Ohio Student Suspended for Staying in Class During Walkout

Another kid was ejected and threatened with arrest because his poster supported the second amendment.
A teacher has been put on leave because she dared to raise the issue of the politics of protest in class before the day of the walkout.
She also had the temerity to ask if an anti abortion protest would also receive teacher/admin support, and would it even be allowed.
Seems only protest the teachers agree are allowed, and those that even question that are swiftly punished.

Those people have valid complaints. This dumbass does not. He made the choice, so he gets to live with it.

I can almost guarantee this kid has frequent flyer points from all of his trips to the principal's office. I know the type.

We've already been over this.
I highly doubt a kid that understands the political ramifications of choosing sides is "that type"
He made a conscious decision to stay neutral and he said as much.

That choice was not offered. Being neutral was going to the study hall. I am sorry that aspect escapes your limited intellect, but not everyone can be valedictorian.

And do you know why he chose to stay in the classroom and not go to the study hall? Because he felt that to go to the study hall would have marked him by those who protested as a "gun nut." And you know what the sad part of that is? He's probably right.

And yet he's gained far more attention by not going to the Study Hall.

How much attention was garnered is not the point. What kind of attention he garnered is the point. He did not want to be seen as pro gun control and he didn't want to be viewed as a gun nut who cared nothing for the seventeen students killed in Florida.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

You are completely lying and misrepresenting this. Your post is propaganda. You are apparently so used to being controlled by propaganda, you don’t know how to convey information in a truthful way.

Students were not required to participate in the walkout (which was only 17 minutes long). If they didn't want to participate, they were to go to a study hall room. He was not allowed to stay in the classroom unsupervised, alone. Kids cannot be wandering around the school alone.

What the school administration required of him is very normal and very reasonable. Everyone who didn't want to participate in the walk out was required to go to study hall. He disobeyed. The school thought it was serious enough to suspend him. If they allowed him to refuse to cooperate, they could never count on students cooperating during other kinds of drills or events.

You are so obsessed with making it a political issue, you cannot see reason.

Um, the protest itself was a political issue.
^^^ exactly!
There are all kinds of activities and drills during school. They always interrupt classroom study, events like assemblies, fire drills, award ceremonies, performances, speakers, and many, many other events.

And do you know what all these activities have in common? They're all school or learning related. The protest was not.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

You are completely lying and misrepresenting this. Your post is propaganda. You are apparently so used to being controlled by propaganda, you don’t know how to convey information in a truthful way.

Students were not required to participate in the walkout (which was only 17 minutes long). If they didn't want to participate, they were to go to a study hall room. He was not allowed to stay in the classroom unsupervised, alone. Kids cannot be wandering around the school alone.

What the school administration required of him is very normal and very reasonable. Everyone who didn't want to participate in the walk out was required to go to study hall. He disobeyed. The school thought it was serious enough to suspend him. If they allowed him to refuse to cooperate, they could never count on students cooperating during other kinds of drills or events.

You are so obsessed with making it a political issue, you cannot see reason.
. They infringed on his time of learning, not him on their time. It's as simple as that.
Why did the teacher walk out of class? Teachers sign a contract to teach, not walk out of class to support student complaints. His father should contact an honest lawyer.
Teachers are required to participate in this kind of event. All kinds of events occur during the school day where, drills, assemblies, all kinds of things and teachers are required to accompany the class. They cannot just send the kids off unsupervised. It's very clear most of you have no idea what the environment of a school is like on a day to day basis.
Why did the teacher walk out of class? Teachers sign a contract to teach, not walk out of class to support student complaints. His father should contact an honest lawyer.
Teachers are required to participate in this kind of event. All kinds of events occur during the school day where, drills, assemblies, all kinds of things and teachers are required to accompany the class. They cannot just send the kids off unsupervised. It's very clear most of you have no idea what the environment of a school is like on a day to day basis.
. Link to where it states that teachers are required to participate in political protest events please. Thanks.
^^^ exactly!
There are all kinds of activities and drills during school. They always interrupt classroom study, events like assemblies, fire drills, award ceremonies, performances, speakers, and many, many other events.

And do you know what all these activities have in common? They're all school or learning related. The protest was not.
That's your opinion. Being a RWr you don't want kids to think about gun control issues. However, being aware of what happened to those kids in Parkland is educational. Being aware of the gun control problem in this country is educational. And, for your information, as a person who taught for 30 years, I can tell you that not all of those events are educational. Not by a long shot.

Absolutely no student was required to attend the protest. They were required to go to a classroom where they would be supervised.
Why did the teacher walk out of class? Teachers sign a contract to teach, not walk out of class to support student complaints. His father should contact an honest lawyer.
Teachers are required to participate in this kind of event. All kinds of events occur during the school day where, drills, assemblies, all kinds of things and teachers are required to accompany the class. They cannot just send the kids off unsupervised. It's very clear most of you have no idea what the environment of a school is like on a day to day basis.
. Link to where it states that teachers are required to participate in political protest events please. Thanks.
As a teacher of 30 years, I know the teacher is always required to acompany her class. She/he cannot leave the class unsupervised. It doesn't mean you are participating in the event. But it is your job to supervise your students. It's in every teacher's contract. Would you prefer teachers just let kids wander off willy nilly any old time w/o teacher supervision?
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

You are completely lying and misrepresenting this. Your post is propaganda. You are apparently so used to being controlled by propaganda, you don’t know how to convey information in a truthful way.

Students were not required to participate in the walkout (which was only 17 minutes long). If they didn't want to participate, they were to go to a study hall room. He was not allowed to stay in the classroom unsupervised, alone. Kids cannot be wandering around the school alone.

What the school administration required of him is very normal and very reasonable. Everyone who didn't want to participate in the walk out was required to go to study hall. He disobeyed. The school thought it was serious enough to suspend him. If they allowed him to refuse to cooperate, they could never count on students cooperating during other kinds of drills or events.

You are so obsessed with making it a political issue, you cannot see reason.

Um, the protest itself was a political issue.
He was not required to attend it.
Students not wishing to participate in the protest festivities were required to go to a different classroom for a study hall.

He refused to go.

I'm sure he's heart broken to be missing class......Pro'ly gonna need therapy.

So instead of learning something in a class...he was supposed to go sit in a study hall all day? Gee, why didn't the teachers do their jobs and teach? If one kid wanted to learn...then his teachers should have been there for him.
The kid was given two choices and he choose neither, thus was punished.

I thought you Trump zealots supported following the rules.

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So the kid's choice was getting to go outside and screw off all day in the beautiful sunshine...or be stuck in a study hall looking out the window? Some choice.
^^^ exactly!
There are all kinds of activities and drills during school. They always interrupt classroom study, events like assemblies, fire drills, award ceremonies, performances, speakers, and many, many other events.

And do you know what all these activities have in common? They're all school or learning related. The protest was not.
It's not true. I've been there for 30 years. They are not all education related. At least half are very frivolous. And I'm not talking about just the States. I've taught in 5 different countries, and it's the same everywhere. Besides, though this event could be called political, such an event is a civics lesson: teaching civics is often passed over these days and shouldn't be.
Students not wishing to participate in the protest festivities were required to go to a different classroom for a study hall.

He refused to go.

I'm sure he's heart broken to be missing class......Pro'ly gonna need therapy.

So instead of learning something in a class...he was supposed to go sit in a study hall all day? Gee, why didn't the teachers do their jobs and teach? If one kid wanted to learn...then his teachers should have been there for him.
The teachers are required to go with their students and supervise them. There would have been a teacher in the study hall room. That teacher could have worked with him if he wanted him/her to do so. He could have taken his books with him and studied with that teacher or on his own. I doubt that he chose to do that. Kids like these events, which are often very tenuously connected to their educations, because of the break from class.
This so reminds me of the Vietnam War protests when I was in high school. If there was a protest the liberal teachers would excuse you from class to go. Gee...choice between staying in class or going to a protest where there were lots of college girls and pot? Yeah, like that was a hard one to choose between! I'll tell you right now half of the kids "protesting" across the country right now are just using this as a reason not to have to work.
The kid was given two choices and he choose neither, thus was punished.

I thought you Trump zealots supported following the rules.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

So the kid's choice was getting to go outside and screw off all day in the beautiful sunshine...or be stuck in a study hall looking out the window? Some choice.
All day? It was a 17 minute event! And no one has to 'sit in study hall and look out the window.' He could have taken his books with him and studied there. There would be a teacher there to assist him if he wanted.
And most of their teachers are thrilled that they're getting a day out of the classroom and you known I'm right, Esmeralda!
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

You are completely lying and misrepresenting this. Your post is propaganda. You are apparently so used to being controlled by propaganda, you don’t know how to convey information in a truthful way.

Students were not required to participate in the walkout (which was only 17 minutes long). If they didn't want to participate, they were to go to a study hall room. He was not allowed to stay in the classroom unsupervised, alone. Kids cannot be wandering around the school alone.

What the school administration required of him is very normal and very reasonable. Everyone who didn't want to participate in the walk out was required to go to study hall. He disobeyed. The school thought it was serious enough to suspend him. If they allowed him to refuse to cooperate, they could never count on students cooperating during other kinds of drills or events.

You are so obsessed with making it a political issue, you cannot see reason.

Can't you recognize sarcasm when you read his post?
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

what a great and free country we live in.you dont follow the sheep,you are deemed a traiter in this land of the free bullshit we are told we live in by this great government of ours.
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^^^ exactly!
There are all kinds of activities and drills during school. They always interrupt classroom study, events like assemblies, fire drills, award ceremonies, performances, speakers, and many, many other events.

And do you know what all these activities have in common? They're all school or learning related. The protest was not.
That's your opinion. Being a RWr you don't want kids to think about gun control issues.

First of all, don't presume to think you know that I am a "winger" of any kind, right or otherwise. Secondly, assuming that I don't want kids thinking about gun control is a gross misinterpretation. I have indicated in no way that I am against kids thinking about gun control so there's no justification for that assumption. My entire argument is that I don't think they should have held the protest on school grounds on school time. That's it.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

You are completely lying and misrepresenting this. Your post is propaganda. You are apparently so used to being controlled by propaganda, you don’t know how to convey information in a truthful way.

Students were not required to participate in the walkout (which was only 17 minutes long). If they didn't want to participate, they were to go to a study hall room. He was not allowed to stay in the classroom unsupervised, alone. Kids cannot be wandering around the school alone.

What the school administration required of him is very normal and very reasonable. Everyone who didn't want to participate in the walk out was required to go to study hall. He disobeyed. The school thought it was serious enough to suspend him. If they allowed him to refuse to cooperate, they could never count on students cooperating during other kinds of drills or events.

You are so obsessed with making it a political issue, you cannot see reason.

Um, the protest itself was a political issue.
He was not required to attend it.

No one disputes that. But you criticized weatherman for making it a political issue when the protest itself was a political issue.

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