Oh Nooo! The DOW Is Tanking !!,So Who's Economy Is It Today? Obama Or Trump ?

Signs of recession are everywhere The moron in our WH with his tariff bs has put the world at risk

your ignorance has no limits. the market is reacting to daily news, mostly that China has again devalued their currency in an attempt to swing the trade balance back to them, it won't work and the market will be back on an up trend soon, probably next week. Only idiots and day traders worry about daily market fluctuations, look at where the DOW was in 2016 and where it is today, that is what matters and that is what makes money for 401K holders and everyone else.
My ignorance ?? And yours ,not knowing that the world is on edge because the AH in our WH has no plan, no idea of what tf he's doing ,how many Americans are hurting? Oh yeah ,,you're the smart one Big business is doing well IN SPITE of that idiot

sometimes there is short term pain for long term gain. Its fine that you don't like Trump, that is your right (unless the dems take it away). But to continue to spout dumbass libtardian talking points that have no basis in fact only proves that you have the brains of a garden slug caught on a hot sidewalk.

putting tariffs on Chinese products is hurting china much more than the US. We finally have China's attention and they understand that they have to play fair as long as Trump is in charge.
The farm belt isn't in an uproar? Going bankrupt in the near future? Trump voters turning against him ??

LOL, you really need to get off CNN and the NY times, they have been lying to you for years and yet you still buy into the bullshit, what does that say about you?
Here we go again! Why is it when the economy kicks ass, it's all because of Obama. But what about today, the DOW is sinking as we speak (well, its about 10:50am now)
Is is still Obama's economy today?
Did Obama start a trade war?

No, he just allowed china to dominate the US market and steal our companies

Nobody stole shit dumbfuck. If companies moved production there it was their own free choice. It is called the free market, look it up.

by devaluating their currency, having virtual slave labor, and allowing companies to operate with no environmental and fiscal regulations, China created a climate where companies could make higher profits by relocating there. When Trump removed many stupid regulations and lowered the corporate tax rates, companies came back to the USA, same with Mexico. The US car industry had just about totally left Detroit for Mexico, now its back and US union workers have jobs again.

the economics of this are simple and basic. business will locate where the conditions are favorable to them.

Give us a list of companies that have left Mexico or China and relocated back to the US.

you are just parroting talking points and cannot support them one iota

General Motors, Ford, Chrysler. Plants closed in China and Mexico, plants reopened or expanded in Michigan and Ohio.

some have moved from China to Viet Nam and Indonesia, but the bottom line is that China is paying the price for its years of unfair trade practices.
Did Obama start a trade war?

No, he just allowed china to dominate the US market and steal our companies

Nobody stole shit dumbfuck. If companies moved production there it was their own free choice. It is called the free market, look it up.

by devaluating their currency, having virtual slave labor, and allowing companies to operate with no environmental and fiscal regulations, China created a climate where companies could make higher profits by relocating there. When Trump removed many stupid regulations and lowered the corporate tax rates, companies came back to the USA, same with Mexico. The US car industry had just about totally left Detroit for Mexico, now its back and US union workers have jobs again.

the economics of this are simple and basic. business will locate where the conditions are favorable to them.

Give us a list of companies that have left Mexico or China and relocated back to the US.

you are just parroting talking points and cannot support them one iota

General Motors, Ford, Chrysler. Plants closed in China and Mexico, plants reopened or expanded in Michigan and Ohio.

some have moved from China to Viet Nam and Indonesia, but the bottom line is that China is paying the price for its years of unfair trade practices.

To note.......just because you say something happened does not mean it happened.
No, he just allowed china to dominate the US market and steal our companies

Nobody stole shit dumbfuck. If companies moved production there it was their own free choice. It is called the free market, look it up.

by devaluating their currency, having virtual slave labor, and allowing companies to operate with no environmental and fiscal regulations, China created a climate where companies could make higher profits by relocating there. When Trump removed many stupid regulations and lowered the corporate tax rates, companies came back to the USA, same with Mexico. The US car industry had just about totally left Detroit for Mexico, now its back and US union workers have jobs again.

the economics of this are simple and basic. business will locate where the conditions are favorable to them.

Give us a list of companies that have left Mexico or China and relocated back to the US.

you are just parroting talking points and cannot support them one iota

General Motors, Ford, Chrysler. Plants closed in China and Mexico, plants reopened or expanded in Michigan and Ohio.

some have moved from China to Viet Nam and Indonesia, but the bottom line is that China is paying the price for its years of unfair trade practices.

To note.......just because you say something happened does not mean it happened.

look it up
Nobody stole shit dumbfuck. If companies moved production there it was their own free choice. It is called the free market, look it up.

by devaluating their currency, having virtual slave labor, and allowing companies to operate with no environmental and fiscal regulations, China created a climate where companies could make higher profits by relocating there. When Trump removed many stupid regulations and lowered the corporate tax rates, companies came back to the USA, same with Mexico. The US car industry had just about totally left Detroit for Mexico, now its back and US union workers have jobs again.

the economics of this are simple and basic. business will locate where the conditions are favorable to them.

Give us a list of companies that have left Mexico or China and relocated back to the US.

you are just parroting talking points and cannot support them one iota

General Motors, Ford, Chrysler. Plants closed in China and Mexico, plants reopened or expanded in Michigan and Ohio.

some have moved from China to Viet Nam and Indonesia, but the bottom line is that China is paying the price for its years of unfair trade practices.

To note.......just because you say something happened does not mean it happened.

look it up

One can not look up what does not exist.
And Trump Co, people say if you're a good worker you don't need papers

provide that quote with a verifiable source.
Sorry Red It's out there Been on TV all morning where trump workers have no papers OR have been told where to go to get phony ones Yes I hate the prik But for you not to see what a pos he is means you must be blind

I've argued for a long time that business can not use the excuse their employee's used a fake S.S. number. I posted in the immigration section about how it was largely these fake or stolen S.S. numbers that exposed the business hiring illegals. Now their defenders will say that the businesses did not know. They most certainly knew when a large number of their employers were wearing ankle bracelets to track them.

They were so secure that nothing would be done that they kept them employed. We will note, nothing has been done to the business owners as of yet either.
by devaluating their currency, having virtual slave labor, and allowing companies to operate with no environmental and fiscal regulations, China created a climate where companies could make higher profits by relocating there. When Trump removed many stupid regulations and lowered the corporate tax rates, companies came back to the USA, same with Mexico. The US car industry had just about totally left Detroit for Mexico, now its back and US union workers have jobs again.

the economics of this are simple and basic. business will locate where the conditions are favorable to them.

Give us a list of companies that have left Mexico or China and relocated back to the US.

you are just parroting talking points and cannot support them one iota

General Motors, Ford, Chrysler. Plants closed in China and Mexico, plants reopened or expanded in Michigan and Ohio.

some have moved from China to Viet Nam and Indonesia, but the bottom line is that China is paying the price for its years of unfair trade practices.

To note.......just because you say something happened does not mean it happened.

look it up

One can not look up what does not exist.

true, but you can easily look up companies leaving china. try it
And Trump Co, people say if you're a good worker you don't need papers

provide that quote with a verifiable source.
Sorry Red It's out there Been on TV all morning where trump workers have no papers OR have been told where to go to get phony ones Yes I hate the prik But for you not to see what a pos he is means you must be blind

the illegals who were working at a Trump facility have been fired as soon as their immigration status was known.

Are you really of the belief that hillary clinton would have been a better president, or that any of the 20+ dem clowns currently running could do a better job?

We don't judge presidents or bosses by whether we personally like them, we judge them on results, and Trump's results have been exactly what I wanted, he still has many things to get done, but the progress so far has been good, in spite of the lying media and haters like you.
And Trump Co, people say if you're a good worker you don't need papers

provide that quote with a verifiable source.
Sorry Red It's out there Been on TV all morning where trump workers have no papers OR have been told where to go to get phony ones Yes I hate the prik But for you not to see what a pos he is means you must be blind

I've argued for a long time that business can not use the excuse their employee's used a fake S.S. number. I posted in the immigration section about how it was largely these fake or stolen S.S. numbers that exposed the business hiring illegals. Now their defenders will say that the businesses did not know. They most certainly knew when a large number of their employers were wearing ankle bracelets to track them.

They were so secure that nothing would be done that they kept them employed. We will note, nothing has been done to the business owners as of yet either.

we agree, the employers should be punished. When the penalty for hiring illegals exceeds the benefits, illegal hiring will end.
And Trump Co, people say if you're a good worker you don't need papers

provide that quote with a verifiable source.
Sorry Red It's out there Been on TV all morning where trump workers have no papers OR have been told where to go to get phony ones Yes I hate the prik But for you not to see what a pos he is means you must be blind

On TV, eh? well that's certainly an unbiased source. geez dude, are you that dumb?
And Trump Co, people say if you're a good worker you don't need papers

provide that quote with a verifiable source.
Sorry Red It's out there Been on TV all morning where trump workers have no papers OR have been told where to go to get phony ones Yes I hate the prik But for you not to see what a pos he is means you must be blind

On TV, eh? well that's certainly an unbiased source. geez dude, are you that dumb?
Are you that uniformed that you don't know 20 or so of Trump employees have ALREADY been let go ??Where do you get your misinformation from FAUX?
Did Obama start a trade war?

No, he just allowed china to dominate the US market and steal our companies

Nobody stole shit dumbfuck. If companies moved production there it was their own free choice. It is called the free market, look it up.

by devaluating their currency, having virtual slave labor, and allowing companies to operate with no environmental and fiscal regulations, China created a climate where companies could make higher profits by relocating there. When Trump removed many stupid regulations and lowered the corporate tax rates, companies came back to the USA, same with Mexico. The US car industry had just about totally left Detroit for Mexico, now its back and US union workers have jobs again.

the economics of this are simple and basic. business will locate where the conditions are favorable to them.

Give us a list of companies that have left Mexico or China and relocated back to the US.

you are just parroting talking points and cannot support them one iota

General Motors, Ford, Chrysler. Plants closed in China and Mexico, plants reopened or expanded in Michigan and Ohio.

some have moved from China to Viet Nam and Indonesia, but the bottom line is that China is paying the price for its years of unfair trade practices.

I need more than "because I said so"

how about some links.
And Trump Co, people say if you're a good worker you don't need papers

provide that quote with a verifiable source.
Sorry Red It's out there Been on TV all morning where trump workers have no papers OR have been told where to go to get phony ones Yes I hate the prik But for you not to see what a pos he is means you must be blind

I've argued for a long time that business can not use the excuse their employee's used a fake S.S. number. I posted in the immigration section about how it was largely these fake or stolen S.S. numbers that exposed the business hiring illegals. Now their defenders will say that the businesses did not know. They most certainly knew when a large number of their employers were wearing ankle bracelets to track them.

They were so secure that nothing would be done that they kept them employed. We will note, nothing has been done to the business owners as of yet either.

we agree, the employers should be punished. When the penalty for hiring illegals exceeds the benefits, illegal hiring will end.
Then Trump should be punished OR does money talk again?
And Trump Co, people say if you're a good worker you don't need papers

provide that quote with a verifiable source.
Sorry Red It's out there Been on TV all morning where trump workers have no papers OR have been told where to go to get phony ones Yes I hate the prik But for you not to see what a pos he is means you must be blind

the illegals who were working at a Trump facility have been fired as soon as their immigration status was known.

Are you really of the belief that hillary clinton would have been a better president, or that any of the 20+ dem clowns currently running could do a better job?

We don't judge presidents or bosses by whether we personally like them, we judge them on results, and Trump's results have been exactly what I wanted, he still has many things to get done, but the progress so far has been good, in spite of the lying media and haters like you.
On TV last night interviewing a farmer who was a Trump voter ,,,says everything Trump has done , tariffs, eliminating treaties with other countries, has brought hardship on them ,,,And NO he won't be voting for Trump again
Give us a list of companies that have left Mexico or China and relocated back to the US.

you are just parroting talking points and cannot support them one iota

General Motors, Ford, Chrysler. Plants closed in China and Mexico, plants reopened or expanded in Michigan and Ohio.

some have moved from China to Viet Nam and Indonesia, but the bottom line is that China is paying the price for its years of unfair trade practices.

To note.......just because you say something happened does not mean it happened.

look it up

One can not look up what does not exist.

true, but you can easily look up companies leaving china. try it

Companies may leave China and go to some other low wage country. That does not help us and it's not what you said.
And Trump Co, people say if you're a good worker you don't need papers

provide that quote with a verifiable source.
Sorry Red It's out there Been on TV all morning where trump workers have no papers OR have been told where to go to get phony ones Yes I hate the prik But for you not to see what a pos he is means you must be blind

I've argued for a long time that business can not use the excuse their employee's used a fake S.S. number. I posted in the immigration section about how it was largely these fake or stolen S.S. numbers that exposed the business hiring illegals. Now their defenders will say that the businesses did not know. They most certainly knew when a large number of their employers were wearing ankle bracelets to track them.

They were so secure that nothing would be done that they kept them employed. We will note, nothing has been done to the business owners as of yet either.

we agree, the employers should be punished. When the penalty for hiring illegals exceeds the benefits, illegal hiring will end.

It's not happening. Despite knowing that the blame remains on one side. I refuse to blame only one side. As long as employers get off from repercussions, I'm going to support people and policies that will allow the other side off also.

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