a Trump facility has been fired at Trump's order. Please, just for a few days, stop lying.

Post a link which provides conclusive evidence what you posted is true. Here is one which contradicts your post and more.

Border chief explains why there have been no ICE raids at Trump properties

Interesting to note.......when asked the question why so few employers are targeted he answered

Morgan responded that an investigation into the business that employed the undocumented workers in Mississippi is ongoing.

That didn't answer the question.

Reporter to baseball player batting .198....

Reporter: You have struck out 145 times this year.

Ball player: The season isn't over yet.

"The hiring practices of the little-known Trump business unit are the latest example of the chasm between the president’s derisive rhetoric about immigrants and his company’s long-standing reliance on workers who cross the border illegally."


LOL, Wash post LOL. should be "the lying washington post"
Trump is walking Has illegals working for him

every illegal who managed to get a job at a Trump facility has been fired at Trump's order. Please, just for a few days, stop lying.

Post a link which provides conclusive evidence what you posted is true. Here is one which contradicts your post and more.

Border chief explains why there have been no ICE raids at Trump properties

Interesting to note.......when asked the question why so few employers are targeted he answered

Morgan responded that an investigation into the business that employed the undocumented workers in Mississippi is ongoing.

That didn't answer the question.

Reporter to baseball player batting .198....

Reporter: You have struck out 145 times this year.

Ball player: The season isn't over yet.

"The hiring practices of the little-known Trump business unit are the latest example of the chasm between the president’s derisive rhetoric about immigrants and his company’s long-standing reliance on workers who cross the border illegally."


LOL, Wash post LOL. should be "the lying washington post"
funny how every respected journalist and law enforcement around the world agrees with them, and only your high school grad bought off GOP pundits agree with you, isn't it, brainwashed functional moron?
Obviously this is the fault of the chaotic Obama tariffs and trade Wars, and the ongoing Obama tax rates, a giveaway to the rich, for 35 years now.
Fake News exists: on the internet, on the AM radio dial and in every promise tweeted or spoken by ttump.
Fake News exists: on the internet, on the AM radio dial and in every promise tweeted or spoken by ttump.

how about the promises being made by the 20+ clowns running for the dem nomination? how about the lying promises made by obozo and hillary? and Pelosi and Schumer, and the idiots of the squad?

wake up dude, all politicians lie. Trump is different because he is actually keeping some of his promises.
I agree that Iraq was a stupid waste of lives and money, so was Kennedy and Johnson's Viet Nam, and clinton's Kosovo. but I have very little sympathy for people who knowingly violate our laws and enter OUR country illegally. None of them are being killed by ICE, deportation is not murder.

I will never understand why you libs favor illegals over american citizens (both by birth and naturalization). Can you explain that?

I detest our unequal justice system. If you want to arrest every business owner also, great. As long as they walk, I support everyone walking.
Trump is walking Has illegals working for him

every illegal who managed to get a job at a Trump facility has been fired at Trump's order. Please, just for a few days, stop lying.

Post a link which provides conclusive evidence what you posted is true. Here is one which contradicts your post and more.

Border chief explains why there have been no ICE raids at Trump properties

the article does not say what you or the fake news headline said. do you libs ever do anything but lie?

Sure he did, in evading the question (that maybe too abstract for you to comprehend). Open the link, and listen to his response and then apologize for calling me a liar.
'Oh Nooo! The DOW Is Tanking !!,So Who's Economy Is It Today? Obama Or Trump ?'

Hmmm...which Party has control of the house of Representatives, that controls the budget / purse strings / spending / economy, today?

Why, I do believe it is STILL the Democrats, run by Nancy Pelosi.

Perhaps her and Nadler could do their part to STOP running up the deficit by NOT spending any more money on their 3+ year Witch Hunt against the President....and maybe NOT continue to facilitate an approx. 60,000 more criminal illegals from flooding into the US each month.....and NOT continue to vow to explode the deficit by giving them 'free' health care, housing, food, education, etc....?!
'Oh Nooo! The DOW Is Tanking !!,So Who's Economy Is It Today? Obama Or Trump ?'

Hmmm...which Party has control of the house of Representatives, that controls the budget / purse strings / spending / economy, today?

Why, I do believe it is STILL the Democrats, run by Nancy Pelosi.

Perhaps her and Nadler could do their part to STOP running up the deficit by NOT spending any more money on their 3+ year Witch Hunt against the President....and maybe NOT continue to facilitate an approx. 60,000 more criminal illegals from flooding into the US each month.....and NOT continue to vow to explode the deficit by giving them 'free' health care, housing, food, education, etc....?!

The D's have been in power since January 2019; the budget, the Tax Reform (fraud) and ttump's trade wars are all the responsibility of the Republicans.

Your know that, and I know you are a damn liar.

Have a nice day.
I detest our unequal justice system. If you want to arrest every business owner also, great. As long as they walk, I support everyone walking.
Trump is walking Has illegals working for him

every illegal who managed to get a job at a Trump facility has been fired at Trump's order. Please, just for a few days, stop lying.

Post a link which provides conclusive evidence what you posted is true. Here is one which contradicts your post and more.

Border chief explains why there have been no ICE raids at Trump properties

the article does not say what you or the fake news headline said. do you libs ever do anything but lie?

Sure he did, in evading the question (that maybe too abstract for you to comprehend). Open the link, and listen to his response and then apologize for calling me a liar.
He's like Trump Apologizes when pigs fly
I agree that Iraq was a stupid waste of lives and money, so was Kennedy and Johnson's Viet Nam, and clinton's Kosovo. but I have very little sympathy for people who knowingly violate our laws and enter OUR country illegally. None of them are being killed by ICE, deportation is not murder.

I will never understand why you libs favor illegals over american citizens (both by birth and naturalization). Can you explain that?

I detest our unequal justice system. If you want to arrest every business owner also, great. As long as they walk, I support everyone walking.
Trump is walking Has illegals working for him

every illegal who managed to get a job at a Trump facility has been fired at Trump's order. Please, just for a few days, stop lying.

Only because it was politically embarrassing.

are you a mind reader?

I don't have to be.
I detest our unequal justice system. If you want to arrest every business owner also, great. As long as they walk, I support everyone walking.
Trump is walking Has illegals working for him

every illegal who managed to get a job at a Trump facility has been fired at Trump's order. Please, just for a few days, stop lying.

Only because it was politically embarrassing.

are you a mind reader?

I don't have to be.

Ok, wizard. What evidence can you produce to prove that Trump intentionally hired illegals and did not fire them as soon as they were discovered? put up or shut up. innuendo doesn't work here.
Trump is walking Has illegals working for him

every illegal who managed to get a job at a Trump facility has been fired at Trump's order. Please, just for a few days, stop lying.

Only because it was politically embarrassing.

are you a mind reader?

I don't have to be.

Ok, wizard. What evidence can you produce to prove that Trump intentionally hired illegals and did not fire them as soon as they were discovered? put up or shut up. innuendo doesn't work here.

Is Trump responsible for his businesses or not?
every illegal who managed to get a job at a Trump facility has been fired at Trump's order. Please, just for a few days, stop lying.

Only because it was politically embarrassing.

are you a mind reader?

I don't have to be.

Ok, wizard. What evidence can you produce to prove that Trump intentionally hired illegals and did not fire them as soon as they were discovered? put up or shut up. innuendo doesn't work here.

Is Trump responsible for his businesses or not?

sure, at the very top level. Is the CEO of Ford responsible to know every detail of every one of his thousands of employees?
Only because it was politically embarrassing.

are you a mind reader?

I don't have to be.

Ok, wizard. What evidence can you produce to prove that Trump intentionally hired illegals and did not fire them as soon as they were discovered? put up or shut up. innuendo doesn't work here.

Is Trump responsible for his businesses or not?

sure, at the very top level. Is the CEO of Ford responsible to know every detail of every one of his thousands of employees?

Yes. We even passed Sarbanes/Oxley (though we don't enforce it) to make sure a CEO is responsible for what a company does.
Trump is walking Has illegals working for him

every illegal who managed to get a job at a Trump facility has been fired at Trump's order. Please, just for a few days, stop lying.

Post a link which provides conclusive evidence what you posted is true. Here is one which contradicts your post and more.

Border chief explains why there have been no ICE raids at Trump properties

the article does not say what you or the fake news headline said. do you libs ever do anything but lie?

Sure he did, in evading the question (that maybe too abstract for you to comprehend). Open the link, and listen to his response and then apologize for calling me a liar.
He's like Trump Apologizes when pigs fly

from the article:

can’t say that for sure,” Morgan said. “There are investigations going on all the time that you’re unaware of. ... Of course it’s going to jeopardize the investigation if I come on here and I talk to you about an investigation that’s going on.”

I don't see Trump or Trump companies in that sentence, do you?

so like I said, the article cited does not substantiate the claim that you guys made.

State of the Union



.@jaketapper presses Acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan on undocumented workers that are reportedly employed at President Trump’s companies #CNNSOTU


8:40 AM - Aug 11, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

520 people are talking about this

The question came days after a massive ICE raid on a Mississippi chicken processing plant. The worksite raid was one of the largest of its kind in US history; 680 people suspected to be unauthorized workers were abruptly arrested and separated from their families.

Tapper asked why employers who hire undocumented workers are not always punished along with the workers themselves; the host cited Syracuse University’s immigration records research that found only 11 people and no companies were prosecuted for employing undocumented workers between the spring of 2018 and 2019. During the same time frame, 85,727 people were prosecuted for entering the US illegally.

Morgan responded that an investigation into the business that employed the undocumented workers in Mississippi is ongoing.

Among the companies that have not been prosecuted for employing undocumented laborers, however, are those owned by President Trump, despite the Trump Organization having reportedly hired undocumented workers for decades.

What we know about hiring at Trump properties
Multiple news outlets have reported on the Trump Organization’s longstanding reliance on the very people the president often discusses with derision: undocumented immigrants.

Most recently, the Washington Post reported on construction crews at Trump properties largely being composed of undocumented workers, even after Eric Trump, one of the president’s sons and a Trump Organization executive, said the company was making a “broad effort” to identify and fire undocumented laborers. One worker told the Post he was even instructed by a supervisor to buy fake documents on a street corner in New York City.

Employing workers without legal status gives the company a competitive advantage, industry officials told the Post. And undocumented laborers are less likely to risk job changes and less likely to complain if they’re being mistreated.

Trump “doesn’t want undocumented people in the country,” one former Trump Organization worker, Jorge Castro, told the Post. “But at his properties, he still has them.”

Trump’s businesses rely heavily on documented foreign laborers as well. As Vox’s Alexia Fernández Campbell reported, the Trump Organization makes use of the US’s H-2B visa program. Campbell found that only one out of 144 jobs available at Trump properties during 2016 and 2017 went to an American worker, and that the Trump administration has expanded access to H-2B visas:

The H-2B visa program allows seasonal, non-agricultural employers — like hotels and ski resorts — to hire foreign workers when they can’t find American ones. The Trump administration temporarily expanded this guest-worker program in 2017 while restricting other avenues of legal immigration, including the H-1B program for high-skilled workers.

Employers are supposed to attempt to find American workers before hiring H-2B immigrants, Fernández Campbell reported, but documents showed that Trump Organization hiring managers made the minimum required effort to recruit US citizens to fill the open positions.

Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, told Fernández Campbell that the company’s reliance on H-2B visa holders, and Trump’s expansion of the program in 2017, creates a competitive advantage similar to the one gained by employing mostly undocumented workers: being able to avoid paying higher wages or better benefits for American workers.

There aren’t enough low-skilled American workers to fill demand
The Trump Organization has said it is making efforts to ensure all of its workers are citizens or documented immigrants. The company has fired nearly two dozen people due to their immigration status since the New York Times reported on undocumented workers at the Trump Organization’s golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, last December, and has adopted a system for verifying employment eligibility.

But firing undocumented workers — and instituting widespread policies intended to flush them out of the US labor market — may have the unintended consequence of placing stress on an economy desperately in need of low-skilled workers.

As Fernández Campbell reported:

There’s practically no way for a low-skilled worker from Guatemala to “wait in line” for a visa to take a job at a chicken processing plant in Mississippi. Only one such visa exists — the EB-3 visa — but it’s limited to a tiny number of people (5,000 max).

Yet the US economy needs hundreds of thousands of workers to fill these jobs right now. The US is experiencing a serious labor shortage, and it’s harder for businesses to find low-skilled workers these days than high-skilled workers.

As president, Trump has pushed an immigration plan that favors migrants prepared for high-skilled jobs and gives advantages to immigrants with advanced college degrees. But those jobs are, for the most part, already filled. There is a surplus of jobs available for low-skilled workers, however, and not enough Americans to fill them.

Immigrants who want to take those open jobs have two options, Fernández Campbell writes: The H-2A program for farm workers and the H-2B program for seasonal workers, such as those working at Trump hotels. There are only around 75,000 visas available annually for those guest workers, and they don’t cover jobs like those at the plant raided last week in Mississippi.

The limits on those visas and the need to staff low-skilled positions have been some of the main reasons behind a spike in undocumented immigrants in the US since the 1990s, according to Madeleine Sumption and Demetrios Papademetriou of the Migration Policy Institute. There simply aren’t that many ways immigrants looking for low-skilled positions can legally get work in the US.

Trump’s policies may make the labor shortage worse, industry experts say, including at his own properties. If he hopes to keep the economy growing, it will require rethinking restrictive policies that have been the cornerstone of his platform.

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can’t say that for sure,” Morgan said. “There are investigations going on all the time that you’re unaware of. ... Of course it’s going to jeopardize the investigation if I come on here and I talk to you about an investigation that’s going on.”

State of the Union



.@jaketapper presses Acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan on undocumented workers that are reportedly employed at President Trump’s companies #CNNSOTU


8:40 AM - Aug 11, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

520 people are talking about this

The question came days after a massive ICE raid on a Mississippi chicken processing plant. The worksite raid was one of the largest of its kind in US history; 680 people suspected to be unauthorized workers were abruptly arrested and separated from their families.

Tapper asked why employers who hire undocumented workers are not always punished along with the workers themselves; the host cited Syracuse University’s immigration records research that found only 11 people and no companies were prosecuted for employing undocumented workers between the spring of 2018 and 2019. During the same time frame, 85,727 people were prosecuted for entering the US illegally.

Morgan responded that an investigation into the business that employed the undocumented workers in Mississippi is ongoing.

Among the companies that have not been prosecuted for employing undocumented laborers, however, are those owned by President Trump, despite the Trump Organization having reportedly hired undocumented workers for decades.

What we know about hiring at Trump properties
Multiple news outlets have reported on the Trump Organization’s longstanding reliance on the very people the president often discusses with derision: undocumented immigrants.

Most recently, the Washington Post reported on construction crews at Trump properties largely being composed of undocumented workers, even after Eric Trump, one of the president’s sons and a Trump Organization executive, said the company was making a “broad effort” to identify and fire undocumented laborers. One worker told the Post he was even instructed by a supervisor to buy fake documents on a street corner in New York City.

Employing workers without legal status gives the company a competitive advantage, industry officials told the Post. And undocumented laborers are less likely to risk job changes and less likely to complain if they’re being mistreated.

Trump “doesn’t want undocumented people in the country,” one former Trump Organization worker, Jorge Castro, told the Post. “But at his properties, he still has them.”

Trump’s businesses rely heavily on documented foreign laborers as well. As Vox’s Alexia Fernández Campbell reported, the Trump Organization makes use of the US’s H-2B visa program. Campbell found that only one out of 144 jobs available at Trump properties during 2016 and 2017 went to an American worker, and that the Trump administration has expanded access to H-2B visas:

The H-2B visa program allows seasonal, non-agricultural employers — like hotels and ski resorts — to hire foreign workers when they can’t find American ones. The Trump administration temporarily expanded this guest-worker program in 2017 while restricting other avenues of legal immigration, including the H-1B program for high-skilled workers.

Employers are supposed to attempt to find American workers before hiring H-2B immigrants, Fernández Campbell reported, but documents showed that Trump Organization hiring managers made the minimum required effort to recruit US citizens to fill the open positions.

Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, told Fernández Campbell that the company’s reliance on H-2B visa holders, and Trump’s expansion of the program in 2017, creates a competitive advantage similar to the one gained by employing mostly undocumented workers: being able to avoid paying higher wages or better benefits for American workers.

There aren’t enough low-skilled American workers to fill demand
The Trump Organization has said it is making efforts to ensure all of its workers are citizens or documented immigrants. The company has fired nearly two dozen people due to their immigration status since the New York Times reported on undocumented workers at the Trump Organization’s golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, last December, and has adopted a system for verifying employment eligibility.

But firing undocumented workers — and instituting widespread policies intended to flush them out of the US labor market — may have the unintended consequence of placing stress on an economy desperately in need of low-skilled workers.

As Fernández Campbell reported:

There’s practically no way for a low-skilled worker from Guatemala to “wait in line” for a visa to take a job at a chicken processing plant in Mississippi. Only one such visa exists — the EB-3 visa — but it’s limited to a tiny number of people (5,000 max).

Yet the US economy needs hundreds of thousands of workers to fill these jobs right now. The US is experiencing a serious labor shortage, and it’s harder for businesses to find low-skilled workers these days than high-skilled workers.

As president, Trump has pushed an immigration plan that favors migrants prepared for high-skilled jobs and gives advantages to immigrants with advanced college degrees. But those jobs are, for the most part, already filled. There is a surplus of jobs available for low-skilled workers, however, and not enough Americans to fill them.

Immigrants who want to take those open jobs have two options, Fernández Campbell writes: The H-2A program for farm workers and the H-2B program for seasonal workers, such as those working at Trump hotels. There are only around 75,000 visas available annually for those guest workers, and they don’t cover jobs like those at the plant raided last week in Mississippi.

The limits on those visas and the need to staff low-skilled positions have been some of the main reasons behind a spike in undocumented immigrants in the US since the 1990s, according to Madeleine Sumption and Demetrios Papademetriou of the Migration Policy Institute. There simply aren’t that many ways immigrants looking for low-skilled positions can legally get work in the US.

Trump’s policies may make the labor shortage worse, industry experts say, including at his own properties. If he hopes to keep the economy growing, it will require rethinking restrictive policies that have been the cornerstone of his platform.

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are you a mind reader?

I don't have to be.

Ok, wizard. What evidence can you produce to prove that Trump intentionally hired illegals and did not fire them as soon as they were discovered? put up or shut up. innuendo doesn't work here.

Is Trump responsible for his businesses or not?

sure, at the very top level. Is the CEO of Ford responsible to know every detail of every one of his thousands of employees?

Yes. We even passed Sarbanes/Oxley (though we don't enforce it) to make sure a CEO is responsible for what a company does.

the SOX law applies to financial dealings, not personnel. Nice try, got anything else I can refute?
I don't have to be.

Ok, wizard. What evidence can you produce to prove that Trump intentionally hired illegals and did not fire them as soon as they were discovered? put up or shut up. innuendo doesn't work here.

Is Trump responsible for his businesses or not?

sure, at the very top level. Is the CEO of Ford responsible to know every detail of every one of his thousands of employees?

Yes. We even passed Sarbanes/Oxley (though we don't enforce it) to make sure a CEO is responsible for what a company does.

the SOX law applies to financial dealings, not personnel. Nice try, got anything else I can refute?

It does deal with finances but a CEO or owner is responsible for their business.
Ok, wizard. What evidence can you produce to prove that Trump intentionally hired illegals and did not fire them as soon as they were discovered? put up or shut up. innuendo doesn't work here.

Is Trump responsible for his businesses or not?

sure, at the very top level. Is the CEO of Ford responsible to know every detail of every one of his thousands of employees?

Yes. We even passed Sarbanes/Oxley (though we don't enforce it) to make sure a CEO is responsible for what a company does.

the SOX law applies to financial dealings, not personnel. Nice try, got anything else I can refute?

It does deal with finances but a CEO or owner is responsible for their business.

so you really think that Bill Gates is responsible for knowing the details of each and every one of his hundreds of thousands of employees??? really?
Is Trump responsible for his businesses or not?

sure, at the very top level. Is the CEO of Ford responsible to know every detail of every one of his thousands of employees?

Yes. We even passed Sarbanes/Oxley (though we don't enforce it) to make sure a CEO is responsible for what a company does.

the SOX law applies to financial dealings, not personnel. Nice try, got anything else I can refute?

It does deal with finances but a CEO or owner is responsible for their business.

so you really think that Bill Gates is responsible for knowing the details of each and every one of his hundreds of thousands of employees??? really?

He is responsible when his company does something illegal.
every illegal who managed to get a job at a Trump facility has been fired at Trump's order. Please, just for a few days, stop lying.

Post a link which provides conclusive evidence what you posted is true. Here is one which contradicts your post and more.

Border chief explains why there have been no ICE raids at Trump properties

the article does not say what you or the fake news headline said. do you libs ever do anything but lie?

Sure he did, in evading the question (that maybe too abstract for you to comprehend). Open the link, and listen to his response and then apologize for calling me a liar.
He's like Trump Apologizes when pigs fly

from the article:

can’t say that for sure,” Morgan said. “There are investigations going on all the time that you’re unaware of. ... Of course it’s going to jeopardize the investigation if I come on here and I talk to you about an investigation that’s going on.”

I don't see Trump or Trump companies in that sentence, do you?

so like I said, the article cited does not substantiate the claim that you guys made.

State of the Union


.@jaketapper presses Acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan on undocumented workers that are reportedly employed at President Trump’s companies #CNNSOTU


8:40 AM - Aug 11, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

520 people are talking about this

The question came days after a massive ICE raid on a Mississippi chicken processing plant. The worksite raid was one of the largest of its kind in US history; 680 people suspected to be unauthorized workers were abruptly arrested and separated from their families.

Tapper asked why employers who hire undocumented workers are not always punished along with the workers themselves; the host cited Syracuse University’s immigration records research that found only 11 people and no companies were prosecuted for employing undocumented workers between the spring of 2018 and 2019. During the same time frame, 85,727 people were prosecuted for entering the US illegally.

Morgan responded that an investigation into the business that employed the undocumented workers in Mississippi is ongoing.

Among the companies that have not been prosecuted for employing undocumented laborers, however, are those owned by President Trump, despite the Trump Organization having reportedly hired undocumented workers for decades.

What we know about hiring at Trump properties
Multiple news outlets have reported on the Trump Organization’s longstanding reliance on the very people the president often discusses with derision: undocumented immigrants.

Most recently, the Washington Post reported on construction crews at Trump properties largely being composed of undocumented workers, even after Eric Trump, one of the president’s sons and a Trump Organization executive, said the company was making a “broad effort” to identify and fire undocumented laborers. One worker told the Post he was even instructed by a supervisor to buy fake documents on a street corner in New York City.

Employing workers without legal status gives the company a competitive advantage, industry officials told the Post. And undocumented laborers are less likely to risk job changes and less likely to complain if they’re being mistreated.

Trump “doesn’t want undocumented people in the country,” one former Trump Organization worker, Jorge Castro, told the Post. “But at his properties, he still has them.”

Trump’s businesses rely heavily on documented foreign laborers as well. As Vox’s Alexia Fernández Campbell reported, the Trump Organization makes use of the US’s H-2B visa program. Campbell found that only one out of 144 jobs available at Trump properties during 2016 and 2017 went to an American worker, and that the Trump administration has expanded access to H-2B visas:

The H-2B visa program allows seasonal, non-agricultural employers — like hotels and ski resorts — to hire foreign workers when they can’t find American ones. The Trump administration temporarily expanded this guest-worker program in 2017 while restricting other avenues of legal immigration, including the H-1B program for high-skilled workers.

Employers are supposed to attempt to find American workers before hiring H-2B immigrants, Fernández Campbell reported, but documents showed that Trump Organization hiring managers made the minimum required effort to recruit US citizens to fill the open positions.

Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, told Fernández Campbell that the company’s reliance on H-2B visa holders, and Trump’s expansion of the program in 2017, creates a competitive advantage similar to the one gained by employing mostly undocumented workers: being able to avoid paying higher wages or better benefits for American workers.

There aren’t enough low-skilled American workers to fill demand
The Trump Organization has said it is making efforts to ensure all of its workers are citizens or documented immigrants. The company has fired nearly two dozen people due to their immigration status since the New York Times reported on undocumented workers at the Trump Organization’s golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, last December, and has adopted a system for verifying employment eligibility.

But firing undocumented workers — and instituting widespread policies intended to flush them out of the US labor market — may have the unintended consequence of placing stress on an economy desperately in need of low-skilled workers.

As Fernández Campbell reported:

There’s practically no way for a low-skilled worker from Guatemala to “wait in line” for a visa to take a job at a chicken processing plant in Mississippi. Only one such visa exists — the EB-3 visa — but it’s limited to a tiny number of people (5,000 max).

Yet the US economy needs hundreds of thousands of workers to fill these jobs right now. The US is experiencing a serious labor shortage, and it’s harder for businesses to find low-skilled workers these days than high-skilled workers.

As president, Trump has pushed an immigration plan that favors migrants prepared for high-skilled jobs and gives advantages to immigrants with advanced college degrees. But those jobs are, for the most part, already filled. There is a surplus of jobs available for low-skilled workers, however, and not enough Americans to fill them.

Immigrants who want to take those open jobs have two options, Fernández Campbell writes: The H-2A program for farm workers and the H-2B program for seasonal workers, such as those working at Trump hotels. There are only around 75,000 visas available annually for those guest workers, and they don’t cover jobs like those at the plant raided last week in Mississippi.

The limits on those visas and the need to staff low-skilled positions have been some of the main reasons behind a spike in undocumented immigrants in the US since the 1990s, according to Madeleine Sumption and Demetrios Papademetriou of the Migration Policy Institute. There simply aren’t that many ways immigrants looking for low-skilled positions can legally get work in the US.

Trump’s policies may make the labor shortage worse, industry experts say, including at his own properties. If he hopes to keep the economy growing, it will require rethinking restrictive policies that have been the cornerstone of his platform.

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can’t say that for sure,” Morgan said. “There are investigations going on all the time that you’re unaware of. ... Of course it’s going to jeopardize the investigation if I come on here and I talk to you about an investigation that’s going on.”

State of the Union


.@jaketapper presses Acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan on undocumented workers that are reportedly employed at President Trump’s companies #CNNSOTU


8:40 AM - Aug 11, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

520 people are talking about this

The question came days after a massive ICE raid on a Mississippi chicken processing plant. The worksite raid was one of the largest of its kind in US history; 680 people suspected to be unauthorized workers were abruptly arrested and separated from their families.

Tapper asked why employers who hire undocumented workers are not always punished along with the workers themselves; the host cited Syracuse University’s immigration records research that found only 11 people and no companies were prosecuted for employing undocumented workers between the spring of 2018 and 2019. During the same time frame, 85,727 people were prosecuted for entering the US illegally.

Morgan responded that an investigation into the business that employed the undocumented workers in Mississippi is ongoing.

Among the companies that have not been prosecuted for employing undocumented laborers, however, are those owned by President Trump, despite the Trump Organization having reportedly hired undocumented workers for decades.

What we know about hiring at Trump properties
Multiple news outlets have reported on the Trump Organization’s longstanding reliance on the very people the president often discusses with derision: undocumented immigrants.

Most recently, the Washington Post reported on construction crews at Trump properties largely being composed of undocumented workers, even after Eric Trump, one of the president’s sons and a Trump Organization executive, said the company was making a “broad effort” to identify and fire undocumented laborers. One worker told the Post he was even instructed by a supervisor to buy fake documents on a street corner in New York City.

Employing workers without legal status gives the company a competitive advantage, industry officials told the Post. And undocumented laborers are less likely to risk job changes and less likely to complain if they’re being mistreated.

Trump “doesn’t want undocumented people in the country,” one former Trump Organization worker, Jorge Castro, told the Post. “But at his properties, he still has them.”

Trump’s businesses rely heavily on documented foreign laborers as well. As Vox’s Alexia Fernández Campbell reported, the Trump Organization makes use of the US’s H-2B visa program. Campbell found that only one out of 144 jobs available at Trump properties during 2016 and 2017 went to an American worker, and that the Trump administration has expanded access to H-2B visas:

The H-2B visa program allows seasonal, non-agricultural employers — like hotels and ski resorts — to hire foreign workers when they can’t find American ones. The Trump administration temporarily expanded this guest-worker program in 2017 while restricting other avenues of legal immigration, including the H-1B program for high-skilled workers.

Employers are supposed to attempt to find American workers before hiring H-2B immigrants, Fernández Campbell reported, but documents showed that Trump Organization hiring managers made the minimum required effort to recruit US citizens to fill the open positions.

Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, told Fernández Campbell that the company’s reliance on H-2B visa holders, and Trump’s expansion of the program in 2017, creates a competitive advantage similar to the one gained by employing mostly undocumented workers: being able to avoid paying higher wages or better benefits for American workers.

There aren’t enough low-skilled American workers to fill demand
The Trump Organization has said it is making efforts to ensure all of its workers are citizens or documented immigrants. The company has fired nearly two dozen people due to their immigration status since the New York Times reported on undocumented workers at the Trump Organization’s golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, last December, and has adopted a system for verifying employment eligibility.

But firing undocumented workers — and instituting widespread policies intended to flush them out of the US labor market — may have the unintended consequence of placing stress on an economy desperately in need of low-skilled workers.

As Fernández Campbell reported:

There’s practically no way for a low-skilled worker from Guatemala to “wait in line” for a visa to take a job at a chicken processing plant in Mississippi. Only one such visa exists — the EB-3 visa — but it’s limited to a tiny number of people (5,000 max).

Yet the US economy needs hundreds of thousands of workers to fill these jobs right now. The US is experiencing a serious labor shortage, and it’s harder for businesses to find low-skilled workers these days than high-skilled workers.

As president, Trump has pushed an immigration plan that favors migrants prepared for high-skilled jobs and gives advantages to immigrants with advanced college degrees. But those jobs are, for the most part, already filled. There is a surplus of jobs available for low-skilled workers, however, and not enough Americans to fill them.

Immigrants who want to take those open jobs have two options, Fernández Campbell writes: The H-2A program for farm workers and the H-2B program for seasonal workers, such as those working at Trump hotels. There are only around 75,000 visas available annually for those guest workers, and they don’t cover jobs like those at the plant raided last week in Mississippi.

The limits on those visas and the need to staff low-skilled positions have been some of the main reasons behind a spike in undocumented immigrants in the US since the 1990s, according to Madeleine Sumption and Demetrios Papademetriou of the Migration Policy Institute. There simply aren’t that many ways immigrants looking for low-skilled positions can legally get work in the US.

Trump’s policies may make the labor shortage worse, industry experts say, including at his own properties. If he hopes to keep the economy growing, it will require rethinking restrictive policies that have been the cornerstone of his platform.

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Their study was a sham. I found more in a few minutes than they did “researching” it.

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