OH SHIT! Epstein’s Lawyers Offer Plea Deal to Divulge Names in Exchange for 5 Year Sentence

Every Democrat and Republican in our intelligence committees and community have said that it was Russia and Russia wanted Trump to win. They hacked the DNC server and gave all those emails that fox noise Rush etcetera etc blew out of all proportion, super duper. Change the channel and get some actual news.

Wrong yet again. You forget to mention that once the investigation started, that "ever intelligence agency" became 10, then 5, then 3, then it was revealed that it was ONLY little Jimmy Clapper who thought that. No, Russia did NOT hack the DNC server. Proven by experts. The time frame given and the amount of information taken showed it HAD to be an inside job. No outside source had the speed capabilities needed. Asante has stated multiple times Russia had ZERO to do with the e-mails. That was idiot Podesta giving up his password WILLINGLY in a phishing scam. You really need to stop listening to CNN and MS13NBC and watch some adult news.
and whatever you do don't listen to AP Reuters the BBC France 24 the hindustani * any newspaper not published by Rupert Murdoch. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
Why do you want to protect pedos? You’re a sick fk
I've got this thing about the truth following evidence and allowing law enforcement to do their job lol. All you have is garbage propaganda that has never gone anywhere in the real world, brainwashed functional moron. Trump and Clinton are innocent until proven guilty-at this point there isn't even any evidence against them LOL. Unlike the way you idiots and the GOP propaganda machine do things...
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Russia Russia zip nadda and yet impeach 45 right? It must really be tough to look in a mirror for you, no honor honesty or dignity
Zip on Fox and Rush that is, brainwashed functional moron conspiracy Nut Job.
Blow Job looking for a place to not be extradited from?...ROTFLMFAO!!!!!

The Epoch Times ^ | July 9, 2019 Updated: July 9, 2019 | By Bowen Xiao

Alleged child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein will agree to give up names of individuals who took part in the trafficking ring he ran—in exchange for a substantially lower sentence.

A two-count indictment unsealed by federal prosecutors on July 8 charged the 66-year-old billionaire financier with sex trafficking and conspiracy charges. Epstein allegedly sexually exploited and abused dozens of minor girls at his homes in Manhattan, New York, and Palm Beach, Florida, among other locations.

The charges carry with them a maximum sentence of 45 years in jail. At Epstein’s age, the charges are tantamount to “a life sentence” Geoffrey Berman, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said at a press conference.

Mod Edit - "You are only to post an excerpt of an article, not the entire thing

The dem underground even picked up on the reported fire that broke out
Anyone check the outbound bookings on the airlines yet?


Bill's itinerary just changed....he has a sudden speech to give for the Clinton Foundation in the nearest country that doesn't have extradition.......
another phony Scandal about the clintons and Democrats that only you idiots believe, certainly not respected journalism or law enforcement, dumbass brain-washed functional moron.

Forget the Clintons... I'll bet there are politicians of both stripes shaking in their boots right now .

I wonder if that fire was real The idiots at the democratic underground picked up that blog piece

Guy had a staff of 70 on his islands
The first responders are already hard at it.
it's a conspiracy of every respected law enforcement and journalist in the world!! LOL

Your assignment, obviously, is to wade into every and any scandal that touches a democrat and scream "Propaganda!", "Lies!", "Moron!", etc. And that's when you're sober. It goes downhill from there.

Classic diversionary tactics.
Rupert Murdoch and his ridiculous GOP propaganda machine along with Rush etc etc is the story of the last 30 years, along with the GOP being a lying total disgrace along with its dupes like you. And no there is no conspiracy against you. You are just ignorant masses misinformed, all to save the rich from paying their fair share, which you don't know about either LOL. Stupidest voters in the modern world....

Actually, the story of the last 30 years is the rise of the internet and how it is reshaping the world, but I wouldn't expect a propaganda believing political mini-dupe to know that, and you're not disappointing. Are you still sober? I ask because you're getting less coherent.
I understand the guy perfectly. Are you sober?
You hitting the same hooch eh?
Wrong yet again. You forget to mention that once the investigation started, that "ever intelligence agency" became 10, then 5, then 3, then it was revealed that it was ONLY little Jimmy Clapper who thought that. No, Russia did NOT hack the DNC server. Proven by experts. The time frame given and the amount of information taken showed it HAD to be an inside job. No outside source had the speed capabilities needed. Asante has stated multiple times Russia had ZERO to do with the e-mails. That was idiot Podesta giving up his password WILLINGLY in a phishing scam. You really need to stop listening to CNN and MS13NBC and watch some adult news.
and whatever you do don't listen to AP Reuters the BBC France 24 the hindustani * any newspaper not published by Rupert Murdoch. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
Why do you want to protect pedos? You’re a sick fk
I've got this thing about the truth following evidence and allowing law enforcement to do their job lol. All you have is garbage propaganda that has never gone anywhere in the real world, brainwashed functional moron. Trump and Clinton are innocent until proven guilty-at this point there isn't even any evidence against them LOL. Unlike the way you idiots and the GOP propaganda machine do things...
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Russia Russia zip nadda and yet impeach 45 right? It must really be tough to look in a mirror for you, no honor honesty or dignity
Zip on Fox and Rush that is, brainwashed functional moron conspiracy Nut Job.
The word is consistent, you should look it up
But Russia Russia happened with absolutely zero evidence! Ohhhh the irony of the leftists
Every Democrat and Republican in our intelligence committees and community have said that it was Russia and Russia wanted Trump to win. They hacked the DNC server and gave all those emails that fox noise Rush etcetera etc blew out of all proportion, super duper. Change the channel and get some actual news.

Wrong yet again. You forget to mention that once the investigation started, that "ever intelligence agency" became 10, then 5, then 3, then it was revealed that it was ONLY little Jimmy Clapper who thought that. No, Russia did NOT hack the DNC server. Proven by experts. The time frame given and the amount of information taken showed it HAD to be an inside job. No outside source had the speed capabilities needed. Asante has stated multiple times Russia had ZERO to do with the e-mails. That was idiot Podesta giving up his password WILLINGLY in a phishing scam. You really need to stop listening to CNN and MS13NBC and watch some adult news.
and whatever you do don't listen to AP Reuters the BBC France 24 the hindustani * any newspaper not published by Rupert Murdoch. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
Why do you want to protect pedos? You’re a sick fk
I've got this thing about the truth following evidence and allowing law enforcement to do their job lol. All you have is garbage propaganda that has never gone anywhere in the real world, brainwashed functional moron. Trump and Clinton are innocent until proven guilty-at this point there isn't even any evidence against them LOL. Unlike the way you idiots and the GOP propaganda machine do things...
What propaganda? Why can’t you answer
You desire Bill Clinton as your sex slave? He could wear a Rear Admiral's uniform to arouse you.
They have nothing on Clinton or Trump, but the potential for evidence is stronger for Trump because he actually went to the party. Can you imagine this? Trump and Epstein are in a mansion with 28 under age girls over the weekend for a party. What could possibly go wrong? :auiqs.jpg: This is why Trump cultists are shitting their pants.
The problem is no matter which republican he accuses the ah's here will cry lie lie he's a pervert ,how can you believe him? ,,And all that could be said then is you made a pervert Trump, president
Why would we do that? I give two shits who, why do you? Why are you all protecting a possible pedophile Clinton? I swear you all really have no actual morals
Illegals are no more illegal than the countries the US invaded while taking over their governments, their resources, and their jobs. That is why we have a refugee crisis. Why are Trump voters so misinformed and stupid about this fact?A Century of U.S. Intervention Created the Immigration Crisis

You are a loon. But here's a thought! How about you try to illegally immigrate to Mexico...or Saudi Arabia...or North Korea...or China..or Australia...or Iran...or Russia...or Italy....and see how you are treated.
Your lack of honesty, and your inability to challenge facts on the ground, shows the rest of us what a real loser looks like. You call a Trump Toad out on his or her lies, they get caught. Call them out on the facts and they are nothing but ignorant Toads carrying water for an illegal president. How fuckin sick is that people?

Illegal president? Boy, am I glad we don't have that, because that would be bad.
How much worse do you want it ? You must be into pain

I'm still chuckling at the "illegal president" comment. Surely you jest. If Hillary was trying to act like she was president, nite THAT would be an illegal president.
He's NOT illegal just the worst garbage repubs ever put into our WH and they're responsible for a lot of crap there
They have nothing on Clinton or Trump, but the potential for evidence is stronger for Trump because he actually went to the party. Can you imagine this? Trump and Epstein are in a mansion with 28 under age girls over the weekend for a party. What could possibly go wrong? :auiqs.jpg: This is why Trump cultists are shitting their pants.
The problem is no matter which republican he accuses the ah's here will cry lie lie he's a pervert ,how can you believe him? ,,And all that could be said then is you made a pervert Trump, president
Why would we do that? I give two shits who, why do you? Why are you all protecting a possible pedophile Clinton? I swear you all really have no actual morals
You are a loon. But here's a thought! How about you try to illegally immigrate to Mexico...or Saudi Arabia...or North Korea...or China..or Australia...or Iran...or Russia...or Italy....and see how you are treated.
Your lack of honesty, and your inability to challenge facts on the ground, shows the rest of us what a real loser looks like. You call a Trump Toad out on his or her lies, they get caught. Call them out on the facts and they are nothing but ignorant Toads carrying water for an illegal president. How fuckin sick is that people?

Illegal president? Boy, am I glad we don't have that, because that would be bad.
How much worse do you want it ? You must be into pain

I'm still chuckling at the "illegal president" comment. Surely you jest. If Hillary was trying to act like she was president, nite THAT would be an illegal president.
He's NOT illegal just the worst garbage repubs ever put into our WH and they're responsible for a lot of crap there
Worse how exactly, make a list, then get on subject
He needs to reach higher this time. I predict something along the lines of "that depends on what the meaning of 'on the plane' is", followed by the trained seal sycophants clapping their flippers and honking their horns in unison at how awesome was his response.

Bubba is counting on his MSM Praetorian Guard to protect him by attacking Trump.

The first responders are already hard at it.
it's a conspiracy of every respected law enforcement and journalist in the world!! LOL

Your assignment, obviously, is to wade into every and any scandal that touches a democrat and scream "Propaganda!", "Lies!", "Moron!", etc. And that's when you're sober. It goes downhill from there.

Classic diversionary tactics.
Not at all. What is the proven diversion?

For starters, you attempting to further drag the discussion away from Bubba's pecadillos. Are you the NPC's sock, or just assigned to protect him?

Bubba has destroyed his own credibility in regards to sexual matters, so his word is worthless. It's going to be interesting.
It's the truth. Motor Voter has known issues in which illegals were registered to vote. And then there is the fraud conducted through known vote harvesting.

And SRSLY, why are the Dems so passionate about letting illegals into the country: easy peasy lemon squeezy - to replace the middle class voters they have lost due to their inane policies.
Illegals are no more illegal than the countries the US invaded while taking over their governments, their resources, and their jobs. That is why we have a refugee crisis. Why are Trump voters so misinformed and stupid about this fact?A Century of U.S. Intervention Created the Immigration Crisis

You are a loon. But here's a thought! How about you try to illegally immigrate to Mexico...or Saudi Arabia...or North Korea...or China..or Australia...or Iran...or Russia...or Italy....and see how you are treated.
Your lack of honesty, and your inability to challenge facts on the ground, shows the rest of us what a real loser looks like. You call a Trump Toad out on his or her lies, they get caught. Call them out on the facts and they are nothing but ignorant Toads carrying water for an illegal president. How fuckin sick is that people?

Illegal president? Boy, am I glad we don't have that, because that would be bad.
It's bad.

Well, we don't have an illegal president, so there's that. I mean, it's not like we installed Hillary even though she was soundly defeated.
Why can't you admit he's the biggest jack off ever to enter our WH BUT he's your jack off?
Bubba is counting on his MSM Praetorian Guard to protect him by attacking Trump.

The first responders are already hard at it.
it's a conspiracy of every respected law enforcement and journalist in the world!! LOL

Your assignment, obviously, is to wade into every and any scandal that touches a democrat and scream "Propaganda!", "Lies!", "Moron!", etc. And that's when you're sober. It goes downhill from there.

Classic diversionary tactics.
Rupert Murdoch and his ridiculous GOP propaganda machine along with Rush etc etc is the story of the last 30 years, along with the GOP being a lying total disgrace along with its dupes like you. And no there is no conspiracy against you. You are just ignorant masses misinformed, all to save the rich from paying their fair share, which you don't know about either LOL. Stupidest voters in the modern world....

Actually, the story of the last 30 years is the rise of the internet and how it is reshaping the world, but I wouldn't expect a propaganda believing political mini-dupe to know that, and you're not disappointing. Are you still sober? I ask because you're getting less coherent.
And how the right wing around the world uses it to spread misinformation and hate, Super Dupe. Sort of a repetition of the 30s chaos and militarism and fascism after THAT GOP corrupt World economic meltdown. always a catastrophe. Too bad you know nothing about anything except total garbage.
You desire Bill Clinton as your sex slave? He could wear a Rear Admiral's uniform to arouse you.
They have nothing on Clinton or Trump, but the potential for evidence is stronger for Trump because he actually went to the party. Can you imagine this? Trump and Epstein are in a mansion with 28 under age girls over the weekend for a party. What could possibly go wrong? :auiqs.jpg: This is why Trump cultists are shitting their pants.
The problem is no matter which republican he accuses the ah's here will cry lie lie he's a pervert ,how can you believe him? ,,And all that could be said then is you made a pervert Trump, president
Why would we do that? I give two shits who, why do you? Why are you all protecting a possible pedophile Clinton? I swear you all really have no actual morals
Illegals are no more illegal than the countries the US invaded while taking over their governments, their resources, and their jobs. That is why we have a refugee crisis. Why are Trump voters so misinformed and stupid about this fact?A Century of U.S. Intervention Created the Immigration Crisis

You are a loon. But here's a thought! How about you try to illegally immigrate to Mexico...or Saudi Arabia...or North Korea...or China..or Australia...or Iran...or Russia...or Italy....and see how you are treated.
Your lack of honesty, and your inability to challenge facts on the ground, shows the rest of us what a real loser looks like. You call a Trump Toad out on his or her lies, they get caught. Call them out on the facts and they are nothing but ignorant Toads carrying water for an illegal president. How fuckin sick is that people?

Illegal president? Boy, am I glad we don't have that, because that would be bad.
How much worse do you want it ? You must be into pain

I'm still chuckling at the "illegal president" comment. Surely you jest. If Hillary was trying to act like she was president, nite THAT would be an illegal president.
If you've got the balls to lock horns with a proven illegal election, I'm here any time for you; The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act


Cambridge Analytica bosses were secretly filmed boasting about how they helped Trump win the US election
He needs to reach higher this time. I predict something along the lines of "that depends on what the meaning of 'on the plane' is", followed by the trained seal sycophants clapping their flippers and honking their horns in unison at how awesome was his response.

Bubba is counting on his MSM Praetorian Guard to protect him by attacking Trump.

The first responders are already hard at it.
it's a conspiracy of every respected law enforcement and journalist in the world!! LOL

Your assignment, obviously, is to wade into every and any scandal that touches a democrat and scream "Propaganda!", "Lies!", "Moron!", etc. And that's when you're sober. It goes downhill from there.

Classic diversionary tactics.
Rupert Murdoch and his ridiculous GOP propaganda machine along with Rush etc etc is the story of the last 30 years, along with the GOP being a lying total disgrace along with its dupes like you. And no there is no conspiracy against you. You are just ignorant masses misinformed, all to save the rich from paying their fair share, which you don't know about either LOL. Stupidest voters in the modern world....

Frankie, you are clearly hypoglycemic. Ask your mom for a few Hot Pockets before it's too late!
They have nothing on Clinton or Trump, but the potential for evidence is stronger for Trump because he actually went to the party. Can you imagine this? Trump and Epstein are in a mansion with 28 under age girls over the weekend for a party. What could possibly go wrong? :auiqs.jpg: This is why Trump cultists are shitting their pants.
The problem is no matter which republican he accuses the ah's here will cry lie lie he's a pervert ,how can you believe him? ,,And all that could be said then is you made a pervert Trump, president
Why would we do that? I give two shits who, why do you? Why are you all protecting a possible pedophile Clinton? I swear you all really have no actual morals
You are a loon. But here's a thought! How about you try to illegally immigrate to Mexico...or Saudi Arabia...or North Korea...or China..or Australia...or Iran...or Russia...or Italy....and see how you are treated.
Your lack of honesty, and your inability to challenge facts on the ground, shows the rest of us what a real loser looks like. You call a Trump Toad out on his or her lies, they get caught. Call them out on the facts and they are nothing but ignorant Toads carrying water for an illegal president. How fuckin sick is that people?

Illegal president? Boy, am I glad we don't have that, because that would be bad.
How much worse do you want it ? You must be into pain

I'm still chuckling at the "illegal president" comment. Surely you jest. If Hillary was trying to act like she was president, nite THAT would be an illegal president.
If you've got the balls to lock horns with a proven illegal election, I'm here any time for you; The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act


Cambridge Analytica bosses were secretly filmed boasting about how they helped Trump win the US election

You fks aren’t smart? Is that what you’re saying? Don’t know how to get IDs can’t find buildings? Wow, why should you vote?
The first responders are already hard at it.
it's a conspiracy of every respected law enforcement and journalist in the world!! LOL

Your assignment, obviously, is to wade into every and any scandal that touches a democrat and scream "Propaganda!", "Lies!", "Moron!", etc. And that's when you're sober. It goes downhill from there.

Classic diversionary tactics.
Rupert Murdoch and his ridiculous GOP propaganda machine along with Rush etc etc is the story of the last 30 years, along with the GOP being a lying total disgrace along with its dupes like you. And no there is no conspiracy against you. You are just ignorant masses misinformed, all to save the rich from paying their fair share, which you don't know about either LOL. Stupidest voters in the modern world....

Actually, the story of the last 30 years is the rise of the internet and how it is reshaping the world, but I wouldn't expect a propaganda believing political mini-dupe to know that, and you're not disappointing. Are you still sober? I ask because you're getting less coherent.
I understand the guy perfectly. Are you sober?

Oh, absolutely. Now, do you understand him perfectly because you're his sock or because you're assigned to protect him? And that doesn't let Bubba off the hook.
Last edited:
Bubba is counting on his MSM Praetorian Guard to protect him by attacking Trump.

The first responders are already hard at it.
it's a conspiracy of every respected law enforcement and journalist in the world!! LOL

Your assignment, obviously, is to wade into every and any scandal that touches a democrat and scream "Propaganda!", "Lies!", "Moron!", etc. And that's when you're sober. It goes downhill from there.

Classic diversionary tactics.
Not at all. What is the proven diversion?

For starters, you attempting to further drag the discussion away from Bubba's pecadillos. Are you the NPC's sock, or just assigned to protect him?

Bubba has destroyed his own credibility in regards to sexual matters, so his word is worthless. It's going to be interesting.
With you nitwits everyones word is worthless except the AH trumps
They have nothing on Clinton or Trump, but the potential for evidence is stronger for Trump because he actually went to the party. Can you imagine this? Trump and Epstein are in a mansion with 28 under age girls over the weekend for a party. What could possibly go wrong? :auiqs.jpg: This is why Trump cultists are shitting their pants.
The problem is no matter which republican he accuses the ah's here will cry lie lie he's a pervert ,how can you believe him? ,,And all that could be said then is you made a pervert Trump, president
Why would we do that? I give two shits who, why do you? Why are you all protecting a possible pedophile Clinton? I swear you all really have no actual morals
You are a loon. But here's a thought! How about you try to illegally immigrate to Mexico...or Saudi Arabia...or North Korea...or China..or Australia...or Iran...or Russia...or Italy....and see how you are treated.
Your lack of honesty, and your inability to challenge facts on the ground, shows the rest of us what a real loser looks like. You call a Trump Toad out on his or her lies, they get caught. Call them out on the facts and they are nothing but ignorant Toads carrying water for an illegal president. How fuckin sick is that people?

Illegal president? Boy, am I glad we don't have that, because that would be bad.
How much worse do you want it ? You must be into pain

I'm still chuckling at the "illegal president" comment. Surely you jest. If Hillary was trying to act like she was president, nite THAT would be an illegal president.
He's NOT illegal just the worst garbage repubs ever put into our WH and they're responsible for a lot of crap there

Now you just need to convince the other poster of that.
The first responders are already hard at it.
it's a conspiracy of every respected law enforcement and journalist in the world!! LOL

Your assignment, obviously, is to wade into every and any scandal that touches a democrat and scream "Propaganda!", "Lies!", "Moron!", etc. And that's when you're sober. It goes downhill from there.

Classic diversionary tactics.
Rupert Murdoch and his ridiculous GOP propaganda machine along with Rush etc etc is the story of the last 30 years, along with the GOP being a lying total disgrace along with its dupes like you. And no there is no conspiracy against you. You are just ignorant masses misinformed, all to save the rich from paying their fair share, which you don't know about either LOL. Stupidest voters in the modern world....

Actually, the story of the last 30 years is the rise of the internet and how it is reshaping the world, but I wouldn't expect a propaganda believing political mini-dupe to know that, and you're not disappointing. Are you still sober? I ask because you're getting less coherent.
And how the right wing around the world uses it to spread misinformation and hate, Super Dupe. Sort of a repetition of the 30s chaos and militarism and fascism after THAT GOP corrupt World economic meltdown. always a catastrophe. Too bad you know nothing about anything except total garbage.

Oh, so you have heard of the internet there in the fever swamps.

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