OH SNAP! 'House Intelligence Chair: ‘No Proof’ Russians Were Trying To Get Trump Elected'

Nope... your OWN SOURCES say they don't KNOW that Russians did the hacking... they don't have evidence to PROVE it... they simply "believe" they did because "it looks like" they did. Well it also looks like Hillary Clinton is a criminally corrupt bitch from hell! So if that's now our standard for "PROOF" then we need to lock her up, right?

The sources are 17 American Intelligence Agencies, they all unanimously say that Russia was behind hacks. Lay off the crack.

No they didn't. Name these sources and provide their statements. So far, the ONLY thing you've provided is the same statement from DNI and DHS that says they THINK Russia may have been involved because it appears to have their signature. This is NOT a statement they have evidence Russia did it. That's only TWO organizations and NO definitive evidence.

Let's be clear.... there is a difference between stating that you THINK someone did something and stating that they definitively DID do something. I don't KNOW if Russians were responsible for the hacking... they MAY HAVE BEEN! But we don't have evidence at this time to make that statement. So you need to stop making that statement as if it's a fact... that makes you a LIAR.

https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Let's be clear: YOU'RE CLUELESS

You are showing me a report that documents evidence that DNC servers were hacked. Obviously, since Wikileaks released the information from those servers, we all know they were hacked. I've never claimed that DNC servers weren't hacked! I don't think anyone here disagrees that DNC servers were hacked by someone!

Where is your evidence it was the Russian government or people acting on behalf of the Russian government? You've not provided that.... you can't provide it because it doesn't exist. All you can show us is the OPINIONS of people who THINK it was Russians.

Meanwhile, the person who leaked the information says it's NOT the Russians and it came from inside the DNC. I'm not taking his word for that, but that's what he said. The FACT remains.. .WE DO NOT KNOWWW!

If it came form inside the DNC, WHY HE FUCK DID IT NEED TO BE HACKED? And how the fuck would Assange know a Russian source from that of a DNC defector?

You got this stupid ass politically spawned idea in your head that it cannot be under any circumstances Russia even though all evidence points that way.

It is completely silly. I'll stick with unanimous view of American Intelligence over politico quacks.

EXACTLY..... Who said it was hacked?
Within the next page of this thread I challenge any USMB member to provide definitive proof that the Russians 'hacked the election' and their intent was to help Trump.

If you do so, you will have done what the Chairman of the Intel Committee, 17 US Intel Agencies, Hillary Clinton, Barry, or anyone else has been willing and/or able to do.

Go for it.
there is no hard evidence of exactly what their GOALS for hacking was.
There isn't even any evidence the Russians hacked anything.

Potential hacking occurred. An out-dated Ukrainian code was found on several computers but no proof that hacking occurred. that code can be downloaded off the internet and used by anyone today.

none of that is evidence that the Russians hacked anything.

LMAO, this is such a lie. Why do you keep repeating it?

https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf
Quoting(I hate copying and pasting from a PDF)
This document
provides technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian civilian andmilitary intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and
endpoints associated with the U.S. election
, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private
sector entities.
The U.S. Government is referring to this malicious cyberactivity by RIS as
Previous JARs have not attributed malicious cyber activity to specific countries or threat actors.
However, public attribution of these activities to RIS is supported by technical indicators from
the U.S. Intelligence Community, DHS, FBI, the private sector, and other entities. This
determination expands upon the Joint Statement
released October 7, 2016, from the Department
of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security.
"to RIS is supported by technical indicators from
the U.S. Intelligence Community, DHS, FBI, the private sector, and other entities. This
determination expands upon the Joint Statement"

they have nothing except an assumption. they can't even determine civilian or military, so that means they don't know shit. so, sorry, you still ain't got anything.

Still nothing from Assange who got the emails confirming russia, he did however, state it wasn't russia. So, the emails he received, Assange, did not come from russia. He claimed it was an insider. hmmmmmm, disgruntled Bernie guy? Seth maybe who's dead now? There is more evidence it was an inside job than anything related to the russians. keep me laughing though, I enjoy the chuckle daily in here.

Who the fuck is Assange? Do you know this guy? Do you have any clue what his motivations or knowledge of the matter is? Do you know what deals he has and who got him by the balls? Do you now how exactly he was handed off the emails. What makes you belive a single word he says over professional view of American Intelligence?

This is fucking insane.
there is no hard evidence of exactly what their GOALS for hacking was.
There isn't even any evidence the Russians hacked anything.

Potential hacking occurred. An out-dated Ukrainian code was found on several computers but no proof that hacking occurred. that code can be downloaded off the internet and used by anyone today.

none of that is evidence that the Russians hacked anything.

LMAO, this is such a lie. Why do you keep repeating it?

https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf
Quoting(I hate copying and pasting from a PDF)
This document
provides technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian civilian andmilitary intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and
endpoints associated with the U.S. election
, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private
sector entities.
The U.S. Government is referring to this malicious cyberactivity by RIS as
Previous JARs have not attributed malicious cyber activity to specific countries or threat actors.
However, public attribution of these activities to RIS is supported by technical indicators from
the U.S. Intelligence Community, DHS, FBI, the private sector, and other entities. This
determination expands upon the Joint Statement
released October 7, 2016, from the Department
of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security.
"to RIS is supported by technical indicators from
the U.S. Intelligence Community, DHS, FBI, the private sector, and other entities. This
determination expands upon the Joint Statement"

they have nothing except an assumption. they can't even determine civilian or military, so that means they don't know shit. so, sorry, you still ain't got anything.

Still nothing from Assange who got the emails confirming russia, he did however, state it wasn't russia. So, the emails he received, Assange, did not come from russia. He claimed it was an insider. hmmmmmm, disgruntled Bernie guy? Seth maybe who's dead now? There is more evidence it was an inside job than anything related to the russians. keep me laughing though, I enjoy the chuckle daily in here.

Who the fuck is Assange? Do you know this guy? Do you have any clue what his motivations or knowledge of the matter is? Do you know what deals he has and who got him by the balls? Do you now how exactly he was handed off the emails. What makes you belive a single word he says over professional view of American Intelligence?

This is fucking insane.
dude, that is as fking a stupid paragraph as I've ever seen. Who is Assange? well turd, he's the one who released the emails that were given to him about corruption in the DNC. Debbie Wasserman quit her job because of them. Who is Assange? You've never heard of Wikileaks? what planet are you from?
EXACTLY..... Who said it was hacked?

which finger prints, you got em? BTW, why you shouting? you ain't got enough info to make a claim so you have to shout? I agree, save your lungs though. and debate normally and calmly. you'll get further. right now you ain't got shit. BTW.
There isn't even any evidence the Russians hacked anything.

Potential hacking occurred. An out-dated Ukrainian code was found on several computers but no proof that hacking occurred. that code can be downloaded off the internet and used by anyone today.

none of that is evidence that the Russians hacked anything.

LMAO, this is such a lie. Why do you keep repeating it?

https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf
Quoting(I hate copying and pasting from a PDF)
This document
provides technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian civilian andmilitary intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and
endpoints associated with the U.S. election
, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private
sector entities.
The U.S. Government is referring to this malicious cyberactivity by RIS as
Previous JARs have not attributed malicious cyber activity to specific countries or threat actors.
However, public attribution of these activities to RIS is supported by technical indicators from
the U.S. Intelligence Community, DHS, FBI, the private sector, and other entities. This
determination expands upon the Joint Statement
released October 7, 2016, from the Department
of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security.
"to RIS is supported by technical indicators from
the U.S. Intelligence Community, DHS, FBI, the private sector, and other entities. This
determination expands upon the Joint Statement"

they have nothing except an assumption. they can't even determine civilian or military, so that means they don't know shit. so, sorry, you still ain't got anything.

Still nothing from Assange who got the emails confirming russia, he did however, state it wasn't russia. So, the emails he received, Assange, did not come from russia. He claimed it was an insider. hmmmmmm, disgruntled Bernie guy? Seth maybe who's dead now? There is more evidence it was an inside job than anything related to the russians. keep me laughing though, I enjoy the chuckle daily in here.

Who the fuck is Assange? Do you know this guy? Do you have any clue what his motivations or knowledge of the matter is? Do you know what deals he has and who got him by the balls? Do you now how exactly he was handed off the emails. What makes you belive a single word he says over professional view of American Intelligence?

This is fucking insane.
dude, that is as fking a stupid paragraph as I've ever seen. Who is Assange? well turd, he's the one who released the emails that were given to him about corruption in the DNC. Debbie Wasserman quit her job because of them. Who is Assange? You've never heard of Wikileaks? what planet are you from?

How does he know WHO gave him the emails? What makes you think he is not lying about the origins? What is in it for him to run around convincing the world it wasn't Russia? How does that benefit him?

It's crazy how uncritically you take his word for it yet no evidence is enough for you when it comes to position of American Intelligence.
Quoting(I hate copying and pasting from a PDF)
This document
provides technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian civilian andmilitary intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and
endpoints associated with the U.S. election
, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private
sector entities.
The U.S. Government is referring to this malicious cyberactivity by RIS as
Previous JARs have not attributed malicious cyber activity to specific countries or threat actors.
However, public attribution of these activities to RIS is supported by technical indicators from
the U.S. Intelligence Community, DHS, FBI, the private sector, and other entities. This
determination expands upon the Joint Statement
released October 7, 2016, from the Department
of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security.
"to RIS is supported by technical indicators from
the U.S. Intelligence Community, DHS, FBI, the private sector, and other entities. This
determination expands upon the Joint Statement"

they have nothing except an assumption. they can't even determine civilian or military, so that means they don't know shit. so, sorry, you still ain't got anything.

Still nothing from Assange who got the emails confirming russia, he did however, state it wasn't russia. So, the emails he received, Assange, did not come from russia. He claimed it was an insider. hmmmmmm, disgruntled Bernie guy? Seth maybe who's dead now? There is more evidence it was an inside job than anything related to the russians. keep me laughing though, I enjoy the chuckle daily in here.

Who the fuck is Assange? Do you know this guy? Do you have any clue what his motivations or knowledge of the matter is? Do you know what deals he has and who got him by the balls? Do you now how exactly he was handed off the emails. What makes you belive a single word he says over professional view of American Intelligence?

This is fucking insane.
dude, that is as fking a stupid paragraph as I've ever seen. Who is Assange? well turd, he's the one who released the emails that were given to him about corruption in the DNC. Debbie Wasserman quit her job because of them. Who is Assange? You've never heard of Wikileaks? what planet are you from?

How does he know WHO gave him the emails? What makes you think he is not lying about the origins? What is in it for him to run around convincing the world it wasn't Russia? How does that benefit him?
well if he got em, doesn't it make sense he knows who gave them to him? holy fk!!!!

Quoting(I hate copying and pasting from a PDF)
This document
provides technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian civilian andmilitary intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and
endpoints associated with the U.S. election
, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private
sector entities.
The U.S. Government is referring to this malicious cyberactivity by RIS as
Previous JARs have not attributed malicious cyber activity to specific countries or threat actors.
However, public attribution of these activities to RIS is supported by technical indicators from
the U.S. Intelligence Community, DHS, FBI, the private sector, and other entities. This
determination expands upon the Joint Statement
released October 7, 2016, from the Department
of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security.
"to RIS is supported by technical indicators from
the U.S. Intelligence Community, DHS, FBI, the private sector, and other entities. This
determination expands upon the Joint Statement"

they have nothing except an assumption. they can't even determine civilian or military, so that means they don't know shit. so, sorry, you still ain't got anything.

Still nothing from Assange who got the emails confirming russia, he did however, state it wasn't russia. So, the emails he received, Assange, did not come from russia. He claimed it was an insider. hmmmmmm, disgruntled Bernie guy? Seth maybe who's dead now? There is more evidence it was an inside job than anything related to the russians. keep me laughing though, I enjoy the chuckle daily in here.

Who the fuck is Assange? Do you know this guy? Do you have any clue what his motivations or knowledge of the matter is? Do you know what deals he has and who got him by the balls? Do you now how exactly he was handed off the emails. What makes you belive a single word he says over professional view of American Intelligence?

This is fucking insane.
dude, that is as fking a stupid paragraph as I've ever seen. Who is Assange? well turd, he's the one who released the emails that were given to him about corruption in the DNC. Debbie Wasserman quit her job because of them. Who is Assange? You've never heard of Wikileaks? what planet are you from?

How does he know WHO gave him the emails? What makes you think he is not lying about the origins? What is in it for him to run around convincing the world it wasn't Russia? How does that benefit him?
well if he got em, doesn't it make sense he knows who gave them to him?

No retard, it doesn't. If someone hands off to me a flash drive do I automatically know who I'm dealing with and who this person is working for?

Do you seriously think that a Russian spy agency is too stupid to figure out how to hand off some documents without being seen? Seriously?
Yet after 5 million dollars the senate intelligence apparatus couldn't find anything wrong with Hillary's security breach.

Aren't you following along with your libtarded friends? Apparently, we don't have to find anything anymore... we just need to THINK you did something or BELIEVE you did something, and that's enough! Just continue to post over and over and over and over that Hillary is guilty and she becomes guilty because we believe she is.
Russian hacking is the new flat Earth society.
But you believe in a flat earth.

The intel agencies, all of them, agree. You don't. Who cares?

JakeFakey, can you provide statements from all 17 agencies agreeing on the alleged hacking? I'm really interested since all of you leftists keep screaming 17 agencies. First it was alleged by unnamed sources that the CIA made the claim. Then eventually the FBI crawled on the bandwagon. That is 2 agencies. Give us the statements from the other 15 agencies. If you can't, you're promoting fake news BS.
kwcflake, talk about what you know. This you don't know.

You can just admit you were blowing smoke with your fake news snowflake. But if you want to continue on repeating DNC talking points like ALL agencies say X, go ahead and reinforce looking like the fool we know you are. Put up or shut up Comrade Fakey.
The intelligence community has no proof Russia hacked the 2016 presidential election to get Donald Trump elected, according to the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

That's fine with me. I don't really care whether they acted to get Trump elected or whether they did it merely because they could. Why they acted is irrelevant to me. What I take exception with is that they actively interfered at all in America's political process.
The only question which remains open is whether or not Donald Trump actively colluded with Putin to interfere in our election.

See if Comrade JakeFakey will make you one of his hats.

Nope... your OWN SOURCES say they don't KNOW that Russians did the hacking... they don't have evidence to PROVE it... they simply "believe" they did because "it looks like" they did. Well it also looks like Hillary Clinton is a criminally corrupt bitch from hell! So if that's now our standard for "PROOF" then we need to lock her up, right?

The sources are 17 American Intelligence Agencies, they all unanimously say that Russia was behind hacks. Lay off the crack.

No they didn't. Name these sources and provide their statements. So far, the ONLY thing you've provided is the same statement from DNI and DHS that says they THINK Russia may have been involved because it appears to have their signature. This is NOT a statement they have evidence Russia did it. That's only TWO organizations and NO definitive evidence.

Let's be clear.... there is a difference between stating that you THINK someone did something and stating that they definitively DID do something. I don't KNOW if Russians were responsible for the hacking... they MAY HAVE BEEN! But we don't have evidence at this time to make that statement. So you need to stop making that statement as if it's a fact... that makes you a LIAR.

https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Let's be clear: YOU'RE CLUELESS

You are showing me a report that documents evidence that DNC servers were hacked. Obviously, since Wikileaks released the information from those servers, we all know they were hacked. I've never claimed that DNC servers weren't hacked! I don't think anyone here disagrees that DNC servers were hacked by someone!

Where is your evidence it was the Russian government or people acting on behalf of the Russian government? You've not provided that.... you can't provide it because it doesn't exist. All you can show us is the OPINIONS of people who THINK it was Russians.

Meanwhile, the person who leaked the information says it's NOT the Russians and it came from inside the DNC. I'm not taking his word for that, but that's what he said. The FACT remains.. .WE DO NOT KNOWWW!

If it came form inside the DNC, WHY HE FUCK DID IT NEED TO BE HACKED? And how the fuck would Assange know a Russian source from that of a DNC defector?

You got this stupid ass politically spawned idea in your head that it cannot be under any circumstances Russia even though all evidence points that way.

It is completely silly. I'll stick with unanimous view of American Intelligence over politico quacks.

I don't know if evidence points that way or not... you've still not shown me any evidence. All I've got is a couple of so-called "experts" lamenting how they think this and believe that. This is not evidence, it's opinion. There is no "unanimous view" and you just keep saying that to lend credibility to your speculations.

I did not say that it's absolutely not Russians under any circumstance... let's get that straight... because it may very well be proven one day that it was. So far, that evidence doesn't exist. So I am not going to say it WAS Russians who hacked the DNC emails. I will say that Russians definitely did not hack the elections.

Now the question is still on the table, any time one of your leftards want to answer it... What part of the hacked emails do you think had the greatest influence on the outcome of the election?
So 17 different intelligence agencies say it was the Russians, but TrumpHumpers eschew that for one member of Congress.

You so so so so so so bad want your own, precious, feel-good story to be true! Please, ma! Say it's true!

LMAO, idiots.

I'll challenge you with the same thing I did Jake. Provide the statements issued by all 17 intel agencies. If they said it, it should really be simple using google. Go ahead, cough it up Mr. Gullible McFakenews.
The intelligence community has no proof Russia hacked the 2016 presidential election to get Donald Trump elected, according to the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

That's fine with me. I don't really care whether they acted to get Trump elected or whether they did it merely because they could. Why they acted is irrelevant to me. What I take exception with is that they actively interfered at all in America's political process.
You don't know if they did, that's a belief your masters gave you.

The whole problem is the corruption on the left. They want to sweep it under the rug and blame the messenger. Won't work.
What I take exception with is that they actively interfered at all in America's political process.
  1. 1.
    a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.
What I take exception with is that they actively interfered at all in America's political process.
  1. 1.
    a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.

How is it an assumption when the FBI report specifically says that they did try to interfere in the election?

https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

This Joint Analysis Report (JAR) is the result of analytic efforts between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This document
provides technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian civilian and
military intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and endpoints
associated with the U.S. election,

'Russian... military intelligence Services to.... compromise with the U.S. election."

So you are saying that the FBI, Homeland Security and the CIA are all lying?

Why don't any of your right wing nut jobs care whether Russia tried to hack our election?

Trump will be President regardless
- but why do you just not give a damn whether or not Russia tried to influence our election?
What I take exception with is that they actively interfered at all in America's political process.
  1. 1.
    a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.

How is it an assumption when the FBI report specifically says that they did try to interfere in the election?

https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296A_GRIZZLY STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

This Joint Analysis Report (JAR) is the result of analytic efforts between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This document
provides technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by the Russian civilian and
military intelligence Services (RIS) to compromise and exploit networks and endpoints
associated with the U.S. election,

'Russian... military intelligence Services to.... compromise with the U.S. election."

So you are saying that the FBI, Homeland Security and the CIA are all lying?

Why don't any of your right wing nut jobs care whether Russia tried to hack our election?

Trump will be President regardless
- but why do you just not give a damn whether or not Russia tried to influence our election?

That is super kind of you to respond to that nonsensical remark of his. I hope he appreciates that you bothered to give him the credence and respect of doing so.
PEOTUS trusts accused rapist Julian Assange more than he does our own intelligence services. Also, he can't keep straight what intelligence briefing is supposed to occur on what day. Therefore he still "doesn't know something that we don't know."

So Assange is Trump's go to guy for intel. if so, what else is the PEOTUS not telling us.

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