Ohio muslim shoots sleeping daughter 3 times in head. Calls it an accident.

Why would there be a HUGE electronic sign saying that everyone must sign? Where is the receipt for that or P.O?

Why would there need to be a PO for that? Maybe it's a sign the school had for some time.

BUT WAIT! There's more!!! Due to the Americans With Disabilities Act and the 2009 ordinance for the state of Connecticut decalred that handicapped parking spots must have blue and white paint and a sign 60 inches high designating it as a handicapped spot......but at the Sandy Hook school, there is the old white paint insignia of a wheelchair?

Or maybe they didn't get around to updating it. A lot of places didn't.
"Jew media" LOL...No you fucking idiot, I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of president Hussein Shithead making inappropriate statements and taking sides before the facts of a case are out. So far he's been wrong every time.

Except he's never really done that.

Hey, when there's a mass shooting, the fact that someone got a gun too easily is obvious.
Why would there be a HUGE electronic sign saying that everyone must sign? Where is the receipt for that or P.O?

Why would there need to be a PO for that? Maybe it's a sign the school had for some time.

BUT WAIT! There's more!!! Due to the Americans With Disabilities Act and the 2009 ordinance for the state of Connecticut decalred that handicapped parking spots must have blue and white paint and a sign 60 inches high designating it as a handicapped spot......but at the Sandy Hook school, there is the old white paint insignia of a wheelchair?

Or maybe they didn't get around to updating it. A lot of places didn't.

2009, lil joe......this alleged shooting happend three years later........
2009, lil joe......this alleged shooting happend three years later........

So? You seem to think that rules get enforced evenly and completely. 3 years of not updating something doesn't sound that off.

Again, 28,000 live in Newtown, CT. They are all lying?

"There are reports that “gag orders” were issued to residents within 25 miles of the school, apparently including the use of National Security Letters (NSLs) from the FBI, which recipients are not even allowed to acknowledge they have received.

The highly unusual letters have been used to direct residents to “cease and desist” from talking under threat of prosecution, says Dr. James Fetzer, former U.S. Marine Corps officer, a professor emeritus and journalist for Veterans Today, who has been investigating the case.

Not only were no children killed, Fetzer said, but the school was closed by 2008 and appears to have been used by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to run exercises in cooperation with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in the past.

Francis A. Boyle, a Constitutional lawyer and expert on human rights at the University of Illinois School of Law, has characterized NSLs as “totalitarian”: “They violate and nullify the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution. They are totalitarian.”
2009, lil joe......this alleged shooting happend three years later........

So? You seem to think that rules get enforced evenly and completely. 3 years of not updating something doesn't sound that off.

Again, 28,000 live in Newtown, CT. They are all lying?

"So? You seem to think that rules get enforced evenly and completely. 3 years of not updating something doesn't sound that off"

And especially if that school had been out of commission since the end of the 2008 school year....right?
"Jew media" LOL...No you fucking idiot, I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of president Hussein Shithead making inappropriate statements and taking sides before the facts of a case are out. So far he's been wrong every time.

Except he's never really done that.

Hey, when there's a mass shooting, the fact that someone got a gun too easily is obvious.
He's always inappropriately and classlessly stuck his head out and made comments which helped incite riots before the evidence was presented and case was judged in a court of law.

Demonizing white people and the police is part of Hussein's shitty legacy.
2009, lil joe......this alleged shooting happend three years later........

So? You seem to think that rules get enforced evenly and completely. 3 years of not updating something doesn't sound that off.

Again, 28,000 live in Newtown, CT. They are all lying?

"There are reports that “gag orders” were issued to residents within 25 miles of the school, apparently including the use of National Security Letters (NSLs) from the FBI, which recipients are not even allowed to acknowledge they have received.

The highly unusual letters have been used to direct residents to “cease and desist” from talking under threat of prosecution, says Dr. James Fetzer, former U.S. Marine Corps officer, a professor emeritus and journalist for Veterans Today, who has been investigating the case.

Not only were no children killed, Fetzer said, but the school was closed by 2008 and appears to have been used by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to run exercises in cooperation with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in the past.

Francis A. Boyle, a Constitutional lawyer and expert on human rights at the University of Illinois School of Law, has characterized NSLs as “totalitarian”: “They violate and nullify the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution. They are totalitarian.”

Do you have credible sources for these "Gag Orders", cocksucker Dale, and not some whacky conspiracy website?
When you think that Sandy Hook was a huge hoax, you aren't applying anywhere near common sense.


Even the FBI admits there were no murders in Newton CT in 2012. Explain that.

Table 8 - Connecticut

Data compiled before the end of the year... means nothing.

Sandy Hook Hoaxers Misrepresent FBI Crime Stats

Missing information in the homicide data isn’t unusual. The entire state of Florida, for instance, does not submit data to the FBI. And for many years, Nebraska and Washington, D.C., didn’t either. But the 57% accuracy rate is based on dozens of cases between 2006 and 2012 that were not reported to the FBI, which USA TODAY found through other records. It also includes erroneous FBI data based on coding errors. Nationally, there are about two dozen mass killings every year.

The FBI’s data system is notoriously old and can keep data only on up to 11 victims per incident – meaning other large-scale mass killings, such as the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007, had to be broken up over several records. The agency hopes to have a new computer system running by the end of the year, FBI spokesman Stephen G. Fischer Jr. said. That system will keep detailed homicide data in nearly real time, eliminating the current 15-month lag in releasing details of crimes to researchers and policy makers.”

A thorough explanation of the FBI statistics can be found on the Sandy Hook Tragedy: Focus on Facts‘ Facebook page.

“Since Connecticut State Police handled the investigation, the statistics for the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting would not be listed in Table 8 [CONNECTICUT offenses known to law enforcement by city, 2012] because the data is from city and town law enforcement, not state law enforcement,” reads the post. “The FBI’s Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG) lists the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting reports under Shooting Incidents Reports, stating: ‘The reports listed below were not authored by the FBI, but links to the reports are being provided for general public information.'”
Do you have credible sources for these "Gag Orders", cocksucker Dale,
Why is the default "argument" from a libturd always, "oh yeah, well you're a homo!"? I thought you guys think "there's nothing wrong with that"?

Well, my point is that Dale is a figurative cocksucker, not a literal cocksucker.

You see, when you claim that the parents of murdered children are conspiring with trilateralists and bilderbergers, you are figuratively a cocksucker.
I thought the article was pretty clear, actually. State law enforcement took over the investigation, and the table only records local reporting.

HAHAHA. Once again i say - do you honestly expect anyone to believe that.?? Why in the name of god would the FBI , in listing crimes, care whether the state or the city investigated the crime.? You paid govt shills are really grabbing at straws now to avoid admitting that even the FBI says sandy hook was a hoax.
So after 4 years, the FBI would not bother to correct it's published stats ? In regard to a significant alleged massacre ? Deliberately give fodder to us "conspiracy nuts" ?
HAHAHA. Once again i say - do you honestly expect anyone to believe that.?? Why in the name of god would the FBI , in listing crimes, care whether the state or the city investigated the crime.? You paid govt shills are really grabbing at straws now to avoid admitting that even the FBI says sandy hook was a hoax.

You're a crazy person and a Nazi. I don't really care what you believe.

the problem with FBI crime states is that they are notoriously incomplete.
2009, lil joe......this alleged shooting happend three years later........

So? You seem to think that rules get enforced evenly and completely. 3 years of not updating something doesn't sound that off.

Again, 28,000 live in Newtown, CT. They are all lying?

"There are reports that “gag orders” were issued to residents within 25 miles of the school, apparently including the use of National Security Letters (NSLs) from the FBI, which recipients are not even allowed to acknowledge they have received.

The highly unusual letters have been used to direct residents to “cease and desist” from talking under threat of prosecution, says Dr. James Fetzer, former U.S. Marine Corps officer, a professor emeritus and journalist for Veterans Today, who has been investigating the case.

Not only were no children killed, Fetzer said, but the school was closed by 2008 and appears to have been used by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to run exercises in cooperation with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in the past.

Francis A. Boyle, a Constitutional lawyer and expert on human rights at the University of Illinois School of Law, has characterized NSLs as “totalitarian”: “They violate and nullify the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution. They are totalitarian.”

Do you have credible sources for these "Gag Orders", cocksucker Dale, and not some whacky conspiracy website?

I do know that they existed when it came to the bulldozing of Nancy Lanza's home...the one asset that the Sandy Hoax families sued to take possession of....and then had bulldozed....wonder why that is? Could it be because they were afraid that someone might buy it and then prove that there was no murder that took place or no DNA that proved a Adam Lanza ever existed and the ones that were involved not only in the bulldozing of the house but the ones that bulldozed the school had to sign life long non-disclosure agreements....why is that, lil joe, the lil homosexual?????
Do you have credible sources for these "Gag Orders", cocksucker Dale,
Why is the default "argument" from a libturd always, "oh yeah, well you're a homo!"? I thought you guys think "there's nothing wrong with that"?

Well, my point is that Dale is a figurative cocksucker, not a literal cocksucker.

You see, when you claim that the parents of murdered children are conspiring with trilateralists and bilderbergers, you are figuratively a cocksucker.

Robbie Parker= Fraud......

Love this one........David Wheeler, alleged father of Ben Wheeler is carrying one rifle and another automatic weapon by the clip??? Who the fuck holds a weapon in that manner???

You were saying????
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I do know that they existed when it came to the bulldozing of Nancy Lanza's home...the one asset that the Sandy Hoax families sued to take possession of....and then had bulldozed....wonder why that is? Could it be because they were afraid that someone might buy it and then prove that there was no murder that took place or no DNA that proved a Adam Lanza ever existed and the ones that were involved not only in the bulldozing of the house but the ones that bulldozed the school had to sign life long non-disclosure agreements....why is that, lil joe, the lil homosexual?????

Wow, Cocksucker Dale, you have no humanity, do you?

Newtown killer Adam Lanza’s house demolished


Newtown town officials voted unanimously in January to tear down the house after neighbors complained it served as a painful memory of the world-shocking tragedy.

“Not only is the property a constant reminder of the evil that resided there,” neighbor Dave Ackart wrote to the council, “those of us who walk, run, drive, ride or otherwise must pass it multiple times a day, are having a hard time moving on.”

Sorry, man, no conspiracy... They just didn't want it to become a shrine for ghouls.

This isn't even unusual. THey also tore down the homes of John Gacy and Jeff Dahmner, because ugh, who wants that in their neighborhood?

Oh, wait, you probably think those were conspiracies, too!

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