Oh, The Irony. Obama Looking Into High Gas Prices Finally


I almost busted out loud laughing about the irony of this statement from Obama:

RENO, Nev. (AP) - President Barack Obama said Thursday that the Justice Department will try to "root out" cases of fraud or manipulation in oil markets, even as Attorney General Eric Holder suggested a variety of legal reasons may be behind gasoline's surge to $4 a gallon.


"We are going to make sure that no one is taking advantage of the American people for their own short-term gain," Obama said at a town-hall style meeting at a renewable energy plant in Reno. Obama says new task force will examine gas prices

Course the funny thing about it is the White House is who's taking advantage of this for the long haul. He's been talking about the advantages of higher prices. Now he's really going to do something about it.

As usual the focus will be on rich speculators and traders, so Obama is taking advantage of this and eventually he'll be talking his usual class-warfare crap.


I guess I don't understand. I thought "business people" were "Gawds" who "trickle down" on us common folk. That government should stay out of the market. And now Republicans are crying to big government to protect them for "big, bad companies"? You can't have it both ways. It's almost like right wingers screaming, "Keep government hands OFF my Medicare", as if they would ever say that. Yea, as if.

Shut the fuck up. You take what Obama said and blame it on us.

Obama is the a-hole who's telling us we need a massive government to protect us the "big, bad companies".

Jesus you're stupid.
Katrina was the reason the gulf oil was shut down during the Bush administration.
Obama's team is not allowing the gulf oil to be open, by not giving them the permits.

I almost busted out loud laughing about the irony of this statement from Obama:

RENO, Nev. (AP) - President Barack Obama said Thursday that the Justice Department will try to "root out" cases of fraud or manipulation in oil markets, even as Attorney General Eric Holder suggested a variety of legal reasons may be behind gasoline's surge to $4 a gallon.


"We are going to make sure that no one is taking advantage of the American people for their own short-term gain," Obama said at a town-hall style meeting at a renewable energy plant in Reno. Obama says new task force will examine gas prices

Course the funny thing about it is the White House is who's taking advantage of this for the long haul. He's been talking about the advantages of higher prices. Now he's really going to do something about it.

As usual the focus will be on rich speculators and traders, so Obama is taking advantage of this and eventually he'll be talking his usual class-warfare crap.


what high gas prices ?
the teabaging repigs say make as much as you can , market will out .

don't the gas companies deserve every dime they can get you to pay ?

last time they pulled this they couldn't sell gas ,

stop driving ,

here in st. louis down town built a bicycle station with showers and lockers for people that bike to work .
why should the president interfere with prices of privet enterprise ?
You mean that magical and absolutely fair market isn't supplying lazy Americans cheap fuel so they can drive to Walmart and buy made in China products, oh the horror of it all!

Yes, us lazy Americans need to park our cars and get out and walk.

You first. Set an example.

I have commuted by bicycle for over twenty five years, and public trans when weather is truly bad, 25 plus miles a day summer winter spring fall, next question.
You mean that magical and absolutely fair market isn't supplying lazy Americans cheap fuel so they can drive to Walmart and buy made in China products, oh the horror of it all!

Yes, us lazy Americans need to park our cars and get out and walk.

You first. Set an example.

I have commuted by bicycle for over twenty five years, and public trans when weather is truly bad, 25 plus miles a day summer winter spring fall, next question.

Not everyone can do that.

Guess you want us to give bicycles to all of the poor, the sick, the needy, etc.

I almost busted out loud laughing about the irony of this statement from Obama:

Course the funny thing about it is the White House is who's taking advantage of this for the long haul. He's been talking about the advantages of higher prices. Now he's really going to do something about it.

As usual the focus will be on rich speculators and traders, so Obama is taking advantage of this and eventually he'll be talking his usual class-warfare crap.


Talks about a dammned demigogue? "We are going to make sure that no one is taking advantage of the American people for their own short-term gain,"

What does he think he's doing with his present energy policy? He's the root CAUSE of it.

No, it's speculators.

They've already decided on a scapegoat.

It's not Libya or the Middle East being on fire or the drilling ban, it's speculators.

Were you this outraged when gasoline hit $5.00 and Boooooooooooosh was prez? Did you blame him personally? I didn't, and most other adults didn't either.
According to Saudi Arabia the world supply is not the problem.

World Markets Have Plenty of Oil, Saudi Arabia Says - FoxBusiness.com
I haven't heard any news that the demand for oil has increased. Do you think that with all the dollars they have been printing, --Maybe, is it possible, Could it be inflation?

Well that only effects the price if you're buying from outside the country, you know, like Brazil.

God you're dumb. The oil produced in this country doesn't affect the global price of oil either.
bush was not responsible for high gas prices....during his term but obama is?

Yep, same ol' same ol' but we're not supposed to mention Booooooooosh, remember? It's like he never existed.

On that, I just realized I wandered into one of those "yesterday evening" Obama-bashing clown-a-thons, so I'm done here.
Talks about a dammned demigogue? "We are going to make sure that no one is taking advantage of the American people for their own short-term gain,"

What does he think he's doing with his present energy policy? He's the root CAUSE of it.

No, it's speculators.

They've already decided on a scapegoat.

It's not Libya or the Middle East being on fire or the drilling ban, it's speculators.

Were you this outraged when gasoline hit $5.00 and Boooooooooooosh was prez? Did you blame him personally? I didn't, and most other adults didn't either.

When did it hit $5 before????
According to Saudi Arabia the world supply is not the problem.

World Markets Have Plenty of Oil, Saudi Arabia Says - FoxBusiness.com
I haven't heard any news that the demand for oil has increased. Do you think that with all the dollars they have been printing, --Maybe, is it possible, Could it be inflation?

Well that only effects the price if you're buying from outside the country, you know, like Brazil.

God you're dumb. The oil produced in this country doesn't affect the global price of oil either.

Not that much, but the value of the dollar does.

God you're dumb.

Thanks to Obama and the Dems most of our oil is purchased, not produced. Nearly half of our gas is refined outside of the United States thanks to tree-huggers.
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I remember how everyone blamed Bush when it went close to $4, said it was the end of the world.

Obama has been watching this going on for months and just when he figures the price is high enough he changes from talking about the advantages to high prices to talking about investigating speculators.

I never though you people would be that dumb, but you really are. :stupid:

The guy finds it hard to complete a sentence without lying about something yet you still believe him. :udaman:

I'm just flabbergasted. :banghead:
All my life I thought only 3rd world countries were stupid enough to believe lying authoritarians.

Now I'm seeing it here in my home.


I almost busted out loud laughing about the irony of this statement from Obama:

Course the funny thing about it is the White House is who's taking advantage of this for the long haul. He's been talking about the advantages of higher prices. Now he's really going to do something about it.

As usual the focus will be on rich speculators and traders, so Obama is taking advantage of this and eventually he'll be talking his usual class-warfare crap.


I guess I don't understand. I thought "business people" were "Gawds" who "trickle down" on us common folk. That government should stay out of the market. And now Republicans are crying to big government to protect them for "big, bad companies"? You can't have it both ways. It's almost like right wingers screaming, "Keep government hands OFF my Medicare", as if they would ever say that. Yea, as if.

Shut the fuck up. You take what Obama said and blame it on us.

Obama is the a-hole who's telling us we need a massive government to protect us the "big, bad companies".

Jesus you're stupid.

The current energy costs are a direct result of both the Bush/Cheney Energy policy which makes the US pay tens of billions to oil companies AND Republican deregulation of Wall Street, which let's rampant speculation run wild in the name of "free markets".

Then Mr. Teabirther steps forward and says, "Obama is the a-hole who's telling us we need a massive government to protect us the "big, bad companies"."


complaining about being overcharged from the "big, bad companies".

Well, Mr. Teabirther, I suspect you may be one of those who whine, "Get government hands off my Medicare". And it's NOT a "fine" whine.

I guess I don't understand. I thought "business people" were "Gawds" who "trickle down" on us common folk. That government should stay out of the market. And now Republicans are crying to big government to protect them for "big, bad companies"? You can't have it both ways. It's almost like right wingers screaming, "Keep government hands OFF my Medicare", as if they would ever say that. Yea, as if.

Shut the fuck up. You take what Obama said and blame it on us.

Obama is the a-hole who's telling us we need a massive government to protect us the "big, bad companies".

Jesus you're stupid.

The current energy costs are a direct result of both the Bush/Cheney Energy policy which makes the US pay tens of billions to oil companies AND Republican deregulation of Wall Street, which let's rampant speculation run wild in the name of "free markets".

Then Mr. Teabirther steps forward and says, "Obama is the a-hole who's telling us we need a massive government to protect us the "big, bad companies"."


complaining about being overcharged from the "big, bad companies".

Well, Mr. Teabirther, I suspect you may be one of those who whine, "Get government hands off my Medicare". And it's NOT a "fine" whine.


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