Ohio to teach "both sides" of the Holocaust

The Germans were guilty, just like the French were guilty in the Napoleonic wars and the Italians were when they sacked the Jewish capital back in the day.

But its a matter of manners that you use a a little bit of discretion and diplomacy especially when the perps descendants are in the classroom.
You mean like present 6m dead in a balanced and non judgemental way .
Fuck sake ..
You mean like present 6m dead in a balanced and non judgemental way .
Fuck sake ..
How many did the French kill or the English, in their various adventures over the years. Sure, the Germans were bad during WW2, but let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Haha, hold up there, professor.

What she is saying is that it should not be taught at all, unless the perspective of a German soldier is also taught. She all but outright stated that the German soldier's perspective has just as much value as that of a Jew going through the Holocaust.

Let's be crystal clear.

this is why her own party members are throwing her under the bus.

Where did she say that?
Ok. Hope we cover this one here:

Oooooh, maybe we can include the nitwittery that went on behind the scenes in the US to not accept Jewish refugees. It will be fun.

It's the only war that we should have become involved in sooner.

I've read they were concerned about jobs since we were just coming out of the Depression. Five days on the Holocaust in a Modern European history class would be fair. What is " the other side"?
I've read they were concerned about jobs since we were just coming out of the Depression. Five days on the Holocaust in a Modern European history class would be fair. What is " the other side"?

Actually, America was still in the Depression in 1939, we didn't get out of it until Pearl Harbor Day. America had double digit employment until well into 1941, when the average for the year was 9.9%.
Actually, America was still in the Depression in 1939, we didn't get out of it until Pearl Harbor Day. America had double digit employment until well into 1941, when the average for the year was 9.9%.

They were also turned away from Cuba for the same reason. Sad history.
How many did the French kill or the English, in their various adventures over the years. Sure, the Germans were bad during WW2, but let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
The reason it resonates is that they turned it into an industrial function of the stafe. Waterloo and Agincourt are not comparable in any way.
It is remedial to suggest as much.
54+ posts here and would seem none of you read the linked article. There is the following last paragraph at the end and I'm wondering how it fits the derivations presented so far? ;
Her bill as written would prohibit state teachers from teaching “divisive concepts,” such as that “one nationality, color, ethnicity, race, or sex is inherently superior to another nationality, color, ethnicity, race, or sex,” in nearly identical wording to other state bills seeking to ban “critical race theory” — an academic and legal concept that has become a rallying cry for Republicans across the country.
I don't see where any of you got this story correct. :rolleyes:
Her words have been posted. She brought up the holocaust. She sponsored the bill, so I will take her at her word.
Her words have been posted. She brought up the holocaust. She sponsored the bill, so I will take her at her word.

No, mostly lies.

"Her bill as written would prohibit state teachers from teaching “divisive concepts,” such as that “one nationality, color, ethnicity, race, or sex is inherently superior to another nationality, color, ethnicity, race, or sex,” i"

This is what you lefties are afraid of. YOu NEED to teach that whites are bad people, because of wacism and slavery.
They are her words. Quoted. So email her and call her a liar.

"Her bill as written would prohibit state teachers from teaching “divisive concepts,” such as that “one nationality, color, ethnicity, race, or sex is inherently superior to another nationality, color, ethnicity, race, or sex,” i"
"Her bill as written would prohibit state teachers from teaching “divisive concepts,” such as that “one nationality, color, ethnicity, race, or sex is inherently superior to another nationality, color, ethnicity, race, or sex,” i"
Yes, you posted the author's opinion.

I posted hers. She speaks to her intent. She will still be a legislator after the bill passes.

So maybe call her and tell her she is being an idiot.

Or, maybe tell us She is spot on.
Yes, you posted the author's opinion.

I posted hers. She speaks to her intent. She will still be a legislator after the bill passes.

So maybe call her and tell her she is being an idiot.

Or, maybe tell us She is spot on.

Do you agree that teaching that one race is better than others, is a bad idea?
I've read they were concerned about jobs since we were just coming out of the Depression. Five days on the Holocaust in a Modern European history class would be fair. What is " the other side"?
The passengers all held official landing certificates for Cuba that had been signed by Colonel Benites and 734 were to go to the US between 3 months and 3 years after they landed at Cuba. Those had filled the US requirements. They just could not enter immediately. There was a great deal of antisemitism that was showcased on radio and newspapers in Cuba during this time. Eight days prior to the ship departing from Germany the Cuban president Frederico Bru signed “decree 93” which literally invalidated the landing certificates but no one knew on the ship—not the captain and not the passengers.

From that point on, it was all about extortion. President Bru decided that the landing certificates were obtained illegally. The Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) posted a $125,000 bond to cover the expenses of the passengers staying there without becoming dependent on the government AND agreed the passengers would not seek employment. They got the run around and Bru wanted $500+ for each man, woman and child and they would be allowed to land on the Isle of Pines. Lawrence Berenson had been the one negotiating with Cuba and said that he would need a little bit of time to raise what was about one million dollars. He had arranged a meeting to go over the details. Cuba avoided the meeting and had the ship depart. All attempts that were made to get these people into the US earlier were ignored so they headed back to Germany.

The major questions here have always been in regards to the extermination of Jewish people: Who knew what, what did you know and when did you know it? For the American people and government that occurred OFFICIALLY in June of 1941. Unfortunately, we know that it was known beforehand.

Either way, with the history of eugenics in the US this cannot be framed as Germany v Jewish people and we should have alternative views presented. It's insane.
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Do you agree that teaching that one race is better than others, is a bad idea?

And let's correct your postings with some better reporting. Not your fault. But the reporting so far is not great.

There are actually two bills. The one she is sponsoring:

"Another bill, sponsored by GOP Reps. Sarah Fowler Arthur and Diane Grendell, prohibits teaching or promotion of “divisive concepts.” The exception is that such concepts could be taught if done so in an “objective” or “impartial” manner, say the bill sponsors, " - US News

So to her brilliant mind, "impartial" means presenting more opinions that are biased, and placing them on opposite ends of a scale until she is satisfied.

Pretty silly. I think we can all agree she isn't the brightest crayon in the box.

And let's correct your postings with some better reporting. Not your fault. But the reporting so far is not great.

There are actually two bills. The one she is sponsoring:

"Another bill, sponsored by GOP Reps. Sarah Fowler Arthur and Diane Grendell, prohibits teaching or promotion of “divisive concepts.” The exception is that such concepts could be taught if done so in an “objective” or “impartial” manner, say the bill sponsors, " - US News

So to her brilliant mind, "impartial" means presenting more opinions that are biased, and placing them on opposite ends of a scale until she is satisfied.

Pretty silly. I think we can all agree she isn't the brightest crayon in the box.

Sounds far better than the racist propaganda lefties are pushing now, teaching the whites are inherently inferior to black or brown people.
Sounds far better than the racist propaganda lefties are pushing now, teaching the whites are inherently inferior to black or brown people.
A fantasy.

And no it's not better. It's being used as an inroad for insane dumbfucks to delete all manner of education in topics.

What's next? Presenting the Troofer views on 9/11, or it can't be taught?.
A fantasy.

And no it's not better. It's being used as an inroad for insane dumbfucks to delete all manner of education in topics.

What's next? Presenting the Troofer views on 9/11, or it can't be taught?.

You are the people that decided to politicize education. And now you are whining like fags, cause you are getting a little push back.


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