Oh,Now I Get It Big Brother...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
You have to take our rights to protect our rights. Wow,what a brilliant plan. Thank you so much.

Seriously though,why do so many Americans buy into that stuff? Haven't they had enough of that tired "911 changed everything" scam? I just don't get most Americans anymore. What happened to them? Did 911 really scare them that much? Most just seem so willing to give all their rights away in the name of 'Security,' It's a very disturbing trend. Will we ever get our rights back? Or will it always be "Sorry,but 911 changed everything."
You have to take our rights to protect our rights. Wow,what a brilliant plan. Thank you so much.

Seriously though,why do so many Americans buy into that stuff? Haven't they had enough of that tired "911 changed everything" scam? I just don't get most Americans anymore. What happened to them? Did 911 really scare them that much? Most just seem so willing to give all their rights away in the name of 'Security,' It's a very disturbing trend. Will we ever get our rights back? Or will it always be "Sorry,but 911 changed everything."

What rights specifically? All I see you whining about is your right to be a jackass. :eek:
It's always "for our own good" huh? Man,i want my country back.
Big Brother has done an unfathomable amount of damage in the wake of 911. In blood,treasure,and freedom. When will the People say enough is enough?
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Our Government has been far worse on our Freedom & Liberty than the Terrorists ever could be. Bin Laden's idiots just don't have the resources and capabilities to spy on us 24/7 and take our rights away. But our Government does. So who's terrorizing who at this point?
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You have to take our rights to protect our rights. Wow,what a brilliant plan. Thank you so much.

Seriously though,why do so many Americans buy into that stuff? Haven't they had enough of that tired "911 changed everything" scam? I just don't get most Americans anymore. What happened to them? Did 911 really scare them that much? Most just seem so willing to give all their rights away in the name of 'Security,' It's a very disturbing trend. Will we ever get our rights back? Or will it always be "Sorry,but 911 changed everything."

What rights specifically? All I see you whining about is your right to be a jackass. :eek:

What rights do you have left? What do you have the freedom to do that you do not have to either ask the government for permission to do first, either directly or indirectly?
This is a very disturbing video but it's also very important to watch. This is what Big Brother has done in the wake of 911...

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It's interesting they talk about Freedom so much. Especially since it's them and not the Terrorists who have taken that away from Citizens. What good is it to fight Wars for "freedom" abroad when they're taking it away from us right here at home? It's so damn tragic.

Yea it's very sad. And now the NDAA is about to pass too. But hey,"911 changed everything" so we're just supposed to shut up and let Big Brother do his thing. What happened to my Country? :mad:

It got fat and lazy and dumbed down with weapons of mass distraction

I'm sure fluoridated brains aren't helping much.

Over 72 percent of Americans drink water treated with fluoride and a large majority of the nation has been consuming this poison for years. It is unfortunate to see the government pushing a substance on the population that has even been linked to lowering the IQ of children while also giving people cancer.
Drinking Water May Be Lowering Your IQ and Giving You Cancer | Natural Society
TSA frisking everyone on every street corner is FREEDOM!

Boy,you're just not getting it are you? Big Brother has to take your rights to protect your rights. It's for your own good. What the Hell are you not getting about that? Big Brother loves you and has promised to return your rights just as soon as his indefinite 'War on Terror' is over. So stop complaining. You'll get your rights back...When Big Brother feels like giving them back to you.

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