OH SHIT! Epstein’s Lawyers Offer Plea Deal to Divulge Names in Exchange for 5 Year Sentence

this epstein guy is quite odd... he couldn't cut college so he dropped out... yet he is supposedly really really smart... some say he really has no real friends... those that associate w/ him, he has dirt on them....one author of his biography wrote....

how did he go from a college drop out to a billionaire? And the mansion he owns in NYC, turns out it was given to him, by a rich client, the gift was hidden for 10 plus years....Just some weird stuff and weird connections......

VERY GOOD READ on all who are on the, who's who list, that he knew....
Woody Allen is one of them...

Jeffrey Epstein’s Rolodex: A Guide to His Famous Friends and Acquaintances
Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years,

  • Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS

    President Donald Trump plotted his takedown of accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s elite inner circle during the 2016 election, convening a meeting with then-National Enquirer owner David Pecker prior to Trump’s comment at CPAC 2015 about how Bill Clinton has a Jeffrey Epstein problem.
    Vanity Fair reports: “Trump had been following the story closely. In the week or so leading up to his CPAC speech, David Pecker, who owned the Enquirer until it was sold in ruin earlier this year, visited Trump on the 26th floor of Trump Tower, bringing along an issue with a Prince Andrew and Epstein-related cover, according to people familiar with the meeting. Pecker, of course, was in the business of protecting Trump…Pecker, he later told me, used to send him articles and issues before they were published so that he and Trump could read them. After the meeting Trump called in Sam Nunberg, then a Trump Organization employee, who saw Pecker leaving Trump’s office. “Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk,” Nunberg recalled. “He said not to tell anyone, but that Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.'”
    (Excerpt) Read more atREPORT: Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS - Big League Politics
    Well, what we do know is that Trump made the threat to exposed Epstein 3 years ago. And the Clintonites are busy scrubbing the web with anything referring to Clinton and Epstein. The problem is, the pictures and the information is out there already downloaded. Like pictures of Bill on the Lolita Express ....

  • Rachel Chandler at age 14.?....after Blow Job did her he probably passed her on to the Hildebeast to REALLY show her what perverted sex was!!,
oh, and Seth Rich was dead before Guciffer2 transferred the files to wikileaks...

Nah, Seth Rich was ROLLED...except instead of taking his wallet, watch, and phone, they shot him twice in the back and ran away. I'm from Detroit and I can assure you it doesn't work that way. The only question is who murdered him (2 black men the DC police have never found) and why (uh, let's see.....if it was him that hacked Podesta's emails who did that harm.?..let me think...). BTW, Podesta's emails were real, the information was real, and like Dale said, there's no way somebody in Moscow pulled it off....too far away, transfer impossibly slow, and I doubt they knew he was stupid enough to have a password that was "password". It was Seth Rich, a Bernie fan, and the Clintons had him murdered for it.


you must be a FAUX NEWS watcher :dunno:

Seth put up a fight, his hands were bruised his face was bruise...

cops were only a block or so away, when an automated gunfire alarm went off, they turned on sirens, 2 shakes they were there, Seth still alive, the perp was gone.

no time to steal anything

Murder of Seth Rich - RationalWiki
Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years,

  • Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS

    President Donald Trump plotted his takedown of accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s elite inner circle during the 2016 election, convening a meeting with then-National Enquirer owner David Pecker prior to Trump’s comment at CPAC 2015 about how Bill Clinton has a Jeffrey Epstein problem.
    Vanity Fair reports: “Trump had been following the story closely. In the week or so leading up to his CPAC speech, David Pecker, who owned the Enquirer until it was sold in ruin earlier this year, visited Trump on the 26th floor of Trump Tower, bringing along an issue with a Prince Andrew and Epstein-related cover, according to people familiar with the meeting. Pecker, of course, was in the business of protecting Trump…Pecker, he later told me, used to send him articles and issues before they were published so that he and Trump could read them. After the meeting Trump called in Sam Nunberg, then a Trump Organization employee, who saw Pecker leaving Trump’s office. “Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk,” Nunberg recalled. “He said not to tell anyone, but that Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.'”
    (Excerpt) Read more atREPORT: Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS - Big League Politics
    Well, what we do know is that Trump made the threat to exposed Epstein 3 years ago. And the Clintonites are busy scrubbing the web with anything referring to Clinton and Epstein. The problem is, the pictures and the information is out there already downloaded. Like pictures of Bill on the Lolita Express ....

  • Rachel Chandler at age 14.?....after Blow Job did her he probably passed her on to the Hildebeast to REALLY show her what perverted sex was!!,
And here's a photo of trump with an under aged minor...


... she looks very uncomfortable as he's reaching for her breasts.

Last edited:
Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years,

  • Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS

    President Donald Trump plotted his takedown of accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s elite inner circle during the 2016 election, convening a meeting with then-National Enquirer owner David Pecker prior to Trump’s comment at CPAC 2015 about how Bill Clinton has a Jeffrey Epstein problem.
    Vanity Fair reports: “Trump had been following the story closely. In the week or so leading up to his CPAC speech, David Pecker, who owned the Enquirer until it was sold in ruin earlier this year, visited Trump on the 26th floor of Trump Tower, bringing along an issue with a Prince Andrew and Epstein-related cover, according to people familiar with the meeting. Pecker, of course, was in the business of protecting Trump…Pecker, he later told me, used to send him articles and issues before they were published so that he and Trump could read them. After the meeting Trump called in Sam Nunberg, then a Trump Organization employee, who saw Pecker leaving Trump’s office. “Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk,” Nunberg recalled. “He said not to tell anyone, but that Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.'”
    (Excerpt) Read more atREPORT: Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS - Big League Politics
    Well, what we do know is that Trump made the threat to exposed Epstein 3 years ago. And the Clintonites are busy scrubbing the web with anything referring to Clinton and Epstein. The problem is, the pictures and the information is out there already downloaded. Like pictures of Bill on the Lolita Express ....

  • Rachel Chandler at age 14.?....after Blow Job did her he probably passed her on to the Hildebeast to REALLY show her what perverted sex was!!,
And here's a photo of trump with an under aged minor...

View attachment 269279

... she looks very uncomfortable as he's reaching for her breasts.


Baby Deer you have just been PAWNED and proven as a lying, piece of leftist garbage that you are....Do a Google Search of that picture and you find out that that little girl....IS HIS DAUGHTER, IVANKA A FEW DOZEN YEARS AGO.....GOD I hope YOU never have any children....scumbucket BTW HERE IS IVANKA A YEAR OR SO LATER WITH HER DAD... WHAT A CREEPY BASTARD YOU ARE!!! YOU ARE OWNED!!!!!

Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years,

  • Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS

    President Donald Trump plotted his takedown of accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s elite inner circle during the 2016 election, convening a meeting with then-National Enquirer owner David Pecker prior to Trump’s comment at CPAC 2015 about how Bill Clinton has a Jeffrey Epstein problem.
    Vanity Fair reports: “Trump had been following the story closely. In the week or so leading up to his CPAC speech, David Pecker, who owned the Enquirer until it was sold in ruin earlier this year, visited Trump on the 26th floor of Trump Tower, bringing along an issue with a Prince Andrew and Epstein-related cover, according to people familiar with the meeting. Pecker, of course, was in the business of protecting Trump…Pecker, he later told me, used to send him articles and issues before they were published so that he and Trump could read them. After the meeting Trump called in Sam Nunberg, then a Trump Organization employee, who saw Pecker leaving Trump’s office. “Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk,” Nunberg recalled. “He said not to tell anyone, but that Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.'”
    (Excerpt) Read more atREPORT: Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS - Big League Politics
    Well, what we do know is that Trump made the threat to exposed Epstein 3 years ago. And the Clintonites are busy scrubbing the web with anything referring to Clinton and Epstein. The problem is, the pictures and the information is out there already downloaded. Like pictures of Bill on the Lolita Express ....

  • Rachel Chandler at age 14.?....after Blow Job did her he probably passed her on to the Hildebeast to REALLY show her what perverted sex was!!,
And here's a photo of trump with an under aged minor...

View attachment 269279

... she looks very uncomfortable as he's reaching for her breasts.


Baby Deer you have just been PAWNED and proven as a lying, piece of leftist garbage that you are....Do a Google Search of that picture and you find out that that little girl....IS HIS DAUGHTER, IVANKA A FEW DOZEN YEARS AGO.....GOD I hope YOU never have any children....scumbucket BTW HERE IS IVANKA A YEAR OR SO LATER WITH HER DAD... WHAT A CREEPY BASTARD YOU ARE!!! YOU ARE OWNED!!!!!


Yes. That's the same daughter that he calls a great piece of ass. I guess he would know
Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years,

  • Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS

    President Donald Trump plotted his takedown of accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s elite inner circle during the 2016 election, convening a meeting with then-National Enquirer owner David Pecker prior to Trump’s comment at CPAC 2015 about how Bill Clinton has a Jeffrey Epstein problem.
    Vanity Fair reports: “Trump had been following the story closely. In the week or so leading up to his CPAC speech, David Pecker, who owned the Enquirer until it was sold in ruin earlier this year, visited Trump on the 26th floor of Trump Tower, bringing along an issue with a Prince Andrew and Epstein-related cover, according to people familiar with the meeting. Pecker, of course, was in the business of protecting Trump…Pecker, he later told me, used to send him articles and issues before they were published so that he and Trump could read them. After the meeting Trump called in Sam Nunberg, then a Trump Organization employee, who saw Pecker leaving Trump’s office. “Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk,” Nunberg recalled. “He said not to tell anyone, but that Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.'”
    (Excerpt) Read more atREPORT: Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS - Big League Politics
    Well, what we do know is that Trump made the threat to exposed Epstein 3 years ago. And the Clintonites are busy scrubbing the web with anything referring to Clinton and Epstein. The problem is, the pictures and the information is out there already downloaded. Like pictures of Bill on the Lolita Express ....

  • Rachel Chandler at age 14.?....after Blow Job did her he probably passed her on to the Hildebeast to REALLY show her what perverted sex was!!,
And here's a photo of trump with an under aged minor...

View attachment 269279

... she looks very uncomfortable as he's reaching for her breasts.


Baby Deer you have just been PAWNED and proven as a lying, piece of leftist garbage that you are....Do a Google Search of that picture and you find out that that little girl....IS HIS DAUGHTER, IVANKA A FEW DOZEN YEARS AGO.....GOD I hope YOU never have any children....scumbucket BTW HERE IS IVANKA A YEAR OR SO LATER WITH HER DAD... WHAT A CREEPY BASTARD YOU ARE!!! YOU ARE OWNED!!!!!


Yes. That's the same daughter that he calls a great piece of ass. I guess he would know
You are also a lying cockroach...link us up to him calling IVANKA A great piece of ass. You piece of shit...and THIS just proved you are a piece of shit!!!....You Douchebags will never learn!!!
Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years,

  • Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS

    President Donald Trump plotted his takedown of accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s elite inner circle during the 2016 election, convening a meeting with then-National Enquirer owner David Pecker prior to Trump’s comment at CPAC 2015 about how Bill Clinton has a Jeffrey Epstein problem.
    Vanity Fair reports: “Trump had been following the story closely. In the week or so leading up to his CPAC speech, David Pecker, who owned the Enquirer until it was sold in ruin earlier this year, visited Trump on the 26th floor of Trump Tower, bringing along an issue with a Prince Andrew and Epstein-related cover, according to people familiar with the meeting. Pecker, of course, was in the business of protecting Trump…Pecker, he later told me, used to send him articles and issues before they were published so that he and Trump could read them. After the meeting Trump called in Sam Nunberg, then a Trump Organization employee, who saw Pecker leaving Trump’s office. “Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk,” Nunberg recalled. “He said not to tell anyone, but that Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.'”
    (Excerpt) Read more atREPORT: Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS - Big League Politics
    Well, what we do know is that Trump made the threat to exposed Epstein 3 years ago. And the Clintonites are busy scrubbing the web with anything referring to Clinton and Epstein. The problem is, the pictures and the information is out there already downloaded. Like pictures of Bill on the Lolita Express ....

  • Rachel Chandler at age 14.?....after Blow Job did her he probably passed her on to the Hildebeast to REALLY show her what perverted sex was!!,
And here's a photo of trump with an under aged minor...

View attachment 269279

... she looks very uncomfortable as he's reaching for her breasts.


Baby Deer you have just been PAWNED and proven as a lying, piece of leftist garbage that you are....Do a Google Search of that picture and you find out that that little girl....IS HIS DAUGHTER, IVANKA A FEW DOZEN YEARS AGO.....GOD I hope YOU never have any children....scumbucket BTW HERE IS IVANKA A YEAR OR SO LATER WITH HER DAD... WHAT A CREEPY BASTARD YOU ARE!!! YOU ARE OWNED!!!!!


Yes. That's the same daughter that he calls a great piece of ass. I guess he would know
You are also a lying cockroach...link us up to him calling IVANKA A great piece of ass. You piece of shit...and THIS just proved you are a piece of shit!!!....You Douchebags will never learn!!!

Not a problem. Trump is a pig, and there are lots of recorded examples of it.
7 Trump Quotes About Ivanka That Will Make You Go WHOA
Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years,

  • Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS

    President Donald Trump plotted his takedown of accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s elite inner circle during the 2016 election, convening a meeting with then-National Enquirer owner David Pecker prior to Trump’s comment at CPAC 2015 about how Bill Clinton has a Jeffrey Epstein problem.
    Vanity Fair reports: “Trump had been following the story closely. In the week or so leading up to his CPAC speech, David Pecker, who owned the Enquirer until it was sold in ruin earlier this year, visited Trump on the 26th floor of Trump Tower, bringing along an issue with a Prince Andrew and Epstein-related cover, according to people familiar with the meeting. Pecker, of course, was in the business of protecting Trump…Pecker, he later told me, used to send him articles and issues before they were published so that he and Trump could read them. After the meeting Trump called in Sam Nunberg, then a Trump Organization employee, who saw Pecker leaving Trump’s office. “Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk,” Nunberg recalled. “He said not to tell anyone, but that Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.'”
    (Excerpt) Read more atREPORT: Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS - Big League Politics
    Well, what we do know is that Trump made the threat to exposed Epstein 3 years ago. And the Clintonites are busy scrubbing the web with anything referring to Clinton and Epstein. The problem is, the pictures and the information is out there already downloaded. Like pictures of Bill on the Lolita Express ....

  • Rachel Chandler at age 14.?....after Blow Job did her he probably passed her on to the Hildebeast to REALLY show her what perverted sex was!!,
And here's a photo of trump with an under aged minor...

View attachment 269279

... she looks very uncomfortable as he's reaching for her breasts.


Baby Deer you have just been PAWNED and proven as a lying, piece of leftist garbage that you are....Do a Google Search of that picture and you find out that that little girl....IS HIS DAUGHTER, IVANKA A FEW DOZEN YEARS AGO.....GOD I hope YOU never have any children....scumbucket BTW HERE IS IVANKA A YEAR OR SO LATER WITH HER DAD... WHAT A CREEPY BASTARD YOU ARE!!! YOU ARE OWNED!!!!!


Yes. That's the same daughter that he calls a great piece of ass. I guess he would know
You are also a lying cockroach...link us up to him calling IVANKA A great piece of ass. You piece of shit...and THIS just proved you are a piece of shit!!!....You Douchebags will never learn!!!

Not a problem. Trump is a pig, and there are lots of recorded examples of it.
7 Trump Quotes About Ivanka That Will Make You Go WHOA
ROTFLMBFAO....He never said it proven by your Howard Stern quote from 15 years ago asking Trump if IVANKA was a piece of ass and Trump answering yeah!!!.... Again the cockroach squad fails to prove what they quote.... Trump never said it!!!!

But not a thing over Baby deers PHONY PICTURE.....ROTFLMFAO!!!
Last edited:
Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years,

  • Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS

    President Donald Trump plotted his takedown of accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s elite inner circle during the 2016 election, convening a meeting with then-National Enquirer owner David Pecker prior to Trump’s comment at CPAC 2015 about how Bill Clinton has a Jeffrey Epstein problem.
    Vanity Fair reports: “Trump had been following the story closely. In the week or so leading up to his CPAC speech, David Pecker, who owned the Enquirer until it was sold in ruin earlier this year, visited Trump on the 26th floor of Trump Tower, bringing along an issue with a Prince Andrew and Epstein-related cover, according to people familiar with the meeting. Pecker, of course, was in the business of protecting Trump…Pecker, he later told me, used to send him articles and issues before they were published so that he and Trump could read them. After the meeting Trump called in Sam Nunberg, then a Trump Organization employee, who saw Pecker leaving Trump’s office. “Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk,” Nunberg recalled. “He said not to tell anyone, but that Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.'”
    (Excerpt) Read more atREPORT: Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS - Big League Politics
    Well, what we do know is that Trump made the threat to exposed Epstein 3 years ago. And the Clintonites are busy scrubbing the web with anything referring to Clinton and Epstein. The problem is, the pictures and the information is out there already downloaded. Like pictures of Bill on the Lolita Express ....

  • Rachel Chandler at age 14.?....after Blow Job did her he probably passed her on to the Hildebeast to REALLY show her what perverted sex was!!,
And here's a photo of trump with an under aged minor...

View attachment 269279

... she looks very uncomfortable as he's reaching for her breasts.


Baby Deer you have just been PAWNED and proven as a lying, piece of leftist garbage that you are....Do a Google Search of that picture and you find out that that little girl....IS HIS DAUGHTER, IVANKA A FEW DOZEN YEARS AGO.....GOD I hope YOU never have any children....scumbucket BTW HERE IS IVANKA A YEAR OR SO LATER WITH HER DAD... WHAT A CREEPY BASTARD YOU ARE!!! YOU ARE OWNED!!!!!


Yes. That's the same daughter that he calls a great piece of ass. I guess he would know
You are also a lying cockroach...link us up to him calling IVANKA A great piece of ass. You piece of shit...and THIS just proved you are a piece of shit!!!....You Douchebags will never learn!!!

Not a problem. Trump is a pig, and there are lots of recorded examples of it.
7 Trump Quotes About Ivanka That Will Make You Go WHOA
Your own link says your full of shit.
this epstein guy is quite odd... he couldn't cut college so he dropped out... yet he is supposedly really really smart... some say he really has no real friends... those that associate w/ him, he has dirt on them....one author of his biography wrote....

how did he go from a college drop out to a billionaire? And the mansion he owns in NYC, turns out it was given to him, by a rich client, the gift was hidden for 10 plus years....Just some weird stuff and weird connections......

VERY GOOD READ on all who are on the, who's who list, that he knew....
Woody Allen is one of them...

Jeffrey Epstein’s Rolodex: A Guide to His Famous Friends and Acquaintances
The only problem is Trump isn't on his Rolodex and hasn't been since he booted the pedo from his club. This weak attempt to try to mix him in with this situation is pathetic.
liar liar pants on fire! through omission of pertinent facts!

intel agencies did not need the actual server at the DNC, the DCCC, or Podesta's that were hacked.... copies of the servers and private analysis were fine... in fact, actual servers are not used or needed in most cases of analysis of any hackings, copies of the servers is what is used....

And the hackings are only a tidbit of evidence gathered... there are lots of other things involved... like who sent the stolen goods to wikileaks, when it was sent, how the stolen emails moved around different servers trying to hide their trail, who paid for the different servers, where they were located etc etc,

Epstein had more phone numbers of Trump than of Clinton in his little black book, TEN TIMES the amount of numbers for Trump..... even Trump's butler's number....and chaufer's and daughter's.....

The trips using Epstein's plane were for Clinton Foundation Charity events... Clinton traveled with Clinton foundation workers, primarily Doug Bands was on all flights he took and secret service was always with him, just 4 times it makes no mention on the flight manifests but the pilot who wrote the manifests likely left mention of them off by accident, especially if the plane was crowded with other celebrities he had to list by name.... it was usually a scribble like 4 ss, or 8 ss... I reviewed the manifests.

Let's take your lies in reverse order.

The "Clinton Foundation" is nothing but a money laundering racket to handle bribes paid in the pay to play scheme that defined the Clinton mob. The idea that Epstein was bribing the Clinton for favors hardly exonerates pervert Bill. But the reality might be far more than the standard buying of favors from the Clinton Mafia.

Where did Jeffery Epstein get his money? He dropped out of College and then was made a professor? Quietly dismissed for unknown reasons? Then made a vice president of Bear Stearns - off the street? Quietly dismissed for unknown reasons? Then suddenly he has a billion dollar portfolio with only a single client? That is financial client, he had LOT'S of clients for his prostitution ring. Now how much would a guy like Bill Clinton and his lesbian wife pay to keep certain sexual encounters out of the papers? Further, if any normal person suddenly had a billion dollars, the IRS and SEC would be up their ass - but not with Epstein, he was above the law from the start, which smacks of Clinton level organized crime.

How Jeffrey Epstein Made His Money: Four Wild Theories

Next you blatantly lie:

{Epstein had more phone numbers of Trump than of Clinton in his little black book, TEN TIMES the amount of numbers for Trump..... even Trump's butler's number....and chaufer's and daughter's.....}

Now, you either made that up out of thin air, or you are repeating a lie that one of the hate sites that do your thinking for you made up out of thin air. No one outside of law enforcement knows who is in the black book. You are just crafting lies from whole cloth. If the Epstein black book were to be released. it would be far bigger than the list of Heidi Fleiss clients. Every major Hollywood and DNC player is in it. Your lie about Trump is the typical sleaze of you Heinreich Himmler level demagogues, but the actual contents - which will be forever suppressed by your utterly corrupt party and the deep state traitors - would be monumental.

Let's go on now to your pathological lie about the DNC servers. You are a pathological liar. Why do I say this? Because I have personally corrected you on this lie on at least a half cozen occasions. This means that you are not misinformed, you are not mistaken, you're just a fucking liar with zero integrity.

Let's go through the facts:
  • There is no evidence the DNC servers were hacked at all
  • The hack of the GMail account of Paul Manafort's business partner and Hillary chief of staff John Podesta has no relation to the alleged DNC hack. Podesta fell for a phishing scam.
  • The DNC refused to allow the the FBI or ANY law enforcement agency to examine the Microsoft Exchange server or data stores
  • The disreputable security firm CrowdStrike scrubbed the DNC data to ensure law enforcement could never examine it - should the protection from the law ever slip or someone actually hack the data stores
  • Corrupt FBI hack James Comey lied on official reports that the DNC servers had been examined - later amending the reports to say that the FBI had full faith in the CrowdStrike report - the crooks who had scrubbed the servers
  • James Comey had a financial stake in CrowdStrike

Podesta Group now part of special counsel probe into Russian collusion: Report
FBI says DNC rebuffed request to examine computer servers - CNNPolitics
Mr. Mueller: Was the DNC Server Actually Hacked by the Russians? | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.
When it comes to plea deal to divulge names and all that....:04:.........yes....they are coming forward.....all of the "guests" to Pedo Island".....

13 July 2019
Rumors Swirling that One of Epstein's Underage Prostitutes Has Provided Damaging Information on Epstein's Friends and Accomplices!


Epstein most likely made his fortune from BLACKMAIL

He is alleged to have THOUSANDS OF HOURS OF VIDEO of the Hollycrat elite in every sort of perversion with underage boys and girls, animals, and every conceivable fetish or perversion. Epstein smirked when they took his mug shot because he believes that the dirt he has on the party is so damaging that they would NEVER allow it to come out.

The deep state is busy scrubbing this as we speak, destroying any and all evidence they can find. BUT Epstein ran a global prostitution ring, can foreign sources find tapes of Matt Daemon with a horse? Robert DiNiro being mounted by a goat? Jerry Nadler with a 10 year old boy?

The corruption of Washington is so deep that we probably will never find out what blackmail Epstein has on the Hollycrat crowd, but Kevin Spacey, Chris Tucker and George Stephanopoulos have GOT to be sweating bullets.
Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years,

  • Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS

    President Donald Trump plotted his takedown of accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s elite inner circle during the 2016 election, convening a meeting with then-National Enquirer owner David Pecker prior to Trump’s comment at CPAC 2015 about how Bill Clinton has a Jeffrey Epstein problem.
    Vanity Fair reports: “Trump had been following the story closely. In the week or so leading up to his CPAC speech, David Pecker, who owned the Enquirer until it was sold in ruin earlier this year, visited Trump on the 26th floor of Trump Tower, bringing along an issue with a Prince Andrew and Epstein-related cover, according to people familiar with the meeting. Pecker, of course, was in the business of protecting Trump…Pecker, he later told me, used to send him articles and issues before they were published so that he and Trump could read them. After the meeting Trump called in Sam Nunberg, then a Trump Organization employee, who saw Pecker leaving Trump’s office. “Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk,” Nunberg recalled. “He said not to tell anyone, but that Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.'”
    (Excerpt) Read more atREPORT: Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS - Big League Politics
    Well, what we do know is that Trump made the threat to exposed Epstein 3 years ago. And the Clintonites are busy scrubbing the web with anything referring to Clinton and Epstein. The problem is, the pictures and the information is out there already downloaded. Like pictures of Bill on the Lolita Express ....

  • Rachel Chandler at age 14.?....after Blow Job did her he probably passed her on to the Hildebeast to REALLY show her what perverted sex was!!,
And here's a photo of trump with an under aged minor...

View attachment 269279

... she looks very uncomfortable as he's reaching for her breasts.


Baby Deer you have just been PAWNED and proven as a lying, piece of leftist garbage that you are....Do a Google Search of that picture and you find out that that little girl....IS HIS DAUGHTER, IVANKA A FEW DOZEN YEARS AGO.....GOD I hope YOU never have any children....scumbucket BTW HERE IS IVANKA A YEAR OR SO LATER WITH HER DAD... WHAT A CREEPY BASTARD YOU ARE!!! YOU ARE OWNED!!!!!

Exactly...his own daughter....pretty sick.
When it comes to plea deal to divulge names and all that....:04:.........yes....they are coming forward.....all of the "guests" to Pedo Island".....

13 July 2019
Rumors Swirling that One of Epstein's Underage Prostitutes Has Provided Damaging Information on Epstein's Friends and Accomplices!


Epstein most likely made his fortune from BLACKMAIL

He is alleged to have THOUSANDS OF HOURS OF VIDEO of the Hollycrat elite in every sort of perversion with underage boys and girls, animals, and every conceivable fetish or perversion. Epstein smirked when they took his mug shot because he believes that the dirt he has on the party is so damaging that they would NEVER allow it to come out.

The deep state is busy scrubbing this as we speak, destroying any and all evidence they can find. BUT Epstein ran a global prostitution ring, can foreign sources find tapes of Matt Daemon with a horse? Robert DiNiro being mounted by a goat? Jerry Nadler with a 10 year old boy?

The corruption of Washington is so deep that we probably will never find out what blackmail Epstein has on the Hollycrat crowd, but Kevin Spacey, Chris Tucker and George Stephanopoulos have GOT to be sweating bullets.
I hope you are wrong and we find out everything....but sadly, I think you are right.
every Republican and Democrat on the intelligence committees and every respected media and law enforcement in the world says the Russians hacked them. Do you want a diagram?
It's pretty funny you're arguing with that Russian spinach guy.
Funny you’re obsessed with Russia, what did they do exactly funny boi
17 intelligence agencies or 4, Russia findings still valid

Here's Who Found That Russia Meddled in the 2016 Election
Hahaha hahaha all fking bullsnot all that. I asked you mthr fkr a question, have the balls to answer or leave
Brainwashed to the point of total incompetence and irrationality.....
I asked you how they could have gotten it since the data file would be too large to download over the internet? Why won’t you answer fkwad?
Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years,

  • Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS

    President Donald Trump plotted his takedown of accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s elite inner circle during the 2016 election, convening a meeting with then-National Enquirer owner David Pecker prior to Trump’s comment at CPAC 2015 about how Bill Clinton has a Jeffrey Epstein problem.
    Vanity Fair reports: “Trump had been following the story closely. In the week or so leading up to his CPAC speech, David Pecker, who owned the Enquirer until it was sold in ruin earlier this year, visited Trump on the 26th floor of Trump Tower, bringing along an issue with a Prince Andrew and Epstein-related cover, according to people familiar with the meeting. Pecker, of course, was in the business of protecting Trump…Pecker, he later told me, used to send him articles and issues before they were published so that he and Trump could read them. After the meeting Trump called in Sam Nunberg, then a Trump Organization employee, who saw Pecker leaving Trump’s office. “Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk,” Nunberg recalled. “He said not to tell anyone, but that Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.'”
    (Excerpt) Read more atREPORT: Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS - Big League Politics
    Well, what we do know is that Trump made the threat to exposed Epstein 3 years ago. And the Clintonites are busy scrubbing the web with anything referring to Clinton and Epstein. The problem is, the pictures and the information is out there already downloaded. Like pictures of Bill on the Lolita Express ....

  • Rachel Chandler at age 14.?....after Blow Job did her he probably passed her on to the Hildebeast to REALLY show her what perverted sex was!!,
And here's a photo of trump with an under aged minor...

View attachment 269279

... she looks very uncomfortable as he's reaching for her breasts.


Baby Deer you have just been PAWNED and proven as a lying, piece of leftist garbage that you are....Do a Google Search of that picture and you find out that that little girl....IS HIS DAUGHTER, IVANKA A FEW DOZEN YEARS AGO.....GOD I hope YOU never have any children....scumbucket BTW HERE IS IVANKA A YEAR OR SO LATER WITH HER DAD... WHAT A CREEPY BASTARD YOU ARE!!! YOU ARE OWNED!!!!!

Exactly...his own daughter....pretty sick.
Naw, your post is sick since you have absolutely nothing to back it! But that’s you, insignificant
Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years,

  • Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS

    President Donald Trump plotted his takedown of accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s elite inner circle during the 2016 election, convening a meeting with then-National Enquirer owner David Pecker prior to Trump’s comment at CPAC 2015 about how Bill Clinton has a Jeffrey Epstein problem.
    Vanity Fair reports: “Trump had been following the story closely. In the week or so leading up to his CPAC speech, David Pecker, who owned the Enquirer until it was sold in ruin earlier this year, visited Trump on the 26th floor of Trump Tower, bringing along an issue with a Prince Andrew and Epstein-related cover, according to people familiar with the meeting. Pecker, of course, was in the business of protecting Trump…Pecker, he later told me, used to send him articles and issues before they were published so that he and Trump could read them. After the meeting Trump called in Sam Nunberg, then a Trump Organization employee, who saw Pecker leaving Trump’s office. “Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk,” Nunberg recalled. “He said not to tell anyone, but that Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.'”
    (Excerpt) Read more atREPORT: Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS - Big League Politics
    Well, what we do know is that Trump made the threat to exposed Epstein 3 years ago. And the Clintonites are busy scrubbing the web with anything referring to Clinton and Epstein. The problem is, the pictures and the information is out there already downloaded. Like pictures of Bill on the Lolita Express ....

  • Rachel Chandler at age 14.?....after Blow Job did her he probably passed her on to the Hildebeast to REALLY show her what perverted sex was!!,
And here's a photo of trump with an under aged minor...

View attachment 269279

... she looks very uncomfortable as he's reaching for her breasts.


Baby Deer you have just been PAWNED and proven as a lying, piece of leftist garbage that you are....Do a Google Search of that picture and you find out that that little girl....IS HIS DAUGHTER, IVANKA A FEW DOZEN YEARS AGO.....GOD I hope YOU never have any children....scumbucket BTW HERE IS IVANKA A YEAR OR SO LATER WITH HER DAD... WHAT A CREEPY BASTARD YOU ARE!!! YOU ARE OWNED!!!!!

Exactly...his own daughter....pretty sick.
Another of the cockroach squad heard from...but mnotba word about Blow Job Cuntons real deeds.....We call them ABNORMALS for a reason!

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