Oh, yes, Mr. Trump, there IS "fake news" out there....

Oh give it up left wingers! How many fake news stories have been busted on this board alone.

Here's your big chance to be labeled a loyal Trumpster....

Cite 2 or 3 "fake news" stories that you idiots have busted........Go on, call Sean Hannity for help.
AP saying trump was calling NG for deportations
Fake news about trump getting a trademark in china because he supported one china policy
Just this week..
Neither one of those is fake news.
It is if you go by the definition of fake.
Not even close. Both stories have valid foundations. The AP story did not say trump was calling for NG deportations. It said the possibility of using NG for such purpose was under consideration. Trump has many trademarks in China. The trouble with trademarks is how well the Chinese enforce the laws on a particular trademark.
"Siding" with Trump's assertion that there is a lot of fake news floating around, the reality remains that HE, Trump, himself, is the font of this fake news.

No doubt, his 1/3 strong base that is fully enamored with Trumpism, will believe all the bullshit that he spreads, but facts are sobering to the remaining 2/3 of American citizens.......

Fake news exists when Trump states about his "amazing" win in the electoral college (he later stated that he was given"faulty" information by his staff).....Trump's insistence that he only lost the popular vote to Clinton because of "illegals" voting ny the MILLIONS....Trump is full of poop when he states that he inherited a mess from Obama (just check the real stats on the economy and how the foreign press sees Obama vs, Trump world policies)........Trump is outright lying about the stats on crime in the U.S., etc., etc. etc.

So, YES, there is fake news floating around .........and Trump is the faker-in-chief.

You care about facts? Since when?
Oh give it up left wingers! How many fake news stories have been busted on this board alone.

Here's your big chance to be labeled a loyal Trumpster....

Cite 2 or 3 "fake news" stories that you idiots have busted........Go on, call Sean Hannity for help.
AP saying trump was calling NG for deportations
Fake news about trump getting a trademark in china because he supported one china policy
Just this week..
Neither one of those is fake news.
It is if you go by the definition of fake.
Not even close. Both stories have valid foundations. The AP story did not say trump was calling for NG deportations. It said the possibility of using NG for such purpose was under consideration. Trump has many trademarks in China. The trouble with trademarks is how well the Chinese enforce the laws on a particular trademark.
They were talking about documents and shit...
They said trump got his trademark approved after he supported one china policy. His trademarks went through in November. Again, its bullshit.
There is fake news everywhere. Trump lies almost as much as the MSM.
He won the battle, who will end up winning the war?
Trump has lied and cheated all his life You expect him to change??? You got him ,,now live with the mistake
Who said anything about change?
The point being is if you don't expect a change a liar and cheat will be in our WH for at least 4 years Repubs let the fox into the henhouse
We have had a liar and cheat in the WH for decades. Maybe one day, you disingenuous hacks will get over your bullshit.

That's what is so disingenuous about these guys. They've made it clear they don't care about lying if it's their guy. Clinton and Obama lied all the time. They praised bill on how good a liar he was. And they just tried to elect arguably the worst liar in politics.

They don't care that trump is lying. They care that he has power and they don't.

I went into this admin expecting him to lie. I've been pleasantly surprised that he isn't lying as much ad I expected.
There is fake news everywhere. Trump lies almost as much as the MSM.
He won the battle, who will end up winning the war?
Trump has lied and cheated all his life You expect him to change??? You got him ,,now live with the mistake
Who said anything about change?
The point being is if you don't expect a change a liar and cheat will be in our WH for at least 4 years Repubs let the fox into the henhouse
We have had a liar and cheat in the WH for decades. Maybe one day, you disingenuous hacks will get over your bullshit.
How many fillibusters made by repub patriots lol,,made Obama a liar ? Not bad enough coming out of the great recession the ah gwb left for him BUT to run into the lowlife repub swine in congress too?? Amazing we didn't have a depression

Fillibusters don't make anyone patriots or liars. Do you even understand what a filibuster is?
It is the latest chant coming out of Team Trump
Any news they don't like gets labeled "Fake News"

Democrats made the same accusations when "Fake News" was being used against Obama
The difference was that they provided actual facts to show why the news was fake

When Donald Trump spouted fake news that Obama was not born in this country, an actual birth certificate and certification from the State of Hawaii was provided. Yet Trump continued spouting his fake news

When Republicans spouted fake news about "Death Panels" and "Obama wants to kill my baby", Democrats provided actual facts to prove it was not true

But Trump has taken Fake News to a new level. He sees no need to provide actual facts that disprove a story. Only a declaration that it is fake because he does not like the story


Now that Sessions, one of the collaborators, is in charge of the Justice Department, I look for the Russian-Trump investigations to come to an abrupt halt. I am sure the Comrade has given the order to his racist buddy.
Dems were "bombarded" by things from the Onion, People's Cube, ABC.com.co, and other places that were OBVIOUSLY fake.

The "fake news" meme was just another attempt by the left to call everyone who doesn't vote for democrats in general, and Hillary in particular, stupid, and it backfired on your snobbish asses.

Deal with the blowback, chumps!

No fake news is stories that Hillary Clinton has Parkinson's. Or John Podesta is running a child sex trafficking ring out of a Washington Pizza Parlour. These are wholly fabricated stories which came out during the campaign.

17 intelligence agencies said that the Russians hacking the US election is NOT fake news. This really did happen.

Just because you like a story doesn't mean it's not fake news. Conversely, just because Trump doesn't like a story or how he's being portrayed, doesn't mean it is fake news.

If what is being said is happening, like the obvious chaos in the White House over the Flynn dismissal, it's not fake news regardless of Trump's lie to the contrary.
No fake news is stories that Hillary Clinton has Parkinson's. Or John Podesta is running a child sex trafficking ring out of a Washington Pizza Parlour. These are wholly fabricated stories which came out during the campaign
Hillary definitely has an advanced neurological disorder, whether that's Parkinson's or ot is yet to be disclosed. Podesta has links to Weiner, it's within the realm of plausibility that he's a fucking pervert too.

17 intelligence agencies said that the Russians hacking the US election is NOT fake news. This really did happen.
They said the DNC was hacked, not the election. Fake, fake, fake news.

Just because you like a story doesn't mean it's not fake news. Conversely, just because Trump doesn't like a story or how he's being portrayed, doesn't mean it is fake news.

If what is being said is happening, like the obvious chaos in the White House over the Flynn dismissal, it's not fake news regardless of Trump's lie to the contrary.
Me liking it or not doesn't determine the fakery. The fakers do that, and have been doing that for decades. That Herr Trumpenfurher is calling out and smacking down the fake commie press is music to my ears.
No fake news is stories that Hillary Clinton has Parkinson's. Or John Podesta is running a child sex trafficking ring out of a Washington Pizza Parlour. These are wholly fabricated stories which came out during the campaign
Hillary definitely has an advanced neurological disorder, whether that's Parkinson's or ot is yet to be disclosed. Podesta has links to Weiner, it's within the realm of plausibility that he's a fucking pervert too.

17 intelligence agencies said that the Russians hacking the US election is NOT fake news. This really did happen.
They said the DNC was hacked, not the election. Fake, fake, fake news.

Just because you like a story doesn't mean it's not fake news. Conversely, just because Trump doesn't like a story or how he's being portrayed, doesn't mean it is fake news.

If what is being said is happening, like the obvious chaos in the White House over the Flynn dismissal, it's not fake news regardless of Trump's lie to the contrary.
Me liking it or not doesn't determine the fakery. The fakers do that, and have been doing that for decades. That Herr Trumpenfurher is calling out and smacking down the fake commie press is music to my ears.

It's TRUMP who's being smacked down by his own lies and hubris. He's a total laughingstock to the rest of the world. Try googling Trump cartoons from around the world.
Oh give it up left wingers! How many fake news stories have been busted on this board alone.

Here's your big chance to be labeled a loyal Trumpster....

Cite 2 or 3 "fake news" stories that you idiots have busted........Go on, call Sean Hannity for help.

Actually one big one I can name without hesitation is the media left's attempt to tie the recent immigration raids by ICE to President Trump, and the portrayal that these were the direct result of his new immigration policy - FALSE
No fake news is stories that Hillary Clinton has Parkinson's. Or John Podesta is running a child sex trafficking ring out of a Washington Pizza Parlour. These are wholly fabricated stories which came out during the campaign
Hillary definitely has an advanced neurological disorder, whether that's Parkinson's or ot is yet to be disclosed. Podesta has links to Weiner, it's within the realm of plausibility that he's a fucking pervert too.

17 intelligence agencies said that the Russians hacking the US election is NOT fake news. This really did happen.
They said the DNC was hacked, not the election. Fake, fake, fake news.

Just because you like a story doesn't mean it's not fake news. Conversely, just because Trump doesn't like a story or how he's being portrayed, doesn't mean it is fake news.

If what is being said is happening, like the obvious chaos in the White House over the Flynn dismissal, it's not fake news regardless of Trump's lie to the contrary.
Me liking it or not doesn't determine the fakery. The fakers do that, and have been doing that for decades. That Herr Trumpenfurher is calling out and smacking down the fake commie press is music to my ears.

Evidence that Clinton has Parkinsons? Other than some photoshopped videos on the blogger websites, I mean. Or the diagnosis of someone claiming to be a doctor, but who hasn't examined her. Unless you have a treating physician making this diagnosis, it's fake news. There is no legitimate evidence that she is suffering from anything more than the pneumonia she was diagnosed with.

Saying the Podesta "could" be a perv based on his friendship with Weiner is the very definition of fake news.

The 17 intelligence agencies said the Russia hacked the election - not just the DNC. That they planted fake news stories, released and based these fake stories based on the email hacks. They planted propaganda stories undermining Clinton. Putin said there would be nuclear war with the USA if Clinton were elected. There are Russian hackers who have admitted to doing these things, who are PROUD of their accomplishment.

The Russians are now working similar tactics in Western Europe in the hopes of undermining and destablizing governments there.
Dems were "bombarded" by things from the Onion, People's Cube, ABC.com.co, and other places that were OBVIOUSLY fake.

The "fake news" meme was just another attempt by the left to call everyone who doesn't vote for democrats in general, and Hillary in particular, stupid, and it backfired on your snobbish asses.

Deal with the blowback, chumps!

No fake news is stories that Hillary Clinton has Parkinson's. Or John Podesta is running a child sex trafficking ring out of a Washington Pizza Parlour. These are wholly fabricated stories which came out during the campaign.

17 intelligence agencies said that the Russians hacking the US election is NOT fake news. This really did happen.

Just because you like a story doesn't mean it's not fake news. Conversely, just because Trump doesn't like a story or how he's being portrayed, doesn't mean it is fake news.

If what is being said is happening, like the obvious chaos in the White House over the Flynn dismissal, it's not fake news regardless of Trump's lie to the contrary.

I have doubts of the Russsian hacking of the election as no solid evidence of electronic discrepancies has been produced. I took the time to do some old fashioned research into the electronic system that had been used in the United States. SmartMatic utilizes encryption as well as WPAT which is a paper audit recept that is used to verify how the individual voted. An audit of the voting electronic system itself can be performed prior, during, or after the election process, with any tapering discrepancies being able to be identified through the WPAT to confirm a change in votes. Now this is just a sample of what the media does not inform the public about. So, where exactly is this concrete discrepancy vote tally? How much of a descrepency has been verified? Do we have sources behind any of this information, or does it stop with the belief the Russians may have tampered with our elections? Let's see those figures and voting tallies.
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The hacking of the Russian election had nothing to do with the voting machines, and everything to do with mass media manipulations. Stories would appear in the Russian press about WikiLeaks emails, and in Trump's stump speeches simultaneously. There was no time lag for the Russian media to post them, and Trump to read them, and work them into his speech. Like he knew about them in advance.

The lies, the distortions, the fake news stories about Hillary's health, or the so-called "pay for play". Coupled with the insanity out of the FBI around Clinton's emails, it was a total propaganda victory by the Russians, and they are now using this playbook in the German election.
The press has been "ignoring" them only because they were all demonstrated to be entirely bogus.

LMAO, okay, so now you contradict yourself. The press is NOT repeating lies, so the press is therefore honest.

Once again, you're TERRIBLE at this. Kellyanne ConJob lies better than you.

Where did I say the press has continued to use them? It gave up after it because obvious they were making fools of themselves. However, at the time they were in the news for weeks, almost up until the election.

You mean like that Comey scam?

What "scam" is that?

You are well aware of Comey releasing misleading information just before the election in conflict with their policy.
So Obama pulled the "scam?"
The hacking of the Russian election had nothing to do with the voting machines, and everything to do with mass media manipulations. Stories would appear in the Russian press about WikiLeaks emails, and in Trump's stump speeches simultaneously. There was no time lag for the Russian media to post them, and Trump to read them, and work them into his speech. Like he knew about them in advance.

The lies, the distortions, the fake news stories about Hillary's health, or the so-called "pay for play". Coupled with the insanity out of the FBI around Clinton's emails, it was a total propaganda victory by the Russians, and they are now using this playbook in the German election.
Julian Assange has said numerous times that Russia was the source of his material. So where does that leave your conspiracy theory?
There is fake news everywhere. Trump lies almost as much as the MSM.
He won the battle, who will end up winning the war?

There's a huge difference between the two:
  • When the media make an inaccurate statement, they issue a correction in the same place and with similar "loudness" as was the original mistake; thus they don't pretend that they were not wrong the first time round. That's called "making an honest mistake." It happens to everyone and everyone knows it. We see the error and the correction and we move forward.
  • When Trump makes an inaccurate statement, he doubles down on or amplifies it. That makes his inaccurate statements lies rather than merely mistakes.
One can be wrong all day long as long as one is willing to and does indeed take responsibility for it. People probably won't want to keep listening to one who often inaccurately presents the facts and details, but they'll at least give one credit for being honest.

You're delusional about the media admitting it's errors, not to mention its outright lies.
There is fake news everywhere. Trump lies almost as much as the MSM.
He won the battle, who will end up winning the war?

There's a huge difference between the two:
  • When the media make an inaccurate statement, they issue a correction in the same place and with similar "loudness" as was the original mistake; thus they don't pretend that they were not wrong the first time round. That's called "making an honest mistake." It happens to everyone and everyone knows it. We see the error and the correction and we move forward.
  • When Trump makes an inaccurate statement, he doubles down on or amplifies it. That makes his inaccurate statements lies rather than merely mistakes.
One can be wrong all day long as long as one is willing to and does indeed take responsibility for it. People probably won't want to keep listening to one who often inaccurately presents the facts and details, but they'll at least give one credit for being honest.

You're delusional about the media admitting it's errors, not to mention its outright lies.

He's talking about the REAL media, not the bullshit blogs and alt-right sites you frequent. You wouldn't recognize the truth if it jumped up and slapped you in the face, you're so brainwashed by right wing radio.
There is fake news everywhere. Trump lies almost as much as the MSM.
He won the battle, who will end up winning the war?

There's a huge difference between the two:
  • When the media make an inaccurate statement, they issue a correction in the same place and with similar "loudness" as was the original mistake; thus they don't pretend that they were not wrong the first time round. That's called "making an honest mistake." It happens to everyone and everyone knows it. We see the error and the correction and we move forward.
  • When Trump makes an inaccurate statement, he doubles down on or amplifies it. That makes his inaccurate statements lies rather than merely mistakes.
One can be wrong all day long as long as one is willing to and does indeed take responsibility for it. People probably won't want to keep listening to one who often inaccurately presents the facts and details, but they'll at least give one credit for being honest.

You're delusional about the media admitting it's errors, not to mention its outright lies.

Actually, no, I'm not at all.
I don't know why you think I'd post something that objectively verifiable and not know that I what I said was correct. You go play with the JV. Maybe in a few years you'll be ready for the pros. I know I don't have any more time for you. L8R.

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