OH SNAP! 'House Intelligence Chair: ‘No Proof’ Russians Were Trying To Get Trump Elected'

The fact remains, Russia had nothing to do with the outcome of the election…

How did you establish that fact? Did you count how many people didn't vote for Hillary due to leaked emails?
No real conservative would ever vote for Hillary under ANY circumstance, and I expect the same thing from the other side.
The fact remains the Clintons are the most repugnant of people. If you consider all the candidates running for president this time around the number of conservatives outnumbered the progressives. That is why the EC works perfectly… Fact

That is really stupid, but what else to expect.
To listen to you no revelation about any candidate had any bearing on outcome of election. :lame2:
Please be specific and cite for us the law or regulation that makes it illegal to embarrass or show a candidate for President in bad light, the law or regulation that makes it illegal to post information that shows unethical and illegal activity by a candidate for President?
Major, reputable, national news organizations that have not bee debunked by anyone with credibility?

Just those silly old things?

What do you have? Tomi Lahren and the blaze? Infowars and Alex Jones' sulfur theories? Please fuck yourself.

Nope... your OWN SOURCES say they don't KNOW that Russians did the hacking... they don't have evidence to PROVE it... they simply "believe" they did because "it looks like" they did. Well it also looks like Hillary Clinton is a criminally corrupt bitch from hell! So if that's now our standard for "PROOF" then we need to lock her up, right?

The sources are 17 American Intelligence Agencies, they all unanimously say that Russia was behind hacks. Lay off the crack.

No they didn't. Name these sources and provide their statements. So far, the ONLY thing you've provided is the same statement from DNI and DHS that says they THINK Russia may have been involved because it appears to have their signature. This is NOT a statement they have evidence Russia did it. That's only TWO organizations and NO definitive evidence.

Let's be clear.... there is a difference between stating that you THINK someone did something and stating that they definitively DID do something. I don't KNOW if Russians were responsible for the hacking... they MAY HAVE BEEN! But we don't have evidence at this time to make that statement. So you need to stop making that statement as if it's a fact... that makes you a LIAR.

https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Let's be clear: YOU'RE CLUELESS
well post up the verbiage that states the russians did hacking.

This document provides technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian... military intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and
endpoints associated with the U.S. election,
The intelligence community has no proof Russia hacked the 2016 presidential election to get Donald Trump elected, according to the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

There’s no proof that we have from intelligence sources that I’ve seen that show that the Russians were directly trying to help Trump,” said Rep. Devin Nunes during an interview with the Washington Examiner’s “Examining Politics” podcast Monday. Nunes did not rule out that Russia possibly had a hand in the recent hacking of various political institutions."
-- HUGE difference between 'did hack' and 'did not rule it out'!

"In his role as chairman overseeing the intelligence community, Nunes has access to the nation’s most important secrets. He is also a member of the intelligence version of the Gang of Eight, a select group of congressional leaders who are given special access to national security information from the executive branch."


'Russia Hacked The Election To Help Trump Win' 'Fake News' EXPOSED!'

'Snowflake Bubble Bursts!

THIS is why the CIA and other Intel agencies illegally ignored a Congressional Subpoena to come before congress and show them the 'evidence' they have - THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANY!

THIS is why Barry hasn't released 'definitive' proof Russia 'hacked the election' - HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY.

THIS is why snowflakes on this board keep parroting liberal sources, Barry, and the Intel agencies yet not being able to post any 'evidence' it happened - THERE ISN'T ANY!
Yet after 5 million dollars the senate intelligence apparatus couldn't find anything wrong with Hillary's security breach..
And you expect the CIA and FBI to offer up all of their evidence to everyone?
To Congress after they have been subpoenaed to appear and share their evidence? You damn right! Instead, they broke the law and ignored a Congressional Subpoena, becoming a 'no-Show' so they would not have to produce evidence they don't have.

NO ONE has provided any. There is a mountain of evidence Russia didn't do it.

Don't think YOUR OWN refusal to provide any evidence, as I have asked for in order to settle this issue, has been over-looked. All you have to do, instead of continue to parrot the Conspiracy Theory, is to produce any definitive evidence. You, like Obama and the Intel Community, refuse / can NOT do so.
there is no hard evidence of exactly what their GOALS for hacking was.
There isn't even any evidence the Russians hacked anything.

Except the testimony of entirety of American Intelligence agencies that lists out the pseudonyms of hackers, their hierarchy in Russian operations and technical explanation of how the hacking was done by the,

None, none at all.
blah, blah, blah, blah and yet the OP sites our own government doesn't believe it. how's that?

here again, since you missed it originally,

There’s no proof that we have from intelligence sources that I’ve seen that show that the Russians were directly trying to help Trump,” said Rep. Devin Nunes during an interview with the Washington Examiner’s “Examining Politics” podcast Monday. Nunes did not rule out that Russia possibly had a hand in the recent hacking of various political institutions."
-- HUGE difference between 'did hack' and 'did not rule it out'!

"In his role as chairman overseeing the intelligence community, Nunes has access to the nation’s most important secrets. He is also a member of the intelligence version of the Gang of Eight, a select group of congressional leaders who are given special access to national security information from the executive branch."

Nunes is saying that the hack was not to elect Trump.

Now why exactly do you not care if Russia tried to hack our election?

Why do you want to ignore the FBI and CIA- and believe Russia?
No one hacked the election that is a bald faced lie. No voting machines votes or any other aspect of the voting process were touched or hacked on election day. And to the leaking of information damaging to Clinton that is NOT illegal nor is it an attack on the process of our election type laws or style. EVERY single candidate TRIES their best to get dirt and expose it on EVERY other candidate INCLUDING 3rd parties unrelated to any candidate.
There isn't even any evidence the Russians hacked anything.

Except the testimony of entirety of American Intelligence agencies that lists out the pseudonyms of hackers, their hierarchy in Russian operations and technical explanation of how the hacking was done by the,

None, none at all.
blah, blah, blah, blah and yet the OP sites our own government doesn't believe it. how's that?

here again, since you missed it originally,

There’s no proof that we have from intelligence sources that I’ve seen that show that the Russians were directly trying to help Trump,” said Rep. Devin Nunes during an interview with the Washington Examiner’s “Examining Politics” podcast Monday. Nunes did not rule out that Russia possibly had a hand in the recent hacking of various political institutions."
-- HUGE difference between 'did hack' and 'did not rule it out'!

"In his role as chairman overseeing the intelligence community, Nunes has access to the nation’s most important secrets. He is also a member of the intelligence version of the Gang of Eight, a select group of congressional leaders who are given special access to national security information from the executive branch."

Nunes is saying that the hack was not to elect Trump.

Now why exactly do you not care if Russia tried to hack our election?

Why do you want to ignore the FBI and CIA- and believe Russia?

Neither the CIA or FBI have ponied up any proof. Are you people really this stupid? THERE IS NO PROOF

And you expect the CIA and FBI to offer up all of their evidence to everyone?

Here is the FBI report.
https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Why exactly do you not believe the FBI and CIA- but you do believe and trust Russia?

When they are making a claim such as this yes I do expect them to show proof and their refusal to do so (even to Congress) speaks volumes. Get your head outa your asses
Nunes is saying that the hack was not to elect Trump.
He didn't even say there WAS a hack 'of the election'!

Nunes is fucking politico hack.

Hasn't said that Russia hacked?

The House Intelligence Committee has been urging President Obama for years to take strong action to deter Russia’s worldwide aggression, including its cyber-hacking operations,” Nunes said Thursday.

“Now, with just a few weeks left in office, the President has suddenly decided that some stronger measures are indeed warranted,” Nunes said.

“This kind of indecision and delay helps to explain why now, at the end of Obama’s eight-year presidency, America’s influence has collapsed among both our allies and our enemies,” said Nunes, who is also a member of the president-elect’s Executive Council of the Presidential Transition Team.

His statements revolve around beating on Obama, not American interests.
easyt65 I don't know that I'd go so far as to say there's a mountain of evidence they /didn't/ do it, but for sure there is nothing of substance linking the Russian /Government/ which is a completely different animal from a Russian civilian (and if you read the report from our gov they even admit it could have been a civilian.)

Which is my issue with it, we as a nation cannot be slapping sanctions on countries based on bullshit. It destroys our credibility in the eyes of the world, it's an affront to justice and "fair trial" in a lot of ways. It's the reason many countries hate us.

Then we get into setting the precedence of punishing a foreign country for the actions of a single citizen. That opens up a pretty nasty can of worms on the US considering we have a shit ton of hackers simply because our government is forced to respect some things like free speech, privacy, etc. that other countries do not have.
USA Today... Politifact?

No... you go fuck yourself, chump.

See how that worked?

Major, reputable, national news organizations that have not bee debunked by anyone with credibility?

Just those silly old things?

What do you have? Tomi Lahren and the blaze? Infowars and Alex Jones' sulfur theories? Please fuck yourself.

Nope... your OWN SOURCES say they don't KNOW that Russians did the hacking... they don't have evidence to PROVE it... they simply "believe" they did because "it looks like" they did. Well it also looks like Hillary Clinton is a criminally corrupt bitch from hell! So if that's now our standard for "PROOF" then we need to lock her up, right?

The sources are 17 American Intelligence Agencies, they all unanimously say that Russia was behind hacks. Lay off the crack.

No they didn't. Name these sources and provide their statements. So far, the ONLY thing you've provided is the same statement from DNI and DHS that says they THINK Russia may have been involved because it appears to have their signature. This is NOT a statement they have evidence Russia did it. That's only TWO organizations and NO definitive evidence.

Let's be clear.... there is a difference between stating that you THINK someone did something and stating that they definitively DID do something. I don't KNOW if Russians were responsible for the hacking... they MAY HAVE BEEN! But we don't have evidence at this time to make that statement. So you need to stop making that statement as if it's a fact... that makes you a LIAR.

https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Let's be clear: YOU'RE CLUELESS

You are showing me a report that documents evidence that DNC servers were hacked. Obviously, since Wikileaks released the information from those servers, we all know they were hacked. I've never claimed that DNC servers weren't hacked! I don't think anyone here disagrees that DNC servers were hacked by someone!

Where is your evidence it was the Russian government or people acting on behalf of the Russian government? You've not provided that.... you can't provide it because it doesn't exist. All you can show us is the OPINIONS of people who THINK it was Russians.

Meanwhile, the person who leaked the information says it's NOT the Russians and it came from inside the DNC. I'm not taking his word for that, but that's what he said. The FACT remains.. .WE DO NOT KNOWWW!
Until proven otherwise, this is a made up, fictional, bitter, sore-loser, butt-hurt, Conspiracy theory and attempt to de-legitimize the Trump Presidency, an attempt by the left to keep from having to come to grips with the fact that for the 2nd election in a row they have suffered an historic, record-setting LOSS, a rejection by the American people!


Liberals believe that America should trust them, even after Obama has lied over and over to them, used the IRS as a weapon against them, spied on them, hired thugs to intimidate / beat / bloody Trump supporters, and rigged their own Primary.

Libs asking Americans to 'trust me' after all that - Now THAT is funny as hell!
easyt65 with that clarification yes. There is also a lot of circumstantial evidence that Obama is just throwing a partisan temper tantrum heh
You are showing me a report that documents evidence that DNC servers were hacked. Obviously, since Wikileaks released the information from those servers, we all know they were hacked.
Not true. Assange has stated that info came from a DNC Insider. The only proof that the DNC servers were hacked is that on several computers were found the outdated Ukrainian code that can be downloaded off the internet and used by anyone today.
Major, reputable, national news organizations that have not bee debunked by anyone with credibility?

Just those silly old things?

What do you have? Tomi Lahren and the blaze? Infowars and Alex Jones' sulfur theories? Please fuck yourself.

Nope... your OWN SOURCES say they don't KNOW that Russians did the hacking... they don't have evidence to PROVE it... they simply "believe" they did because "it looks like" they did. Well it also looks like Hillary Clinton is a criminally corrupt bitch from hell! So if that's now our standard for "PROOF" then we need to lock her up, right?

The sources are 17 American Intelligence Agencies, they all unanimously say that Russia was behind hacks. Lay off the crack.

No they didn't. Name these sources and provide their statements. So far, the ONLY thing you've provided is the same statement from DNI and DHS that says they THINK Russia may have been involved because it appears to have their signature. This is NOT a statement they have evidence Russia did it. That's only TWO organizations and NO definitive evidence.

Let's be clear.... there is a difference between stating that you THINK someone did something and stating that they definitively DID do something. I don't KNOW if Russians were responsible for the hacking... they MAY HAVE BEEN! But we don't have evidence at this time to make that statement. So you need to stop making that statement as if it's a fact... that makes you a LIAR.

https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Let's be clear: YOU'RE CLUELESS

You are showing me a report that documents evidence that DNC servers were hacked. Obviously, since Wikileaks released the information from those servers, we all know they were hacked. I've never claimed that DNC servers weren't hacked! I don't think anyone here disagrees that DNC servers were hacked by someone!

Where is your evidence it was the Russian government or people acting on behalf of the Russian government? You've not provided that.... you can't provide it because it doesn't exist. All you can show us is the OPINIONS of people who THINK it was Russians.

Meanwhile, the person who leaked the information says it's NOT the Russians and it came from inside the DNC. I'm not taking his word for that, but that's what he said. The FACT remains.. .WE DO NOT KNOWWW!

If it came form inside the DNC, WHY HE FUCK DID IT NEED TO BE HACKED? And how the fuck would Assange know a Russian source from that of a DNC defector?

You got this stupid ass politically spawned idea in your head that it cannot be under any circumstances Russia even though all evidence points that way.

It is completely silly. I'll stick with unanimous view of American Intelligence over politico quacks.
there is no hard evidence of exactly what their GOALS for hacking was.
There isn't even any evidence the Russians hacked anything.

Potential hacking occurred. An out-dated Ukrainian code was found on several computers but no proof that hacking occurred. that code can be downloaded off the internet and used by anyone today.

none of that is evidence that the Russians hacked anything.

LMAO, this is such a lie. Why do you keep repeating it?

https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf
Quoting(I hate copying and pasting from a PDF)
This document
provides technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian civilian andmilitary intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and
endpoints associated with the U.S. election
, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private
sector entities.
The U.S. Government is referring to this malicious cyberactivity by RIS as
Previous JARs have not attributed malicious cyber activity to specific countries or threat actors.
However, public attribution of these activities to RIS is supported by technical indicators from
the U.S. Intelligence Community, DHS, FBI, the private sector, and other entities. This
determination expands upon the Joint Statement
released October 7, 2016, from the Department
of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security.
"to RIS is supported by technical indicators from
the U.S. Intelligence Community, DHS, FBI, the private sector, and other entities. This
determination expands upon the Joint Statement"

they have nothing except an assumption. they can't even determine civilian or military, so that means they don't know shit. so, sorry, you still ain't got anything.

Still nothing except from Assange who got the emails confirming it wasn't russia, he did however, state and often it wasn't russia. So, the emails he received, Assange, did not come from russia. He claimed it was an insider. hmmmmmm, disgruntled Bernie guy? Seth maybe who's dead now? There is more evidence it was an inside job than anything related to the russians. keep me laughing though, I enjoy the chuckle daily in here.

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