OH SNAP! 'House Intelligence Chair: ‘No Proof’ Russians Were Trying To Get Trump Elected'

Especially when we have no evidence Russia was involved.

Do you not fucking get that anything and everything else you may say is entirely moot without establishing this point first?

I know to Trumpster koolaid drinkers American Intelligence unanimous findings are without merit but not to the rest of the world.

Define unanimous and then provide the documentation. You can't.
the alt right stains don't need no stinkin' reading.
Perhaps YOU can link or post the law or regulation that makes it illegal for a third party to post damaging information about a Political campaign or person running for office?

Jakey&TheLeft translated: You stupid wingers were so stupid you believed the True Stuff that was made public by our own incompetence.
PEOTUS trusts accused rapist Julian Assange more than he does our own intelligence services. Also, he can't keep straight what intelligence briefing is supposed to occur on what day. Therefore he still "doesn't know something that we don't know."

So Assange is Trump's go to guy for intel. if so, what else is the PEOTUS not telling us.

Come on snowflake, answer the questions asked before trying to change the subject.
The answer is obvious: kwcflake, Trump trust Assange more than our intel agencies. For how long? And why?

That wasn't the question you obtuse ass. Your providing an answer to your own obfuscation away from what you can't answer. God but you're a moron. How do you post here without feeling ashamed?
the alt right stains don't need no stinkin' reading.
Perhaps YOU can link or post the law or regulation that makes it illegal for a third party to post damaging information about a Political campaign or person running for office?

Jakey&TheLeft translated: You stupid wingers were so stupid you believed the True Stuff that was made public by our own incompetence.
You don't know libel law: that's stupid.
Have you stopped to wonder why the intel agencies have not given it to the intel committee yet.

Traitors on the committee who would give it to the Russians?

Oh, poor, poor fakey. It has already been admitted that the claim that the evil russkis had hacked our power grid system was fake news, and wouldn't you know it, it appears that all the rest is fake news too. Funny how it's you progs who are the primary purveyors of fake news in this country. Shocked I am, I tell ya!

Well....not really!
you calling someone "fake" is rich Mr. Democrat :laugh:
the alt right stains don't need no stinkin' reading.
Perhaps YOU can link or post the law or regulation that makes it illegal for a third party to post damaging information about a Political campaign or person running for office?

Jakey&TheLeft translated: You stupid wingers were so stupid you believed the True Stuff that was made public by our own incompetence.
You don't know libel law: that's stupid.

It's not libel if it's true, slick.

The Dems have not said that anything revealed by the Podesta Phish-Leak is not true.
Have you stopped to wonder why the intel agencies have not given it to the intel committee yet.

Traitors on the committee who would give it to the Russians?

Oh, poor, poor fakey. It has already been admitted that the claim that the evil russkis had hacked our power grid system was fake news, and wouldn't you know it, it appears that all the rest is fake news too. Funny how it's you progs who are the primary purveyors of fake news in this country. Shocked I am, I tell ya!

Well....not really!
you calling someone "fake" is rich Mr. Democrat :laugh:
westwall is not a dem, just a crazy maybe anarchist.

Why is Trump consulting Assange and not his intel professionals.
Have you stopped to wonder why the intel agencies have not given it to the intel committee yet.

Traitors on the committee who would give it to the Russians?

Oh, poor, poor fakey. It has already been admitted that the claim that the evil russkis had hacked our power grid system was fake news, and wouldn't you know it, it appears that all the rest is fake news too. Funny how it's you progs who are the primary purveyors of fake news in this country. Shocked I am, I tell ya!

Well....not really!
you calling someone "fake" is rich Mr. Democrat :laugh:
westwall is not a dem, just a crazy maybe anarchist.

Why is Trump consulting Assange and not his intel professionals.

Nope. I'm still a Dem, but I am leaning ever more towards anarchy as the corruption within my Party becomes ever more apparent.
Why don't any of your right wing nut jobs care whether Russia tried to hack our election?
My concern right now is that my country is provoking Russia and has been now for a number of years. .

And by 'provoking' Russia you mean how we forced Russia to hack the United States- something that the OP's own citation noted is occurring?

Or were we provocative when we 'forced' Russia to invade Crimea?

Or were we provocative when we 'forced' Russia to invade Georgia?
I mean how we orchestrated a coup against the Ukrainian government.

Ah so that 'forced' Russia to invade the Ukraine- 'to protect' ethnic Russians.

It must be odd to have more confidence in Russia than in the United States.
How is it an assumption when the FBI report specifically says that they did try to interfere in the election?
It is an assumption because you believe something without proof. That is what the definition was for, to explain it to you. There is no proof in the JAR.

I have the proof- which is the FBI report.

The FBI says that Russia tried to hack our election.

That is not an assumption- that is a statement of fact.

Now an assumption would be assuming that Russia did not try to hack the election.
No one hacked the election so if the FBI used the words hack the election they lied.

Wow- thanks for you acknowledging you haven't even bothered to read the FBI's report.
If they used the words "hacking the election" or " the election was hacked" they lied. .
Wow- thanks for you acknowledging you haven't even bothered to read the FBI's report.
How is it an assumption when the FBI report specifically says that they did try to interfere in the election?

https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

This Joint Analysis Report (JAR) is the result of analytic efforts between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This document
provides technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian civilian and
military intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and endpoints
associated with the U.S. election,

'Russian... military intelligence Services to.... compromise with the U.S. election."

So you are saying that the FBI, Homeland Security and the CIA are all lying?

Why don't any of your right wing nut jobs care whether Russia tried to hack our election?

Trump will be President regardless
- but why do you just not give a damn whether or not Russia tried to influence our election?
The hack of DNC files did NOT HACK the election,there is absolutely ZERO evidence or anyone saying any voting machines were hacked,.

Wow- great way not to address my post.

Why don't any of your right wing nut jobs care whether Russia tried to hack our election?

Trump will be President regardless
- but why do you just not give a damn whether or not Russia tried to influence our election?
Perhaps you can answer me, what Law or regulation makes it illegal for a third party to release damaging information about a Presidential Candidate?

Wow- once again- you are desperately trying not to address my post.

Why don't any of your right wing nut jobs care whether Russia tried to hack our election?

Trump will be President regardless
- but why do you just not give a damn whether or not Russia tried to influence our election?
NO ONE hacked the election retard. NO ONE. .

You must have quite the hardon for Putin to keep avoiding the actual words of my post.

Why don't any of your right wing nut jobs care whether Russia tried to hack our election?

Trump will be President regardless
- but why do you just not give a damn whether or not Russia tried to influence our election?
the alt right stains don't need no stinkin' reading.
Perhaps YOU can link or post the law or regulation that makes it illegal for a third party to post damaging information about a Political campaign or person running for office?
Check your libel laws. If it was done knowingly with intention to deceive, such a person could be charged.
And yet NOT a single accusation that the information was false.
The hack of DNC files did NOT HACK the election,there is absolutely ZERO evidence or anyone saying any voting machines were hacked,.

Wow- great way not to address my post.

Why don't any of your right wing nut jobs care whether Russia tried to hack our election?

Trump will be President regardless
- but why do you just not give a damn whether or not Russia tried to influence our election?
Perhaps you can answer me, what Law or regulation makes it illegal for a third party to release damaging information about a Presidential Candidate?

Wow- once again- you are desperately trying not to address my post.

Why don't any of your right wing nut jobs care whether Russia tried to hack our election?

Trump will be President regardless
- but why do you just not give a damn whether or not Russia tried to influence our election?
NO ONE hacked the election retard. NO ONE. .

You must have quite the hardon for Putin to keep avoiding the actual words of my post.

Why don't any of your right wing nut jobs care whether Russia tried to hack our election?

Trump will be President regardless
- but why do you just not give a damn whether or not Russia tried to influence our election?
No one tried to hack the election dumb ass.
Have you stopped to wonder why the intel agencies have not given it to the intel committee yet.

Traitors on the committee who would give it to the Russians?

Oh, poor, poor fakey. It has already been admitted that the claim that the evil russkis had hacked our power grid system was fake news, and wouldn't you know it, it appears that all the rest is fake news too. Funny how it's you progs who are the primary purveyors of fake news in this country. Shocked I am, I tell ya!

Well....not really!
you calling someone "fake" is rich Mr. Democrat :laugh:
westwall is not a dem, just a crazy maybe anarchist.

Why is Trump consulting Assange and not his intel professionals.

Nope. I'm still a Dem, but I am leaning ever more towards anarchy as the corruption within my Party becomes ever more apparent.
NEWSFLASH!!! You're as fake A Dem is Jake is a fake Repub. You two could switch your labels and no one would notice but keep telling yourself that you're a Dem . I need a belly laugh from time to time
Why don't any of your right wing nut jobs care whether Russia tried to hack our election?
My concern right now is that my country is provoking Russia and has been now for a number of years. .

And by 'provoking' Russia you mean how we forced Russia to hack the United States- something that the OP's own citation noted is occurring?

Or were we provocative when we 'forced' Russia to invade Crimea?

Or were we provocative when we 'forced' Russia to invade Georgia?
I mean how we orchestrated a coup against the Ukrainian government.

Ah so that 'forced' Russia to invade the Ukraine- 'to protect' ethnic Russians.

It must be odd to have more confidence in Russia than in the United States.
So you acknowledge and have no trouble with the USG interfering in Ukraine, a provocation toward Russia? If you condone that type of behavior on the international stage, WTF are you whining about?
You must have quite the hardon for Putin to keep avoiding the actual words of my post.
Why don't any of your right wing nut jobs care whether Russia tried to hack our election?
Why do you continue to repeat this false narrative while simultaneously both refusing to acknowledge there is no proof such a thing occurred AND refusing to admit you can NOT produce any such evidence?
Within the next page of this thread I challenge any USMB member to provide definitive proof that the Russians 'hacked the election' and their intent was to help Trump

I challenge you to provide definitive proof that the Russians did not try to hack the American elections.

I am baffled by why Conservatives have decided to believe Russia more than our own intelligence agencies.
You must have quite the hardon for Putin to keep avoiding the actual words of my post.
Why don't any of your right wing nut jobs care whether Russia tried to hack our election?
Why do you continue to repeat this false narrative while simultaneously both refusing to acknowledge there is no proof such a thing occurred AND refusing to admit you can NOT produce any such evidence?

Why do you not care whether Russia tried to hack our elections?

https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

This Joint Analysis Report (JAR) is the result of analytic efforts between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This document
provides technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian civilian and
military intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and endpoints
associated with the U.S. election,

'Russian... military intelligence Services to.... compromise with the U.S. election."

So you are saying that the FBI, Homeland Security and the CIA are all lying?

Why don't any of your right wing nut jobs care whether Russia tried to hack our election?

Trump will be President regardless- but why do you just not give a damn whether or not Russia tried to influence our election?
Within the next page of this thread I challenge any USMB member to provide definitive proof that the Russians 'hacked the election' and their intent was to help Trump

I challenge you to provide definitive proof that the Russians did not try to hack the American elections.

I am baffled by why Conservatives have decided to believe Russia more than our own intelligence agencies.
Once again for the SLOW and STUPID no one claims the election was hacked. That is a lie. Anyone claiming that the election was hacked is a bald faced liar as no voting was hacked AT ALL and no Intel agency or intelligent human is claiming they were.
Within the next page of this thread I challenge any USMB member to provide definitive proof that the Russians 'hacked the election' and their intent was to help Trump

I challenge you to provide definitive proof that the Russians did not try to hack the American elections.

I am baffled by why Conservatives have decided to believe Russia more than our own intelligence agencies.
One does not prove a negative you made the claim back it the fuck up.

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