OH SHIT! Epstein’s Lawyers Offer Plea Deal to Divulge Names in Exchange for 5 Year Sentence

I wonder if he realizes even in the remote chance the prosecutor takes this, he would have to do the entire time in AdSeg and snitches are killed in prison? If inmates find out he got a reduced sentence because he snitched he's done.
I wonder if he realizes even in the remote chance the prosecutor takes this, he would have to do the entire time in AdSeg and snitches are killed in prison? If inmates find out he got a reduced sentence because he snitched he's done.
Epstein is going to jail. Hell, even acosta had conflicting stories that didn't add up according to Julie brown of the Miami Herald who exposed epstein again;
That's odd.

According to you far right radical extremists the left is a bunch of snowflakes standing around holding hands singing kumbaya working day and night to take all weapons from everyone.

Now the left is violent.

You people need to come to one lie then stick to it. When you contradict yourselves you only show that you say what's convenient for you at the time you're saying it.

Which is true that you do that but you will be able to fool more stupid people if you remain consistent.
Exactly , they cry like babies and lash out in hate
Too bad you have no evidence of that, brainwashed functional moron. The only spike in violence is hate crimes against Jews
blacks gays and Muslims by right-wing ignoramus assholes.... Oops brainwashed functional assholes...
So you haven’t noticed the anti-Israel Platform of the Democratic Party?
Have some coffee.
No, why don't you show us the official platform.
That Muslim from Minnesota. You aren’t aware eh?
You're a liar. Thanks for the heads up as always.
I wonder if he realizes even in the remote chance the prosecutor takes this, he would have to do the entire time in AdSeg and snitches are killed in prison? If inmates find out he got a reduced sentence because he snitched he's done.
Epstein is going to jail. Hell, even acosta had conflicting stories that didn't add up according to Julie brown of the Miami Herald who exposed epstein again;

here we go ...........

The investigation resulted in a 53-page federal indictment. Alexander Acosta, then the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, agreed to a plea deal to grant immunity from all federal criminal charges to Epstein, along with four co-conspirators and any unnamed "potential co-conspirators". The deal halted the investigation and sealed the indictment.

So, Acosta granted immunity for JE from ALL federal charges, Acosta agreed to let named & unnamed co-conspirators go free, and Acosta SEALED THE GODDAMN INDICTMENT.

That is called a COVERUP.

Yep; nothing to see here; move along ..................

Epstein's team of defense lawyers included Gerald Lefcourt, Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, and the Special Prosecutor of Bill Clinton, Ken Starr.
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Get the popcorn ready. Bill Clinton likely gets the first bomb dropped on him. His travels to Epstein Island (6 without Secret Service) are already common knowledge. Then the lefties will demand prison for conservatives named, then claim the Dems involved had "no idea" what was going on. Even while they were partaking. "I had no idea that girl was underage officer." Bob Menendez comes to mind as well. His like of young girls is also well known.
your usual load of garbage propaganda and no one in the real world gives a crap about, brainwashed functional moron. Too bad you have no evidence and it will be proved again with this operation.....

Poor uneducated retarded fucktard. Too bad for you that all of this is PUBLIC RECORD. So all you've done is show that you are illiterate as well as stupid. A two-fer. Way to go moron!
Thanks to Acosta he let the cat out of the bag by telling the country he and the prosecutors fucked up. And to add insult to injury to these girls, Epstein got to show up at his office six days a week. The criminal bastard never went to jail for rape and pedophilia. Read post #306 by CaddoKid and get a clue.
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I wonder if he realizes even in the remote chance the prosecutor takes this, he would have to do the entire time in AdSeg and snitches are killed in prison? If inmates find out he got a reduced sentence because he snitched he's done.
Epstein is going to jail. Hell, even acosta had conflicting stories that didn't add up according to Julie brown of the Miami Herald who exposed epstein again;

here we go ...........

The investigation resulted in a 53-page federal indictment. Alexander Acosta, then the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, agreed to a plea deal to grant immunity from all federal criminal charges to Epstein, along with four co-conspirators and any unnamed "potential co-conspirators". The deal halted the investigation and sealed the indictment.

So, Acosta granted immunity for JE from ALL federal charges, Acosta agreed to let named & unnamed co-conspirators go free, and Acosta SEALED THE GODDAMN INDICTMENT.

That is called a COVERUP.

Yep; nothing to see here; move along ..................

Thanks! That is what I am talking about. His explanation about "the times have changed" is an excuse from a coward, a liar, and it's a cover up. Everything about his explanation today stunk to high heaven. Let's see now if Trump covers for this coward who failed to do his job.
Yes, the left is violent. That's obvious, mini-dupester.

That's odd.

According to you far right radical extremists the left is a bunch of snowflakes standing around holding hands singing kumbaya working day and night to take all weapons from everyone.

Now the left is violent.

You people need to come to one lie then stick to it. When you contradict yourselves you only show that you say what's convenient for you at the time you're saying it.

Which is true that you do that but you will be able to fool more stupid people if you remain consistent.
Exactly , they cry like babies and lash out in hate
Too bad you have no evidence of that, brainwashed functional moron. The only spike in violence is hate crimes against Jews
blacks gays and Muslims by right-wing ignoramus assholes.... Oops brainwashed functional assholes...
Yeah all faked like Jussie, the leftists hoaxes, no class fk face
It's a huge conspiracy, isn't it, conspiracy nut jobs?
No conspiracy it is HOAX, proven fk face
I wonder if he realizes even in the remote chance the prosecutor takes this, he would have to do the entire time in AdSeg and snitches are killed in prison? If inmates find out he got a reduced sentence because he snitched he's done.
Epstein is going to jail. Hell, even acosta had conflicting stories that didn't add up according to Julie brown of the Miami Herald who exposed epstein again;

here we go ...........

The investigation resulted in a 53-page federal indictment. Alexander Acosta, then the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, agreed to a plea deal to grant immunity from all federal criminal charges to Epstein, along with four co-conspirators and any unnamed "potential co-conspirators". The deal halted the investigation and sealed the indictment.

So, Acosta granted immunity for JE from ALL federal charges, Acosta agreed to let named & unnamed co-conspirators go free, and Acosta SEALED THE GODDAMN INDICTMENT.

That is called a COVERUP.

Yep; nothing to see here; move along ..................

Thanks! That is what I am talking about. His explanation about "the times have changed" is an excuse from a coward, a liar, and it's a cover up. Everything about his explanation today stunk to high heaven. Let's see now if Trump covers for this coward who failed to do his job.

"times have changed" all right but Acosta never change his shitty smelling underwear because he smells like a shit sandwich
I wonder if he realizes even in the remote chance the prosecutor takes this, he would have to do the entire time in AdSeg and snitches are killed in prison? If inmates find out he got a reduced sentence because he snitched he's done.
I wonder who you are cheering for?
Anyone check the outbound bookings on the airlines yet?


Bill's itinerary just changed....he has a sudden speech to give for the Clinton Foundation in the nearest country that doesn't have extradition.......
another phony Scandal about the clintons and Democrats that only you idiots believe, certainly not respected journalism or law enforcement, dumbass brain-washed functional moron.

It does seem strange if the Clinton's and other powerful individuals why the young ladies haven't told anyone. What do they have to lose implicating everyone involved?
I wonder if he realizes even in the remote chance the prosecutor takes this, he would have to do the entire time in AdSeg and snitches are killed in prison? If inmates find out he got a reduced sentence because he snitched he's done.
Epstein is going to jail. Hell, even acosta had conflicting stories that didn't add up according to Julie brown of the Miami Herald who exposed epstein again;

here we go ...........

The investigation resulted in a 53-page federal indictment. Alexander Acosta, then the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, agreed to a plea deal to grant immunity from all federal criminal charges to Epstein, along with four co-conspirators and any unnamed "potential co-conspirators". The deal halted the investigation and sealed the indictment.

So, Acosta granted immunity for JE from ALL federal charges, Acosta agreed to let named & unnamed co-conspirators go free, and Acosta SEALED THE GODDAMN INDICTMENT.

That is called a COVERUP.

Yep; nothing to see here; move along ..................

Thanks! That is what I am talking about. His explanation about "the times have changed" is an excuse from a coward, a liar, and it's a cover up. Everything about his explanation today stunk to high heaven. Let's see now if Trump covers for this coward who failed to do his job.

"times have changed" all right but Acosta never change his shitty smelling underwear because he smells like a shit sandwich

He had everything he needed down there to fight this case and didn't. He totally dropped the ball. He wanted to paint the picture that he was not going to win so he struck a sweet heart deal made for a king. It doesn't matter. Who did he think he was working for at the time? And why is Acosta labor secretary for Trump who was a good buddy with Epstein and went to his sex parties? We all know the answer to that one.
Anyone check the outbound bookings on the airlines yet?


Bill's itinerary just changed....he has a sudden speech to give for the Clinton Foundation in the nearest country that doesn't have extradition.......
another phony Scandal about the clintons and Democrats that only you idiots believe, certainly not respected journalism or law enforcement, dumbass brain-washed functional moron.

It does seem strange if the Clinton's and other powerful individuals why the young ladies haven't told anyone. What do they have to lose implicating everyone involved?
Release all the names. Trump was there at the private parties, so let the list be shown.
This guy is in no position to bargain with anyone. The names of the other scumbags will come out soon enough. They can run, but they can’t hide. The only ones coming out of this in a positive situation, is his legal team. $$$

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I wonder if he realizes even in the remote chance the prosecutor takes this, he would have to do the entire time in AdSeg and snitches are killed in prison? If inmates find out he got a reduced sentence because he snitched he's done.
Epstein is going to jail. Hell, even acosta had conflicting stories that didn't add up according to Julie brown of the Miami Herald who exposed epstein again;

here we go ...........

The investigation resulted in a 53-page federal indictment. Alexander Acosta, then the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, agreed to a plea deal to grant immunity from all federal criminal charges to Epstein, along with four co-conspirators and any unnamed "potential co-conspirators". The deal halted the investigation and sealed the indictment.

So, Acosta granted immunity for JE from ALL federal charges, Acosta agreed to let named & unnamed co-conspirators go free, and Acosta SEALED THE GODDAMN INDICTMENT.

That is called a COVERUP.

Yep; nothing to see here; move along ..................

Thanks! That is what I am talking about. His explanation about "the times have changed" is an excuse from a coward, a liar, and it's a cover up. Everything about his explanation today stunk to high heaven. Let's see now if Trump covers for this coward who failed to do his job.

"times have changed" all right but Acosta never change his shitty smelling underwear because he smells like a shit sandwich

He had everything he needed down there to fight this case and didn't. He totally dropped the ball. He wanted to paint the picture that he was not going to win so he struck a sweet heart deal made for a king. It doesn't matter. Who did he think he was working for at the time? And why is Acosta labor secretary for Trump who was a good buddy with Epstein and went to his sex parties? We all know the answer to that one.

This guy is in no position to bargain with anyone. The names of the other scumbags will come out soon enough. They can run, but they can’t hide. The only ones coming out of this in a positive situation, is his legal team. $$$

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I want them all now! Why don’t you? Are you a kids don’t count person?
Anyone check the outbound bookings on the airlines yet?


Bill's itinerary just changed....he has a sudden speech to give for the Clinton Foundation in the nearest country that doesn't have extradition.......
another phony Scandal about the clintons and Democrats that only you idiots believe, certainly not respected journalism or law enforcement, dumbass brain-washed functional moron.

Forget the Clintons... I'll bet there are politicians of both stripes shaking in their boots right now .

Mostly Dems. Epstein helped Clinton set up the Clinton Foundation - he's a total Lib.

And he is a long time friend of Donald Trump.

Donnie said they had a falling out in the 90’s, and haven’t spoken since. That should be easy enough to verify. But slimy Bill Clinton and him are butt buddies. We all know what a POS he is.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's odd.

According to you far right radical extremists the left is a bunch of snowflakes standing around holding hands singing kumbaya working day and night to take all weapons from everyone.

Now the left is violent.

You people need to come to one lie then stick to it. When you contradict yourselves you only show that you say what's convenient for you at the time you're saying it.

Which is true that you do that but you will be able to fool more stupid people if you remain consistent.
Exactly , they cry like babies and lash out in hate
Too bad you have no evidence of that, brainwashed functional moron. The only spike in violence is hate crimes against Jews
blacks gays and Muslims by right-wing ignoramus assholes.... Oops brainwashed functional assholes...
Yeah all faked like Jussie, the leftists hoaxes, no class fk face
It's a huge conspiracy, isn't it, conspiracy nut jobs?
No conspiracy it is HOAX, proven fk face
You said they were all fakes, liar.

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