Ohio Student Suspended for Staying in Class During Walkout

De-escalate? Not hardly.

Shall I copy and print?

My printer is out of ink and your argument has run out of wit.

I guess thats one way to bail....

I have a bilge pump. I'll let you bail.

I have two bilge pumps...your turn.

You bore me. Do I hear your wife calling you to come take out the garbage?
Oh, so NOW you tell the truth and claim you are not an American, yet you have posted countless times that you are! Were you lying then or are you lying now?

Is your degree in education? No. You are getting your information second hand from college professors who are not educators in the public school system. Fail.

End of discussion.
Lucy has NEVER said she’s an American. Now you are resorting to lying.

Then she is talking smack about something of which is not her concern. She should butt out.

Have a nice day! :D
Americans comment on European issues all the time.
President Obama even took it upon himself to visit the U.K. tell the voters how to vote during Brexit - oh and he threatened us with the ‘back of the line’ if we didn’t fall into line (yes I’m from the U.K.), so no, I think we have a right to comment, thank you very much.

Why do you hold me responsible for what that mental midget has done? Feel free to comment about that piece of crap all you want. You will not likely get an argument from me.

I take offense when people talk out of their ass about a topic they obviously do not and cannot know anything about from their Ivory tower in Europe.
Your biggest problem is that you seem to believe no one can comment on educational issues unless they are a teacher.
Well that’s just crap, plain and simple.

Do you not have opinions or comment on health care even though you’re not a doctor or a nurse etc?
Do you refrain from commenting on other issues because you do not work in that environment? I think not.

One DOES NOT have to be a teacher to be able to see when things are going wrong in the education system, and one does not have to be a teacher to see when an injustice has been done.

And the way you are referring to this kid as a ‘mental midget’ and a ‘piece of crap’, and saying you’d ‘nail his ass to a wall’ indicates you are a Judgemental prick and a bully toward kids who won’t be pigeon holed and don’t agree with leftard politics.

Seriously, I wish his father could see what you are saying about his child.
This kid is more mature than the teachers and the despotic one we have posting here.
It’s a disgrace that his desire not to take sides was not respected as those that did were respected.
I hope they get sued.
And I think this whole mess - largely because it seems the teachers are disrespectful of those not sharing their leftard views, are disorganised and lacking in foresight - has opened a can of worms they will come to wish hadn’t been opened.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

Jacob Shoemaker, a senior at Hilliard Davidson High School, said he didn’t want to take sides in the gun-control debate consuming the country.

If he went outside for the walkout, he said, he would be supporting gun control. If he stayed in the common area of the school, he said, he would be seen as supporting gun violence and disrespecting the 17 lives lost in the Parkland, Fla. High school shooting the month before.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

The young boy needs to be supported because he is going to be attacked by SJWs for not going on the SJW Bedwetting March, in the link in the OP it says that his father was getting death threats on Twitter which is typical of the Leftists always resort to violence and threatening violence at those who have different opinions.
Yep. The son too is getting threats. So, the school that couldn’t be bothered to anticipate supervising kids who did not wish to take sides -who said he couldn’t do his homework in a classroom for 20 mins unsupervised as it’s not safe, have now caused him and his father to receive death threats.
Lucy has NEVER said she’s an American. Now you are resorting to lying.

Then she is talking smack about something of which is not her concern. She should butt out.

Have a nice day! :D
Americans comment on European issues all the time.
President Obama even took it upon himself to visit the U.K. tell the voters how to vote during Brexit - oh and he threatened us with the ‘back of the line’ if we didn’t fall into line (yes I’m from the U.K.), so no, I think we have a right to comment, thank you very much.

Why do you hold me responsible for what that mental midget has done? Feel free to comment about that piece of crap all you want. You will not likely get an argument from me.

I take offense when people talk out of their ass about a topic they obviously do not and cannot know anything about from their Ivory tower in Europe.
Your biggest problem is that you seem to believe no one can comment on educational issues unless they are a teacher.
Well that’s just crap, plain and simple.

Do you not have opinions or comment on health care even though you’re not a doctor or a nurse etc?
Do you refrain from commenting on other issues because you do not work in that environment? I think not.

One DOES NOT have to be a teacher to be able to see when things are going wrong in the education system, and one does not have to be a teacher to see when an injustice has been done.

And the way you are referring to this kid as a ‘mental midget’ and a ‘piece of crap’, and saying you’d ‘nail his ass to a wall’ indicates you are a Judgemental prick and a bully toward kids who won’t be pigeon holed and don’t agree with leftard politics.

Seriously, I wish his father could see what you are saying about his child. I

Aw! Did I hurt somebody's widdle feewings by telling the truth?

Leftard politics have nothing to do with his getting suspended. Do you not see that? He made a bad choice.

Mental midgets and pieces of crap do that sort of thing, and then whine when they get it broken off in their ass when they screw up!

You refer to this young boy as a mental midget and a piece of crap, you obviously are the type who enjoys bullying children.
This kid is more mature than the teachers and the despotic one we have posting here. It’s a disgrace that his desire not to take sides was not respected as those that did were respected. I hope they get sued.
And I think this whole mess - largely because it seems the teachers are disrespectful of those not sharing their leftard views, are disorganised and lacking in foresight - has opened a can of worms they will come to wish hadn’t been opened.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

Jacob Shoemaker, a senior at Hilliard Davidson High School, said he didn’t want to take sides in the gun-control debate consuming the country.

If he went outside for the walkout, he said, he would be supporting gun control. If he stayed in the common area of the school, he said, he would be seen as supporting gun violence and disrespecting the 17 lives lost in the Parkland, Fla. High school shooting the month before.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

He made the choice. Why do you not respect that choice? He took a course of action he knew would lead to punishment and got what he deserved.
He should have had the same right to choose without being punished as everyone else did.

He had a choice. Had he done as he was told, he would have received no punishment. Are you incapable of understanding the written word? That has been explained numerous times in the article and in the thread.

He could attend the protest or the study hall. It was not the school's responsibility to provide him one-on-one supervision simply because he did not like the choices. That is the whole discussion in a nutshell. Correct?
For a teacher, you seem to have terrible comprehension problems.
Or are you being willfully stupid on this issue?

The boy said he didn’t want to take side - going out meant joining the protesters and taking a side, going to the Hall meant taking a side with perceived ‘gun nuts’ and seeming to be disrespectful of the dead kids.

The school should have been able to anticipate this but were too stupid or too arrogant to bother - and then they punished the kid. This is WRONG!

Here’s another reminder of this mature kids thinking:

Jacob Shoemaker, a senior at Hilliard Davidson High School, said he didn’t want to take sides in the gun-control debate consuming the country. If he went outside for the walkout, he said, he would be supporting gun control. If he stayed in the common area of the school, he said, he would be seen as supporting gun violence and disrespecting the 17 lives lost in the Parkland, Fla. High school shooting the month before.

This "mature" kid is NOT thinking. If he had been, he would have not placed himself in a situation that forced the school administration to punish him for defying their instructions. THAT, ladies and gentleman is where you are all falling short in your mental meanderings.

The kids marching for gun control should have been punished.
Shall I copy and print?

My printer is out of ink and your argument has run out of wit.

I guess thats one way to bail....

I have a bilge pump. I'll let you bail.

I have two bilge pumps...your turn.

You bore me. Do I hear your wife calling you to come take out the garbage?

Nah...thats the voices in your head. The trash guys came this morning.
Lucy has NEVER said she’s an American. Now you are resorting to lying.

Then she is talking smack about something of which is not her concern. She should butt out.

Have a nice day! :D
Americans comment on European issues all the time.
President Obama even took it upon himself to visit the U.K. tell the voters how to vote during Brexit - oh and he threatened us with the ‘back of the line’ if we didn’t fall into line (yes I’m from the U.K.), so no, I think we have a right to comment, thank you very much.

Why do you hold me responsible for what that mental midget has done? Feel free to comment about that piece of crap all you want. You will not likely get an argument from me.

I take offense when people talk out of their ass about a topic they obviously do not and cannot know anything about from their Ivory tower in Europe.
Your biggest problem is that you seem to believe no one can comment on educational issues unless they are a teacher.
Well that’s just crap, plain and simple.

Do you not have opinions or comment on health care even though you’re not a doctor or a nurse etc?
Do you refrain from commenting on other issues because you do not work in that environment? I think not.

One DOES NOT have to be a teacher to be able to see when things are going wrong in the education system, and one does not have to be a teacher to see when an injustice has been done.

And the way you are referring to this kid as a ‘mental midget’ and a ‘piece of crap’, and saying you’d ‘nail his ass to a wall’ indicates you are a Judgemental prick and a bully toward kids who won’t be pigeon holed and don’t agree with leftard politics.

Seriously, I wish his father could see what you are saying about his child. I

"And the way you are referring to this kid as a ‘mental midget’ and a ‘piece of crap’, and saying you’d ‘nail his ass to a wall’ indicates you are a Judgemental prick and a bully toward kids who won’t be pigeon holed and don’t agree with leftard politics."

I did not see these comments, that is not the way to think about or treat children and yes that is bullying.

That's because I don't recall talking about the student that way. I was probably referring to the mental midgets and pieces of crap I saw posting in this thread. I do recall saying I would nail his ass to a wall if I was the administrator and he was disrespectful in his actions to an adult, but that is merely a hypothetical.
My printer is out of ink and your argument has run out of wit.

I guess thats one way to bail....

I have a bilge pump. I'll let you bail.

I have two bilge pumps...your turn.

You bore me. Do I hear your wife calling you to come take out the garbage?

Nah...thats the voices in your head. The trash guys came this morning.

They will have to come back tomorrow to clean out all of the trash you posted tonight! :D
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

Ah yes!

Another thread dedicated to proving that none of you assholes can read!

Directly from the linked article:

"An Ohio high school student says he tried to remain nonpolitical during school walkouts over gun violence and was suspended for a day because he stayed in a classroom instead of joining protests or the alternative, a study hall."

He was given a choice. He refused to do either. Even when those kids walk out, they have to be supervised or the school is liable. Staying alone is NOT an option.

What would happen if items were stolen from other students while he was left alone? What if vandalism occurred in the classroom? Students are supervised at all times.
.Gives even more creedence to the coming lawsuit (if they so choose one), because being that the walk out wasn't recognized as a legal scheduled activity by the parents who send their kids to school in order to be educated and not indoctrinated, and the child was placed in a situation by the school (in that was not a scheduled practice by the school), then the school was in the wrong, and the kid was in the right.
Lucy has NEVER said she’s an American. Now you are resorting to lying.

Then she is talking smack about something of which is not her concern. She should butt out.

Have a nice day! :D
Americans comment on European issues all the time.
President Obama even took it upon himself to visit the U.K. tell the voters how to vote during Brexit - oh and he threatened us with the ‘back of the line’ if we didn’t fall into line (yes I’m from the U.K.), so no, I think we have a right to comment, thank you very much.

Why do you hold me responsible for what that mental midget has done? Feel free to comment about that piece of crap all you want. You will not likely get an argument from me.

I take offense when people talk out of their ass about a topic they obviously do not and cannot know anything about from their Ivory tower in Europe.
Your biggest problem is that you seem to believe no one can comment on educational issues unless they are a teacher.
Well that’s just crap, plain and simple.

Do you not have opinions or comment on health care even though you’re not a doctor or a nurse etc?
Do you refrain from commenting on other issues because you do not work in that environment? I think not.

One DOES NOT have to be a teacher to be able to see when things are going wrong in the education system, and one does not have to be a teacher to see when an injustice has been done.

And the way you are referring to this kid as a ‘mental midget’ and a ‘piece of crap’, and saying you’d ‘nail his ass to a wall’ indicates you are a Judgemental prick and a bully toward kids who won’t be pigeon holed and don’t agree with leftard politics.

Seriously, I wish his father could see what you are saying about his child.
This kid is more mature than the teachers and the despotic one we have posting here.
It’s a disgrace that his desire not to take sides was not respected as those that did were respected.
I hope they get sued.
And I think this whole mess - largely because it seems the teachers are disrespectful of those not sharing their leftard views, are disorganised and lacking in foresight - has opened a can of worms they will come to wish hadn’t been opened.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

Jacob Shoemaker, a senior at Hilliard Davidson High School, said he didn’t want to take sides in the gun-control debate consuming the country.

If he went outside for the walkout, he said, he would be supporting gun control. If he stayed in the common area of the school, he said, he would be seen as supporting gun violence and disrespecting the 17 lives lost in the Parkland, Fla. High school shooting the month before.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

The young boy needs to be supported because he is going to be attacked by SJWs for not going on the SJW Bedwetting March, in the link in the OP it says that his father was getting death threats on Twitter which is typical of the Leftists always resort to violence and threatening violence at those who have different opinions.
Yep. The son too is getting threats. So, the school that couldn’t be bothered to anticipate supervising kids who did not wish to take sides -who said he couldn’t do his homework in a classroom for 20 mins unsupervised as it’s not safe, have now caused him and his father to receive death threats.

Like I said, if he had not attracted so much attention to himself, perhaps he would not be perceived as public enemy number 1.

When the enemy is in range, try not to attract attention to yourself as much as possible,
This kid is more mature than the teachers and the despotic one we have posting here. It’s a disgrace that his desire not to take sides was not respected as those that did were respected. I hope they get sued.
And I think this whole mess - largely because it seems the teachers are disrespectful of those not sharing their leftard views, are disorganised and lacking in foresight - has opened a can of worms they will come to wish hadn’t been opened.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

Jacob Shoemaker, a senior at Hilliard Davidson High School, said he didn’t want to take sides in the gun-control debate consuming the country.

If he went outside for the walkout, he said, he would be supporting gun control. If he stayed in the common area of the school, he said, he would be seen as supporting gun violence and disrespecting the 17 lives lost in the Parkland, Fla. High school shooting the month before.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

He made the choice. Why do you not respect that choice? He took a course of action he knew would lead to punishment and got what he deserved.
He should have had the same right to choose without being punished as everyone else did.

He had a choice. Had he done as he was told, he would have received no punishment. Are you incapable of understanding the written word? That has been explained numerous times in the article and in the thread.

He could attend the protest or the study hall. It was not the school's responsibility to provide him one-on-one supervision simply because he did not like the choices. That is the whole discussion in a nutshell. Correct?
For a teacher, you seem to have terrible comprehension problems.
Or are you being willfully stupid on this issue?

The boy said he didn’t want to take side - going out meant joining the protesters and taking a side, going to the Hall meant taking a side with perceived ‘gun nuts’ and seeming to be disrespectful of the dead kids.

The school should have been able to anticipate this but were too stupid or too arrogant to bother - and then they punished the kid. This is WRONG!

Here’s another reminder of this mature kids thinking:

Jacob Shoemaker, a senior at Hilliard Davidson High School, said he didn’t want to take sides in the gun-control debate consuming the country. If he went outside for the walkout, he said, he would be supporting gun control. If he stayed in the common area of the school, he said, he would be seen as supporting gun violence and disrespecting the 17 lives lost in the Parkland, Fla. High school shooting the month before.

This "mature" kid is NOT thinking. If he had been, he would have not placed himself in a situation that forced the school administration to punish him for defying their instructions. THAT, ladies and gentleman is where you are all falling short in your mental meanderings.
No! If the other kids had a right to their opinion and to exercise it with the approval and supervision of the teachers, then this kid should have been afforded the same right.
Then she is talking smack about something of which is not her concern. She should butt out.

Have a nice day! :D
Americans comment on European issues all the time.
President Obama even took it upon himself to visit the U.K. tell the voters how to vote during Brexit - oh and he threatened us with the ‘back of the line’ if we didn’t fall into line (yes I’m from the U.K.), so no, I think we have a right to comment, thank you very much.

Why do you hold me responsible for what that mental midget has done? Feel free to comment about that piece of crap all you want. You will not likely get an argument from me.

I take offense when people talk out of their ass about a topic they obviously do not and cannot know anything about from their Ivory tower in Europe.
Your biggest problem is that you seem to believe no one can comment on educational issues unless they are a teacher.
Well that’s just crap, plain and simple.

Do you not have opinions or comment on health care even though you’re not a doctor or a nurse etc?
Do you refrain from commenting on other issues because you do not work in that environment? I think not.

One DOES NOT have to be a teacher to be able to see when things are going wrong in the education system, and one does not have to be a teacher to see when an injustice has been done.

And the way you are referring to this kid as a ‘mental midget’ and a ‘piece of crap’, and saying you’d ‘nail his ass to a wall’ indicates you are a Judgemental prick and a bully toward kids who won’t be pigeon holed and don’t agree with leftard politics.

Seriously, I wish his father could see what you are saying about his child. I

"And the way you are referring to this kid as a ‘mental midget’ and a ‘piece of crap’, and saying you’d ‘nail his ass to a wall’ indicates you are a Judgemental prick and a bully toward kids who won’t be pigeon holed and don’t agree with leftard politics."

I did not see these comments, that is not the way to think about or treat children and yes that is bullying.

That's because I don't recall talking about the student that way. I was probably referring to the mental midgets and pieces of crap I saw posting in this thread. I do recall saying I would nail his ass to a wall if I was the administrator and he was disrespectful in his actions to an adult, but that is merely a hypothetical.
Then you have memory problems as well as comprehension problems.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

Ah yes!

Another thread dedicated to proving that none of you assholes can read!

Directly from the linked article:

"An Ohio high school student says he tried to remain nonpolitical during school walkouts over gun violence and was suspended for a day because he stayed in a classroom instead of joining protests or the alternative, a study hall."

He was given a choice. He refused to do either. Even when those kids walk out, they have to be supervised or the school is liable. Staying alone is NOT an option.

What would happen if items were stolen from other students while he was left alone? What if vandalism occurred in the classroom? Students are supervised at all times.
.Gives even more creedence to the coming lawsuit (if they so choose one), because being that the walk out wasn't recognized as a legal scheduled activity by the parents who send their kids to school in order to be educated and not indoctrinated, and the child was placed in a situation by the school (in that was not a scheduled practice by the school), then the school was in the wrong, and the kid was in the right.

It will never fly. The school has a responsibility to supervise the students, which is codified in the law. The concept is called in loco parentis.

A lawsuit will just result in lawyers getting rich.
Americans comment on European issues all the time.
President Obama even took it upon himself to visit the U.K. tell the voters how to vote during Brexit - oh and he threatened us with the ‘back of the line’ if we didn’t fall into line (yes I’m from the U.K.), so no, I think we have a right to comment, thank you very much.

Why do you hold me responsible for what that mental midget has done? Feel free to comment about that piece of crap all you want. You will not likely get an argument from me.

I take offense when people talk out of their ass about a topic they obviously do not and cannot know anything about from their Ivory tower in Europe.
Your biggest problem is that you seem to believe no one can comment on educational issues unless they are a teacher.
Well that’s just crap, plain and simple.

Do you not have opinions or comment on health care even though you’re not a doctor or a nurse etc?
Do you refrain from commenting on other issues because you do not work in that environment? I think not.

One DOES NOT have to be a teacher to be able to see when things are going wrong in the education system, and one does not have to be a teacher to see when an injustice has been done.

And the way you are referring to this kid as a ‘mental midget’ and a ‘piece of crap’, and saying you’d ‘nail his ass to a wall’ indicates you are a Judgemental prick and a bully toward kids who won’t be pigeon holed and don’t agree with leftard politics.

Seriously, I wish his father could see what you are saying about his child. I

"And the way you are referring to this kid as a ‘mental midget’ and a ‘piece of crap’, and saying you’d ‘nail his ass to a wall’ indicates you are a Judgemental prick and a bully toward kids who won’t be pigeon holed and don’t agree with leftard politics."

I did not see these comments, that is not the way to think about or treat children and yes that is bullying.

That's because I don't recall talking about the student that way. I was probably referring to the mental midgets and pieces of crap I saw posting in this thread. I do recall saying I would nail his ass to a wall if I was the administrator and he was disrespectful in his actions to an adult, but that is merely a hypothetical.
Then you have memory problems as well as comprehension problems.

Maybe. I get that way when deal with an overwhelming number of dumbasses.
Then she is talking smack about something of which is not her concern. She should butt out.

Have a nice day! :D
Americans comment on European issues all the time.
President Obama even took it upon himself to visit the U.K. tell the voters how to vote during Brexit - oh and he threatened us with the ‘back of the line’ if we didn’t fall into line (yes I’m from the U.K.), so no, I think we have a right to comment, thank you very much.

Why do you hold me responsible for what that mental midget has done? Feel free to comment about that piece of crap all you want. You will not likely get an argument from me.

I take offense when people talk out of their ass about a topic they obviously do not and cannot know anything about from their Ivory tower in Europe.
Your biggest problem is that you seem to believe no one can comment on educational issues unless they are a teacher.
Well that’s just crap, plain and simple.

Do you not have opinions or comment on health care even though you’re not a doctor or a nurse etc?
Do you refrain from commenting on other issues because you do not work in that environment? I think not.

One DOES NOT have to be a teacher to be able to see when things are going wrong in the education system, and one does not have to be a teacher to see when an injustice has been done.

And the way you are referring to this kid as a ‘mental midget’ and a ‘piece of crap’, and saying you’d ‘nail his ass to a wall’ indicates you are a Judgemental prick and a bully toward kids who won’t be pigeon holed and don’t agree with leftard politics.

Seriously, I wish his father could see what you are saying about his child.
This kid is more mature than the teachers and the despotic one we have posting here.
It’s a disgrace that his desire not to take sides was not respected as those that did were respected.
I hope they get sued.
And I think this whole mess - largely because it seems the teachers are disrespectful of those not sharing their leftard views, are disorganised and lacking in foresight - has opened a can of worms they will come to wish hadn’t been opened.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

Jacob Shoemaker, a senior at Hilliard Davidson High School, said he didn’t want to take sides in the gun-control debate consuming the country.

If he went outside for the walkout, he said, he would be supporting gun control. If he stayed in the common area of the school, he said, he would be seen as supporting gun violence and disrespecting the 17 lives lost in the Parkland, Fla. High school shooting the month before.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

The young boy needs to be supported because he is going to be attacked by SJWs for not going on the SJW Bedwetting March, in the link in the OP it says that his father was getting death threats on Twitter which is typical of the Leftists always resort to violence and threatening violence at those who have different opinions.
Yep. The son too is getting threats. So, the school that couldn’t be bothered to anticipate supervising kids who did not wish to take sides -who said he couldn’t do his homework in a classroom for 20 mins unsupervised as it’s not safe, have now caused him and his father to receive death threats.

Like I said, if he had not attracted so much attention to himself, perhaps he would not be perceived as public enemy number 1.

When the enemy is in range, try not to attract attention to yourself as much as possible,
The school put him in the situation where he is receiving threats.

He should have been afforded the same rights as the other kids were and there wouldn’t have been an issue.

I do hope they face the consequences of their irresponsible and bullying behaviour, and I also hope the father sees how you have been referring to his son - whom you now acknowledge is ‘ the enemy’.
Last edited:
This kid is more mature than the teachers and the despotic one we have posting here. It’s a disgrace that his desire not to take sides was not respected as those that did were respected. I hope they get sued.
And I think this whole mess - largely because it seems the teachers are disrespectful of those not sharing their leftard views, are disorganised and lacking in foresight - has opened a can of worms they will come to wish hadn’t been opened.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

Jacob Shoemaker, a senior at Hilliard Davidson High School, said he didn’t want to take sides in the gun-control debate consuming the country.

If he went outside for the walkout, he said, he would be supporting gun control. If he stayed in the common area of the school, he said, he would be seen as supporting gun violence and disrespecting the 17 lives lost in the Parkland, Fla. High school shooting the month before.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

He made the choice. Why do you not respect that choice? He took a course of action he knew would lead to punishment and got what he deserved.
He should have had the same right to choose without being punished as everyone else did.

He had a choice. Had he done as he was told, he would have received no punishment. Are you incapable of understanding the written word? That has been explained numerous times in the article and in the thread.

He could attend the protest or the study hall. It was not the school's responsibility to provide him one-on-one supervision simply because he did not like the choices. That is the whole discussion in a nutshell. Correct?
For a teacher, you seem to have terrible comprehension problems.
Or are you being willfully stupid on this issue?

The boy said he didn’t want to take sides - going out meant joining the protesters and taking a side, going to the Hall meant taking a side with perceived ‘gun nuts’ and seeming to be disrespectful of the dead kids.

The school should have been able to anticipate this but were too stupid or too arrogant to bother - and then they punished the kid. This is WRONG!

Here’s another reminder of this mature kids thinking:

Jacob Shoemaker, a senior at Hilliard Davidson High School, said he didn’t want to take sides in the gun-control debate consuming the country. If he went outside for the walkout, he said, he would be supporting gun control. If he stayed in the common area of the school, he said, he would be seen as supporting gun violence and disrespecting the 17 lives lost in the Parkland, Fla. High school shooting the month before.
Well with him not being a multi millionaire football star, it didn't give him the same right to stay in the locker room while the others were out there on their knees protesting the national anthem, but the left wants his vote if they could get the age level dropped to get it. Pathetic.

He wasn't being a good little leftist Nazi, so he gets punished.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

Ah yes!

Another thread dedicated to proving that none of you assholes can read!

Directly from the linked article:

"An Ohio high school student says he tried to remain nonpolitical during school walkouts over gun violence and was suspended for a day because he stayed in a classroom instead of joining protests or the alternative, a study hall."

He was given a choice. He refused to do either. Even when those kids walk out, they have to be supervised or the school is liable. Staying alone is NOT an option.

What would happen if items were stolen from other students while he was left alone? What if vandalism occurred in the classroom? Students are supervised at all times.
.Gives even more creedence to the coming lawsuit (if they so choose one), because being that the walk out wasn't recognized as a legal scheduled activity by the parents who send their kids to school in order to be educated and not indoctrinated, and the child was placed in a situation by the school (in that was not a scheduled practice by the school), then the school was in the wrong, and the kid was in the right.

It will never fly. The school has a responsibility to supervise the students, which is codified in the law. The concept is called in loco parentis.

A lawsuit will just result in lawyers getting rich.
Yet they didn’t anticipate and plan for students who wouldn’t be forced to pick sides. Quite an oversight.
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Like I said, if he had not attracted so much attention to himself, perhaps he would not be perceived as public enemy number 1.

The people drawing attention to themselves were outside with placards.

This kid simply wanted to do his homework without being forced into being identified as either anti second amendment or a ‘gun nut’ - the ‘gun nuts’ are probably being bullied as we speak.
Americans comment on European issues all the time.
President Obama even took it upon himself to visit the U.K. tell the voters how to vote during Brexit - oh and he threatened us with the ‘back of the line’ if we didn’t fall into line (yes I’m from the U.K.), so no, I think we have a right to comment, thank you very much.

Why do you hold me responsible for what that mental midget has done? Feel free to comment about that piece of crap all you want. You will not likely get an argument from me.

I take offense when people talk out of their ass about a topic they obviously do not and cannot know anything about from their Ivory tower in Europe.
Your biggest problem is that you seem to believe no one can comment on educational issues unless they are a teacher.
Well that’s just crap, plain and simple.

Do you not have opinions or comment on health care even though you’re not a doctor or a nurse etc?
Do you refrain from commenting on other issues because you do not work in that environment? I think not.

One DOES NOT have to be a teacher to be able to see when things are going wrong in the education system, and one does not have to be a teacher to see when an injustice has been done.

And the way you are referring to this kid as a ‘mental midget’ and a ‘piece of crap’, and saying you’d ‘nail his ass to a wall’ indicates you are a Judgemental prick and a bully toward kids who won’t be pigeon holed and don’t agree with leftard politics.

Seriously, I wish his father could see what you are saying about his child.
This kid is more mature than the teachers and the despotic one we have posting here.
It’s a disgrace that his desire not to take sides was not respected as those that did were respected.
I hope they get sued.
And I think this whole mess - largely because it seems the teachers are disrespectful of those not sharing their leftard views, are disorganised and lacking in foresight - has opened a can of worms they will come to wish hadn’t been opened.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

Jacob Shoemaker, a senior at Hilliard Davidson High School, said he didn’t want to take sides in the gun-control debate consuming the country.

If he went outside for the walkout, he said, he would be supporting gun control. If he stayed in the common area of the school, he said, he would be seen as supporting gun violence and disrespecting the 17 lives lost in the Parkland, Fla. High school shooting the month before.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

The young boy needs to be supported because he is going to be attacked by SJWs for not going on the SJW Bedwetting March, in the link in the OP it says that his father was getting death threats on Twitter which is typical of the Leftists always resort to violence and threatening violence at those who have different opinions.
Yep. The son too is getting threats. So, the school that couldn’t be bothered to anticipate supervising kids who did not wish to take sides -who said he couldn’t do his homework in a classroom for 20 mins unsupervised as it’s not safe, have now caused him and his father to receive death threats.

Like I said, if he had not attracted so much attention to himself, perhaps he would not be perceived as public enemy number 1.

When the enemy is in range, try not to attract attention to yourself as much as possible,
The school put him in the situation where he is receiving threats.
He should have been afforded the same rights as the other kids were and there wouldn’t have been an issue.
I do hope they face the consequences of their irresponsible and bullying behaviour, and I also hope the father sees how you have been referring to his son - whom you now acknowledge is ‘ the enemy’.
.The school should have accomadated either or both sides in order for the protest to be legal. Forcing all to participate is indoctrination not education, and the school wasn't granting the freedom to express oneself as it should have planned for in order for it to be fair and legal to all students.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

Ah yes!

Another thread dedicated to proving that none of you assholes can read!

Directly from the linked article:

"An Ohio high school student says he tried to remain nonpolitical during school walkouts over gun violence and was suspended for a day because he stayed in a classroom instead of joining protests or the alternative, a study hall."

He was given a choice. He refused to do either. Even when those kids walk out, they have to be supervised or the school is liable. Staying alone is NOT an option.

What would happen if items were stolen from other students while he was left alone? What if vandalism occurred in the classroom? Students are supervised at all times.
.Gives even more creedence to the coming lawsuit (if they so choose one), because being that the walk out wasn't recognized as a legal scheduled activity by the parents who send their kids to school in order to be educated and not indoctrinated, and the child was placed in a situation by the school (in that was not a scheduled practice by the school), then the school was in the wrong, and the kid was in the right.

It will never fly. The school has a responsibility to supervise the students, which is codified in the law. The concept is called in loco parentis.

A lawsuit will just result in lawyers getting rich.
. If the walk out is deemed illegal by the parents, then the school is toast. 1st the left claims it has the right to do this or that, but then they scream bloody murder if the conservatives try and claim a right to do anything they don't approve of. Pathetic.

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