Oh, They're Calling For Changes To Police Dept's, Are They ?

You are far overdramatizing.

Plus, you don't know me and have no idea what I've faced in my life.
Doesn't matter who you are, or what you've done in life. What I said stands. You go after a bad guy with a gun, and see how fast you shoot.
In Sacramento, CA, black activists led by Al Sharpton, are calling for changes to be made in police departments, all across the country. Well OK. I'm all in favor of changing things to make them work better. Here's a few of my suggestions, for police department changes >>>

1. Mandatory arrests of protestors blocking traffic (In cities with Democrat mayors, protestors have been allowed to block traffic without arrests)

2. No stand downs of police in protestor confrontations (as in Baltimore, MD)

3. Mandatory police/citizen interaction classes in public schools, given by police.

4. Issuance of automatic rifles for use against gangs and violent crowds (Tanks and other military equipment too)

5. More funding for hiring more cops.

6. More funding for police investigations, leading to arrests of people shown committing crimes on video (Ex. guy lighting a fire in a convenience store during the Ferguson riot + vandalism and looting)

Here is one change. Stop the fucking cops from committing hit and run.

What you should know about the protester hit by a sheriff's SUV at a Stephon Clark march
Here's item # 7. All cops should be issued steel toed boots. You get kicked in the ankle or knee with one of those, you're done for the day (or week...or year)

After that, your protests will be online. :biggrin:
Point one out.

So, it's ok with you for the cops to be cowards then?
Point out a bad guy ?Why you think there aren't any ? You'll know him when you see him.

No, cops aren't cowards. Actually, they are among the bravest people in our society. Are you feelin OK ? You talk weird.
Cops that shoot first out of personal fear are cowards.
FALSE! Nothing wrong with shooting in self-defense. Law enforcement is law enforcement, not waging a duel.
"Protect and serve". It's their job to stand between civilians and criminals, not kill unarmed people because they are scared. If they can't face a black man with a cell phone they are in the wrong job.
"Protect and serve". It's their job to stand between civilians and criminals, not kill unarmed people because they are scared. If they can't face a black man with a cell phone they are in the wrong job.
They have no time to assess if a suspect is armed or not. The suspect either has hands visible and empty, or he gets shot. Period. Everyone must know this.

Problem is "our" MISeducation system is fill of liberals, who DON'T know this. They know nothing about law enforcement.
"Protect and serve". It's their job to stand between civilians and criminals, not kill unarmed people because they are scared. If they can't face a black man with a cell phone they are in the wrong job.
They have no time to assess if a suspect is armed or not. The suspect either has hands visible and empty, or he gets shot. Period. Everyone must know this.

Problem is "our" MISeducation system is fill of liberals, who DON'T know this. They know nothing about law enforcement.
The latest victim was not the suspect. While he was no angel he was just a guy in his own back yard. The scardy-cops decided to shoot first and avoid asking questions completely if at all possible. If black men terrify you you probably aren't cut out to be a cop.
"Protect and serve". It's their job to stand between civilians and criminals, not kill unarmed people because they are scared. If they can't face a black man with a cell phone they are in the wrong job.
They have no time to assess if a suspect is armed or not. The suspect either has hands visible and empty, or he gets shot. Period. Everyone must know this.

Problem is "our" MISeducation system is fill of liberals, who DON'T know this. They know nothing about law enforcement.

That is insane. It is exactly what I mean when I say the wrong lessons were learned in shootouts.
The latest victim was not the suspect. While he was no angel he was just a guy in his own back yard. The scardy-cops decided to shoot first and avoid asking questions completely if at all possible. If black men terrify you you probably aren't cut out to be a cop.
Who the hell said anything about black men ? The guy you're talking about WAS a suspect over something, or the cops wouldn't have been tracking after him.

The cops decided to shoot first before (what they thought) being shot at. For the 500th time, if you've got cops confronting you, keep your hands visible and EMPTY.
That is insane. It is exactly what I mean when I say the wrong lessons were learned in shootouts.
YOU are insane, and the reason is probably because you are another product of the information-lacking liberal school system, that does not teach what I just told you in Post # 33.

What do you expect cops to do ? Not shoot suspects who hands aren't visible, and then be shot themselves, 1/2 second later. ? Get a brain.
The change I want to see is when a cop is dirty or crosses the line, the other cops don't close ranks and protect them.

I get the "brotherhood" thing. But no one is above the law.
That is insane. It is exactly what I mean when I say the wrong lessons were learned in shootouts.
YOU are insane, and the reason is probably because you are another product of the information-lacking liberal school system, that does not teach what I just told you in Post # 33.

What do you expect cops to do ? Not shoot suspects who hands aren't visible, and then be shot themselves, 1/2 second later. ? Get a brain.

Odd isn’t it? That untrained and lesser equipped baddies are infinitely more accurate with their weapons that the cop can’t afford to wait half a second. The video from Sacramento is interesting. The cops sought cover. Good. From there the likelihood that they will get shot drops dramatically. Then the cops open fire from what? Ten feet? They have an average hit rate of 40%. Twenty rounds fired, eight hits, six in the back. About what one expects from the professional police.

The cops are operating like it is some sort of perverted old west shootouts but here, the goal is to draw and start rapid fire as fast as possible. Why? Because the trained police are lousy shots. Piss poor marksmanship. Why? Because all they train for is that quick draw rapid fire throw a wall of lead in that general direction.

We are told they have to, because the baddies can draw and fire with an alleged accuracy that the cops can not match. In a word. Bullshit.
Odd isn’t it? That untrained and lesser equipped baddies are infinitely more accurate with their weapons that the cop can’t afford to wait half a second. The video from Sacramento is interesting. The cops sought cover. Good. From there the likelihood that they will get shot drops dramatically. Then the cops open fire from what? Ten feet? They have an average hit rate of 40%. Twenty rounds fired, eight hits, six in the back. About what one expects from the professional police.

The cops are operating like it is some sort of perverted old west shootouts but here, the goal is to draw and start rapid fire as fast as possible. Why? Because the trained police are lousy shots. Piss poor marksmanship. Why? Because all they train for is that quick draw rapid fire throw a wall of lead in that general direction.

We are told they have to, because the baddies can draw and fire with an alleged accuracy that the cops can not match. In a word. Bullshit.

You DODGED my question, but that's OK.
I suppose there is no help for you. Continue to dwell in your cop-hate world you've dug for yourself. Not my problem. I've told you what you need to know. I'm not going to repeat.

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