Oh the hypocrisy!

W’s lies.

How about all the dem lies too.

Face it dipshit, the swamp likes war.

Funny how you couldn't wait to get rid of the one president we had that didn't get us into one.

How about all the dem lies too.

Face it dipshit, the swamp likes war.

Funny how you couldn't wait to get rid of the one president we had that didn't get us into one.

Lol. Has your dementia kicked in old man? I’ve told you over and over I didn’t vote. Joe is no different from Don.
How about all the dem lies too.

Face it dipshit, the swamp likes war.

Funny how you couldn't wait to get rid of the one president we had that didn't get us into one.


Only because Iran restrained themselves when we assassinated one of their leaders. If Iran did that to us, it would have been war.
Lol. Has your dementia kicked in old man? I’ve told you over and over I didn’t vote. Joe is no different from Don.

Trump didn't get us into a single war you lying sack of shit.
Trump didn't get us into a single war you lying sack of shit.
You moron. Where did I state he did? It is one of a few things for which he deserves credit. I’ve stated this before.
Oh and so many lies….

The US And Ukraine Have Every Reason To Lie About The War​

Caitlin Johnstone
5 hr ago


The Washington Post has a new article out titled "Intelligence points to heightened risk of Russian chemical attack in Ukraine, officials say," and I challenge you to find me any Russian state media with two opening paragraphs that are more brazenly propagandistic and bereft of journalistic ethics than these:

"The United States and its allies have intelligence that Russia may be preparing to use chemical weapons against Ukraine, U.S. and European officials said Friday, as Moscow sought to invigorate its faltering military offensive through increasingly brutal assaults across multiple Ukrainian cities.
"Security officials and diplomats said the intelligence, which they declined to detail, pointed to possible preparations by Russia for deploying chemical munitions, and warned the Kremlin may seek to carry out a 'false-flag' attack that attempts to pin the blame on Ukrainians, or perhaps Western governments. The officials, like others quoted in this story, spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the matter."
The US And Ukraine Have Every Reason To Lie About The War
If your making the case that the US government went war based on ethical motivations, I don’t agree. Just honestly evaluate the nations attacked by the US since 9/11. All have been essentially destroyed. Massive civilian casualties and destruction of infrastructure. Is Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and Yemen better off after US military operations?

Okay to stretch my analogy, maybe the man who robbed a bank to feed his kids got caught and went to jail, thus he and his family are worse off. That still doesn't change the fact that he robbed a bank to feed his kids and not, say, to pay back a drug lord.

ETA: And I bet he now thinks, dang, that was a bad idea even if it was for a good reason. Didn't turn out like I planned. Not gonna rob banks anymore. Rather where many of us here are at. Just don't do it unless your homeland is invaded and there's almost no other choice.
The hypocrisy exhibited by some Americans over Putin’s invasion is truly mind numbing. How can they be so ignorant?

Chris Hedges: Worthy and Unworthy Victims

Dividing the world into worthy and unworthy victims is a tactic used to justify our crimes and demonize our enemies. Conflicts will not be solved until all nations abide by international law and all victims are deemed worthy.

The rank hypocrisy is stunning. Some of the same officials that orchestrated the invasion of Iraq, who under international law are war criminals for carrying out a preemptive war, are now chastising Russia for its violation of international law. The US bombing campaign of Iraqi urban centers, called “Shock and Awe,” saw the dropping of 3,000 bombs on civilian areas that killed over 7,000 noncombatants in the first two months of the war. Russia has yet to go to this extreme.

I have argued that when you invade a sovereign nation, that is a war crime,” a FOX News host said (with a straight face) recently to Condoleezza Rice, who served as Bush’s National Security adviser during the Iraq War.

“It is certainly against every principle of international law and international order and that is why throwing the book at them now in terms of economic sanctions and punishments is also a part of it,” Rice said. “And I think the world is there. Certainly, NATO is there. He’s managed to unite NATO in ways that I didn’t think I would ever see after the end of the Cold War.”

Rice inadvertently made a case for why she should be put on trial with the rest of Bush’s enablers. She famously justified the invasion of Iraq by stating: “The problem here is that there will always be some uncertainty about how quickly he can acquire nuclear weapons. But we don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.”

Chris Hedges: Worthy and Unworthy Victims
what UN security sanctions did Ukraine violate?
Only because Iran restrained themselves when we assassinated one of their leaders. If Iran did that to us, it would have been war.
If by "restrained themselves" you mean were completely impotent to retaliate because the vast majority of Americans are just itching for an excuse to bomb them back to the stone age...then I suppose we are in agreement.
If by "restrained themselves" you mean were completely impotent to retaliate because the vast majority of Americans are just itching for an excuse to bomb them back to the stone age...then I suppose we are in agreement.
What proof do you have that the….”vast majority of Americans are just itching for an excuse to bomb them back to the Stone Age?”

Why would Americans want to mass murder millions of Iranian women and children? Do you somehow think a majority of Americans have your blood lust?
If by "restrained themselves" you mean were completely impotent to retaliate because the vast majority of Americans are just itching for an excuse to bomb them back to the stone age...then I suppose we are in agreement.

The majority of the country are tired of the wars. It's why we just mindlessly drop bombs.
What proof do you have that the….”vast majority of Americans are just itching for an excuse to bomb them back to the Stone Age?”

Why would Americans want to mass murder millions of Iranian women and children? Do you somehow think a majority of Americans have your blood lust?
Open your eyes Dude...look around.

These folks can't wait to see Russians die...and the Russians didn't attack us.

Now imagine if Iran attacked the US.

Shouting "Death to America" doesn't win ya a whole lot of empathy.
The majority of the country are tired of the wars. It's why we just mindlessly drop bombs.
They're not weary of war.

They're weary of "the other guys wars".

If President Hillary Clinton started a war with Iran...they'd be 💯% behind it...and anyone who opposed it would be unpatriotic commies.

If it takes a war with Russian to get the Dumbass-in-Chief's poll numbers out of the gutter...they'll be all-in on it...with Big Tech and the MSM cheerleading and removing "misinformation" that turns out to be completely accurate 12 months later when it no longer matters...

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