Ohio Student Suspended for Staying in Class During Walkout

"Also, Miss Know-it-all"

Never said I know it all, unlike you who have been exceptionally patronising to EVERYONE in this thread and have told EVERYONE that nobody has a right to comment about education UNLESS they are a teacher while at the same time calling people "dumbass" every five minutes.

Thank goodness I was privately educated, I also have a Politics and History Degree, I went to Heidelberg and also Wien and I was at Oxford University for six months in between, considering I was academically successful enough to be accepted into TWO of the BEST Universities in the WORLD Heidelberg and Oxford you can stick your patronisation up your buttocks. I am better educated than you are, I also have been brought up with better manners than you have in that I do not PATRONISE peoples and treat them like they are some backward moron chewing on grass like Up Their Own Buttocks types like you seem to do.

LOL...you and my Wife.
She got a free ride to Harvard but went to work with an investment Banker instead and made a killing on junk bonds and guaranteed Gov loans.

She's worked with the same man for 26 years.

Well I know peoples who got accepted, so academically they were successful but like your wife decide to just go into something they were offered my best friend is one they were offered an excellent position at a Hedge Fund so that's where they went.

Really? You know peoples? They were offered your best friend?

I love irony!

There is nothing wrong with my post. I know peoples who got accepted into top Universities but instead they were offered a job my best friend is one they were offered a position at a Hedge Fund so that's where they went. My post is complete sense, not sure what you are whining about.

Your grammar is horrible. I suggest remediation.

You know "people", not "peoples", and you are missing the punctuation and capitalization between two obviously separate sentences.

Comon no
"Also, Miss Know-it-all"

Never said I know it all, unlike you who have been exceptionally patronising to EVERYONE in this thread and have told EVERYONE that nobody has a right to comment about education UNLESS they are a teacher while at the same time calling people "dumbass" every five minutes.

Thank goodness I was privately educated, I also have a Politics and History Degree, I went to Heidelberg and also Wien and I was at Oxford University for six months in between, considering I was academically successful enough to be accepted into TWO of the BEST Universities in the WORLD Heidelberg and Oxford you can stick your patronisation up your buttocks. I am better educated than you are, I also have been brought up with better manners than you have in that I do not PATRONISE peoples and treat them like they are some backward moron chewing on grass like Up Their Own Buttocks types like you seem to do.

Well, you might be educated except for the fact that you misspelled patronize every time you used it!

The fact that you don't know ANYTHING about what you are commenting on makes you a dumbass. That is not an opinion. It is a fact.

Practically everyone posting in this thread who is NOT an educator, has it wrong. Now, what should that tell you? Perhaps maybe the people who do this every day might have a slightly better insight than someone whose only experience is being a product of an educational system.

You named foreign universities, What makes you an expert in the American public school system?

Self-appointed experts are the worst.

There is no Z in patronise only to Americans the Z.

"What makes you an expert in the American public school system?

I have many friends in the American nation I am acquainted with the American public school system, I have several friends who are Professors at American Universities I also have two friends who are teachers at American private schools one of them abandoned the system you are defending because they say it was falling apart and being taken over by teachers in Leftist Teaching Unions and that was pre them finding my friend was a registered Republican and that was not approved of by them and she started to get shit from the Leftist teachers so she left and went to a private school where she has experienced not any of these problem situations and the children are more happy than the children in the previous school she was at.

"Self-appointed experts are the worst."

This is you of course.

Oh, so NOW you tell the truth and claim you are not an American, yet you have posted countless times that you are! Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Is your degree in education? No. You are getting your information second hand from college professors who are not educators in the public school system. Fail.

End of discussion.

I have never one time said I am American, since I joined I have repeatedly said I am not American if asked and sometimes if not asked.

Better check your posting history. You did it withing the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

If you are not an American, then it is obviously none of your business.

Kinda takes the sting out of your previous post.

Better check your posting history. You did it "withing" the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

Come on,really!!
No. If he respectfully disagreed for the reasons stated, one day suspension is appropriate. If he was a toxic disrespectful shithead, I would have nailed his ass to a wall!

Also, Miss Know-it-all, he didn't just disobey the teacher. Teachers don't suspend you for misbehavior. An administrator does. I used to be one of those too!

"Also, Miss Know-it-all"

Never said I know it all, unlike you who have been exceptionally patronising to EVERYONE in this thread and have told EVERYONE that nobody has a right to comment about education UNLESS they are a teacher while at the same time calling people "dumbass" every five minutes.

Thank goodness I was privately educated, I also have a Politics and History Degree, I went to Heidelberg and also Wien and I was at Oxford University for six months in between, considering I was academically successful enough to be accepted into TWO of the BEST Universities in the WORLD Heidelberg and Oxford you can stick your patronisation up your buttocks. I am better educated than you are, I also have been brought up with better manners than you have in that I do not PATRONISE peoples and treat them like they are some backward moron chewing on grass like Up Their Own Buttocks types like you seem to do.

Well, you might be educated except for the fact that you misspelled patronize every time you used it!

The fact that you don't know ANYTHING about what you are commenting on makes you a dumbass. That is not an opinion. It is a fact.

Practically everyone posting in this thread who is NOT an educator, has it wrong. Now, what should that tell you? Perhaps maybe the people who do this every day might have a slightly better insight than someone whose only experience is being a product of an educational system.

You named foreign universities, What makes you an expert in the American public school system?

Self-appointed experts are the worst.

There is no Z in patronise only to Americans the Z.

"What makes you an expert in the American public school system?

I have many friends in the American nation I am acquainted with the American public school system, I have several friends who are Professors at American Universities I also have two friends who are teachers at American private schools one of them abandoned the system you are defending because they say it was falling apart and being taken over by teachers in Leftist Teaching Unions and that was pre them finding my friend was a registered Republican and that was not approved of by them and she started to get shit from the Leftist teachers so she left and went to a private school where she has experienced not any of these problem situations and the children are more happy than the children in the previous school she was at.

"Self-appointed experts are the worst."

This is you of course.

Oh, so NOW you tell the truth and claim you are not an American, yet you have posted countless times that you are! Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Is your degree in education? No. You are getting your information second hand from college professors who are not educators in the public school system. Fail.

End of discussion.
Lucy has NEVER said she’s an American. Now you are resorting to lying.

Then she is talking smack about something of which is not her concern. She should butt out.

Have a nice day! :D
"Also, Miss Know-it-all"

Never said I know it all, unlike you who have been exceptionally patronising to EVERYONE in this thread and have told EVERYONE that nobody has a right to comment about education UNLESS they are a teacher while at the same time calling people "dumbass" every five minutes.

Thank goodness I was privately educated, I also have a Politics and History Degree, I went to Heidelberg and also Wien and I was at Oxford University for six months in between, considering I was academically successful enough to be accepted into TWO of the BEST Universities in the WORLD Heidelberg and Oxford you can stick your patronisation up your buttocks. I am better educated than you are, I also have been brought up with better manners than you have in that I do not PATRONISE peoples and treat them like they are some backward moron chewing on grass like Up Their Own Buttocks types like you seem to do.

Well, you might be educated except for the fact that you misspelled patronize every time you used it!

The fact that you don't know ANYTHING about what you are commenting on makes you a dumbass. That is not an opinion. It is a fact.

Practically everyone posting in this thread who is NOT an educator, has it wrong. Now, what should that tell you? Perhaps maybe the people who do this every day might have a slightly better insight than someone whose only experience is being a product of an educational system.

You named foreign universities, What makes you an expert in the American public school system?

Self-appointed experts are the worst.

There is no Z in patronise only to Americans the Z.

"What makes you an expert in the American public school system?

I have many friends in the American nation I am acquainted with the American public school system, I have several friends who are Professors at American Universities I also have two friends who are teachers at American private schools one of them abandoned the system you are defending because they say it was falling apart and being taken over by teachers in Leftist Teaching Unions and that was pre them finding my friend was a registered Republican and that was not approved of by them and she started to get shit from the Leftist teachers so she left and went to a private school where she has experienced not any of these problem situations and the children are more happy than the children in the previous school she was at.

"Self-appointed experts are the worst."

This is you of course.

Oh, so NOW you tell the truth and claim you are not an American, yet you have posted countless times that you are! Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Is your degree in education? No. You are getting your information second hand from college professors who are not educators in the public school system. Fail.

End of discussion.

I have never one time said I am American, since I joined I have repeatedly said I am not American if asked and sometimes if not asked.

Better check your posting history. You did it withing the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

If you are not an American, then it is obviously none of your business.

Not I never have, but go on do a Search and post the link, you cannot of course because I have never posted such a comment.

"If you are not an American, then it is obviously none of your business."

Why is it not my business? You think nothing of invading threads about my Continent to trash Europeans and you are exceptionally ignorant about us. You are American so my Continent is not any of your business.
LOL...you and my Wife.
She got a free ride to Harvard but went to work with an investment Banker instead and made a killing on junk bonds and guaranteed Gov loans.

She's worked with the same man for 26 years.

Well I know peoples who got accepted, so academically they were successful but like your wife decide to just go into something they were offered my best friend is one they were offered an excellent position at a Hedge Fund so that's where they went.

Really? You know peoples? They were offered your best friend?

I love irony!

There is nothing wrong with my post. I know peoples who got accepted into top Universities but instead they were offered a job my best friend is one they were offered a position at a Hedge Fund so that's where they went. My post is complete sense, not sure what you are whining about.

Your grammar is horrible. I suggest remediation.

You know "people", not "peoples", and you are missing the punctuation and capitalization between two obviously separate sentences.

Comon no
Well, you might be educated except for the fact that you misspelled patronize every time you used it!

The fact that you don't know ANYTHING about what you are commenting on makes you a dumbass. That is not an opinion. It is a fact.

Practically everyone posting in this thread who is NOT an educator, has it wrong. Now, what should that tell you? Perhaps maybe the people who do this every day might have a slightly better insight than someone whose only experience is being a product of an educational system.

You named foreign universities, What makes you an expert in the American public school system?

Self-appointed experts are the worst.

There is no Z in patronise only to Americans the Z.

"What makes you an expert in the American public school system?

I have many friends in the American nation I am acquainted with the American public school system, I have several friends who are Professors at American Universities I also have two friends who are teachers at American private schools one of them abandoned the system you are defending because they say it was falling apart and being taken over by teachers in Leftist Teaching Unions and that was pre them finding my friend was a registered Republican and that was not approved of by them and she started to get shit from the Leftist teachers so she left and went to a private school where she has experienced not any of these problem situations and the children are more happy than the children in the previous school she was at.

"Self-appointed experts are the worst."

This is you of course.

Oh, so NOW you tell the truth and claim you are not an American, yet you have posted countless times that you are! Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Is your degree in education? No. You are getting your information second hand from college professors who are not educators in the public school system. Fail.

End of discussion.

I have never one time said I am American, since I joined I have repeatedly said I am not American if asked and sometimes if not asked.

Better check your posting history. You did it withing the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

If you are not an American, then it is obviously none of your business.

Kinda takes the sting out of your previous post.

Better check your posting history. You did it "withing" the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

Come on,really!!

Wow! An obvious typo which I did not have time to correct as compared to two glaring grammatical errors.
LOL...you and my Wife.
She got a free ride to Harvard but went to work with an investment Banker instead and made a killing on junk bonds and guaranteed Gov loans.

She's worked with the same man for 26 years.

Well I know peoples who got accepted, so academically they were successful but like your wife decide to just go into something they were offered my best friend is one they were offered an excellent position at a Hedge Fund so that's where they went.

Really? You know peoples? They were offered your best friend?

I love irony!

There is nothing wrong with my post. I know peoples who got accepted into top Universities but instead they were offered a job my best friend is one they were offered a position at a Hedge Fund so that's where they went. My post is complete sense, not sure what you are whining about.

Your grammar is horrible. I suggest remediation.

You know "people", not "peoples", and you are missing the punctuation and capitalization between two obviously separate sentences.

Comon no
Well, you might be educated except for the fact that you misspelled patronize every time you used it!

The fact that you don't know ANYTHING about what you are commenting on makes you a dumbass. That is not an opinion. It is a fact.

Practically everyone posting in this thread who is NOT an educator, has it wrong. Now, what should that tell you? Perhaps maybe the people who do this every day might have a slightly better insight than someone whose only experience is being a product of an educational system.

You named foreign universities, What makes you an expert in the American public school system?

Self-appointed experts are the worst.

There is no Z in patronise only to Americans the Z.

"What makes you an expert in the American public school system?

I have many friends in the American nation I am acquainted with the American public school system, I have several friends who are Professors at American Universities I also have two friends who are teachers at American private schools one of them abandoned the system you are defending because they say it was falling apart and being taken over by teachers in Leftist Teaching Unions and that was pre them finding my friend was a registered Republican and that was not approved of by them and she started to get shit from the Leftist teachers so she left and went to a private school where she has experienced not any of these problem situations and the children are more happy than the children in the previous school she was at.

"Self-appointed experts are the worst."

This is you of course.

Oh, so NOW you tell the truth and claim you are not an American, yet you have posted countless times that you are! Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Is your degree in education? No. You are getting your information second hand from college professors who are not educators in the public school system. Fail.

End of discussion.

I have never one time said I am American, since I joined I have repeatedly said I am not American if asked and sometimes if not asked.

Better check your posting history. You did it withing the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

If you are not an American, then it is obviously none of your business.

Kinda takes the sting out of your previous post.

Better check your posting history. You did it "withing" the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

Come on,really!!

He has lost an argument he never had so now he resorts to personal attacks.
Well, you might be educated except for the fact that you misspelled patronize every time you used it!

The fact that you don't know ANYTHING about what you are commenting on makes you a dumbass. That is not an opinion. It is a fact.

Practically everyone posting in this thread who is NOT an educator, has it wrong. Now, what should that tell you? Perhaps maybe the people who do this every day might have a slightly better insight than someone whose only experience is being a product of an educational system.

You named foreign universities, What makes you an expert in the American public school system?

Self-appointed experts are the worst.

There is no Z in patronise only to Americans the Z.

"What makes you an expert in the American public school system?

I have many friends in the American nation I am acquainted with the American public school system, I have several friends who are Professors at American Universities I also have two friends who are teachers at American private schools one of them abandoned the system you are defending because they say it was falling apart and being taken over by teachers in Leftist Teaching Unions and that was pre them finding my friend was a registered Republican and that was not approved of by them and she started to get shit from the Leftist teachers so she left and went to a private school where she has experienced not any of these problem situations and the children are more happy than the children in the previous school she was at.

"Self-appointed experts are the worst."

This is you of course.

Oh, so NOW you tell the truth and claim you are not an American, yet you have posted countless times that you are! Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Is your degree in education? No. You are getting your information second hand from college professors who are not educators in the public school system. Fail.

End of discussion.

I have never one time said I am American, since I joined I have repeatedly said I am not American if asked and sometimes if not asked.

Better check your posting history. You did it withing the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

If you are not an American, then it is obviously none of your business.

Not I never have, but go on do a Search and post the link, you cannot of course because I have never posted such a comment.

"If you are not an American, then it is obviously none of your business."

Why is it not my business? You think nothing of invading threads about my Continent to trash Europeans and you are exceptionally ignorant about us. You are American so my Continent is not any of your business.

Did you ever see me post anything about your educational system, claiming to know better than you how it operates and how to improve upon it?

There is no Z in patronise only to Americans the Z.

"What makes you an expert in the American public school system?

I have many friends in the American nation I am acquainted with the American public school system, I have several friends who are Professors at American Universities I also have two friends who are teachers at American private schools one of them abandoned the system you are defending because they say it was falling apart and being taken over by teachers in Leftist Teaching Unions and that was pre them finding my friend was a registered Republican and that was not approved of by them and she started to get shit from the Leftist teachers so she left and went to a private school where she has experienced not any of these problem situations and the children are more happy than the children in the previous school she was at.

"Self-appointed experts are the worst."

This is you of course.

Oh, so NOW you tell the truth and claim you are not an American, yet you have posted countless times that you are! Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Is your degree in education? No. You are getting your information second hand from college professors who are not educators in the public school system. Fail.

End of discussion.

I have never one time said I am American, since I joined I have repeatedly said I am not American if asked and sometimes if not asked.

Better check your posting history. You did it withing the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

If you are not an American, then it is obviously none of your business.

Not I never have, but go on do a Search and post the link, you cannot of course because I have never posted such a comment.

"If you are not an American, then it is obviously none of your business."

Why is it not my business? You think nothing of invading threads about my Continent to trash Europeans and you are exceptionally ignorant about us. You are American so my Continent is not any of your business.

Did you ever see me post anything about your educational system, claiming to know better than you how it operates and how to improve upon it?


We have not had a thread about our educational system.
Well I know peoples who got accepted, so academically they were successful but like your wife decide to just go into something they were offered my best friend is one they were offered an excellent position at a Hedge Fund so that's where they went.

Really? You know peoples? They were offered your best friend?

I love irony!

There is nothing wrong with my post. I know peoples who got accepted into top Universities but instead they were offered a job my best friend is one they were offered a position at a Hedge Fund so that's where they went. My post is complete sense, not sure what you are whining about.

Your grammar is horrible. I suggest remediation.

You know "people", not "peoples", and you are missing the punctuation and capitalization between two obviously separate sentences.

Comon no
There is no Z in patronise only to Americans the Z.

"What makes you an expert in the American public school system?

I have many friends in the American nation I am acquainted with the American public school system, I have several friends who are Professors at American Universities I also have two friends who are teachers at American private schools one of them abandoned the system you are defending because they say it was falling apart and being taken over by teachers in Leftist Teaching Unions and that was pre them finding my friend was a registered Republican and that was not approved of by them and she started to get shit from the Leftist teachers so she left and went to a private school where she has experienced not any of these problem situations and the children are more happy than the children in the previous school she was at.

"Self-appointed experts are the worst."

This is you of course.

Oh, so NOW you tell the truth and claim you are not an American, yet you have posted countless times that you are! Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Is your degree in education? No. You are getting your information second hand from college professors who are not educators in the public school system. Fail.

End of discussion.

I have never one time said I am American, since I joined I have repeatedly said I am not American if asked and sometimes if not asked.

Better check your posting history. You did it withing the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

If you are not an American, then it is obviously none of your business.

Kinda takes the sting out of your previous post.

Better check your posting history. You did it "withing" the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

Come on,really!!

Wow! An obvious typo which I did not have time to correct as compared to two glaring grammatical errors.

I've repeatedly tried to de escalate the situation.....
But carry on.
This kid is more mature than the teachers and the despotic one we have posting here.
It’s a disgrace that his desire not to take sides was not respected as those that did were respected.
I hope they get sued.
And I think this whole mess - largely because it seems the teachers are disrespectful of those not sharing their leftard views, are disorganised and lacking in foresight - has opened a can of worms they will come to wish hadn’t been opened.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

Jacob Shoemaker, a senior at Hilliard Davidson High School, said he didn’t want to take sides in the gun-control debate consuming the country.

If he went outside for the walkout, he said, he would be supporting gun control. If he stayed in the common area of the school, he said, he would be seen as supporting gun violence and disrespecting the 17 lives lost in the Parkland, Fla. High school shooting the month before.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day
Last edited:
Well I know peoples who got accepted, so academically they were successful but like your wife decide to just go into something they were offered my best friend is one they were offered an excellent position at a Hedge Fund so that's where they went.

Really? You know peoples? They were offered your best friend?

I love irony!

There is nothing wrong with my post. I know peoples who got accepted into top Universities but instead they were offered a job my best friend is one they were offered a position at a Hedge Fund so that's where they went. My post is complete sense, not sure what you are whining about.

Your grammar is horrible. I suggest remediation.

You know "people", not "peoples", and you are missing the punctuation and capitalization between two obviously separate sentences.

Comon no
There is no Z in patronise only to Americans the Z.

"What makes you an expert in the American public school system?

I have many friends in the American nation I am acquainted with the American public school system, I have several friends who are Professors at American Universities I also have two friends who are teachers at American private schools one of them abandoned the system you are defending because they say it was falling apart and being taken over by teachers in Leftist Teaching Unions and that was pre them finding my friend was a registered Republican and that was not approved of by them and she started to get shit from the Leftist teachers so she left and went to a private school where she has experienced not any of these problem situations and the children are more happy than the children in the previous school she was at.

"Self-appointed experts are the worst."

This is you of course.

Oh, so NOW you tell the truth and claim you are not an American, yet you have posted countless times that you are! Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Is your degree in education? No. You are getting your information second hand from college professors who are not educators in the public school system. Fail.

End of discussion.

I have never one time said I am American, since I joined I have repeatedly said I am not American if asked and sometimes if not asked.

Better check your posting history. You did it withing the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

If you are not an American, then it is obviously none of your business.

Kinda takes the sting out of your previous post.

Better check your posting history. You did it "withing" the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

Come on,really!!

He has lost an argument he never had so now he resorts to personal attacks.

There was no personal attack. Why have you resorted to lying?
This kid is more mature than the teachers and the despotic one we have posting here. It’s a disgrace that his desire not to take sides was not respected as those that did were respected. I hope they get sued.
And I think this whole mess - largely because it seems the teachers are disrespectful of those not sharing their leftard views, are disorganised and lacking in foresight - has opened a can of worms they will come to wish hadn’t been opened.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

Jacob Shoemaker, a senior at Hilliard Davidson High School, said he didn’t want to take sides in the gun-control debate consuming the country.

If he went outside for the walkout, he said, he would be supporting gun control. If he stayed in the common area of the school, he said, he would be seen as supporting gun violence and disrespecting the 17 lives lost in the Parkland, Fla. High school shooting the month before.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

He made the choice. Why do you not respect that choice? He took a course of action he knew would lead to punishment and got what he deserved.
Oh, so NOW you tell the truth and claim you are not an American, yet you have posted countless times that you are! Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Is your degree in education? No. You are getting your information second hand from college professors who are not educators in the public school system. Fail.

End of discussion.

I have never one time said I am American, since I joined I have repeatedly said I am not American if asked and sometimes if not asked.

Better check your posting history. You did it withing the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

If you are not an American, then it is obviously none of your business.

Not I never have, but go on do a Search and post the link, you cannot of course because I have never posted such a comment.

"If you are not an American, then it is obviously none of your business."

Why is it not my business? You think nothing of invading threads about my Continent to trash Europeans and you are exceptionally ignorant about us. You are American so my Continent is not any of your business.

Did you ever see me post anything about your educational system, claiming to know better than you how it operates and how to improve upon it?


We have not had a thread about our educational system.

Now you are delusional. Go to bed and sleep it off.
"Also, Miss Know-it-all"

Never said I know it all, unlike you who have been exceptionally patronising to EVERYONE in this thread and have told EVERYONE that nobody has a right to comment about education UNLESS they are a teacher while at the same time calling people "dumbass" every five minutes.

Thank goodness I was privately educated, I also have a Politics and History Degree, I went to Heidelberg and also Wien and I was at Oxford University for six months in between, considering I was academically successful enough to be accepted into TWO of the BEST Universities in the WORLD Heidelberg and Oxford you can stick your patronisation up your buttocks. I am better educated than you are, I also have been brought up with better manners than you have in that I do not PATRONISE peoples and treat them like they are some backward moron chewing on grass like Up Their Own Buttocks types like you seem to do.

Well, you might be educated except for the fact that you misspelled patronize every time you used it!

The fact that you don't know ANYTHING about what you are commenting on makes you a dumbass. That is not an opinion. It is a fact.

Practically everyone posting in this thread who is NOT an educator, has it wrong. Now, what should that tell you? Perhaps maybe the people who do this every day might have a slightly better insight than someone whose only experience is being a product of an educational system.

You named foreign universities, What makes you an expert in the American public school system?

Self-appointed experts are the worst.

There is no Z in patronise only to Americans the Z.

"What makes you an expert in the American public school system?

I have many friends in the American nation I am acquainted with the American public school system, I have several friends who are Professors at American Universities I also have two friends who are teachers at American private schools one of them abandoned the system you are defending because they say it was falling apart and being taken over by teachers in Leftist Teaching Unions and that was pre them finding my friend was a registered Republican and that was not approved of by them and she started to get shit from the Leftist teachers so she left and went to a private school where she has experienced not any of these problem situations and the children are more happy than the children in the previous school she was at.

"Self-appointed experts are the worst."

This is you of course.

Oh, so NOW you tell the truth and claim you are not an American, yet you have posted countless times that you are! Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Is your degree in education? No. You are getting your information second hand from college professors who are not educators in the public school system. Fail.

End of discussion.
Lucy has NEVER said she’s an American. Now you are resorting to lying.

Then she is talking smack about something of which is not her concern. She should butt out.

Have a nice day! :D
Americans comment on European issues all the time.
President Obama even took it upon himself to visit the U.K. tell the voters how to vote during Brexit - oh and he threatened us with the ‘back of the line’ if we didn’t fall into line (yes I’m from the U.K.), so no, I think we have a right to comment, thank you very much.
Really? You know peoples? They were offered your best friend?

I love irony!

There is nothing wrong with my post. I know peoples who got accepted into top Universities but instead they were offered a job my best friend is one they were offered a position at a Hedge Fund so that's where they went. My post is complete sense, not sure what you are whining about.

Your grammar is horrible. I suggest remediation.

You know "people", not "peoples", and you are missing the punctuation and capitalization between two obviously separate sentences.

Comon no
Oh, so NOW you tell the truth and claim you are not an American, yet you have posted countless times that you are! Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Is your degree in education? No. You are getting your information second hand from college professors who are not educators in the public school system. Fail.

End of discussion.

I have never one time said I am American, since I joined I have repeatedly said I am not American if asked and sometimes if not asked.

Better check your posting history. You did it withing the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

If you are not an American, then it is obviously none of your business.

Kinda takes the sting out of your previous post.

Better check your posting history. You did it "withing" the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

Come on,really!!

Wow! An obvious typo which I did not have time to correct as compared to two glaring grammatical errors.

I've repeatedly tried to de escalate the situation.....
But carry on.

De-escalate? Not hardly.
There is nothing wrong with my post. I know peoples who got accepted into top Universities but instead they were offered a job my best friend is one they were offered a position at a Hedge Fund so that's where they went. My post is complete sense, not sure what you are whining about.

Your grammar is horrible. I suggest remediation.

You know "people", not "peoples", and you are missing the punctuation and capitalization between two obviously separate sentences.

Comon no
I have never one time said I am American, since I joined I have repeatedly said I am not American if asked and sometimes if not asked.

Better check your posting history. You did it withing the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

If you are not an American, then it is obviously none of your business.

Kinda takes the sting out of your previous post.

Better check your posting history. You did it "withing" the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

Come on,really!!

Wow! An obvious typo which I did not have time to correct as compared to two glaring grammatical errors.

I've repeatedly tried to de escalate the situation.....
But carry on.

De-escalate? Not hardly.

Shall I copy and print?
Really? You know peoples? They were offered your best friend?

I love irony!

There is nothing wrong with my post. I know peoples who got accepted into top Universities but instead they were offered a job my best friend is one they were offered a position at a Hedge Fund so that's where they went. My post is complete sense, not sure what you are whining about.

Your grammar is horrible. I suggest remediation.

You know "people", not "peoples", and you are missing the punctuation and capitalization between two obviously separate sentences.

Comon no
Oh, so NOW you tell the truth and claim you are not an American, yet you have posted countless times that you are! Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Is your degree in education? No. You are getting your information second hand from college professors who are not educators in the public school system. Fail.

End of discussion.

I have never one time said I am American, since I joined I have repeatedly said I am not American if asked and sometimes if not asked.

Better check your posting history. You did it withing the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

If you are not an American, then it is obviously none of your business.

Kinda takes the sting out of your previous post.

Better check your posting history. You did it "withing" the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

Come on,really!!

He has lost an argument he never had so now he resorts to personal attacks.

There was no personal attack. Why have you resorted to lying?
You have been personally attacking people since you joined the thread.
There is no Z in patronise only to Americans the Z.

"What makes you an expert in the American public school system?

I have many friends in the American nation I am acquainted with the American public school system, I have several friends who are Professors at American Universities I also have two friends who are teachers at American private schools one of them abandoned the system you are defending because they say it was falling apart and being taken over by teachers in Leftist Teaching Unions and that was pre them finding my friend was a registered Republican and that was not approved of by them and she started to get shit from the Leftist teachers so she left and went to a private school where she has experienced not any of these problem situations and the children are more happy than the children in the previous school she was at.

"Self-appointed experts are the worst."

This is you of course.

Oh, so NOW you tell the truth and claim you are not an American, yet you have posted countless times that you are! Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Is your degree in education? No. You are getting your information second hand from college professors who are not educators in the public school system. Fail.

End of discussion.

I have never one time said I am American, since I joined I have repeatedly said I am not American if asked and sometimes if not asked.

Better check your posting history. You did it withing the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

If you are not an American, then it is obviously none of your business.

Not I never have, but go on do a Search and post the link, you cannot of course because I have never posted such a comment.

"If you are not an American, then it is obviously none of your business."

Why is it not my business? You think nothing of invading threads about my Continent to trash Europeans and you are exceptionally ignorant about us. You are American so my Continent is not any of your business.

Did you ever see me post anything about your educational system, claiming to know better than you how it operates and how to improve upon it?


At least my educational system is not brainwashing impressionistic minds with Transgenderism, Homosexuality, White Guilt and White Self Hate because of Muh Slave Trade and that there are 56 different genders. And in my educational system we have no Safe Spaces because everything NORMAL is now pushed as being offensive. You say your educational system is not doing all of that you are out of touch with your own educational system perhaps you are just too old to notice that your public schools are reducing children to emotional cripples who are not going to be able to deal with Real Life because it is going to be too frightening for them.
Well, you might be educated except for the fact that you misspelled patronize every time you used it!

The fact that you don't know ANYTHING about what you are commenting on makes you a dumbass. That is not an opinion. It is a fact.

Practically everyone posting in this thread who is NOT an educator, has it wrong. Now, what should that tell you? Perhaps maybe the people who do this every day might have a slightly better insight than someone whose only experience is being a product of an educational system.

You named foreign universities, What makes you an expert in the American public school system?

Self-appointed experts are the worst.

There is no Z in patronise only to Americans the Z.

"What makes you an expert in the American public school system?

I have many friends in the American nation I am acquainted with the American public school system, I have several friends who are Professors at American Universities I also have two friends who are teachers at American private schools one of them abandoned the system you are defending because they say it was falling apart and being taken over by teachers in Leftist Teaching Unions and that was pre them finding my friend was a registered Republican and that was not approved of by them and she started to get shit from the Leftist teachers so she left and went to a private school where she has experienced not any of these problem situations and the children are more happy than the children in the previous school she was at.

"Self-appointed experts are the worst."

This is you of course.

Oh, so NOW you tell the truth and claim you are not an American, yet you have posted countless times that you are! Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Is your degree in education? No. You are getting your information second hand from college professors who are not educators in the public school system. Fail.

End of discussion.
Lucy has NEVER said she’s an American. Now you are resorting to lying.

Then she is talking smack about something of which is not her concern. She should butt out.

Have a nice day! :D
Americans comment on European issues all the time.
President Obama even took it upon himself to visit the U.K. tell the voters how to vote during Brexit - oh and he threatened us with the ‘back of the line’ if we didn’t fall into line (yes I’m from the U.K.), so no, I think we have a right to comment, thank you very much.

Why do you hold me responsible for what that mental midget has done? Feel free to comment about that piece of crap all you want. You will not likely get an argument from me.

I take offense when people talk out of their ass about a topic they obviously do not and cannot know anything about from their Ivory tower in Europe.
This kid is more mature than the teachers and the despotic one we have posting here. It’s a disgrace that his desire not to take sides was not respected as those that did were respected. I hope they get sued.
And I think this whole mess - largely because it seems the teachers are disrespectful of those not sharing their leftard views, are disorganised and lacking in foresight - has opened a can of worms they will come to wish hadn’t been opened.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

Jacob Shoemaker, a senior at Hilliard Davidson High School, said he didn’t want to take sides in the gun-control debate consuming the country.

If he went outside for the walkout, he said, he would be supporting gun control. If he stayed in the common area of the school, he said, he would be seen as supporting gun violence and disrespecting the 17 lives lost in the Parkland, Fla. High school shooting the month before.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

He made the choice. Why do you not respect that choice? He took a course of action he knew would lead to punishment and got what he deserved.
He should have had the same right to choose without being punished as everyone else did.
There is nothing wrong with my post. I know peoples who got accepted into top Universities but instead they were offered a job my best friend is one they were offered a position at a Hedge Fund so that's where they went. My post is complete sense, not sure what you are whining about.

Your grammar is horrible. I suggest remediation.

You know "people", not "peoples", and you are missing the punctuation and capitalization between two obviously separate sentences.

Comon no
I have never one time said I am American, since I joined I have repeatedly said I am not American if asked and sometimes if not asked.

Better check your posting history. You did it withing the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

If you are not an American, then it is obviously none of your business.

Kinda takes the sting out of your previous post.

Better check your posting history. You did it "withing" the last few days when someone accused you of not being an American.

Come on,really!!

He has lost an argument he never had so now he resorts to personal attacks.

There was no personal attack. Why have you resorted to lying?
You have been personally attacking people since you joined the thread.

There was no personal attack in the posting listed because she didn't say something incredibly stupid.

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