Oh those pitiful Republicans


Liability Reincarnate!
Feb 18, 2013
undisclosed bunker
Ryan and the other RINOs that essentially ARE the establishment of the GOP (guys whose salads Fakey would love to toss) despite having the majority in both houses of Congress have effectively capitulated to Presidunce Obumbler and the liberal Democrat Parody.

Spending bill appears to meet Obama's priorities

This squarely raises the questions:

Why would anybody who opposes the modern American socialist run Democrat Party agenda bother voting for a mainstream Republican again?

Why can't the fucking assholes who ruin -- err -- run the GOP at long last figure out that being the loyal opposition to the President might require that they display some balls? You can't really BE a loyal opposition if you always fail to oppose. Ryan is clearly no different than Boehner was.

The GOP gained their majorities in Congress in large part as an obvious overt REACTION to what this idiot President has been doing; yet the leadershit of the GOP seems habitually unable to use that motivational force to now fight AGAINST what the socialist-based liberal Democrat Parody has been doing.

Time to toss them out.
Fuck the Establishment. Left and Right.

We were warned by one of the Founders and Framers way back at the outset that what we had was a Republic


I'm actually, for the first time, beginning to seriously doubt that we can keep it much longer. I even confess that much of it is already gone. It may already be too late to keep it.
Fuck the Establishment. Left and Right.

We were warned by one of the Founders and Framers way back at the outset that what we had was a Republic


I'm actually, for the first time, beginning to seriously doubt that we can keep it much longer. I even confess that much of it is already gone. It may already be too late to keep it.
We would be if our constitution didn't start getting trampled on by the second fuckin President.

Republicans are the same damn thing as Democrats. I've been saying it for years. They talk a "good game" and then sell the fuck out all day long.
Fakey said:
Put the cat suit back on, kitten.

Even Fakey's idle time fantasies are lame and icky.

But once again, it is clear. The one thing that pathetic pissant cannot do is have an intelligent conversation on any substantive topic.
Fakey said:
Put the cat suit back on, kitten.

Even Fakey's idle time fantasies are lame and icky.

But once again, it is clear. The one thing that pathetic pissant cannot do is have an intelligent conversation on any substantive topic.
Says the poster who as a pathetic pissant attacked me in his OP. :lol:

Remember when you dedicated this to me? I am still under you skin. It's called an infection.

Fakey said:
Put the cat suit back on, kitten.

Even Fakey's idle time fantasies are lame and icky.

But once again, it is clear. The one thing that pathetic pissant cannot do is have an intelligent conversation on any substantive topic.
Says the poster who as a pathetic pissant attacked me in his OP. :lol:

Remember when you dedicated this to me? I am still under you skin. It's called an infection.

I know I got under your skin long ago, child.

I'm fine with that.

I note, with amusement, your obsession.

Substantively, however, you are a void. You have effectively nothing to say. Which is funny in that you say nothing effectively.
The GOP is dying of self-inflicted gunshot wounds.

They actually plan on supporting Hillary if Trump is the nominee. I can't even get that screwed up thought to sink in.
Correction..... the ESTABLISHMENT fucks are being exposed for the douchebags they are. The real conservatives (majority) are revolting against them. Silent majority and all that good stuff.
The RINO Establishment is (sadly) the major component of the GOP present day leadership.

They ARE indeed confronting a revolt, but the revolt is coming from the BASE of the GOP whose membership disagrees with those Establishment entrenched RINOS.

Sadly, they (idiots like Boehner and McConnell and now Ryan, and others) choose to fight their own BASE in order to keep their hands (as best they can) on the reins of "power."

It is mystifying to see that they are too blind to recognize that fighting their own base is not going to help them for too long.

EVERY damn one of the RINO bastards should get thumped by their constituents when they face re-election.
Fakey said:
Put the cat suit back on, kitten.

Even Fakey's idle time fantasies are lame and icky.

But once again, it is clear. The one thing that pathetic pissant cannot do is have an intelligent conversation on any substantive topic.
Says the poster who as a pathetic pissant attacked me in his OP. :lol:

Remember when you dedicated this to me? I am still under you skin. It's called an infection.

I know I got under your skin long ago, child.

I'm fine with that.

I note, with amusement, your obsession.

Substantively, however, you are a void. You have effectively nothing to say. Which is funny in that you say nothing effectively.
Yes, sunshine, you are obsessed with me.
The RINO Establishment is (sadly) the major component of the GOP present day leadership.

They ARE indeed confronting a revolt, but the revolt is coming from the BASE of the GOP whose membership disagrees with those Establishment entrenched RINOS.

Sadly, they (idiots like Boehner and McConnell and now Ryan, and others) choose to fight their own BASE in order to keep their hands (as best they can) on the reins of "power."

It is mystifying to see that they are too blind to recognize that fighting their own base is not going to help them for too long.

EVERY damn one of the RINO bastards should get thumped by their constituents when they face re-election.
It's the beginning of the end for these morons......the 'boat' is taking on water and we are all watching from the shore. About goddamn time I say...
Fakey said:
Yes, sunshine, you are obsessed with me.

the wishful thinking from Fakey is never ending.

In reality of course, as his obsessive posting proves beyond actual doubt, Fakey is entirely obsessed with me.

His fantasy life is disturbing. But his obsession is undoubtable.

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