Ohio Student Suspended for Staying in Class During Walkout

All of the kids should take this as a lesson to show them how easily they can be manipulated by adult jackass party of slavery totalitarianism advocates into protesting their own constitutional civil right to bear arms and their basic human right to defend themselves.
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How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

Retarded thread.

It says in the very first paragraph that he was suspended for not being in one of the two places he was supposed to be.

From your link, dope.

"HILLIARD, Ohio — An Ohio high school student says he tried to remain nonpolitical during school walkouts over gun violence and was suspended for a day because he stayed in a classroom instead of joining protests or the alternative, a study hall."

It had not a thing to do with the protest.

He's supposed to be in the classroom, as is his retarded teacher. Why was he supposed to be a at a political protest? That shit has no business being foisted on schoolchildren.

He wasn't where he was supposed to be, dope. Regardless of the reason.

I guess that depends on whether or not you believe the school day was "supposed to be" interrupted by pointless political protests. (+5 points for alliteration)
I believe the school did the right thing. It was going to happen whether they were prepared for it or not. They had a plan and followed the plan. All of the kids were safe and no incidents occurred.

No doubt you would have been screaming obscenities at the children had you been there.
Montgomery County students in the safe care of their Teachers?

Shutting down the streets during the morning commute of thousands going to work in D.C.

These students shut down a major thoroughfare into D.C. from Maryland.

Yes. This was a safe and orderly march.:rolleyes:

The commuters were screaming at these protesters. The police were brought in to re-open Rt 29 and move them out of the traffic.

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Retarded thread.

It says in the very first paragraph that he was suspended for not being in one of the two places he was supposed to be.

From your link, dope.

"HILLIARD, Ohio — An Ohio high school student says he tried to remain nonpolitical during school walkouts over gun violence and was suspended for a day because he stayed in a classroom instead of joining protests or the alternative, a study hall."

It had not a thing to do with the protest.

He's supposed to be in the classroom, as is his retarded teacher. Why was he supposed to be a at a political protest? That shit has no business being foisted on schoolchildren.

He wasn't where he was supposed to be, dope. Regardless of the reason.

I guess that depends on whether or not you believe the school day was "supposed to be" interrupted by pointless political protests. (+5 points for alliteration)
I believe the school did the right thing. It was going to happen whether they were prepared for it or not. They had a plan and followed the plan. All of the kids were safe and no incidents occurred.

No doubt you would have been screaming obscenities at the children had you been there.
Montgomery County students in the safe care of their Teachers?

Shutting down the streets during the morning commute of thousands going to work in D.C.

These students shut down a major thoroughfare into D.C. from Maryland.

Yes. This was a safe and orderly march.

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At least they didn't riot...

The kids are not brainwashed to that stage yet, but will get there gradually as they receive their "education".
Tsk tsk....someone's not being a good Socialist...

The next logical situation for the Leftist SJWs will be to resurrect the Komsomol complete with Pioneer's Uniform with red cap and badge:

Wow. You do have an imagination, me boy. Stupid imagination, but an imagination.
Perhaps you should start a movie project, eh. Though you probably want to figure out where you go when you go broke.
Problem with your line of BS is the usual, me boy. The Komsomol did not keep growing, or have any actual impact on the world. And you ignore that truth. You see, you forgot to mention that, along with Communism, the Komsomol is dead. It was disbanded in 1991,
You see, me boy, you make a complete fool of yourself when you suggest that a very large number of independent students from across the nation are somehow a group of organized kids. They are far from organized, but I think what bothers you most is that they have, unlike you and your con troll friends, working minds.
Stupid post. Really stupid. But thanks for trying to play.
What is it with all the ‘me boy’ milarky?
You sound like a demented pirate :laugh2:

That's the new leprechaun leftist troll, he's a moron.
He's supposed to be in the classroom, as is his retarded teacher. Why was he supposed to be a at a political protest? That shit has no business being foisted on schoolchildren.

He wasn't where he was supposed to be, dope. Regardless of the reason.

I guess that depends on whether or not you believe the school day was "supposed to be" interrupted by pointless political protests. (+5 points for alliteration)
I believe the school did the right thing. It was going to happen whether they were prepared for it or not. They had a plan and followed the plan. All of the kids were safe and no incidents occurred.

No doubt you would have been screaming obscenities at the children had you been there.
Montgomery County students in the safe care of their Teachers?

Shutting down the streets during the morning commute of thousands going to work in D.C.

These students shut down a major thoroughfare into D.C. from Maryland.

Yes. This was a safe and orderly march.

View attachment 183130

View attachment 183131

At least they didn't riot...

The kids are not brainwashed to that stage yet, but will get there gradually as they receive their "education".

They did in Antioch, Tennessee. the 23rd will be riots, too, I bet.
Why didn’t he just go to the study hall with the rest of the classmates that didn’t participate? What makes him so special?

Why didn't he wear the yellow badge identifying him as a Jew ... And just go to the concentration camp he was assigned to ... :dunno:

Retarded thread.

It says in the very first paragraph that he was suspended for not being in one of the two places he was supposed to be.

From your link, dope.

"HILLIARD, Ohio — An Ohio high school student says he tried to remain nonpolitical during school walkouts over gun violence and was suspended for a day because he stayed in a classroom instead of joining protests or the alternative, a study hall."

It had not a thing to do with the protest.

He's supposed to be in the classroom, as is his retarded teacher. Why was he supposed to be a at a political protest? That shit has no business being foisted on schoolchildren.

He wasn't where he was supposed to be, dope. Regardless of the reason.

I guess that depends on whether or not you believe the school day was "supposed to be" interrupted by pointless political protests. (+5 points for alliteration)
I believe the school did the right thing. It was going to happen whether they were prepared for it or not. They had a plan and followed the plan. All of the kids were safe and no incidents occurred.

No doubt you would have been screaming obscenities at the children had you been there.
Montgomery County students in the safe care of their Teachers?

Shutting down the streets during the morning commute of thousands going to work in D.C.

These students shut down a major thoroughfare into D.C. from Maryland.

Yes. This was a safe and orderly march.:rolleyes:

The commuters were screaming at these protesters. The police were brought in to re-open Rt 29 and move them out of the traffic.

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Why do leftists never understand that it is illegal - not to mention dangerous, selfish, and immature - to wander around in the middle of streets?
Same reason his classmates didn't just sit in class and do their work: because he had a statement to make. Funny how the left only likes that when they've rubber-stamped the message in question.
Another kid was ejected and threatened with arrest because his poster supported the second amendment.
A teacher has been put on leave because she dared to raise the issue of the politics of protest in class before the day of the walkout.
She also had the temerity to ask if an anti abortion protest would also receive teacher/admin support, and would it even be allowed.
Seems only protest the teachers agree are allowed, and those that even question that are swiftly punished.

Those people have valid complaints. This dumbass does not. He made the choice, so he gets to live with it.

I can almost guarantee this kid has frequent flyer points from all of his trips to the principal's office. I know the type.

We've already been over this.
I highly doubt a kid that understands the political ramifications of choosing sides is "that type"
He made a conscious decision to stay neutral and he said as much.

That choice was not offered. Being neutral was going to the study hall. I am sorry that aspect escapes your limited intellect, but not everyone can be valedictorian.

And do you know why he chose to stay in the classroom and not go to the study hall? Because he felt that to go to the study hall would have marked him by those who protested as a "gun nut." And you know what the sad part of that is? He's probably right.

And can I just ask why in the hell we're "protecting" and "caring for" our children by making their already difficult school lives harder with this sort of bullshit?
Sorry bout that, dipshit. Is that better. I do not read your posts carefully enough to know what gender you say you are. Nor do I care. The point is, your post about the Komsomol was really, really stupid, except to other people with non working minds. Male and female alike.
Hmm, there's always one who does not know how to debate, just to belittle and call names.
So let me get this straight. This is a school. Where students are supposed to be in class. Disruption of that should be punished. Instead, those who disrupted class and walked out were rewarded and the one who wished to remain where a student in school is supposed to be is punished instead.

What's worse is that there's only a few here who see that.

When I was in high school, this walk out and protest bullshit was NOT tolerated!

Yeah, and see what happened. We ended up with stupid, uneducated people like you.
And thank you for making the point of my last post even more clear.
So then, (assuming you are correct) the school administrators, school board or the superintendent gave orders to have a non-school event on school time but the one kid who refused to participate because he felt (and rightly so) that politics had no place on school grounds gets punished.

You are half right.

He was given a choice. He refused and received punishment. Had I been the assistant principal, he would have gotten 3 days to think about it instead of just one. Defiance of a school official was three days when I was an AP. Being really stupid and telling your teacher or any other adult to get f-ed, and you were gone for a minimum of 5 days.

That would all be well and good if the protest had been an actual school event. But it was not.

We can argue all day about whether this kid was right in defying the school's orders to go to study hall or the protest but in the end, the protest was still not a school event and they chose to have it during school hours on school property when it did not have to be. All of this would be moot if they had chosen to have a gathering after school hours at the school or elsewhere.

This boy should not have been punished because these people were too stupid or lazy to schedule a protest outside of school hours as they should have done from the start.

Where did I ever argue in support of the protest?

That is not the thread topic, is it?

Where did I argue that you argued in support of the protest? I don't know what you're talking about.

His actions were misconduct and were punished.

I realize that they viewed his actions as "misconduct" and punished him. I'm saying it was not justified because it was not a school event and should not have taken place on school time in the first place.

That is not the topic of the thread. I suggest you reread the OP.

I thought the discussion was about whether or not it was justified to punish this kid. I've read the OP and every post since then and I don't see anything to suggest otherwise. So enlighten me: what is this discussion about?
Another kid was ejected and threatened with arrest because his poster supported the second amendment.
A teacher has been put on leave because she dared to raise the issue of the politics of protest in class before the day of the walkout.
She also had the temerity to ask if an anti abortion protest would also receive teacher/admin support, and would it even be allowed.
Seems only protest the teachers agree are allowed, and those that even question that are swiftly punished.

Those people have valid complaints. This dumbass does not. He made the choice, so he gets to live with it.

I can almost guarantee this kid has frequent flyer points from all of his trips to the principal's office. I know the type.

We've already been over this.
I highly doubt a kid that understands the political ramifications of choosing sides is "that type"
He made a conscious decision to stay neutral and he said as much.

That choice was not offered. Being neutral was going to the study hall. I am sorry that aspect escapes your limited intellect, but not everyone can be valedictorian.

And do you know why he chose to stay in the classroom and not go to the study hall? Because he felt that to go to the study hall would have marked him by those who protested as a "gun nut." And you know what the sad part of that is? He's probably right.

Too bad! So sad! Your Dad!

Your rapier wit is an inspiration to us all.
I thought the discussion was about whether or not it was justified to punish this kid. I've read the OP and every post since then and I don't see anything to suggest otherwise. So enlighten me: what is this discussion about?

The discussion seems to be more about whether or not the propaganda machine can justify punishing the child ...
For being on what they perceive to be the right or wrong side of the issue.

It's been reduced to that ... Because the Supreme Court has already ruled several times in regards to the student's rights to Academic Freedom.
They have ruled in cases involving the student's rights under protection of the First Amendment ...
And limitations on faculty as far as Academic Freedom and their professional conduct.

There are many more cases, but take a look at this one ...

Healy v. James , 408 U.S. at 181-82

“The precedents of this Court leave no room for the view that, because of the acknowledged need for order, First Amendment protections should apply with less force [to students] on college campuses than in the community at large. Quite to the contrary, The vigilant protection of constitutional freedoms is nowhere more vital than in the community of American schools.’”

That's regardless of what the student's view may be ... And in conjunction with their purpose in being at school.
And the Court has almost always come down on the side of the student's rights to Academic Freedom.

More detailed information can be found in the UUAP's documents.
Those obviously refer to colleges/professors ... But the principles are the same, especially in regards to public education.

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And do you know why he chose to stay in the classroom and not go to the study hall? Because he felt that to go to the study hall would have marked him by those who protested as a "gun nut." And you know what the sad part of that is? He's probably right.

In short ...

The kids aren't there to learn anything more than the approved subject matter.
The staff and faculty aren't there to do anything more than instruct the children in appropriate subject matter.

To do otherwise is a violation of the student's Academic Freedom ...
And a violation of the teacher/staff code of professional conduct and ethics in regards to Academic Freedom.

The Supreme Court has already ruled numerous times on this matter ... The young man most certainly has a case ... :thup:

The young boy demonstrated an Independent Thought Process and that is something that they do not like children having.

He will be punished because his thought process was faulty.

His thought process was faulty? What he deviated from Group Think? He chose not to get involved with the teachers bringing POLITICS into the classroom, interesting that you have no opinion on the teachers who allowed the other children to walk out of the school during school time to attend a SJW Bedwetting March when the children all should have been INSIDE the school being educated in traditional educational topics by the teachers.

The teachers did not bring politics into the classroom. Are you seriously that ignorant?

Once again, for possible penetration of a few thick skulls, teachers do not make those decisions! We do as we are instructed, just like the young man should have done.
So the principals instructed the teachers to leave the classrooms and to punish any kids who didn’t want to protest but wanted to be where they where supposed to be - in the classroom?

They are supposed to be where they are told to be. In this case, he was to go to the study hall if they didn't go to the protest, The students needed to be supervised at all times. Would you want 30 teachers supervising 30 individual students and no one watching hundred of other students?

There's a painfully simple solution for this: Tell the hundred other students to get back to class. There, problem solved.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

You can not turn up to school. That's fine. Or you can be in school and do what the school says. Fine. But he did neither.

You can not turn up at school or you can be in school and choose not to attend a non-school event on school time.

Let's just apply that to the ACT test like we are giving next week. If he is not taking the test, should he just be allowed to do as he wishes or should he go where he is directed?

Pay attention. An ACT test is a school event and is necessary. Therefore, if he had refused to show up for the test then he should be disciplined. The protest was neither a school event or necessary.

He could have stayed home.

He thought he was going to school to learn so why would he have stayed home?

Not everything at school is about learning traditional subjects.

Right. And a protest is not a subject to be learned, traditional or otherwise.

It was not a school function. It was not a field trip. It was not a learning exercise. It was not part of the school curriculum. It was not anything that would justify interrupting regular school activities.
This kid is more mature than the teachers and the despotic one we have posting here. It’s a disgrace that his desire not to take sides was not respected as those that did were respected. I hope they get sued.
And I think this whole mess - largely because it seems the teachers are disrespectful of those not sharing their leftard views, are disorganised and lacking in foresight - has opened a can of worms they will come to wish hadn’t been opened.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

Jacob Shoemaker, a senior at Hilliard Davidson High School, said he didn’t want to take sides in the gun-control debate consuming the country.

If he went outside for the walkout, he said, he would be supporting gun control. If he stayed in the common area of the school, he said, he would be seen as supporting gun violence and disrespecting the 17 lives lost in the Parkland, Fla. High school shooting the month before.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

He made the choice. Why do you not respect that choice? He took a course of action he knew would lead to punishment and got what he deserved.
He should have had the same right to choose without being punished as everyone else did.

He had a choice. Had he done as he was told, he would have received no punishment. Are you incapable of understanding the written word? That has been explained numerous times in the article and in the thread.

He could attend the protest or the study hall. It was not the school's responsibility to provide him one-on-one supervision simply because he did not like the choices. That is the whole discussion in a nutshell. Correct?

Your approach to this discussion thus far can be summed up as: "...A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

No one is disputing that he was punished for not doing what he was told nor is anyone suggesting that any kid should be able to not do as they are told without punishment.

I can't speak for the others but what I've been saying is that they should not have had the protest during school hours in the first place. THEY are the ones who put this kid in the difficult position of having to go with his conscience and risk punishment.

This whole thing is on the school administrators and teachers because there is no way to justify hosting a political protest on school time.
Then she is talking smack about something of which is not her concern. She should butt out.

Have a nice day! :D
Americans comment on European issues all the time.
President Obama even took it upon himself to visit the U.K. tell the voters how to vote during Brexit - oh and he threatened us with the ‘back of the line’ if we didn’t fall into line (yes I’m from the U.K.), so no, I think we have a right to comment, thank you very much.

Why do you hold me responsible for what that mental midget has done? Feel free to comment about that piece of crap all you want. You will not likely get an argument from me.

I take offense when people talk out of their ass about a topic they obviously do not and cannot know anything about from their Ivory tower in Europe.
Your biggest problem is that you seem to believe no one can comment on educational issues unless they are a teacher.
Well that’s just crap, plain and simple.

Do you not have opinions or comment on health care even though you’re not a doctor or a nurse etc?
Do you refrain from commenting on other issues because you do not work in that environment? I think not.

One DOES NOT have to be a teacher to be able to see when things are going wrong in the education system, and one does not have to be a teacher to see when an injustice has been done.

And the way you are referring to this kid as a ‘mental midget’ and a ‘piece of crap’, and saying you’d ‘nail his ass to a wall’ indicates you are a Judgemental prick and a bully toward kids who won’t be pigeon holed and don’t agree with leftard politics.

Seriously, I wish his father could see what you are saying about his child.
This kid is more mature than the teachers and the despotic one we have posting here.
It’s a disgrace that his desire not to take sides was not respected as those that did were respected.
I hope they get sued.
And I think this whole mess - largely because it seems the teachers are disrespectful of those not sharing their leftard views, are disorganised and lacking in foresight - has opened a can of worms they will come to wish hadn’t been opened.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

Jacob Shoemaker, a senior at Hilliard Davidson High School, said he didn’t want to take sides in the gun-control debate consuming the country.

If he went outside for the walkout, he said, he would be supporting gun control. If he stayed in the common area of the school, he said, he would be seen as supporting gun violence and disrespecting the 17 lives lost in the Parkland, Fla. High school shooting the month before.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

The young boy needs to be supported because he is going to be attacked by SJWs for not going on the SJW Bedwetting March, in the link in the OP it says that his father was getting death threats on Twitter which is typical of the Leftists always resort to violence and threatening violence at those who have different opinions.
Yep. The son too is getting threats. So, the school that couldn’t be bothered to anticipate supervising kids who did not wish to take sides -who said he couldn’t do his homework in a classroom for 20 mins unsupervised as it’s not safe, have now caused him and his father to receive death threats.

Like I said, if he had not attracted so much attention to himself, perhaps he would not be perceived as public enemy number 1.

When the enemy is in range, try not to attract attention to yourself as much as possible,

So gun control advocates are an enemy and they are justified in issuing threats because he attracted attention to himself and his ideals. Is this what you're saying?
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

You are completely lying and misrepresenting this. Your post is propaganda. You are apparently so used to being controlled by propaganda, you don’t know how to convey information in a truthful way.

Students were not required to participate in the walkout (which was only 17 minutes long). If they didn't want to participate, they were to go to a study hall room. He was not allowed to stay in the classroom unsupervised, alone. Kids cannot be wandering around the school alone.

What the school administration required of him is very normal and very reasonable. Everyone who didn't want to participate in the walk out was required to go to study hall. He disobeyed. The school thought it was serious enough to suspend him. If they allowed him to refuse to cooperate, they could never count on students cooperating during other kinds of drills or events.

You are so obsessed with making it a political issue, you cannot see reason.
^^^ exactly!
There are all kinds of activities and drills during school. They always interrupt classroom study, events like assemblies, fire drills, award ceremonies, performances, speakers, and many, many other events. Students are not allowed to stay in the classroom alone during these activites, ever. Students are taken out of class on a regular basis for far more frivilous activities than this one. He was fortunate that the school provided an alternative for him.

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