OH SHIT! Epstein’s Lawyers Offer Plea Deal to Divulge Names in Exchange for 5 Year Sentence

Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years,

  • Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS

    President Donald Trump plotted his takedown of accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s elite inner circle during the 2016 election, convening a meeting with then-National Enquirer owner David Pecker prior to Trump’s comment at CPAC 2015 about how Bill Clinton has a Jeffrey Epstein problem.
    Vanity Fair reports: “Trump had been following the story closely. In the week or so leading up to his CPAC speech, David Pecker, who owned the Enquirer until it was sold in ruin earlier this year, visited Trump on the 26th floor of Trump Tower, bringing along an issue with a Prince Andrew and Epstein-related cover, according to people familiar with the meeting. Pecker, of course, was in the business of protecting Trump…Pecker, he later told me, used to send him articles and issues before they were published so that he and Trump could read them. After the meeting Trump called in Sam Nunberg, then a Trump Organization employee, who saw Pecker leaving Trump’s office. “Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk,” Nunberg recalled. “He said not to tell anyone, but that Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.'”
    (Excerpt) Read more atREPORT: Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS - Big League Politics
    Well, what we do know is that Trump made the threat to exposed Epstein 3 years ago. And the Clintonites are busy scrubbing the web with anything referring to Clinton and Epstein. The problem is, the pictures and the information is out there already downloaded. Like pictures of Bill on the Lolita Express ....

  • Rachel Chandler at age 14.?....after Blow Job did her he probably passed her on to the Hildebeast to REALLY show her what perverted sex was!!,
And here's a photo of trump with an under aged minor...

View attachment 269279

... she looks very uncomfortable as he's reaching for her breasts.


Baby Deer you have just been PAWNED and proven as a lying, piece of leftist garbage that you are....Do a Google Search of that picture and you find out that that little girl....IS HIS DAUGHTER, IVANKA A FEW DOZEN YEARS AGO.....GOD I hope YOU never have any children....scumbucket BTW HERE IS IVANKA A YEAR OR SO LATER WITH HER DAD... WHAT A CREEPY BASTARD YOU ARE!!! YOU ARE OWNED!!!!!


Dumbfuck, I know it's his daughter. He wants to have sex with her and probably already has.
No you didnt asswipe or you would have said so..:abgg2q.jpg::dig:
And he is a long time friend of Donald Trump.

And you're a fucking liar....Trump threw him out of Mar a Lago for messing around with an underage employee....that was several years ago.

If that's true then why didn't trump call the police and report it?

If that's true, then trump protected Epstein from prosecution. If trump had called the police, epstein would have been prosecuted and put in prison where he belongs a long time ago. A lot of girls wouldn't have been harmed.

So trump let a pedophile go free and didn't even say a word to any police to make sure that the pedophile was stopped and put in prison where he belongs.

Why didn't trump call the police? Why did trump protect epstein and not the girls?
Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years,

  • Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS

    President Donald Trump plotted his takedown of accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s elite inner circle during the 2016 election, convening a meeting with then-National Enquirer owner David Pecker prior to Trump’s comment at CPAC 2015 about how Bill Clinton has a Jeffrey Epstein problem.
    Vanity Fair reports: “Trump had been following the story closely. In the week or so leading up to his CPAC speech, David Pecker, who owned the Enquirer until it was sold in ruin earlier this year, visited Trump on the 26th floor of Trump Tower, bringing along an issue with a Prince Andrew and Epstein-related cover, according to people familiar with the meeting. Pecker, of course, was in the business of protecting Trump…Pecker, he later told me, used to send him articles and issues before they were published so that he and Trump could read them. After the meeting Trump called in Sam Nunberg, then a Trump Organization employee, who saw Pecker leaving Trump’s office. “Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk,” Nunberg recalled. “He said not to tell anyone, but that Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.'”
    (Excerpt) Read more atREPORT: Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS - Big League Politics
    Well, what we do know is that Trump made the threat to exposed Epstein 3 years ago. And the Clintonites are busy scrubbing the web with anything referring to Clinton and Epstein. The problem is, the pictures and the information is out there already downloaded. Like pictures of Bill on the Lolita Express ....

  • Rachel Chandler at age 14.?....after Blow Job did her he probably passed her on to the Hildebeast to REALLY show her what perverted sex was!!,
And here's a photo of trump with an under aged minor...

View attachment 269279

... she looks very uncomfortable as he's reaching for her breasts.


Baby Deer you have just been PAWNED and proven as a lying, piece of leftist garbage that you are....Do a Google Search of that picture and you find out that that little girl....IS HIS DAUGHTER, IVANKA A FEW DOZEN YEARS AGO.....GOD I hope YOU never have any children....scumbucket BTW HERE IS IVANKA A YEAR OR SO LATER WITH HER DAD... WHAT A CREEPY BASTARD YOU ARE!!! YOU ARE OWNED!!!!!


Dumbfuck, I know it's his daughter. He wants to have sex with her and probably already has.
View attachment 269319

Idle curiosity - wtf do you add to the thread?
The best commentary in text and image form.
And he is a long time friend of Donald Trump.

And you're a fucking liar....Trump threw him out of Mar a Lago for messing around with an underage employee....that was several years ago.

If that's true then why didn't trump call the police and report it?

If that's true, then trump protected Epstein from prosecution. If trump had called the police, epstein would have been prosecuted and put in prison where he belongs a long time ago. A lot of girls wouldn't have been harmed.

So trump let a pedophile go free and didn't even say a word to any police to make sure that the pedophile was stopped and put in prison where he belongs.

Why didn't trump call the police? Why did trump protect epstein and not the girls?
Trump was probably not present and not the original person to boot him...in all likelihood...it was a manager at the club. Use your brain. Ask the manager why he didn't call the cops. My guess is that they didn't want to make an even bigger scene than needed and upset the other guests.
I'd still like to know why this is an "Oh Shit" moment for the OP.

The OP's oh shit moment never happened.

The OP got his info from a very unreliable source.

If epstein was going to do what the OP said, it would have happened by now. The only thing that has happened is that epstein has asked to be released on bond to his own home. We will find out what the judge has to say about that on Monday.

Meanwhile, the OP is full of his own shit. What the OP has said will happen has not and will not happen.

People who make predictions are full of it. No one knows the future. What the OP did was show what he wants to happen. It won't happen but it's the OP's dream.

Oh, has anyone noticed that the only people to bring Clinton up are the far right radical extremists? So far no police or anyone from any sort of justice department has taken any interest in Clinton in regard to epstein.

If we were to do what the far right radical extremists are doing, then trump is very guilty of whatever Clinton is guilty of. Clinton didn't party with epstein and 28 women. All Clinton did was ride on epstein's airplane. Which isn't illegal. Even though the far right radical extremists want it to be illegal.

The reason why the far right radical extremists are brining up Clinton is to try to change the subject away from trump and acosta.

trump hired acosta and has been defending him.

acosta has resigned from his job.
I'd still like to know why this is an "Oh Shit" moment for the OP.

The OP's oh shit moment never happened.

The OP got his info from a very unreliable source.

If epstein was going to do what the OP said, it would have happened by now. The only thing that has happened is that epstein has asked to be released on bond to his own home. We will find out what the judge has to say about that on Monday.

Meanwhile, the OP is full of his own shit. What the OP has said will happen has not and will not happen.

People who make predictions are full of it. No one knows the future. What the OP did was show what he wants to happen. It won't happen but it's the OP's dream.

Oh, has anyone noticed that the only people to bring Clinton up are the far right radical extremists? So far no police or anyone from any sort of justice department has taken any interest in Clinton in regard to epstein.

If we were to do what the far right radical extremists are doing, then trump is very guilty of whatever Clinton is guilty of. Clinton didn't party with epstein and 28 women. All Clinton did was ride on epstein's airplane. Which isn't illegal. Even though the far right radical extremists want it to be illegal.

The reason why the far right radical extremists are brining up Clinton is to try to change the subject away from trump and acosta.

trump hired acosta and has been defending him.

acosta has resigned from his job.
You are 100% duped. A lost cause.
Blow Job looking for a place to not be extradited from?...ROTFLMFAO!!!!!

The Epoch Times ^ | July 9, 2019 Updated: July 9, 2019 | By Bowen Xiao

Alleged child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein will agree to give up names of individuals who took part in the trafficking ring he ran—in exchange for a substantially lower sentence.

A two-count indictment unsealed by federal prosecutors on July 8 charged the 66-year-old billionaire financier with sex trafficking and conspiracy charges. Epstein allegedly sexually exploited and abused dozens of minor girls at his homes in Manhattan, New York, and Palm Beach, Florida, among other locations.

The charges carry with them a maximum sentence of 45 years in jail. At Epstein’s age, the charges are tantamount to “a life sentence” Geoffrey Berman, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said at a press conference.

Mod Edit - "You are only to post an excerpt of an article, not the entire thing
I think that because this creep wants off the hook so badly, his phone and computer information should be expropriated to an active rape detective unit, and the sentence is mandatory life in prison without parole and in solitary confinement for the duration. Even that sentence wouldn't be enough to compensate young people for what he did to them. His monkey business was way far beyond any modicum of morality and as such, his influence in society should be sufficiently over to prevent it from happening to any other young people used like he used them. And his records should tell where the bodies are buried and who buried them.
Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years,

  • Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS

    President Donald Trump plotted his takedown of accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s elite inner circle during the 2016 election, convening a meeting with then-National Enquirer owner David Pecker prior to Trump’s comment at CPAC 2015 about how Bill Clinton has a Jeffrey Epstein problem.
    Vanity Fair reports: “Trump had been following the story closely. In the week or so leading up to his CPAC speech, David Pecker, who owned the Enquirer until it was sold in ruin earlier this year, visited Trump on the 26th floor of Trump Tower, bringing along an issue with a Prince Andrew and Epstein-related cover, according to people familiar with the meeting. Pecker, of course, was in the business of protecting Trump…Pecker, he later told me, used to send him articles and issues before they were published so that he and Trump could read them. After the meeting Trump called in Sam Nunberg, then a Trump Organization employee, who saw Pecker leaving Trump’s office. “Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk,” Nunberg recalled. “He said not to tell anyone, but that Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.'”
    (Excerpt) Read more atREPORT: Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS - Big League Politics
    Well, what we do know is that Trump made the threat to exposed Epstein 3 years ago. And the Clintonites are busy scrubbing the web with anything referring to Clinton and Epstein. The problem is, the pictures and the information is out there already downloaded. Like pictures of Bill on the Lolita Express ....

  • Rachel Chandler at age 14.?....after Blow Job did her he probably passed her on to the Hildebeast to REALLY show her what perverted sex was!!,
And here's a photo of trump with an under aged minor...

View attachment 269279

... she looks very uncomfortable as he's reaching for her breasts.


Baby Deer you have just been PAWNED and proven as a lying, piece of leftist garbage that you are....Do a Google Search of that picture and you find out that that little girl....IS HIS DAUGHTER, IVANKA A FEW DOZEN YEARS AGO.....GOD I hope YOU never have any children....scumbucket BTW HERE IS IVANKA A YEAR OR SO LATER WITH HER DAD... WHAT A CREEPY BASTARD YOU ARE!!! YOU ARE OWNED!!!!!


Dumbfuck, I know it's his daughter. He wants to have sex with her and probably already has.
After you wash your mouth out with soap, you need to go back to your cell. Otherwise, I'm calling your warden who runs the dementia ward.
oh, and Seth Rich was dead before Guciffer2 transferred the files to wikileaks...

Correction, Seth Rich was dead the moment he crossed the Clintons....

Statement on coverage of Seth Rich murder investigation

Retraction of Dr. Jerome Corsi Regarding The Murder of Seth Rich

The nuttiest of the rightwingnut hatemongers have retracted their claims, but you Trumpkins soldier on.

You're not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag, that's for sure...

I hardly need to be with you conspiracy nuts.
Don't let the door hit bottom on way out.
oh, and Seth Rich was dead before Guciffer2 transferred the files to wikileaks...

Nah, Seth Rich was ROLLED...except instead of taking his wallet, watch, and phone, they shot him twice in the back and ran away. I'm from Detroit and I can assure you it doesn't work that way. The only question is who murdered him (2 black men the DC police have never found) and why (uh, let's see.....if it was him that hacked Podesta's emails who did that harm.?..let me think...). BTW, Podesta's emails were real, the information was real, and like Dale said, there's no way somebody in Moscow pulled it off....too far away, transfer impossibly slow, and I doubt they knew he was stupid enough to have a password that was "password". It was Seth Rich, a Bernie fan, and the Clintons had him murdered for it.


you must be a FAUX NEWS watcher :dunno:

Seth put up a fight, his hands were bruised his face was bruise...

cops were only a block or so away, when an automated gunfire alarm went off, they turned on sirens, 2 shakes they were there, Seth still alive, the perp was gone.

no time to steal anything

Murder of Seth Rich - RationalWiki

A few weeks ago Lawrence O'Donnell had a story on his show about the origins of that stupid conspiracy with Seth Rich.

Turns out, russian intelligence started the conspiracy. They fed it to fox and fox fed it to their viewers.

Exclusive: The true origins of the Seth Rich conspiracy theory. A Yahoo News investigation.

russia has been doing a big number on our nation and they've done a very good job.

They knew just who to use, stupid far right radical extremists. They'll believe anything negative about anyone who doesn't agree with their views and the russians knew it.

The far right radical extremists are being duped not just by trump but by putin and russia. And those far right radical extremists are stupid enough to buy it all. Hook line and sinker.
And he is a long time friend of Donald Trump.

And you're a fucking liar....Trump threw him out of Mar a Lago for messing around with an underage employee....that was several years ago.

If that's true then why didn't trump call the police and report it?

If that's true, then trump protected Epstein from prosecution. If trump had called the police, epstein would have been prosecuted and put in prison where he belongs a long time ago. A lot of girls wouldn't have been harmed.

So trump let a pedophile go free and didn't even say a word to any police to make sure that the pedophile was stopped and put in prison where he belongs.

Why didn't trump call the police? Why did trump protect epstein and not the girls?
Trump was probably not present and not the original person to boot him...in all likelihood...it was a manager at the club. Use your brain. Ask the manager why he didn't call the cops. My guess is that they didn't want to make an even bigger scene than needed and upset the other guests.

You don't know what happened. You weren't there. Neither was I.

You can't say someone else saw it because you weren't there.

You don't even know if that story is true.

According to the story trump banned him. If that's so, why didn't trump call the police? Why didn't anyone within the mar a largo call the police? Why didn't the parents of the child call the police?

If that so called story of trump banning him is true, then trump let a pedophile walk free to keep harming and raping girls.

Personally I don't believe it's true. I believe if it happened trump or someone at mar a largo would have called the police. Or at least the parents of the child epstein harmed would have called the police. Yet nothing.

So either that story is one big pile of garbage, or trump protected a pedophile who went on to rape and harm a lot of girls.
oh, and Seth Rich was dead before Guciffer2 transferred the files to wikileaks...

Nah, Seth Rich was ROLLED...except instead of taking his wallet, watch, and phone, they shot him twice in the back and ran away. I'm from Detroit and I can assure you it doesn't work that way. The only question is who murdered him (2 black men the DC police have never found) and why (uh, let's see.....if it was him that hacked Podesta's emails who did that harm.?..let me think...). BTW, Podesta's emails were real, the information was real, and like Dale said, there's no way somebody in Moscow pulled it off....too far away, transfer impossibly slow, and I doubt they knew he was stupid enough to have a password that was "password". It was Seth Rich, a Bernie fan, and the Clintons had him murdered for it.


you must be a FAUX NEWS watcher :dunno:

Seth put up a fight, his hands were bruised his face was bruise...

cops were only a block or so away, when an automated gunfire alarm went off, they turned on sirens, 2 shakes they were there, Seth still alive, the perp was gone.

no time to steal anything

Murder of Seth Rich - RationalWiki

A few weeks ago Lawrence O'Donnell had a story on his show about the origins of that stupid conspiracy with Seth Rich.

Turns out, russian intelligence started the conspiracy. They fed it to fox and fox fed it to their viewers.

Exclusive: The true origins of the Seth Rich conspiracy theory. A Yahoo News investigation.

russia has been doing a big number on our nation and they've done a very good job.

They knew just who to use, stupid far right radical extremists. They'll believe anything negative about anyone who doesn't agree with their views and the russians knew it.

The far right radical extremists are being duped not just by trump but by putin and russia. And those far right radical extremists are stupid enough to buy it all. Hook line and sinker.
How can anyone watch Alien Lips
And he is a long time friend of Donald Trump.

And you're a fucking liar....Trump threw him out of Mar a Lago for messing around with an underage employee....that was several years ago.

If that's true then why didn't trump call the police and report it?

If that's true, then trump protected Epstein from prosecution. If trump had called the police, epstein would have been prosecuted and put in prison where he belongs a long time ago. A lot of girls wouldn't have been harmed.

So trump let a pedophile go free and didn't even say a word to any police to make sure that the pedophile was stopped and put in prison where he belongs.

Why didn't trump call the police? Why did trump protect epstein and not the girls?
Trump was probably not present and not the original person to boot him...in all likelihood...it was a manager at the club. Use your brain. Ask the manager why he didn't call the cops. My guess is that they didn't want to make an even bigger scene than needed and upset the other guests.

You don't know what happened. You weren't there. Neither was I.

You can't say someone else saw it because you weren't there.

You don't even know if that story is true.

According to the story trump banned him. If that's so, why didn't trump call the police? Why didn't anyone within the mar a largo call the police? Why didn't the parents of the child call the police?

If that so called story of trump banning him is true, then trump let a pedophile walk free to keep harming and raping girls.

Personally I don't believe it's true. I believe if it happened trump or someone at mar a largo would have called the police. Or at least the parents of the child epstein harmed would have called the police. Yet nothing.

So either that story is one big pile of garbage, or trump protected a pedophile who went on to rape and harm a lot of girls.
I don't have to be there, common sense says he probably didn't witness the incident himself since Trump hasn't said he did. Like I said, the manager probably didn't want to make a scene and disturb the other guests...that is perfectly logical and reasonable. Would I have called the cops? You bet. There's another thing you have to remember, Epstein was and is still super well connected in the area, everyone in that area knows it. He may have thought the cops wouldn't do anything. Who knows?

Hopefully the full story gets out soon enough. All we have now is a bunch of speculation on a tiny bit of information.
Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years,

  • Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS

    President Donald Trump plotted his takedown of accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s elite inner circle during the 2016 election, convening a meeting with then-National Enquirer owner David Pecker prior to Trump’s comment at CPAC 2015 about how Bill Clinton has a Jeffrey Epstein problem.
    Vanity Fair reports: “Trump had been following the story closely. In the week or so leading up to his CPAC speech, David Pecker, who owned the Enquirer until it was sold in ruin earlier this year, visited Trump on the 26th floor of Trump Tower, bringing along an issue with a Prince Andrew and Epstein-related cover, according to people familiar with the meeting. Pecker, of course, was in the business of protecting Trump…Pecker, he later told me, used to send him articles and issues before they were published so that he and Trump could read them. After the meeting Trump called in Sam Nunberg, then a Trump Organization employee, who saw Pecker leaving Trump’s office. “Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk,” Nunberg recalled. “He said not to tell anyone, but that Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.'”
    (Excerpt) Read more atREPORT: Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS - Big League Politics
    Well, what we do know is that Trump made the threat to exposed Epstein 3 years ago. And the Clintonites are busy scrubbing the web with anything referring to Clinton and Epstein. The problem is, the pictures and the information is out there already downloaded. Like pictures of Bill on the Lolita Express ....

  • Rachel Chandler at age 14.?....after Blow Job did her he probably passed her on to the Hildebeast to REALLY show her what perverted sex was!!,
And here's a photo of trump with an under aged minor...

View attachment 269279

... she looks very uncomfortable as he's reaching for her breasts.


Baby Deer you have just been PAWNED and proven as a lying, piece of leftist garbage that you are....Do a Google Search of that picture and you find out that that little girl....IS HIS DAUGHTER, IVANKA A FEW DOZEN YEARS AGO.....GOD I hope YOU never have any children....scumbucket BTW HERE IS IVANKA A YEAR OR SO LATER WITH HER DAD... WHAT A CREEPY BASTARD YOU ARE!!! YOU ARE OWNED!!!!!


Dumbfuck, I know it's his daughter. He wants to have sex with her and probably already has.
No you didnt asswipe or you would have said so..:abgg2q.jpg::dig:
Ok, so you're even dumber than I gave you credit for. And trump was still fondling a minor. There's a good chance his name is among those Epstein will throw out there.
Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years,

  • Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS

    President Donald Trump plotted his takedown of accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s elite inner circle during the 2016 election, convening a meeting with then-National Enquirer owner David Pecker prior to Trump’s comment at CPAC 2015 about how Bill Clinton has a Jeffrey Epstein problem.
    Vanity Fair reports: “Trump had been following the story closely. In the week or so leading up to his CPAC speech, David Pecker, who owned the Enquirer until it was sold in ruin earlier this year, visited Trump on the 26th floor of Trump Tower, bringing along an issue with a Prince Andrew and Epstein-related cover, according to people familiar with the meeting. Pecker, of course, was in the business of protecting Trump…Pecker, he later told me, used to send him articles and issues before they were published so that he and Trump could read them. After the meeting Trump called in Sam Nunberg, then a Trump Organization employee, who saw Pecker leaving Trump’s office. “Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk,” Nunberg recalled. “He said not to tell anyone, but that Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.'”
    (Excerpt) Read more atREPORT: Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS - Big League Politics
    Well, what we do know is that Trump made the threat to exposed Epstein 3 years ago. And the Clintonites are busy scrubbing the web with anything referring to Clinton and Epstein. The problem is, the pictures and the information is out there already downloaded. Like pictures of Bill on the Lolita Express ....

  • Rachel Chandler at age 14.?....after Blow Job did her he probably passed her on to the Hildebeast to REALLY show her what perverted sex was!!,
And here's a photo of trump with an under aged minor...

View attachment 269279

... she looks very uncomfortable as he's reaching for her breasts.


Baby Deer you have just been PAWNED and proven as a lying, piece of leftist garbage that you are....Do a Google Search of that picture and you find out that that little girl....IS HIS DAUGHTER, IVANKA A FEW DOZEN YEARS AGO.....GOD I hope YOU never have any children....scumbucket BTW HERE IS IVANKA A YEAR OR SO LATER WITH HER DAD... WHAT A CREEPY BASTARD YOU ARE!!! YOU ARE OWNED!!!!!


Dumbfuck, I know it's his daughter. He wants to have sex with her and probably already has.
No you didnt asswipe or you would have said so..:abgg2q.jpg::dig:
Ok, so you're even dumber than I gave you credit for. And trump was still fondling a minor. There's a good chance his name is among those Epstein will throw out there.
Evidence of Trump fondling a minor would be nice, you lying piece of shit.

You have none though.
Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years,

  • Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS

    President Donald Trump plotted his takedown of accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s elite inner circle during the 2016 election, convening a meeting with then-National Enquirer owner David Pecker prior to Trump’s comment at CPAC 2015 about how Bill Clinton has a Jeffrey Epstein problem.
    Vanity Fair reports: “Trump had been following the story closely. In the week or so leading up to his CPAC speech, David Pecker, who owned the Enquirer until it was sold in ruin earlier this year, visited Trump on the 26th floor of Trump Tower, bringing along an issue with a Prince Andrew and Epstein-related cover, according to people familiar with the meeting. Pecker, of course, was in the business of protecting Trump…Pecker, he later told me, used to send him articles and issues before they were published so that he and Trump could read them. After the meeting Trump called in Sam Nunberg, then a Trump Organization employee, who saw Pecker leaving Trump’s office. “Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk,” Nunberg recalled. “He said not to tell anyone, but that Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.'”
    (Excerpt) Read more atREPORT: Trump Plotted Clinton-Epstein Takedown For Years, Knew About Clinton ISLAND PHOTOS - Big League Politics
    Well, what we do know is that Trump made the threat to exposed Epstein 3 years ago. And the Clintonites are busy scrubbing the web with anything referring to Clinton and Epstein. The problem is, the pictures and the information is out there already downloaded. Like pictures of Bill on the Lolita Express ....

  • Rachel Chandler at age 14.?....after Blow Job did her he probably passed her on to the Hildebeast to REALLY show her what perverted sex was!!,
And here's a photo of trump with an under aged minor...

View attachment 269279

... she looks very uncomfortable as he's reaching for her breasts.


Baby Deer you have just been PAWNED and proven as a lying, piece of leftist garbage that you are....Do a Google Search of that picture and you find out that that little girl....IS HIS DAUGHTER, IVANKA A FEW DOZEN YEARS AGO.....GOD I hope YOU never have any children....scumbucket BTW HERE IS IVANKA A YEAR OR SO LATER WITH HER DAD... WHAT A CREEPY BASTARD YOU ARE!!! YOU ARE OWNED!!!!!


Dumbfuck, I know it's his daughter. He wants to have sex with her and probably already has.
After you wash your mouth out with soap, you need to go back to your cell. Otherwise, I'm calling your warden who runs the dementia ward.
I can only go by what trump says and he says he'd be "dating" Ivanka if she wasn't his daughter.
And here's a photo of trump with an under aged minor...

View attachment 269279

... she looks very uncomfortable as he's reaching for her breasts.


Baby Deer you have just been PAWNED and proven as a lying, piece of leftist garbage that you are....Do a Google Search of that picture and you find out that that little girl....IS HIS DAUGHTER, IVANKA A FEW DOZEN YEARS AGO.....GOD I hope YOU never have any children....scumbucket BTW HERE IS IVANKA A YEAR OR SO LATER WITH HER DAD... WHAT A CREEPY BASTARD YOU ARE!!! YOU ARE OWNED!!!!!


Dumbfuck, I know it's his daughter. He wants to have sex with her and probably already has.
No you didnt asswipe or you would have said so..:abgg2q.jpg::dig:
Ok, so you're even dumber than I gave you credit for. And trump was still fondling a minor. There's a good chance his name is among those Epstein will throw out there.
Evidence of Trump fondling a minor would be nice, you lying piece of shit.

You have none though.
I already posted the photo.
Baby Deer you have just been PAWNED and proven as a lying, piece of leftist garbage that you are....Do a Google Search of that picture and you find out that that little girl....IS HIS DAUGHTER, IVANKA A FEW DOZEN YEARS AGO.....GOD I hope YOU never have any children....scumbucket BTW HERE IS IVANKA A YEAR OR SO LATER WITH HER DAD... WHAT A CREEPY BASTARD YOU ARE!!! YOU ARE OWNED!!!!!


Dumbfuck, I know it's his daughter. He wants to have sex with her and probably already has.
No you didnt asswipe or you would have said so..:abgg2q.jpg::dig:
Ok, so you're even dumber than I gave you credit for. And trump was still fondling a minor. There's a good chance his name is among those Epstein will throw out there.
Evidence of Trump fondling a minor would be nice, you lying piece of shit.

You have none though.
I already posted the photo.
Not of him fondling a child.

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