Oh, yes, Mr. Trump, there IS "fake news" out there....

He's talking about the REAL media, not the bullshit blogs and alt-right sites you frequent. You wouldn't recognize the truth if it jumped up and slapped you in the face, you're so brainwashed by right wing radio.

OMG! Did he truly think I was referring to some claptrap website that's only one step up from a typical USMB post? Bless his heart....It's worse 'n I thought. He doesn't have the sense he was born with. Whatever...He's water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned.
The hacking of the Russian election had nothing to do with the voting machines, and everything to do with mass media manipulations. Stories would appear in the Russian press about WikiLeaks emails, and in Trump's stump speeches simultaneously. There was no time lag for the Russian media to post them, and Trump to read them, and work them into his speech. Like he knew about them in advance.

The lies, the distortions, the fake news stories about Hillary's health, or the so-called "pay for play". Coupled with the insanity out of the FBI around Clinton's emails, it was a total propaganda victory by the Russians, and they are now using this playbook in the German election.
So in other words: The whole "Russia did it" scenario is complete fucking bullshit manufactured for political purposes.
So in other words: The whole "Russia did it" scenario is complete fucking bullshit manufactured for political purposes.

No, the Russians most definitely hacked the election, just not in the way most people think of "hacking". They didn't manipulate the results, they manipulated the propaganda with disinformation and fake news.

They planted false and misleading information about Clinton, to frighten the undecided into thinking she was a dangerous choice. The slow leaks of emails from the DNC hack and the false narrative created by them. The email from the CNN with the questions to be posed - it was also sent to Bernie Sanders and his campaign manager. Those are the two names reacted by the hackers. Ever wonder how or why those two names were blacked out. These emails didn't come from an FOI, the hackers took those names out because to create that narrative.

All of this "dis-information" and the stories which flowed from it, are the way and the means by which the Russians interfered with the election. They also hacked the RNC, and regardless of what Trump said, they had plenty of negative material on the RNC, but the chose not to release any of it.

The first year Putin was in office, he set about to discredit and destroy the Russian press so that there was no narrative to counter what he told the people. Trump's "war on the media" is a page right out of that playbook, as are his twitter account and all of his strategies to circumvent and undermine the MSM.

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