Ohio Joins The Attempt To Shit on The Constitution and Eliminate The Electoral College

I missed almost all of this thread because it's just anther dimocrap wet dream but, Enquiring Minds Wants to know --

Who makes the decision who to award the State's Electoral Votes to??

I mean, fer instance, let's say a State votes by a 60-40 majority to award its EV's to a dimocrap but the Republican won the National Popular Vote.......

Who makes the decision to go against the Will Of The People??

And let's say it's a tight race. And those 20 EV's will toss the election to the Republican.

You're gonna tell me that a dimocrap governor, a dimocrap legislature and a dimocrap population is going to give its EV's to a Republican and hand him the Presidency??

Are you really that stupid?

Yes, you are.

But I also know that dimocrap scum would find a way around doing something they'd already agreed to do.

Because. Well......... Because they're scum.

Always have been. Always will be

This is at least the second time you've oozed in here babbling "duh I missed most a this, howzit work?"

Maybe you should shut the fuck up and read once in a while, ya think??
I missed almost all of this thread because it's just anther dimocrap wet dream but, Enquiring Minds Wants to know --

Who makes the decision who to award the State's Electoral Votes to??

I mean, fer instance, let's say a State votes by a 60-40 majority to award its EV's to a dimocrap but the Republican won the National Popular Vote.......

Who makes the decision to go against the Will Of The People??

And let's say it's a tight race. And those 20 EV's will toss the election to the Republican.

You're gonna tell me that a dimocrap governor, a dimocrap legislature and a dimocrap population is going to give its EV's to a Republican and hand him the Presidency??

Are you really that stupid?

Yes, you are.

But I also know that dimocrap scum would find a way around doing something they'd already agreed to do.

Because. Well......... Because they're scum.

Always have been. Always will be

This is at least the second time you've oozed in here babbling "duh I missed most a this, howzit work?"

Maybe you should shut the fuck up and read once in a while, ya think??
/——-/ Edgetho is 100% correct. Dems want that option until it works against them
As I have told you before this is an attempt right now to completely change the way The Electoral College votes are Distributed. Right now The Left does not have the votes to completely overturn The EC so they are undermining it.


The initiative they have put forth in Ohio and elsewhere if it were in place in 2016 means that despite Trump winning Ohio all of Ohio’s EC Votes would have went to Clinton instead. Now you know why they want open borders voting rights for illegals and want The President elected solely on The Popular vote.

Essentially it is a way to Steal EC votes from The Midwest and give them to The East Coast and West Coast making California and New York Defacto Dictators over the entire country when it comes To National Elections!

What they tried in 2016 is to water down The EC by running 2,000 presidential candidates in all 50 states.

Add in millions of illegals flooding the country, Dems letting them vote, and Midwestern States will be irrelevant and without a voice in National Politics!

What they are trying for 2020 is to award a state’s EC votes, even if they votes for an “R” to The Dem Candidate if they win The Popular Vote.

This means if this were in place in 2016, that the 33 States who voted for Trump will have had their vote nullified and they would have been forced to throw all their EC votes to Clinton who only won 17 States.

It's not going to fly. They will forfeit their votes if they do that.

Meaning what, precisely?
All I am hearing from you is that my vote shouldn't count and that I should just accept it. Never. I understand your argument and I am not entirely unsympathetic but I fail to see how it would matter that much. The ratio of urban to rural is now so tilted that the populous states control the lion's share anyway.

If you're in Nevada, North Dakota, or New Mexico your vote isn't going to count on a nationwide popular vote anymore than it will count in the EV system. Say your candidate does win; She is going to spend 90-95% of the time talking to the voters in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago and crafting a message to get as many votes from those major metropolitan areas as possible (so will the other major party candidate as well).

You have a much better chance of having your issues spoken to in the EV than the straight popular vote.

Additionally, currently we have two major political parties. What happens if we get 3, 4 or 5 cranked up and going? Currently we have about 130M voting. And currently it's about 65M each or 50/50%. Get a 3rd Party and you may end 45/40/15%. Four parties? 35/30/20/15% You want to have a President who gets 35% of the vote? What do you do in that case? Just accept it?
All these problems have solutions that serve democracy just fine as long as democracy is our goal.

Potentially winning with 35% of the vote is democratic?

You continue to mistake the US for a country that enshrines and worships popular vote numbers to the exclusion of all other concerns.

The US has never been a democracy in that sense, and was never intended to be, because the Founding Fathers were vastly smarter than you are, whatever you tell yourself.
All I am hearing from you is that my vote shouldn't count and that I should just accept it. Never. I understand your argument and I am not entirely unsympathetic but I fail to see how it would matter that much. The ratio of urban to rural is now so tilted that the populous states control the lion's share anyway.

If you're in Nevada, North Dakota, or New Mexico your vote isn't going to count on a nationwide popular vote anymore than it will count in the EV system. Say your candidate does win; She is going to spend 90-95% of the time talking to the voters in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago and crafting a message to get as many votes from those major metropolitan areas as possible (so will the other major party candidate as well).

You have a much better chance of having your issues spoken to in the EV than the straight popular vote.

Additionally, currently we have two major political parties. What happens if we get 3, 4 or 5 cranked up and going? Currently we have about 130M voting. And currently it's about 65M each or 50/50%. Get a 3rd Party and you may end 45/40/15%. Four parties? 35/30/20/15% You want to have a President who gets 35% of the vote? What do you do in that case? Just accept it?
All these problems have solutions that serve democracy just fine as long as democracy is our goal.

Potentially winning with 35% of the vote is democratic?

You continue to mistake the US for a country that enshrines and worships popular vote numbers to the exclusion of all other concerns.

The US has never been a democracy in that sense, and was never intended to be, because the Founding Fathers were vastly smarter than you are, whatever you tell yourself.

Then perhaps you should read their intentions, Maggie O'Blivious.
Potentially winning with 35% of the vote is democratic?
If the person with the most popular votes determined the election, we would have had....

1948 Truman 49.6%
1960 Kennedy 49.7%
1968 Nixon 43.4%
1992 Clinton 43.0%
1996 Clinton 49.2%
2000 Gore 48.4%
2016 Clinton 48.2%

How is this democratic?
Accepting the Founders' reasons,

If electors thought Trump would try an end run around the appropriations clause to appease a vocal minority of the masses, should they have cast their votes for him?
Potentially winning with 35% of the vote is democratic?
If the person with the most popular votes determined the election, we would have had....

1948 Truman 49.6%
1960 Kennedy 49.7%
1968 Nixon 43.4%
1992 Clinton 43.0%
1996 Clinton 49.2%
2000 Gore 48.4%
2016 Clinton 48.2%

How is this democratic?
THAT IS Unworthy even of your dishonesty. LOL
Ohioans might vote to ditch Electoral College. Who's behind the effort? That's a mystery


If you cannot win fair, you need to change The Rules so you can cheat!

We are in a Civil War.

And The Dems are Invading this country from The Southern Border and attacking our Constitution in our courts and legislatures.
Calm down Skippy.

The constitution was written to be amended from time to time.

When you asshats actually AMEND it, instead of trying to "reinterpret" it, or weasel around it entirely, we'll calm down, "Skippy".
Potentially winning with 35% of the vote is democratic?
If the person with the most popular votes determined the election, we would have had....

1948 Truman 49.6%
1960 Kennedy 49.7%
1968 Nixon 43.4%
1992 Clinton 43.0%
1996 Clinton 49.2%
2000 Gore 48.4%
2016 Clinton 48.2%

How is this democratic?
THAT IS Unworthy even of your dishonesty. LOL
Translation: You can't answer the question .
Ohioans might vote to ditch Electoral College. Who's behind the effort? That's a mystery


If you cannot win fair, you need to change The Rules so you can cheat!

We are in a Civil War.

And The Dems are Invading this country from The Southern Border and attacking our Constitution in our courts and legislatures.

It's gotta be John Kasich. He's wants Trump to lose. Someone better tell fucking Ohio that it's not THEIR choice to make.

The EC is the federal rule of the land.
This is not an amendment.

It is illegal legislation designed to steal EC votes and throw them to a candidate that did not win that state!

Ohioans might vote to ditch Electoral College. Who's behind the effort? That's a mystery


If you cannot win fair, you need to change The Rules so you can cheat!

We are in a Civil War.

And The Dems are Invading this country from The Southern Border and attacking our Constitution in our courts and legislatures.
Calm down Skippy.

The constitution was written to be amended from time to time.

You'll never convince the rank-and-file Useful Idiots that it's illegal for them to get their own way once their marching orders have told them they're entitled to it.
This is not an amendment.

It is illegal legislation designed to steal EC votes and throw them to a candidate that did not win that state!

Ohioans might vote to ditch Electoral College. Who's behind the effort? That's a mystery


If you cannot win fair, you need to change The Rules so you can cheat!

We are in a Civil War.

And The Dems are Invading this country from The Southern Border and attacking our Constitution in our courts and legislatures.
Calm down Skippy.

The constitution was written to be amended from time to time.

Actually it is an amendment. But all this is going to accomplish is a fight to the higher courts at a cost to taxpayers. The petition is to have this amendment proposal put on the ballot for next election. However our State Constitution cannot override the US Constitution. It will be defeated one way or another.

It might be an Amendment to the state Constitution, but it's not an Amendment to the US Constitution.

I find it ironic - and more than a little hypocritical - that leftists who scream themselves hoarse about how Second Amendment rights are not unlimited NOW want to take the stance that the right of states to choose the method of apportioning its electors IS completely unlimited, to the point where it can disenfranchise its own citizens.

Yet another thing they need to make up their damned minds about. Are delegated rights in the Constitution unlimited, or aren't they? They don't get to have it both ways, depending on what they want at the moment.
That’s the whole point is to nullify Flyover and Rural states votes and to let California & New York be Dictators over The Whole County!

Bullshit, it rewrites The Constitution giving all of Ohio’s Electoral Votes to Hillary Clinton even if President Trump Wins Ohio!

IF this were in place in 2016, then it not only stabs Ohio voters in the back, but everyone not living in New York City Chicago, Miami or Los Angelos has Zero Representation in National Elections for President.

It would Completely overturn The 2016 Election and have All The States Trump won 33 of them actually cast their votes for Clinton.

Wake the Hell Up People!

It’s a big Screw You to All The State’s Voters!

These people proposing this need to be hunted down and dragged through the streets then tarred and feathered and set on fire!
It gives electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote, how is this unfair? Unfair is my presidential vote has only counted one time in my life.

In that state? Or the winner of the nationwide popular vote, which would be impossible to tally without that state's vote so that's a non-starter.

That'd be the quickest way to get your state's vote annulled I ever heard of.


Relax, it's not going to go anywhere. If the states that pass it implement it, they forfeit their votes. It may even get passed in a couple states, and the constituents are gonna be pissed at the legislators that passed it for getting their votes nullified with a stunt like that.

It won't get past the Supreme Court. What this proposal would do is nullify the electoral vote and put in place the popular vote, but just not calling it the popular vote.

More than that, it disenfranchises the very people for whom those state legislatures work and is a betrayal of the public trust. If there were such a thing as treason against a state, that would be it.
This is not an amendment.

It is illegal legislation designed to steal EC votes and throw them to a candidate that did not win that state!

Ohioans might vote to ditch Electoral College. Who's behind the effort? That's a mystery


If you cannot win fair, you need to change The Rules so you can cheat!

We are in a Civil War.

And The Dems are Invading this country from The Southern Border and attacking our Constitution in our courts and legislatures.
Calm down Skippy.

The constitution was written to be amended from time to time.
Only in America can the candidate who wins fewer votes can get elected.

Doesn't that seem like a bad way to run a democratic republic?

Only to those who are puerile simpletons thinking that electing the President of the United States should be like electing the head of the local PTA.

To people who A) passed high school Civics class, and B) understand the complex nature of adulthood in general and national politics in specific, it seems like a brilliant balancing of competing concerns and interests.
If people don’t stand up against it and inform others about it, you just can’t take things for granted anymore.

Look how Obama weaponized The FBI, DOJ, FISA, CIA, NSA against a Duky Elected President with a Fake Russia Collusion Hoax That held our Government hostage for three years!

Speak out or you will lose your voice!

That’s the whole point is to nullify Flyover and Rural states votes and to let California & New York be Dictators over The Whole County!

Relax, it's not going to go anywhere. If the states that pass it implement it, they forfeit their votes. It may even get passed in a couple states, and the constituents are gonna be pissed at the legislators that passed it for getting their votes nullified with a stunt like that.

It won't get past the Supreme Court. What this proposal would do is nullify the electoral vote and put in place the popular vote, but just not calling it the popular vote.

Well first off, they are going to need enough signatures to even get it on the ballot. That's a hurdle in itself. Next they would have to use propaganda to make it sound like what it's not. That too would be difficult as Fox and other national talk show hosts would point out the lies in their language; not to mention local talk show hosts like Bob Frantz here in Cleveland.

You are correct that we just can't sit back and expect things to go our way. Sitting back and making assumptions is how New York ended up with a dingbat congress lady who wiped tables for a living.

Yeah OT is right to be upset. This is an outright attack on one of very things that make America what it is. Putting a bill forward like that is treason.

Word is that there are asshats trying to get Arizona to sign on to this traitorous piece of shit. I vow here and now to make it my mission to see any AZ state legislator who votes for such a thing impeached.
Ohioans might vote to ditch Electoral College. Who's behind the effort? That's a mystery


If you cannot win fair, you need to change The Rules so you can cheat!

We are in a Civil War.

And The Dems are Invading this country from The Southern Border and attacking our Constitution in our courts and legislatures.

Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 would compel the Supreme Court to strike down such a shenanigan. In short is says no State shall "enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State" without the consent of Congress. I would think this section of Clause 3 would especially apply to States trying to circumvent the Constitution.

So I wouldn't get too upset about it.

You don't have the foggiest idea what's in the Constitution and what isn't, Dumfuck. ANY state ANYWHERE can choose its Electors any way it likes. It can set up a Ouija board. It can throw darts at names. It can read tea leaves. ALL Constitutional, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Correct, they can, but not forced to by law. In this case, what's being proposed is that it doesn't matter what the electors say or think. They must give all EC votes to whoever wins the national popular vote.

You have to wonder if any of the everyday people who enthuse over this idea have actually run all the possible scenarios in their heads.
Ohioans might vote to ditch Electoral College. Who's behind the effort? That's a mystery


If you cannot win fair, you need to change The Rules so you can cheat!

We are in a Civil War.

And The Dems are Invading this country from The Southern Border and attacking our Constitution in our courts and legislatures.
Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 would compel the Supreme Court to strike down such a shenanigan. In short is says no State shall "enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State" without the consent of Congress. I would think this section of Clause 3 would especially apply to States trying to circumvent the Constitution.
So I wouldn't get too upset about it.
This is the obvious truth they refuse to accept.

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