Ohio muslim shoots sleeping daughter 3 times in head. Calls it an accident.

As are some church persons in all religions.

Yeah but how many are terrorists, rapists, and murderers and founded a religion. Do you get it? This is the man people emulate. Or do you emulate pedophiles in general?
Do you know what "emulate" means?
Probably does but he hates Muslims, so he does not care. The murder, as horrible as it is, is a LEO issue not a religious police problem.

That hate word does not apply to Muslims. I will gladly admit the hate is about what they believe, which they would not without Islam. Then call it what it is and make sure people understand Islam sanctions this behavior. On top of that, it is another crime that will grow as the Muslim population grows.
So you think. OK.

I am the only one who thinks Islam sanctions honor killings. No I am not. Does Islam sanction honor killing or not?
Many ignorant people on this Board believe Islam sanctions honor killings. Many Mormons believed in a similar practice. Some of the more horrible Jewish hard core sects have no trouble sanctioning their women if they get out of line with the male leadership, even whispered to have rebellious teenage girls whipped, gang raped, or ‘disappeared.’

That’s what some ignorant people do with religion , Lastamender.
Honor violence, honor murder, is not just a tribal custom; it's Islamic law. A manual of Islamic law certified as a reliable guide to Sunni orthodoxy by Al-Azhar University, the most respected authority in Sunni Islam, says that "retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right." However, "not subject to retaliation" is "a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring's offspring" ('Umdat al-Salik o1.1-2). This is effectively saying that a Muslim father who kills his child for "honor" faces no legal penalty under Islamic law.

Exposing Horrific Honor Killing Sanctioned by Islamic Sharia Law & How You Can Help - Freedom Outpost
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Not a single USMB prisoner has addressed the issue of Obama's father's DNA, 87.5% Arab, 12.5% black African, though they watch as Obama boasts that he could win again. No doubt, 99% in Cuyahoga County, where this travesty has just occurred, would likely vote for him again.

The flip-side of this Islamic law is the fundamental islamochristian pathology from which this violence stems: killing of the father.
Not a single USMB prisoner has addressed the issue of Obama's father's DNA, 87.5% Arab, 12.5% black African, though they watch as Obama boasts that he could win again. No doubt, 99% in Cuyahoga County, where this travesty has just occurred, would likely vote for him again.

The flip-side of this Islamic law is the fundamental islamochristian pathology from which this violence stems: killing of the father.

The violence comes from Islam, the response to that violence comes from Christians, and others who value life and freedom.
Not a single USMB prisoner has addressed the issue of Obama's father's DNA, 87.5% Arab, 12.5% black African,

I don't believe that. Obozo's daddy was really black - like a 100% african. You rub him with a piece of charcoal and it leaves a white mark.
I predict all charges will be dropped since he's muslim and from a different culture. Obama will support this monster.

Ohio Muslim shoots daughter 3 times in head, claims ‘accident’

dec 26 2016 If a father shoots his adult daughter in the head three times while asleep in her bed, then claims it was an accident, it sounds too bizarre to believe.

Something like this could not happen here in America. Or could it?

Authorities say that’s exactly what happened in Rocky River, Ohio, on Sept. 27, leaving the community in shock and disbelief.

Last week in court, Jamal Mansour, 64, pleaded not guilty to aggravated murder charges, and his attorney reaffirmed the same reason for the shooting: A mere accident.[/QUOTE
President Hussein Shithead: "It may have been a work accident. Let's wait for the facts to come out, but if I had a son, it would look like Travon....."
A racist??? How so?????? GW Bush was the unelected chimp....recall???? You have to admit that Barrypuppet resembles "Curious George"....if you can't see that? Then you are even dumber than I suspected....go ahead and swing your little cyber purse......smacking you down is exceedingly easy..........

Cocksucker racist dale, you don't spend hours here making racist comments about Bush...
President Hussein Shithead: "It may have been a work accident. Let's wait for the facts to come out, but if I had a son, it would look like Travon....."

I'll blame this on Islam when you guys blame Andrea Yates and Dylan Roof on Christianity.
A racist??? How so?????? GW Bush was the unelected chimp....recall???? You have to admit that Barrypuppet resembles "Curious George"....if you can't see that? Then you are even dumber than I suspected....go ahead and swing your little cyber purse......smacking you down is exceedingly easy..........

Cocksucker racist dale, you don't spend hours here making racist comments about Bush...

I don't spend hours here making racist comments about the Barrypuppet, lil homo joe....

The Bush clan deserves their spot right next to the Barrypuppet in front of a firing squad.......so did you have a point???

I don't spend hours here making racist comments about the Barrypuppet, lil homo joe....

The Bush clan deserves their spot right next to the Barrypuppet in front of a firing squad.......so did you have a point???

That you are an insane cocksucker? We've established that.

Guy. Get help. see a shrink. Perferably one who hasn't been thrown out of the APA.
I don't spend hours here making racist comments about the Barrypuppet, lil homo joe....

The Bush clan deserves their spot right next to the Barrypuppet in front of a firing squad.......so did you have a point???

That you are an insane cocksucker? We've established that.

Guy. Get help. see a shrink. Perferably one who hasn't been thrown out of the APA.

Really, lil homo joe???? I'm insane because I have the ability to use common sense??? I am sure it seems that way to a leftard....

P.S Dr Steve Pieczenik wasn't thrown out pf the APA....neither was he "fired", dumb ass...... and YES, Sandy Hook was staged...deal with it.
I predict all charges will be dropped since he's muslim and from a different culture. Obama will support this monster.
Ohio Muslim shoots daughter 3 times in head, claims ‘accident’
dec 26 2016 If a father shoots his adult daughter in the head three times while asleep in her bed, then claims it was an accident, it sounds too bizarre to believe.
Something like this could not happen here in America. Or could it?
Authorities say that’s exactly what happened in Rocky River, Ohio, on Sept. 27, leaving the community in shock and disbelief.
Last week in court, Jamal Mansour, 64, pleaded not guilty to aggravated murder charges, and his attorney reaffirmed the same reason for the shooting: A mere accident.[/QUOTE

"Ohio muslim shoots sleeping daughter 3 times in head. Calls it an accident"

To be expected from people indoctrinated by a "holy book" that blesses and ecourages murder and enslaving.
Also indoctrinated with the personal example of a "perfect man" who led killers, enslavers, rapist and thieves.

Really, lil homo joe???? I'm insane because I have the ability to use common sense??? I am sure it seems that way to a leftard....

When you think that Sandy Hook was a huge hoax, you aren't applying anywhere near common sense.

YOu are just being a crazy cocksucker.

I guess that one flew right over Joehammad's head.

No, it didn't. I was just pointing out the obvious.

When a Christian does something crazy because Jesus said so, then it must be "Mental Illness".

When a Muslim does something crazy because Allah said so (although no one has really proven that was the case here), then it must be their religion that's the problem.

The Jew Media is very good at knowing where its bread is buttered.
Really, lil homo joe???? I'm insane because I have the ability to use common sense??? I am sure it seems that way to a leftard....

When you think that Sandy Hook was a huge hoax, you aren't applying anywhere near common sense.

YOu are just being a crazy cocksucker.

I guess that one flew right over Joehammad's head.

No, it didn't. I was just pointing out the obvious.

When a Christian does something crazy because Jesus said so, then it must be "Mental Illness".

When a Muslim does something crazy because Allah said so (although no one has really proven that was the case here), then it must be their religion that's the problem.

The Jew Media is very good at knowing where its bread is buttered.

"When you think that Sandy Hook was a huge hoax, you aren't applying anywhere near common sense."
I have over 60 anomalies any of which puts doubt on the official story in question....add all of them and you have a manufactured "made for TV" event whioch was Sandy Hoax....

You, on the other hand,. have only two very flimsy reasons as to why it's so...

#1 My gubermint would never lie to me...

#2. I saw it on the lamestream media so it has to be true because they never make up news.

Still believe in Santa Claus as well? Do you sit out cookies and milk for him on Christmas eve??

"YOu are just being a crazy cocksucker."

Well, I think a male would have to be crazy or at least be mentally handicapped for performing fellatio but good liberals and leftards (such as yourself) believe it to be normal behavior and accepted without question and gay bashing should be a "hate crime"......but using it as an insult to a non-queer? Well, that's perfectly acceptable because leftards are "Do as I say...not as I do" kind of people. They constantly contradict themselves and pain themselves into corners....always amusing.
I have over 60 anomalies any of which puts doubt on the official story in question....add all of them and you have a manufactured "made for TV" event whioch was Sandy Hoax....

Cocksucker Dale, your anomalies consist of porta potties and sign in sheets... and even the biggest gun nuts on this board don't support you , are they all government dupes...

#1 My gubermint would never lie to me...

#2. I saw it on the lamestream media so it has to be true because they never make up news.

Again, I'm sure the government lies to me all the time. There's a difference between spin and making up a whole incident involving thousands of people being in on it, compared to just one crazy guy with a gun.

Again, no one introduced you to the concept of Occam's Razor at an early age.

Well, I think a male would have to be crazy or at least be mentally handicapped for performing fellatio but good liberals and leftards (such as yourself) believe it to be normal behavior and accepted without question and gay bashing should be a "hate crime"......but using it as an insult to a non-queer? Well, that's perfectly acceptable because leftards are "Do as I say...not as I do" kind of people. They constantly contradict themselves and pain themselves into corners....always amusing.

Hey, guy, I'm when you suck Alex Jones' cock, you are being perfectly normal...
I have over 60 anomalies any of which puts doubt on the official story in question....add all of them and you have a manufactured "made for TV" event whioch was Sandy Hoax....

Cocksucker Dale, your anomalies consist of porta potties and sign in sheets... and even the biggest gun nuts on this board don't support you , are they all government dupes...

#1 My gubermint would never lie to me...

#2. I saw it on the lamestream media so it has to be true because they never make up news.

Again, I'm sure the government lies to me all the time. There's a difference between spin and making up a whole incident involving thousands of people being in on it, compared to just one crazy guy with a gun.

Again, no one introduced you to the concept of Occam's Razor at an early age.

Well, I think a male would have to be crazy or at least be mentally handicapped for performing fellatio but good liberals and leftards (such as yourself) believe it to be normal behavior and accepted without question and gay bashing should be a "hate crime"......but using it as an insult to a non-queer? Well, that's perfectly acceptable because leftards are "Do as I say...not as I do" kind of people. They constantly contradict themselves and pain themselves into corners....always amusing.

Hey, guy, I'm when you suck Alex Jones' cock, you are being perfectly normal...

Since I am kicking Camp's ass on this same topic because he has gotten all butthurt and trying to shame me? Here is a "cut and paste" that applies to your silly little response.....

"See, that is the point...you believe that children were killed at Sandy Hoax when that's not the case. Your sense of decorum may be offended but it doesn't change the fact of what is. You have been programmed to believe everything you see that is fed to you by the Operation Mockingbird media...I "get that" but it doesn't change reality. The hole in the official story is big enough to drive a brigade of tanks through. When you lie, you have to constantly tell more lies to cover the one before it...the truth is self-evident and the DHS and FEMA obviously put little effort into this staged event. They never could get their stories straight and they made so many glaring mistakes like removing a rifle from the trunk of the alleged Adam Lanza's trunk while wearing no gloves....just basic shit that sets off not only my bullshit detector but millions of others. There are the crisis actor parents like David Wheeler that actually had a role in a movie and his wife was an actress singer and DNC fundraiser and anti 2nd amendment activist that loaned her voice to a cartoon porn movie. Most of these alleged parents of dead kids were well in their 40's and yet they had 6 and 7 year old children and they show no emotion? They then make a career out of taking their gun-grabbing emotional-less gut wrenching show on the road while taking in not only millions from "da gubermint" but millions in donations??? Not even the most basic FOIA requests are answered and are purposely blocked.

Why would there be a HUGE electronic sign saying that everyone must sign? Where is the receipt for that or P.O?
Which company provided the porta-potties that day and where is that P.O? Why were the roads blocked off that wouldn't allow the few ambulances at the fire station to make a run to the hospital if there were any survivors? No care-flite copters? 911 calls from those inside the building that were whispering and saying that someone was firing shots (150 plus in less than ten minutes allegedly by a kid with Asperger's syndrome that allegedly weighed 120 pounds soak and wet that bypassed at least 5 other schools but yet you cannot hear any shots being fired at all? OH wait! There is a camera focused right on the spot by the front door where Adam allegedly fired shoots into the window next to the door but yet there is no footage....

BUT WAIT!!! There's more!!!! 17 state troopers claimed in their reports that they went through the hole made from the alleged shot out glass which wasn't very big (and we have photo evidence of that) and not one cop could open the front door to let his fellow donut eaters in? Not even the three stooges would have done that......they certainly didn't use their rifles to make a better path on the broken glass because like I stated, we have photo evidence.

BUT WAIT! There's more!!! Due to the Americans With Disabilities Act and the 2009 ordinance for the state of Connecticut decalred that handicapped parking spots must have blue and white paint and a sign 60 inches high designating it as a handicapped spot......but at the Sandy Hook school, there is the old white paint insignia of a wheelchair? Why is that? Because Sandy Hook was not a functioning school and was being used as a storage facility and we have proof of that as well. Sandy Hook had an asbestos issue, a bad roof and a mold issue and hadn't been in use since 2008.. I have at least 60 more things about this staged event that do not add up....but go ahead and vent.....it's not something that will bother me. You buy the bullshit....while I don't and I went it to this research wanting to debunk the debunkers. I know of what I speak."

"Again, no one introduced you to the concept of Occam's Razor at an early age."

The simple answer was that this was a DHS/FEMA drill that was presented a s a real time event full of crisis actors that signed non-disclosure agreements and got paid a pretty penny for it. You see, the Smith-Mundt Act of 1947 no longer applies and it is perfectly legal (not ethical, but legal) to spew propaganda to it's subjects.

Keep going, lil joe homo....I can do this all day by beating you down with facts and data.......

Really, lil homo joe???? I'm insane because I have the ability to use common sense??? I am sure it seems that way to a leftard....

When you think that Sandy Hook was a huge hoax, you aren't applying anywhere near common sense.

YOu are just being a crazy cocksucker.

I guess that one flew right over Joehammad's head.

No, it didn't. I was just pointing out the obvious.

When a Christian does something crazy because Jesus said so, then it must be "Mental Illness".

When a Muslim does something crazy because Allah said so (although no one has really proven that was the case here), then it must be their religion that's the problem.

The Jew Media is very good at knowing where its bread is buttered.
"Jew media" LOL...No you fucking idiot, I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of president Hussein Shithead making inappropriate statements and taking sides before the facts of a case are out. So far he's been wrong every time.

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