OH SHIT! Epstein’s Lawyers Offer Plea Deal to Divulge Names in Exchange for 5 Year Sentence

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^
Another thing, you morons think the left is violent because of a few young punk idiots called antifa who fight with Nazis every eight months, while the only actual spike in violence is Right wingers going ape shitt on Blacks Jews Muslims and gays.... And when screaming out their garbage propaganda LOL in public....

Yes, the left is violent. That's obvious, mini-dupester.

That's odd.

According to you far right radical extremists the left is a bunch of snowflakes standing around holding hands singing kumbaya working day and night to take all weapons from everyone.

Now the left is violent.

You people need to come to one lie then stick to it. When you contradict yourselves you only show that you say what's convenient for you at the time you're saying it.

Which is true that you do that but you will be able to fool more stupid people if you remain consistent.
Exactly , they cry like babies and lash out in hate
Too bad you have no evidence of that, brainwashed functional moron. The only spike in violence is hate crimes against Jews
blacks gays and Muslims by right-wing ignoramus assholes.... Oops brainwashed functional assholes...
Antifa, drop mic, so fk off
Let the chips fall as they may. Pedophilia transcends party.....or at least it should.
It should, but it didn't when Hillary was running for POTUS and the MSM failed to mention Bill was a Frequent Flier in the Lolita Express.
You are out of your tiny brainwashed little mind, super duper. You have no evidence to that just like all your other phony scandals fast and furious my ass, lock her up idiocy etc etc etc all garbage. Whatever happened to courtrooms and investigative journalism. All you have is pure propaganda with no evidence. nothing on public record whatsoever because the cops think you are absolutely out of your minds as well as everybody else in the world outside your bubble of dumb.
Dude, too funny, you’re lost I feel sorry for you
^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^
Another thing, you morons think the left is violent because of a few young punk idiots called antifa who fight with Nazis every eight months, while the only actual spike in violence is Right wingers going ape shitt on Blacks Jews Muslims and gays.... And when screaming out their garbage propaganda LOL in public....

Yes, the left is violent. That's obvious, mini-dupester.

That's odd.

According to you far right radical extremists the left is a bunch of snowflakes standing around holding hands singing kumbaya working day and night to take all weapons from everyone.

Now the left is violent.

You people need to come to one lie then stick to it. When you contradict yourselves you only show that you say what's convenient for you at the time you're saying it.

Which is true that you do that but you will be able to fool more stupid people if you remain consistent.
Exactly , they cry like babies and lash out in hate
Too bad you have no evidence of that, brainwashed functional moron. The only spike in violence is hate crimes against Jews
blacks gays and Muslims by right-wing ignoramus assholes.... Oops brainwashed functional assholes...
Yeah all faked like Jussie, the leftists hoaxes, no class fk face
Another thing, you morons think the left is violent because of a few young punk idiots called antifa who fight with Nazis every eight months, while the only actual spike in violence is Right wingers going ape shitt on Blacks Jews Muslims and gays.... And when screaming out their garbage propaganda LOL in public....

Yes, the left is violent. That's obvious, mini-dupester.

That's odd.

According to you far right radical extremists the left is a bunch of snowflakes standing around holding hands singing kumbaya working day and night to take all weapons from everyone.

Now the left is violent.

You people need to come to one lie then stick to it. When you contradict yourselves you only show that you say what's convenient for you at the time you're saying it.

Which is true that you do that but you will be able to fool more stupid people if you remain consistent.
Exactly , they cry like babies and lash out in hate
Too bad you have no evidence of that, brainwashed functional moron. The only spike in violence is hate crimes against Jews
blacks gays and Muslims by right-wing ignoramus assholes.... Oops brainwashed functional assholes...
So you haven’t noticed the anti-Israel Platform of the Democratic Party?
Have some coffee.
Hahaha hahaha
Another thing, you morons think the left is violent because of a few young punk idiots called antifa who fight with Nazis every eight months, while the only actual spike in violence is Right wingers going ape shitt on Blacks Jews Muslims and gays.... And when screaming out their garbage propaganda LOL in public....

Yes, the left is violent. That's obvious, mini-dupester.

That's odd.

According to you far right radical extremists the left is a bunch of snowflakes standing around holding hands singing kumbaya working day and night to take all weapons from everyone.

Now the left is violent.

You people need to come to one lie then stick to it. When you contradict yourselves you only show that you say what's convenient for you at the time you're saying it.

Which is true that you do that but you will be able to fool more stupid people if you remain consistent.
Exactly , they cry like babies and lash out in hate
Too bad you have no evidence of that, brainwashed functional moron. The only spike in violence is hate crimes against Jews
blacks gays and Muslims by right-wing ignoramus assholes.... Oops brainwashed functional assholes...
Antifa, drop mic, so fk off
Antifa has nothing to do with me. They are young punks who your propaganda machine is obsessed with, so so are you. they fight Nazis every six months or so and nobody even gets hurt. The actual statistical spike in violence is 30% higher hate crimes against Jews blacks Muslims and gays by assholes from the right. End of story no matter what your stupid propaganda machine says.
brainwashed functional moron. LOL
Yes, the left is violent. That's obvious, mini-dupester.

That's odd.

According to you far right radical extremists the left is a bunch of snowflakes standing around holding hands singing kumbaya working day and night to take all weapons from everyone.

Now the left is violent.

You people need to come to one lie then stick to it. When you contradict yourselves you only show that you say what's convenient for you at the time you're saying it.

Which is true that you do that but you will be able to fool more stupid people if you remain consistent.
Exactly , they cry like babies and lash out in hate
Too bad you have no evidence of that, brainwashed functional moron. The only spike in violence is hate crimes against Jews
blacks gays and Muslims by right-wing ignoramus assholes.... Oops brainwashed functional assholes...
So you haven’t noticed the anti-Israel Platform of the Democratic Party?
Have some coffee.
No, why don't you show us the official platform.
That Muslim from Minnesota. You aren’t aware eh?
Yes, the left is violent. That's obvious, mini-dupester.

That's odd.

According to you far right radical extremists the left is a bunch of snowflakes standing around holding hands singing kumbaya working day and night to take all weapons from everyone.

Now the left is violent.

You people need to come to one lie then stick to it. When you contradict yourselves you only show that you say what's convenient for you at the time you're saying it.

Which is true that you do that but you will be able to fool more stupid people if you remain consistent.
Exactly , they cry like babies and lash out in hate
Too bad you have no evidence of that, brainwashed functional moron. The only spike in violence is hate crimes against Jews
blacks gays and Muslims by right-wing ignoramus assholes.... Oops brainwashed functional assholes...
Antifa, drop mic, so fk off
Antifa has nothing to do with me. They are young punks who your propaganda machine is obsessed with, so so are you. they fight Nazis every six months or so and nobody even gets hurt. The actual statistical spike in violence is 30% higher hate crimes against Jews blacks Muslims and gays by assholes from the right. End of story no matter what your stupid propaganda machine says.
brainwashed functional moron. LOL
Your stats are laughable. Quit being a retard. :laugh:
Hope he has some sort of proof besides just his word. Surprised they didn't find "insurance" photos or tapes in his safe.
Maybe they did find the "insurance"
And maybe this is another Clinton clean up and 6 months from now we'll get a report how nothing on Billy boy was found. Problem they have if they dont protect everyone again like first time those people have connections far greater than Billy Boys and Epstein could wind up dead by their hand to put an end to this.
Yes, the left is violent. That's obvious, mini-dupester.

That's odd.

According to you far right radical extremists the left is a bunch of snowflakes standing around holding hands singing kumbaya working day and night to take all weapons from everyone.

Now the left is violent.

You people need to come to one lie then stick to it. When you contradict yourselves you only show that you say what's convenient for you at the time you're saying it.

Which is true that you do that but you will be able to fool more stupid people if you remain consistent.
Exactly , they cry like babies and lash out in hate
Too bad you have no evidence of that, brainwashed functional moron. The only spike in violence is hate crimes against Jews
blacks gays and Muslims by right-wing ignoramus assholes.... Oops brainwashed functional assholes...
So you haven’t noticed the anti-Israel Platform of the Democratic Party?
Have some coffee.
Hahaha hahaha
complaining about the right-wing assholes who have been in charge in Israel for many years is not anti-israel. Corrupt Liars just like your GOP Masters.
Hope he has some sort of proof besides just his word. Surprised they didn't find "insurance" photos or tapes in his safe.
Maybe they did find the "insurance"
And maybe this is another Clinton clean up and 6 months from now we'll get a report how nothing on Billy boy was found. Problem they have if they dont protect everyone again like first time those people have connections far greater than Billy Boys and Epstein could wind up dead by their hand to put an end to this.
I would not be surprised if Epstein were to assume room temperature soon.
That's odd.

According to you far right radical extremists the left is a bunch of snowflakes standing around holding hands singing kumbaya working day and night to take all weapons from everyone.

Now the left is violent.

You people need to come to one lie then stick to it. When you contradict yourselves you only show that you say what's convenient for you at the time you're saying it.

Which is true that you do that but you will be able to fool more stupid people if you remain consistent.
Exactly , they cry like babies and lash out in hate
Too bad you have no evidence of that, brainwashed functional moron. The only spike in violence is hate crimes against Jews
blacks gays and Muslims by right-wing ignoramus assholes.... Oops brainwashed functional assholes...
So you haven’t noticed the anti-Israel Platform of the Democratic Party?
Have some coffee.
Hahaha hahaha
complaining about the right-wing assholes who have been in charge in Israel for many years is not anti-israel. Corrupt Liars just like your GOP Masters.
Thanks anti-Semite
Have him name all the names! Why are you against that? Don’t you want it to stop?

Him naming names is pretty worthless as far as prosecutions going forward. I am not the one who is is trying to get a sex predator off on a lighter sentence. Why are you for that?
You’re willing to leave the others active! What a poor excuse for a human you are

Perhaps but I am not the one trying to get a child trafficker and predator off with a slap on the wrist. That would be you. Noticed you avoided answering why you are for that...
Nor am I, I want all of them behind bars, you’re not, pathetic. I bet you want men getting naked in girls restrooms

Continue to advocate for a child sex trafficker to get off scot free. It is a good look on you. Very revealing.
Five years ain’t scott free loser. But you’re stupid
And he is a long time friend of Donald Trump.

Epstein being a dinner guest at Trump's home is not nearly the equivalent of Bubba flying on the Lolita Express to Pedo Island umpty-umpteen times.
And the party at Epstein's house with Trump and underage girls? Nothing to see right? :auiqs.jpg:
No matter what you will always come up with another stupid GOP propaganda meme, brainwashed functional moron.
Vote! It's the only way to get out of this insanity. We are dealing with a very defined cult. That's why they are "brainwashed functional morons."

It's no longer enough for a person to vote anymore.

Everyone must get all their friends and everyone they know to vote.

Get as many people as possible to vote.

Help people get registered, help them get to the polls to vote. Babysit their kids or whatever it takes to help people to vote.

People not voting got us into this mess. Getting people to vote will get us out.

How did people not voting get us into "this mess"?
Yes, the left is violent. That's obvious, mini-dupester.

That's odd.

According to you far right radical extremists the left is a bunch of snowflakes standing around holding hands singing kumbaya working day and night to take all weapons from everyone.

Now the left is violent.

You people need to come to one lie then stick to it. When you contradict yourselves you only show that you say what's convenient for you at the time you're saying it.

Which is true that you do that but you will be able to fool more stupid people if you remain consistent.
Exactly , they cry like babies and lash out in hate
Too bad you have no evidence of that, brainwashed functional moron. The only spike in violence is hate crimes against Jews
blacks gays and Muslims by right-wing ignoramus assholes.... Oops brainwashed functional assholes...
Antifa, drop mic, so fk off
Antifa has nothing to do with me. They are young punks who your propaganda machine is obsessed with, so so are you. they fight Nazis every six months or so and nobody even gets hurt. The actual statistical spike in violence is 30% higher hate crimes against Jews blacks Muslims and gays by assholes from the right. End of story no matter what your stupid propaganda machine says.
brainwashed functional moron. LOL

Bullshit. You ARE antifart. It takes a real stupid person to join them, and you're....well....you're pretty damned stupid!
Another thing, you morons think the left is violent because of a few young punk idiots called antifa who fight with Nazis every eight months, while the only actual spike in violence is Right wingers going ape shitt on Blacks Jews Muslims and gays.... And when screaming out their garbage propaganda LOL in public....

Yes, the left is violent. That's obvious, mini-dupester.

That's odd.

According to you far right radical extremists the left is a bunch of snowflakes standing around holding hands singing kumbaya working day and night to take all weapons from everyone.

Now the left is violent.

You people need to come to one lie then stick to it. When you contradict yourselves you only show that you say what's convenient for you at the time you're saying it.

Which is true that you do that but you will be able to fool more stupid people if you remain consistent.
Exactly , they cry like babies and lash out in hate
Too bad you have no evidence of that, brainwashed functional moron. The only spike in violence is hate crimes against Jews
blacks gays and Muslims by right-wing ignoramus assholes.... Oops brainwashed functional assholes...
Yeah all faked like Jussie, the leftists hoaxes, no class fk face
It's a huge conspiracy, isn't it, conspiracy nut jobs?
And he is a long time friend of Donald Trump.

Epstein being a dinner guest at Trump's home is not nearly the equivalent of Bubba flying on the Lolita Express to Pedo Island umpty-umpteen times.
And the party at Epstein's house with Trump and underage girls? Nothing to see right? :auiqs.jpg:
No matter what you will always come up with another stupid GOP propaganda meme, brainwashed functional moron.
Vote! It's the only way to get out of this insanity. We are dealing with a very defined cult. That's why they are "brainwashed functional morons."

It's no longer enough for a person to vote anymore.

Everyone must get all their friends and everyone they know to vote.

Get as many people as possible to vote.

Help people get registered, help them get to the polls to vote. Babysit their kids or whatever it takes to help people to vote.

People not voting got us into this mess. Getting people to vote will get us out.

Which "lock her up People" are going to jail?
Yes, the left is violent. That's obvious, mini-dupester.

That's odd.

According to you far right radical extremists the left is a bunch of snowflakes standing around holding hands singing kumbaya working day and night to take all weapons from everyone.

Now the left is violent.

You people need to come to one lie then stick to it. When you contradict yourselves you only show that you say what's convenient for you at the time you're saying it.

Which is true that you do that but you will be able to fool more stupid people if you remain consistent.
Exactly , they cry like babies and lash out in hate
Too bad you have no evidence of that, brainwashed functional moron. The only spike in violence is hate crimes against Jews
blacks gays and Muslims by right-wing ignoramus assholes.... Oops brainwashed functional assholes...
Yeah all faked like Jussie, the leftists hoaxes, no class fk face
It's a huge conspiracy, isn't it, conspiracy nut jobs?

Yeah, and it has democrat stench all over it.

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