Ohio to teach "both sides" of the Holocaust

Then pull out the UKs history of eugenics. There were multiple countries involved. WWII cannot be taken out with a couple of audiobooks. It just can't. There is no way. Fowler was probably listening to the audiobooks because she didn't have the time to do otherwise. If she was any one of us then it would be understandable because we juggle all kinds of crap. She is not in a position where she can do that. Given her position, she should probably know a little more about history and especially this history.

Here: Hitler was especially jealous of the US because they were able to legislate eugenics. Here is some interesting information on Britain legislation and eugenics there in general.

Feed it right back to him. There is "the other side".
Maybe they will be taught how awful those Jews were with their banks and new world order shit. They were asking for it.
Actually, Tommy, hatred for Jews is already being taught in public schools - in Iran.

Since you are sitting in Wales, of all places, looking reasons to criticize other countries, you can start here:


State Rep. Sarah Fowler Arthur made the comments when explaining to a local news station why she believes that “divisive concepts” should be taught from multiple points of view.

Oh boy.Great that we can learn the guards perspective at last. WEF is wrong with these people ?
Why is this ok with the GOP but CRT is verboten ?

Sarah Fowler Arthur was homeschooled.

I expected her to say something really boneheaded but she didn't.

For older students especially it might be useful to know how people are led to do really inhumane things. But you know, let's just tapdance to some more outrage over a political party not even in our own nation. Shall we?
Tommy Tainant

What will actually result is no teaching of the Holocaust whatsoever, or of any possibly "controversial" topic. Which is the point of the law.

Teachers will avoid possible legal exposure.

As a country, what we should be appalled and repulsed by is the fact that anyone would call the Holocaust a controversial topic. That speaks right to some gross ideas boiling just under the surface.
Tommy Tainant

What will actually result is no teaching of the Holocaust whatsoever, or of any possibly "controversial" topic. Which is the point of the law.

Teachers will avoid possible legal exposure.

As a country, what we should be appalled and repulsed by is the fact that anyone would call the Holocaust a controversial topic. That speaks right to some gross ideas boiling just under the surface.
No law will stop me from teaching about the Holocaust.
There are not two "sides" of the Holocaust. It is a many-faceted historic event, which can be analyzed in many different ways.

Some questions for critical thinking:

-What did American intelligence know about the slaughter of Jews, and other "undesirables," in Germany and occupied territories and when did they know it?

-If they knew about it while the war was still on (and how could they not?), did they have an obligation to stop the slaughter separate from their obligation to win the war against Germany?

-Same two questions about the much worse numerically Soviet slaughter of every kind of "enemy of socialism?"

-Why did FDR and other Democrats decide to prioritize the war in Europe over the war in the Pacific where the U.S. had actually been attacked on its own soil? How much of an influence was Joe Stalin on FDR?

-Same two questions above about the Japanese slaughter of the Chinese?
I have a better idea. How about focus on teaching kids how to read well, write well, solve math problems and perform science experiments.
Tempest in a Teapot

The same with evolution. The only practical purpose in teaching that or Creationism would be the weirdo Trekkie one of creating intelligent life on other planets and needing to know how that was done here.
Maybe they will be taught how awful those Jews were with their banks and new world order shit. They were asking for it.
Dubya's Pet Goat

You've inadvertently hit the nail on the head by referring to patrician Bush's NWO. The heiristocracy invented anti-semitism as a scapegoat for exactly what they themselves have always done: control both sides, banksters and commies.

If you read between the lines of The Protocols of the Elder of Zion, it's actually a manifesto against democracy. The HeirHeads couldn't actually come out with, "We are your absolute Masters because we were born rich, which is a sign from God giving us the OK to rule you." So they didn't attack democracy directly like that, but only as ideas that are controlled by Jews and so should be rejected for that reason only.
Both sides?????
Cowardice Is the Crime That Enables All Others

People who let themselves get slaughtered with practically no resistance deserve no sympathy. Our own tyrants don't want us to rebel, so they squelch that interpretation of the Holocaust. Israeli-types would have fought back and crippled the Nazi regime enough so that World War Two never would have happened.

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