Ohio LGBT group announces plans to target churches for homosexual weddings.

This may be a dumb question, but has any preacher been sued yet because they have refused to be the preacher of a homosexual wedding?

God bless you and those who refuse always!!!

The only 'preachers' who have been sued or sanctioned are 'for profit' ministers who ran a for profit 'wedding chapel'.
Thank you for answering me. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

View attachment 114758

Ohio LGBT Group Announces Plans to Target Churches for Homosexual Weddings

These type of leftist hypocritical jackasses are the kind American's are really getting sick of and we can't wait until you screw yourselves in more ways than one. You ain't under Obama bitches so you little VINDICTIVE stunts might not work as well as they did under Obama screwballs crooked bs...............
FAIL when you are idiots like this you don't deserve to be treated equal.

There is a difference of just wanting to be married but when you set our to intentionally cause issues your screwed up in the head, you are dumbed down retards.

This is, of course, the next step...it was never about getting married, it was all about opening up churches to attack....
Just like the government forces catholic churches to marry previously divorced people.
View attachment 114758

Ohio LGBT Group Announces Plans to Target Churches for Homosexual Weddings

These type of leftist hypocritical jackasses are the kind American's are really getting sick of and we can't wait until you screw yourselves in more ways than one. You ain't under Obama bitches so you little VINDICTIVE stunts might not work as well as they did under Obama screwballs crooked bs...............
FAIL when you are idiots like this you don't deserve to be treated equal.

There is a difference of just wanting to be married but when you set our to intentionally cause issues your screwed up in the head, you are dumbed down retards.

Except of course.....the Ohio group didn't do any such thing.

Just typical right wing retarded hypocrites making crap up.

LMAO you are in such denial you don't even know what reality is. You must take all your vaccinations, drink tons of unfiltered water, swallow toothe paste omfg are you clueless.

LMAO you are such a right wing spoon feed drone. You must not vaccinate your children, believe that cholorinated water is rotting your brain, and that Area 51 is hiding alien spaceships.

And all of the fake news that WND and your other fake news sites feed you.
View attachment 114758

Ohio LGBT Group Announces Plans to Target Churches for Homosexual Weddings

These type of leftist hypocritical jackasses are the kind American's are really getting sick of and we can't wait until you screw yourselves in more ways than one. You ain't under Obama bitches so you little VINDICTIVE stunts might not work as well as they did under Obama screwballs crooked bs...............
FAIL when you are idiots like this you don't deserve to be treated equal.

There is a difference of just wanting to be married but when you set our to intentionally cause issues your screwed up in the head, you are dumbed down retards.

This is, of course, the next step...it was never about getting married, it was all about opening up churches to attack....
Just like the government forces catholic churches to marry previously divorced people.

Just like the government forces the catholic church to marry Jews.
I think it's absolutely adorable

While they're at it, perhaps some interior decorating might be in order?
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

And remember- for years it was Christians coming for Gays- to arrest them, lock them up- even chemically castrate them.

Now Christians call foul when a Christian who owns a business is told he has to follow the same laws as everyone else.
View attachment 114758

Ohio LGBT Group Announces Plans to Target Churches for Homosexual Weddings

These type of leftist hypocritical jackasses are the kind American's are really getting sick of and we can't wait until you screw yourselves in more ways than one. You ain't under Obama bitches so you little VINDICTIVE stunts might not work as well as they did under Obama screwballs crooked bs...............
FAIL when you are idiots like this you don't deserve to be treated equal.

There is a difference of just wanting to be married but when you set our to intentionally cause issues your screwed up in the head, you are dumbed down retards.

Why don't these fags and dykes target mosques?
They fight back. Plus, they'll throw them off a rooftop.

LOL you mean like this, isn't it crazy these dumb fk gay radical leftist want and support their ways and their laws not having any clue this is what they do to gays. These are the libs who are so gawd dam stupid they don't even know who or what they support.

It is not just ISIS that takes gays out.
View attachment 114758

Ohio LGBT Group Announces Plans to Target Churches for Homosexual Weddings

These type of leftist hypocritical jackasses are the kind American's are really getting sick of and we can't wait until you screw yourselves in more ways than one. You ain't under Obama bitches so you little VINDICTIVE stunts might not work as well as they did under Obama screwballs crooked bs...............
FAIL when you are idiots like this you don't deserve to be treated equal.

There is a difference of just wanting to be married but when you set our to intentionally cause issues your screwed up in the head, you are dumbed down retards.

Why don't these fags and dykes target mosques?
They fight back. Plus, they'll throw them off a rooftop.

LOL you mean like this, isn't it crazy these dumb fk gay radical leftist want and support their ways and their laws not having any clue this is what they do to gays. These are the libs who are so gawd dam stupid they don't even know who or what they support.

It is not just ISIS that takes gays out.

You guys are always looking for excuses to post such pictures and videos with gleams in your eyes.
View attachment 114758

Ohio LGBT Group Announces Plans to Target Churches for Homosexual Weddings

These type of leftist hypocritical jackasses are the kind American's are really getting sick of and we can't wait until you screw yourselves in more ways than one. You ain't under Obama bitches so you little VINDICTIVE stunts might not work as well as they did under Obama screwballs crooked bs...............
FAIL when you are idiots like this you don't deserve to be treated equal.

There is a difference of just wanting to be married but when you set our to intentionally cause issues your screwed up in the head, you are dumbed down retards.
Constitution protects religious freedom. If you could control a religious belief system than Christians would have outlawed Satanism ages ago.

I guess this is where I should point out the general hypocrisy of the LGBT in only going after Christians. You will notice that the leftards don't go after Muslims because that would be "islamophobic" and Jews for because that would make them anti-Semites, regardless of the fact that neither would allow a gay marriage either. I guess that makes the LGBT a hate group. Personally I'd love to see the LGBT go after some Muslims for a gay marriage, lets say in the lovely town of Dearborn Michigan and watch as their assless chap wearing butts are chased out of town with Molotov cocktails and stones. J/S

Here's a thought LGBT why don't you idiots make your own churches and worship the way you want instead acting like dictators and forcing everyone to agree with you. Like it or not the bible says God hates Homosexuality and it makes sense as God is clearly a God of Procreation and two of the same sex can't procreate. Nonetheless the USA makes it very easy to form a church due to our constitutional rights of freedom of religion. Hell how do you think those morons at Westboro Baptist got their church classification? The government has to be all inclusive but religion does not. Make a LGBT religious system that includes what you want and get your tax exempt status just like the FLDS,Scientology,Jehovah Witnesses,Rajneeshies,Moonies,New Agers,Mormons,Hudderites,Mennonites,Amish,Eckankars,Raëlism,Heavens Gate,Branch Davidian's, Peoples Temple, and the COG.to name a few. The LGBT wants tolerance by promoting intolerance and understanding by having the lack thereof. Nice job idiots:clap:
View attachment 114758

Ohio LGBT Group Announces Plans to Target Churches for Homosexual Weddings

These type of leftist hypocritical jackasses are the kind American's are really getting sick of and we can't wait until you screw yourselves in more ways than one. You ain't under Obama bitches so you little VINDICTIVE stunts might not work as well as they did under Obama screwballs crooked bs...............
FAIL when you are idiots like this you don't deserve to be treated equal.

There is a difference of just wanting to be married but when you set our to intentionally cause issues your screwed up in the head, you are dumbed down retards.

Why don't these fags and dykes target mosques?
They fight back. Plus, they'll throw them off a rooftop.

LOL you mean like this, isn't it crazy these dumb fk gay radical leftist want and support their ways and their laws not having any clue this is what they do to gays. These are the libs who are so gawd dam stupid they don't even know who or what they support.

It is not just ISIS that takes gays out.

You guys are always looking for excuses to post such pictures and videos with gleams in your eyes.

You don't support the LGBTQ community you lying pig if you did you wouldn't support Muslim immigtation into the west, that makes you one of the most dangerous enemies of the LGBTQ community outside of the Muslim community which you support.
View attachment 114758

Ohio LGBT Group Announces Plans to Target Churches for Homosexual Weddings

These type of leftist hypocritical jackasses are the kind American's are really getting sick of and we can't wait until you screw yourselves in more ways than one. You ain't under Obama bitches so you little VINDICTIVE stunts might not work as well as they did under Obama screwballs crooked bs...............
FAIL when you are idiots like this you don't deserve to be treated equal.

There is a difference of just wanting to be married but when you set our to intentionally cause issues your screwed up in the head, you are dumbed down retards.

Why don't these fags and dykes target mosques?
They fight back. Plus, they'll throw them off a rooftop.

LOL you mean like this, isn't it crazy these dumb fk gay radical leftist want and support their ways and their laws not having any clue this is what they do to gays. These are the libs who are so gawd dam stupid they don't even know who or what they support.

It is not just ISIS that takes gays out.

You guys are always looking for excuses to post such pictures and videos with gleams in your eyes.

You don't support the LGBTQ community you lying pig if you did you wouldn't support Muslim immigtation into the west, that makes you one of the most dangerous enemies of the LGBTQ community outside of the Muslim community which you support.

the zombie LGBT don't get how severely Muslims hate gays. they think it's all a conspiracy. The gays who are not indoctrinated leftist morons are aware of this that's why we don't see them acting like idiots protesting at airports, or Trump rallies etc.
Why don't these fags and dykes target mosques?
They fight back. Plus, they'll throw them off a rooftop.

LOL you mean like this, isn't it crazy these dumb fk gay radical leftist want and support their ways and their laws not having any clue this is what they do to gays. These are the libs who are so gawd dam stupid they don't even know who or what they support.

It is not just ISIS that takes gays out.

You guys are always looking for excuses to post such pictures and videos with gleams in your eyes.

You don't support the LGBTQ community you lying pig if you did you wouldn't support Muslim immigtation into the west, that makes you one of the most dangerous enemies of the LGBTQ community outside of the Muslim community which you support.

the zombie LGBT don't get how severely Muslims hate gays. they think it's all a conspiracy. The gays who are not indoctrinated leftist morons are aware of this that's why we don't see them acting like idiots protesting at airports, or Trump rallies etc.

Oh we get it. What you don't get is that you keep perpetuating a lie that we in any way love or support Islam. We don't. We support the 1st Amendment. Don't you?
View attachment 114758

Ohio LGBT Group Announces Plans to Target Churches for Homosexual Weddings

These type of leftist hypocritical jackasses are the kind American's are really getting sick of and we can't wait until you screw yourselves in more ways than one. You ain't under Obama bitches so you little VINDICTIVE stunts might not work as well as they did under Obama screwballs crooked bs...............
FAIL when you are idiots like this you don't deserve to be treated equal.

There is a difference of just wanting to be married but when you set our to intentionally cause issues your screwed up in the head, you are dumbed down retards.

Why don't these fags and dykes target mosques?
They fight back. Plus, they'll throw them off a rooftop.

LOL you mean like this, isn't it crazy these dumb fk gay radical leftist want and support their ways and their laws not having any clue this is what they do to gays. These are the libs who are so gawd dam stupid they don't even know who or what they support.

It is not just ISIS that takes gays out.

You guys are always looking for excuses to post such pictures and videos with gleams in your eyes.

You don't support the LGBTQ community you lying pig if you did you wouldn't support Muslim immigtation into the west, that makes you one of the most dangerous enemies of the LGBTQ community outside of the Muslim community which you support.

You don't think I support the LGBTQ community? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Oh, I could care less about muslim or christian or whatever religion rocks your socks.....I DO care about the 1st Amendment. I take it you don't.
If I'm renting a facility the only thing I would care about is that the bill is paid and afterwards the facility is left in reasonable condition and thus warrants the return of any deposit. My thought is that if a facility is available for rent for purpose of profit, it is simply a business deal.

However my guess is that in most cases these church facilities are available only to or through church members and the rent charged simply offsets costs. Here I feel the church has some leeway in the matter.
View attachment 114758

Ohio LGBT Group Announces Plans to Target Churches for Homosexual Weddings

These type of leftist hypocritical jackasses are the kind American's are really getting sick of and we can't wait until you screw yourselves in more ways than one. You ain't under Obama bitches so you little VINDICTIVE stunts might not work as well as they did under Obama screwballs crooked bs...............
FAIL when you are idiots like this you don't deserve to be treated equal.

There is a difference of just wanting to be married but when you set our to intentionally cause issues your screwed up in the head, you are dumbed down retards.

They fight back. Plus, they'll throw them off a rooftop.

LOL you mean like this, isn't it crazy these dumb fk gay radical leftist want and support their ways and their laws not having any clue this is what they do to gays. These are the libs who are so gawd dam stupid they don't even know who or what they support.

It is not just ISIS that takes gays out.

You guys are always looking for excuses to post such pictures and videos with gleams in your eyes.

You don't support the LGBTQ community you lying pig if you did you wouldn't support Muslim immigtation into the west, that makes you one of the most dangerous enemies of the LGBTQ community outside of the Muslim community which you support.

the zombie LGBT don't get how severely Muslims hate gays. they think it's all a conspiracy. The gays who are not indoctrinated leftist morons are aware of this that's why we don't see them acting like idiots protesting at airports, or Trump rallies etc.

Oh we get it. What you don't get is that you keep perpetuating a lie that we in any way love or support Islam. We don't. We support the 1st Amendment. Don't you?

Why does Islam forbid lesbianism and homosexuality? - عربي
... Why does Islam forbid lesbianism and homosexuality? ... The Muslim should not ... like that which a man does to a woman. Homosexuality means having ...
So as these radical leftist invite others into our Country they come from Countries where taking out a gay is basically accepted. These idiot America gay or not have no idea WTF they are bringing in this Country . They are asking for a death wish for the gays. The indoctrinated dumb asses don't even get know it , understand it whatever the hell you want to call it.


77 countries where homosexuality is illegal
The gays here support these animals. How stupid is that?

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