Oh Nooo! The DOW Is Tanking !!,So Who's Economy Is It Today? Obama Or Trump ?

General Motors, Ford, Chrysler. Plants closed in China and Mexico, plants reopened or expanded in Michigan and Ohio.

some have moved from China to Viet Nam and Indonesia, but the bottom line is that China is paying the price for its years of unfair trade practices.

To note.......just because you say something happened does not mean it happened.

look it up

One can not look up what does not exist.

true, but you can easily look up companies leaving china. try it

Companies may leave China and go to some other low wage country. That does not help us and it's not what you said.

Ypu should read up on the new deal that replaced NAFTA. it's forcing companies to invest in American development and workers
To note.......just because you say something happened does not mean it happened.

look it up

One can not look up what does not exist.

true, but you can easily look up companies leaving china. try it

Companies may leave China and go to some other low wage country. That does not help us and it's not what you said.

Ypu should read up on the new deal that replaced NAFTA. it's forcing companies to invest in American development and workers

We don't enforce anything where business is concerned.
look it up

One can not look up what does not exist.

true, but you can easily look up companies leaving china. try it

Companies may leave China and go to some other low wage country. That does not help us and it's not what you said.

Ypu should read up on the new deal that replaced NAFTA. it's forcing companies to invest in American development and workers

We don't enforce anything where business is concerned.
But the trump republicans sure are trying to force AMAZ FB GOOGL and AAPL to jump thru hoops Funny each one of those greatest of American companies are run by ,,,,,Democrats
look it up

One can not look up what does not exist.

true, but you can easily look up companies leaving china. try it

Companies may leave China and go to some other low wage country. That does not help us and it's not what you said.

Ypu should read up on the new deal that replaced NAFTA. it's forcing companies to invest in American development and workers

We don't enforce anything where business is concerned.

Read it and get back to me.

Again you're on a topic you're Ill informed on. Seems to be habitual for you
One can not look up what does not exist.

true, but you can easily look up companies leaving china. try it

Companies may leave China and go to some other low wage country. That does not help us and it's not what you said.

Ypu should read up on the new deal that replaced NAFTA. it's forcing companies to invest in American development and workers

We don't enforce anything where business is concerned.

Read it and get back to me.

Again you're on a topic you're Ill informed on. Seems to be habitual for you

What does reading anything have to do with what I say? I can read our laws where it states that hiring an illegal is a felony but yet despite thousands of businesses doing that none of them are ever charged.

I can read the many laws that the banks broke with not a single person being charged.
true, but you can easily look up companies leaving china. try it

Companies may leave China and go to some other low wage country. That does not help us and it's not what you said.

Ypu should read up on the new deal that replaced NAFTA. it's forcing companies to invest in American development and workers

We don't enforce anything where business is concerned.

Read it and get back to me.

Again you're on a topic you're Ill informed on. Seems to be habitual for you

What does reading anything have to do with what I say? I can read our laws where it states that hiring an illegal is a felony but yet despite thousands of businesses doing that none of them are ever charged.

I can read the many laws that the banks broke with not a single person being charged.

Moron pay attention I'm discussing the deal that replaced NAFTA.

You're truly a waste of time
Companies may leave China and go to some other low wage country. That does not help us and it's not what you said.

Ypu should read up on the new deal that replaced NAFTA. it's forcing companies to invest in American development and workers

We don't enforce anything where business is concerned.

Read it and get back to me.

Again you're on a topic you're Ill informed on. Seems to be habitual for you

What does reading anything have to do with what I say? I can read our laws where it states that hiring an illegal is a felony but yet despite thousands of businesses doing that none of them are ever charged.

I can read the many laws that the banks broke with not a single person being charged.

Moron pay attention I'm discussing the deal that replaced NAFTA.

You're truly a waste of time

I addressed your point. It matters none what is on paper. What matters is what we do.

But if you think that calling me names is a proper rebuttal to that, well...............
and now in Mississippi 100's of workers,some here for 20 years doing the dirty jobs republicans won't do ,are separated from their small children ? Hell isn't bad enough for this scum trump
Companies may leave China and go to some other low wage country. That does not help us and it's not what you said.

Ypu should read up on the new deal that replaced NAFTA. it's forcing companies to invest in American development and workers

We don't enforce anything where business is concerned.

Read it and get back to me.

Again you're on a topic you're Ill informed on. Seems to be habitual for you

What does reading anything have to do with what I say? I can read our laws where it states that hiring an illegal is a felony but yet despite thousands of businesses doing that none of them are ever charged.

I can read the many laws that the banks broke with not a single person being charged.

Moron pay attention I'm discussing the deal that replaced NAFTA.

You're truly a waste of time
On January 1, 1994, the United States, Canada, and Mexico came together and signed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This trade bloc aims to reduce trade restrictions among the three countries, thus encouraging investment and increasing market access. Under President Trump's administration, the three countries reached a new agreement called the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) which replaces the former NAFTA. These two agreements have many similar points, yet several unique distinctions as well.

Overall, USMCA is pretty consistent with NAFTA. For example, steel and aluminum tariffs are still in place. Under the NAFTA agreement, there is a blanket tariff of 25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminum.

The new deal still has the original goal in mind but included a few alterations and updated a few numbers. One of the changes is the country of origin rule. In the original agreement, 62.5 percent of automobiles components must be manufactured in Mexico, US, or Canada in order to qualify for zero tariffs. But now under USMCA, the percentage increased to 75 percent. This change has the intention of strengthening the three countries’ manufacturing abilities as well as increasing the automotive workforce.

The dairy market also opened to allow more access from U.S. dairy farmers. Canada’s system of domestic quotas has always protected its farmers from foreign competition. But under the new USMCA agreement, US will be able to export up to 3.6 percent of Canada’s dairy market, an increase from the original one percent.

Another unique difference between the two is the sunset clause. With NAFTA, there is no automatic sunset clause or a predetermined ending date to the agreement. Any three countries can withdraw with six months’ notice. However, USMCA is only meant to last for 16 years. After six years, the three countries will get together again to negotiate and fix any problems. The possibility of an extension will also be discussed.

Overall, the shift from NAFTA to USCMA should not impact the three countries dramatically. Only certain industries will be affected, and only by a small amount. Companies from all three countries are going to be impacted, but with backup plans and new redesigns, hopefully, the transition process will not be long.
Ypu should read up on the new deal that replaced NAFTA. it's forcing companies to invest in American development and workers

We don't enforce anything where business is concerned.

Read it and get back to me.

Again you're on a topic you're Ill informed on. Seems to be habitual for you

What does reading anything have to do with what I say? I can read our laws where it states that hiring an illegal is a felony but yet despite thousands of businesses doing that none of them are ever charged.

I can read the many laws that the banks broke with not a single person being charged.

Moron pay attention I'm discussing the deal that replaced NAFTA.

You're truly a waste of time
On January 1, 1994, the United States, Canada, and Mexico came together and signed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This trade bloc aims to reduce trade restrictions among the three countries, thus encouraging investment and increasing market access. Under President Trump's administration, the three countries reached a new agreement called the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) which replaces the former NAFTA. These two agreements have many similar points, yet several unique distinctions as well.

Overall, USMCA is pretty consistent with NAFTA. For example, steel and aluminum tariffs are still in place. Under the NAFTA agreement, there is a blanket tariff of 25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminum.

The new deal still has the original goal in mind but included a few alterations and updated a few numbers. One of the changes is the country of origin rule. In the original agreement, 62.5 percent of automobiles components must be manufactured in Mexico, US, or Canada in order to qualify for zero tariffs. But now under USMCA, the percentage increased to 75 percent. This change has the intention of strengthening the three countries’ manufacturing abilities as well as increasing the automotive workforce.

The dairy market also opened to allow more access from U.S. dairy farmers. Canada’s system of domestic quotas has always protected its farmers from foreign competition. But under the new USMCA agreement, US will be able to export up to 3.6 percent of Canada’s dairy market, an increase from the original one percent.

Another unique difference between the two is the sunset clause. With NAFTA, there is no automatic sunset clause or a predetermined ending date to the agreement. Any three countries can withdraw with six months’ notice. However, USMCA is only meant to last for 16 years. After six years, the three countries will get together again to negotiate and fix any problems. The possibility of an extension will also be discussed.

Overall, the shift from NAFTA to USCMA should not impact the three countries dramatically. Only certain industries will be affected, and only by a small amount. Companies from all three countries are going to be impacted, but with backup plans and new redesigns, hopefully, the transition process will not be long.

(Asked rhetorically)

Where in a free market do we find the idea of a company being forced to ask permission from the government to do business with another business, person or country?
Here we go again! Why is it when the economy kicks ass, it's all because of Obama. But what about today, the DOW is sinking as we speak (well, its about 10:50am now)
Is is still Obama's economy today?

I recommend you seek an editor, someone who can clean up your posts so as to reflect reality, not fantasy, not wishful thinking and not echoes of Trump&Co.

This thread makes no sense. Trump took the oath of office, and 2017 continued the recovery. Then, under Trump's stewardship, "US stocks post worst year in a decade as the S&P 500 falls more than 6%"

US stocks post worst year in a decade as the S&P 500 falls more than 6% in 2018

The stock market has been chaotic during 2019 with trumps foolish trade war with China.
I'm going to laugh My ass off if, at the end of the session, the DOW is down or up a few 10's of points.

Check back at 4:30 Eastern!

the DJIA was down over 900 points that day, I believe, but it was only down 767 points at close.

I'm glad you were laughing your ass off @ the worst DJIA performance of 2019.
The DJI was up 300 points and then Trump sent a tweet about more tariffs...it is down 1000 points since then
Sounds like you're saying that it's Trump"s fault, because of what he did.
But, when Trump does something that makes the market go up, it's Obama's economy.
Can't have it both ways and this is a good example of how stupid the left is.

When the market goes up, It's Trump's economy.
When the economy goes down, it's Trump's economy.
That's how the right sees it.
and that's how this dem sees it too and his 10% tariff tweet got us 767 down in the dow and this follows other horrible days. China is just giving it back to the bully They won't take the crap trump has gotten away with all his life
Trump got away with? What about what China got away with?
Yes they have too but NEITHER country will want to look bad in the process We need a mutual agreement where they both can win and I don't think Trump has that in him
Not sure about that, Ed, I think Trump is a negotiator, I'm not sure that China is willing to bend.

Trump is NOT a negotiator.
Trump is a 'my way or the highway' kinda guy, just like that G. W. Bush idiot.
China you say? China has Trump by his ballz.
and now in Mississippi 100's of workers,some here for 20 years doing the dirty jobs republicans won't do ,are separated from their small children ? Hell isn't bad enough for this scum trump

those people were in our country illegally, they violated our laws, they were criminals. What happened to them is 100% their own fault. Cry all you want for these illegals, but you never cry for the thousands of americans killed every year in our central cities, or for the americans killed by an illegal criminal.

you are a worthless POS.
Sounds like you're saying that it's Trump"s fault, because of what he did.
But, when Trump does something that makes the market go up, it's Obama's economy.
Can't have it both ways and this is a good example of how stupid the left is.

When the market goes up, It's Trump's economy.
When the economy goes down, it's Trump's economy.
That's how the right sees it.
and that's how this dem sees it too and his 10% tariff tweet got us 767 down in the dow and this follows other horrible days. China is just giving it back to the bully They won't take the crap trump has gotten away with all his life
Trump got away with? What about what China got away with?
Yes they have too but NEITHER country will want to look bad in the process We need a mutual agreement where they both can win and I don't think Trump has that in him
Not sure about that, Ed, I think Trump is a negotiator, I'm not sure that China is willing to bend.

Trump is NOT a negotiator.
Trump is a 'my way or the highway' kinda guy, just like that G. W. Bush idiot.
China you say? China has Trump by his ballz.

your ignorance is showing again. Any good negotiator always asks for more than he will settle for, its part of the game. But a good negotiator is always ready to walk away if the other side refuses to compromise, and a good negotiator uses whatever advantages he has to swing the negotiation his way. China has nothing, Trump has all the cards and is playing them well. Whereas your hero obozo's negotiation tactic was to immediately cave in to the demands of the entire world because he hated the USA and wanted it to fail---------he almost succeeded in destroying this country. Obama is the reason we have Trump.
and now in Mississippi 100's of workers,some here for 20 years doing the dirty jobs republicans won't do ,are separated from their small children ? Hell isn't bad enough for this scum trump

those people were in our country illegally, they violated our laws, they were criminals. What happened to them is 100% their own fault. Cry all you want for these illegals, but you never cry for the thousands of americans killed every year in our central cities, or for the americans killed by an illegal criminal.

you are a worthless POS.
I cry for all good people dying before their time INCLUDING all those dead in repub GWB's bs war You're very selective in the bullshit you throw FU and the horse you rode in on
and now in Mississippi 100's of workers,some here for 20 years doing the dirty jobs republicans won't do ,are separated from their small children ? Hell isn't bad enough for this scum trump

those people were in our country illegally, they violated our laws, they were criminals. What happened to them is 100% their own fault. Cry all you want for these illegals, but you never cry for the thousands of americans killed every year in our central cities, or for the americans killed by an illegal criminal.

you are a worthless POS.
I cry for all good people dying before their time INCLUDING all those dead in repub GWB's bs war You're very selective in the bullshit you throw FU and the horse you rode in on

What about those killed in Obama's bs wars?
and now in Mississippi 100's of workers,some here for 20 years doing the dirty jobs republicans won't do ,are separated from their small children ? Hell isn't bad enough for this scum trump

those people were in our country illegally, they violated our laws, they were criminals. What happened to them is 100% their own fault. Cry all you want for these illegals, but you never cry for the thousands of americans killed every year in our central cities, or for the americans killed by an illegal criminal.

you are a worthless POS.
I cry for all good people dying before their time INCLUDING all those dead in repub GWB's bs war You're very selective in the bullshit you throw FU and the horse you rode in on

I agree that Iraq was a stupid waste of lives and money, so was Kennedy and Johnson's Viet Nam, and clinton's Kosovo. but I have very little sympathy for people who knowingly violate our laws and enter OUR country illegally. None of them are being killed by ICE, deportation is not murder.

I will never understand why you libs favor illegals over american citizens (both by birth and naturalization). Can you explain that?
and that's how this dem sees it too and his 10% tariff tweet got us 767 down in the dow and this follows other horrible days. China is just giving it back to the bully They won't take the crap trump has gotten away with all his life
Trump got away with? What about what China got away with?
Yes they have too but NEITHER country will want to look bad in the process We need a mutual agreement where they both can win and I don't think Trump has that in him
Not sure about that, Ed, I think Trump is a negotiator, I'm not sure that China is willing to bend.

Trump is NOT a negotiator.
Trump is a 'my way or the highway' kinda guy, just like that G. W. Bush idiot.
China you say? China has Trump by his ballz.

your ignorance is showing again. Any good negotiator always asks for more than he will settle for, its part of the game. But a good negotiator is always ready to walk away if the other side refuses to compromise, and a good negotiator uses whatever advantages he has to swing the negotiation his way. China has nothing, Trump has all the cards and is playing them well. Whereas your hero obozo's negotiation tactic was to immediately cave in to the demands of the entire world because he hated the USA and wanted it to fail---------he almost succeeded in destroying this country. Obama is the reason we have Trump.
Let's see now Obama hated America and wanted it to fail and almost destroyed the country??? You are so full of shit your eyes must be brown ,, lowered unemployment from 10% to 4% ,had 75 straight months of SIX digit employment gains and almost tripled the DOW ,,,WTF is wrong with you ?? See a shrink

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