OH SHIT! Epstein’s Lawyers Offer Plea Deal to Divulge Names in Exchange for 5 Year Sentence

Bill's itinerary just changed....he has a sudden speech to give for the Clinton Foundation in the nearest country that doesn't have extradition.......
another phony Scandal about the clintons and Democrats that only you idiots believe, certainly not respected journalism or law enforcement, dumbass brain-washed functional moron.

Forget the Clintons... I'll bet there are politicians of both stripes shaking in their boots right now .

Mostly Dems. Epstein helped Clinton set up the Clinton Foundation - he's a total Lib.

And he is a long time friend of Donald Trump.

Donnie said they had a falling out in the 90’s, and haven’t spoken since. That should be easy enough to verify. But slimy Bill Clinton and him are butt buddies. We all know what a POS he is.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No trumps falling out was 2002. and Clinton hasn't done anything wrong since the middle 90s.
Anyone check the outbound bookings on the airlines yet?


Bill's itinerary just changed....he has a sudden speech to give for the Clinton Foundation in the nearest country that doesn't have extradition.......
another phony Scandal about the clintons and Democrats that only you idiots believe, certainly not respected journalism or law enforcement, dumbass brain-washed functional moron.

It does seem strange if the Clinton's and other powerful individuals why the young ladies haven't told anyone. What do they have to lose implicating everyone involved?
No one has really accused them except far-right nutjobs.
another phony Scandal about the clintons and Democrats that only you idiots believe, certainly not respected journalism or law enforcement, dumbass brain-washed functional moron.

Forget the Clintons... I'll bet there are politicians of both stripes shaking in their boots right now .

Mostly Dems. Epstein helped Clinton set up the Clinton Foundation - he's a total Lib.

And he is a long time friend of Donald Trump.

Donnie said they had a falling out in the 90’s, and haven’t spoken since. That should be easy enough to verify. But slimy Bill Clinton and him are butt buddies. We all know what a POS he is.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No trumps falling out was 2002. and Clinton hasn't done anything wrong since the middle 90s.
I cannot find any legit source claiming they know when he was banned, let alone stating it was in 2002.

Where did you get this idea it was in 2002 from?

President Trump banned Jeffery Epstein from Mar-a-Lago after he sexually assaulted an underage girl | Daily Mail Online

Anyone check the outbound bookings on the airlines yet?


Bill's itinerary just changed....he has a sudden speech to give for the Clinton Foundation in the nearest country that doesn't have extradition.......
another phony Scandal about the clintons and Democrats that only you idiots believe, certainly not respected journalism or law enforcement, dumbass brain-washed functional moron.

It does seem strange if the Clinton's and other powerful individuals why the young ladies haven't told anyone. What do they have to lose implicating everyone involved?
No one has really accused them except far-right nutjobs.

But Sarnoff, who first broke the Epstein story back in 2010, says the figure isn’t accurate, claiming that Clinton was a guest on Epstein’s planes many more times over a longer period.

“I know from the pilot logs and these are pilot logs that you know were written by different pilots and at different times that Clinton went, he was a guest of Epstein's 27 times,” she said, adding that “many of those times Clinton had his Secret Service with him and many times he did not"
Bill Clinton 'not telling the truth' about Jeffrey Epstein, says investigative journalist who first revealed allegations in 2010

You know for a fact the investigative journalist who broke much of this case is a "far right nut job", you far left moonbat?
Forget the Clintons... I'll bet there are politicians of both stripes shaking in their boots right now .

Mostly Dems. Epstein helped Clinton set up the Clinton Foundation - he's a total Lib.

And he is a long time friend of Donald Trump.

Donnie said they had a falling out in the 90’s, and haven’t spoken since. That should be easy enough to verify. But slimy Bill Clinton and him are butt buddies. We all know what a POS he is.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No trumps falling out was 2002. and Clinton hasn't done anything wrong since the middle 90s.
I cannot find any legit source claiming they know when he was banned, let alone stating it was in 2002.

Where did you get this idea it was in 2002 from?

President Trump banned Jeffery Epstein from Mar-a-Lago after he sexually assaulted an underage girl | Daily Mail Online

View attachment 268707
Your article also has a picture of him and Trump together there in 2000. I thought I heard 2002 was when he was banned, but it seems as if they can't pin the date down. I'm not accusing anybody of doing anything until they are indicted, unlike you right wingers.
If these Clinton arguments weren't so sad they'd be hilarious. The cowards on the Right want to talk about Clinton, when the real news today is the fact that Trump's labor Secretary Alex Acosta abandoned a 53 page indictment of Jeffrey Epstein on child trafficking of minors for various sex acts. Do you Trump Toads have one ounce of decency? Do you not understand the real scandal here? Do you really give a shit? Of course not. This administration can do anything and you all don't care. The real scandal is the victims. Acosta washed his hands from any responsibility towards the victims. Who cares right? They were probably throw aways anyway. They can do anything and fuck you is how Trump voters look at everything now. They really suck;
If these Clinton arguments weren't so sad they'd be hilarious. The cowards on the Right want to talk about Clinton, when the real news today is the fact that Trump's labor Secretary Alex Acosta abandoned a 53 page indictment of Jeffrey Epstein on child trafficking of minors for various sex acts. Do you Trump Toads have one ounce of decency? Do you not understand the real scandal here? Do you really give a shit? Of course not. This administration can do anything and you all don't care. The real scandal is the victims. Acosta washed his hands from any responsibility towards the victims. Who cares right? They were probably throw aways anyway. They can do anything and fuck you is how Trump voters look at everything now. They really suck;

Bill Clinton Lying About Epstein Relationship: Report

So can you confirm Conchita Sarnoff is a hard-right winger just out to screw the Clintons & Democrats?

If these Clinton arguments weren't so sad they'd be hilarious. The cowards on the Right want to talk about Clinton, when the real news today is the fact that Trump's labor Secretary Alex Acosta abandoned a 53 page indictment of Jeffrey Epstein on child trafficking of minors for various sex acts. Do you Trump Toads have one ounce of decency? Do you not understand the real scandal here? Do you really give a shit? Of course not. This administration can do anything and you all don't care. The real scandal is the victims. Acosta washed his hands from any responsibility towards the victims. Who cares right? They were probably throw aways anyway. They can do anything and fuck you is how Trump voters look at everything now. They really suck;

Bill Clinton Lying About Epstein Relationship: Report

So can you confirm Conchita Sarnoff is a hard-right winger just out to screw the Clintons & Democrats?

View attachment 268719

The problem with these Trump Toads is they always show up here with the weakest arguments imaginable. Boss, take a chill pill about Clinton. We all know by now that is the only concern of Trump voters. Believe me, if Clinton is part of this, lock his ass up. The fact that you cowardly can't include Trump and Clinton is just too obvious.

That said, the real scandal today is Alex Acosta dropping a 53 page indictment that we already knew about, but found out today he would try and make excuses for it which were ludicrous. He dropped the indictment and surrendered to a plea deal that basically did nothing to Epstein. And it was also revealed he lied about some of the details today, while trying to blame some local prosecutors who later replied that Acosta was not telling an accurate story.

But your cowardly ass is in such a panic over names, the Trump Toads can only talk about Clinton, because they are scared to death Trump's name is on the list. You folks are pathetic.

And by the way, his name I'm sure will be included on that list.
If these Clinton arguments weren't so sad they'd be hilarious. The cowards on the Right want to talk about Clinton, when the real news today is the fact that Trump's labor Secretary Alex Acosta abandoned a 53 page indictment of Jeffrey Epstein on child trafficking of minors for various sex acts. Do you Trump Toads have one ounce of decency? Do you not understand the real scandal here? Do you really give a shit? Of course not. This administration can do anything and you all don't care. The real scandal is the victims. Acosta washed his hands from any responsibility towards the victims. Who cares right? They were probably throw aways anyway. They can do anything and fuck you is how Trump voters look at everything now. They really suck;

Bill Clinton Lying About Epstein Relationship: Report

So can you confirm Conchita Sarnoff is a hard-right winger just out to screw the Clintons & Democrats?

View attachment 268719

The problem with these Trump Toads is they always show up here with the weakest arguments imaginable. Boss, take a chill pill about Clinton. We all know by now that is the only concern of Trump voters. Believe me, if Clinton is part of this, lock his ass up. The fact that you cowardly can't include Trump and Clinton is just too obvious.

That said, the real scandal today is Alex Acosta dropping a 53 page indictment that we already knew about, but found out today he would try and make excuses for it which were ludicrous. He dropped the indictment and surrendered to a plea deal that basically did nothing to Epstein. And it was also revealed he lied about some of the details today, while trying to blame some local prosecutors who later replied that Acosta was not telling an accurate story.

But your cowardly ass is in such a panic over names, the Trump Toads can only talk about Clinton, because they are scared to death Trump's name is on the list. You folks are pathetic.

And by the way, his name I'm sure will be included in that list.

If these Clinton arguments weren't so sad they'd be hilarious. The cowards on the Right want to talk about Clinton, when the real news today is the fact that Trump's labor Secretary Alex Acosta abandoned a 53 page indictment of Jeffrey Epstein on child trafficking of minors for various sex acts. Do you Trump Toads have one ounce of decency? Do you not understand the real scandal here? Do you really give a shit? Of course not. This administration can do anything and you all don't care. The real scandal is the victims. Acosta washed his hands from any responsibility towards the victims. Who cares right? They were probably throw aways anyway. They can do anything and fuck you is how Trump voters look at everything now. They really suck;

Bill Clinton Lying About Epstein Relationship: Report

So can you confirm Conchita Sarnoff is a hard-right winger just out to screw the Clintons & Democrats?

View attachment 268719

The problem with these Trump Toads is they always show up here with the weakest arguments imaginable. Boss, take a chill pill about Clinton. We all know by now that is the only concern of Trump voters. Believe me, if Clinton is part of this, lock his ass up. The fact that you cowardly can't include Trump and Clinton is just too obvious.

That said, the real scandal today is Alex Acosta dropping a 53 page indictment that we already knew about, but found out today he would try and make excuses for it which were ludicrous. He dropped the indictment and surrendered to a plea deal that basically did nothing to Epstein. And it was also revealed he lied about some of the details today, while trying to blame some local prosecutors who later replied that Acosta was not telling an accurate story.

But your cowardly ass is in such a panic over names, the Trump Toads can only talk about Clinton, because they are scared to death Trump's name is on the list. You folks are pathetic.

And by the way, his name I'm sure will be included in that list.

View attachment 268728

Typical Trump degenerates! Carry on.
If these Clinton arguments weren't so sad they'd be hilarious. The cowards on the Right want to talk about Clinton, when the real news today is the fact that Trump's labor Secretary Alex Acosta abandoned a 53 page indictment of Jeffrey Epstein on child trafficking of minors for various sex acts. Do you Trump Toads have one ounce of decency? Do you not understand the real scandal here? Do you really give a shit? Of course not. This administration can do anything and you all don't care. The real scandal is the victims. Acosta washed his hands from any responsibility towards the victims. Who cares right? They were probably throw aways anyway. They can do anything and fuck you is how Trump voters look at everything now. They really suck;

Bill Clinton Lying About Epstein Relationship: Report

So can you confirm Conchita Sarnoff is a hard-right winger just out to screw the Clintons & Democrats?

View attachment 268719

If only the GOP propaganda machine says so, it is total garbage.
Alex Acosta is a liar and got called out on the Epstein case, and these Trump cultists are with heads exploding trying to figure out how to change the subject to Clinton. They are so pitiful;
If these Clinton arguments weren't so sad they'd be hilarious. The cowards on the Right want to talk about Clinton, when the real news today is the fact that Trump's labor Secretary Alex Acosta abandoned a 53 page indictment of Jeffrey Epstein on child trafficking of minors for various sex acts. Do you Trump Toads have one ounce of decency? Do you not understand the real scandal here? Do you really give a shit? Of course not. This administration can do anything and you all don't care. The real scandal is the victims. Acosta washed his hands from any responsibility towards the victims. Who cares right? They were probably throw aways anyway. They can do anything and fuck you is how Trump voters look at everything now. They really suck;

Bill Clinton Lying About Epstein Relationship: Report

So can you confirm Conchita Sarnoff is a hard-right winger just out to screw the Clintons & Democrats?

View attachment 268719

The problem with these Trump Toads is they always show up here with the weakest arguments imaginable. Boss, take a chill pill about Clinton. We all know by now that is the only concern of Trump voters. Believe me, if Clinton is part of this, lock his ass up. The fact that you cowardly can't include Trump and Clinton is just too obvious.

That said, the real scandal today is Alex Acosta dropping a 53 page indictment that we already knew about, but found out today he would try and make excuses for it which were ludicrous. He dropped the indictment and surrendered to a plea deal that basically did nothing to Epstein. And it was also revealed he lied about some of the details today, while trying to blame some local prosecutors who later replied that Acosta was not telling an accurate story.

But your cowardly ass is in such a panic over names, the Trump Toads can only talk about Clinton, because they are scared to death Trump's name is on the list. You folks are pathetic.

And by the way, his name I'm sure will be included in that list.

View attachment 268728

Typical Trump degenerates! Carry on.

If these Clinton arguments weren't so sad they'd be hilarious. The cowards on the Right want to talk about Clinton, when the real news today is the fact that Trump's labor Secretary Alex Acosta abandoned a 53 page indictment of Jeffrey Epstein on child trafficking of minors for various sex acts. Do you Trump Toads have one ounce of decency? Do you not understand the real scandal here? Do you really give a shit? Of course not. This administration can do anything and you all don't care. The real scandal is the victims. Acosta washed his hands from any responsibility towards the victims. Who cares right? They were probably throw aways anyway. They can do anything and fuck you is how Trump voters look at everything now. They really suck;

Bill Clinton Lying About Epstein Relationship: Report

So can you confirm Conchita Sarnoff is a hard-right winger just out to screw the Clintons & Democrats?

View attachment 268719

The problem with these Trump Toads is they always show up here with the weakest arguments imaginable. Boss, take a chill pill about Clinton. We all know by now that is the only concern of Trump voters. Believe me, if Clinton is part of this, lock his ass up. The fact that you cowardly can't include Trump and Clinton is just too obvious.

That said, the real scandal today is Alex Acosta dropping a 53 page indictment that we already knew about, but found out today he would try and make excuses for it which were ludicrous. He dropped the indictment and surrendered to a plea deal that basically did nothing to Epstein. And it was also revealed he lied about some of the details today, while trying to blame some local prosecutors who later replied that Acosta was not telling an accurate story.

But your cowardly ass is in such a panic over names, the Trump Toads can only talk about Clinton, because they are scared to death Trump's name is on the list. You folks are pathetic.

And by the way, his name I'm sure will be included in that list.

View attachment 268728

And what the hell is wrong with you? My Guess the character assassination hate garbage GOP propaganda machine pure garbage, super duper. You've lost your tiny mind....
If these Clinton arguments weren't so sad they'd be hilarious. The cowards on the Right want to talk about Clinton, when the real news today is the fact that Trump's labor Secretary Alex Acosta abandoned a 53 page indictment of Jeffrey Epstein on child trafficking of minors for various sex acts. Do you Trump Toads have one ounce of decency? Do you not understand the real scandal here? Do you really give a shit? Of course not. This administration can do anything and you all don't care. The real scandal is the victims. Acosta washed his hands from any responsibility towards the victims. Who cares right? They were probably throw aways anyway. They can do anything and fuck you is how Trump voters look at everything now. They really suck;

Bill Clinton Lying About Epstein Relationship: Report

So can you confirm Conchita Sarnoff is a hard-right winger just out to screw the Clintons & Democrats?

View attachment 268719

The problem with these Trump Toads is they always show up here with the weakest arguments imaginable. Boss, take a chill pill about Clinton. We all know by now that is the only concern of Trump voters. Believe me, if Clinton is part of this, lock his ass up. The fact that you cowardly can't include Trump and Clinton is just too obvious.

That said, the real scandal today is Alex Acosta dropping a 53 page indictment that we already knew about, but found out today he would try and make excuses for it which were ludicrous. He dropped the indictment and surrendered to a plea deal that basically did nothing to Epstein. And it was also revealed he lied about some of the details today, while trying to blame some local prosecutors who later replied that Acosta was not telling an accurate story.

But your cowardly ass is in such a panic over names, the Trump Toads can only talk about Clinton, because they are scared to death Trump's name is on the list. You folks are pathetic.

And by the way, his name I'm sure will be included in that list.

View attachment 268728

And what the hell is wrong with you? My Guess the character assassination hate garbage GOP propaganda machine pure garbage, super duper. You've lost your tiny mind....

Just like your hero the orange narcissist Brat
If these Clinton arguments weren't so sad they'd be hilarious. The cowards on the Right want to talk about Clinton, when the real news today is the fact that Trump's labor Secretary Alex Acosta abandoned a 53 page indictment of Jeffrey Epstein on child trafficking of minors for various sex acts. Do you Trump Toads have one ounce of decency? Do you not understand the real scandal here? Do you really give a shit? Of course not. This administration can do anything and you all don't care. The real scandal is the victims. Acosta washed his hands from any responsibility towards the victims. Who cares right? They were probably throw aways anyway. They can do anything and fuck you is how Trump voters look at everything now. They really suck;

Bill Clinton Lying About Epstein Relationship: Report

So can you confirm Conchita Sarnoff is a hard-right winger just out to screw the Clintons & Democrats?

View attachment 268719

The problem with these Trump Toads is they always show up here with the weakest arguments imaginable. Boss, take a chill pill about Clinton. We all know by now that is the only concern of Trump voters. Believe me, if Clinton is part of this, lock his ass up. The fact that you cowardly can't include Trump and Clinton is just too obvious.

That said, the real scandal today is Alex Acosta dropping a 53 page indictment that we already knew about, but found out today he would try and make excuses for it which were ludicrous. He dropped the indictment and surrendered to a plea deal that basically did nothing to Epstein. And it was also revealed he lied about some of the details today, while trying to blame some local prosecutors who later replied that Acosta was not telling an accurate story.

But your cowardly ass is in such a panic over names, the Trump Toads can only talk about Clinton, because they are scared to death Trump's name is on the list. You folks are pathetic.

And by the way, his name I'm sure will be included in that list.

View attachment 268728

And what the hell is wrong with you? My Guess the character assassination hate garbage GOP propaganda machine pure garbage, super duper. You've lost your tiny mind....

How fucked up do these folks have to be to try and change the thread topic to talk about Clinton, when Trump's own labor secretary got caught telling a bunch of lies relating to this case? Their own prosecutors called Acosta out on his lies today. I have never seen such a level of cowardice that is displayed by Trump's puppets who have to distract with Clinton. They are so weak and desperate. They don't get it. Clinton's name included and so what? Lock his ass up if found guilty of anything. And Trump? Can we lock him up too if they find out he raped a thirteen year old girl?
Exactly , they cry like babies and lash out in hate
Too bad you have no evidence of that, brainwashed functional moron. The only spike in violence is hate crimes against Jews
blacks gays and Muslims by right-wing ignoramus assholes.... Oops brainwashed functional assholes...
Yeah all faked like Jussie, the leftists hoaxes, no class fk face
It's a huge conspiracy, isn't it, conspiracy nut jobs?
No conspiracy it is HOAX, proven fk face
You said they were all fakes, liar.
One hoax=all hoax! Facts

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