"Oikophobia": He was terrified his plumber might be a Trump supporter


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Folks, in all seriousness, this is just getting more troubling by the day.

Oikophobia on the rise after Trump win: Glenn Reynolds

How crazy has the reaction to Trump’s impending presidency gotten? So crazy that Democratic operatives are scared of plumbers, and I don’t mean the Watergate kind.

No, really. Ned Resnikoff, a “senior editor” at the liberal website ThinkProgress, wrote on Facebook that he’d called a plumber to fix a clogged drain. The plumber showed up, did the job and left, but Resnikoff was left shaken, though with a functioning drain. Wrote Resnikoff, “He was a perfectly nice guy and a consummate professional. But he was also a middle-aged white man with a Southern accent who seemed unperturbed by this week’s news.”

This created fear: “While I had him in the apartment, I couldn’t stop thinking about whether he had voted for Trump, whether he knew my last name is Jewish, and how that knowledge might change the interaction we were having inside my own home.

Roger Scruton coined the term “oikophobia” (from the Greed oikos for “home”) to describe the fear of one’s fellow countrymen. And there seems to be rather a lot of it among the gentry liberals who make up America’s ruling class.

The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.
it is getting more then obvious

that liberalism is a form of mental illness
It really is beginning to look like some kind of phobia, at least for some.

Just bizarre.

But it's being fed by the zealots in the party, so it must be their goal.
Great find Mac.

"And in a notorious Yale Law Journal article, feminist law professor Wendy Brown wrote about an experience in which, after a wilderness hike, she returned to her car to find it wouldn’t start. A man in an NRA hat spent a couple of hours helping her get it going, but rather than display appreciation for this act of unselfishness, Brown wrote that she was lucky she had friends along, as a guy like that was probably a rapist.

Another law professor, Douglas Laycock, wrote an article in response entitled, appropriately enough, Vicious Stereotypes In Polite Society. In polite society, expressing fear of unknown blacks is unacceptable; expressing fear of working-class white men, on the other hand, is not. “It is useful to consider how the story would have been told if Professor Brown’s car had broken down in Harlem instead of in the mountains. Suppose her benefactor had been a young black male with a radical political button. ... I am confident that her report of the encounter would have been very different.”

I often comment on how the contempt and fear these people have for working class whites, a sizable minority who are on their side, is racism.

I was at a party hosted by a liberal friend of mine, before the election who at one point was discussing with some of his other friends politics and how bad Trump was.

And it occurred to me, that my friend, a middle class, barely, middle aged, white straight male, is supporting a party and a political class that has nothing but contempt for him.

I've know him. He's been beating his head against a brick wall for a long time trying to get ahead. Yet, Hillary and her ilk would have him "check his privilege" and would make it even HARDER for him in order to help even more so, traditionally disadvantaged groups.
Lost "it's shit"?

Are you implying democrooks ever have been of sound mind?

GWB was a fucking liberal, and they acted like he was the second coming of Pinochet.

Folks, in all seriousness, this is just getting more troubling by the day.

Oikophobia on the rise after Trump win: Glenn Reynolds

How crazy has the reaction to Trump’s impending presidency gotten? So crazy that Democratic operatives are scared of plumbers, and I don’t mean the Watergate kind.

No, really. Ned Resnikoff, a “senior editor” at the liberal website ThinkProgress, wrote on Facebook that he’d called a plumber to fix a clogged drain. The plumber showed up, did the job and left, but Resnikoff was left shaken, though with a functioning drain. Wrote Resnikoff, “He was a perfectly nice guy and a consummate professional. But he was also a middle-aged white man with a Southern accent who seemed unperturbed by this week’s news.”

This created fear: “While I had him in the apartment, I couldn’t stop thinking about whether he had voted for Trump, whether he knew my last name is Jewish, and how that knowledge might change the interaction we were having inside my own home.

Roger Scruton coined the term “oikophobia” (from the Greed oikos for “home”) to describe the fear of one’s fellow countrymen. And there seems to be rather a lot of it among the gentry liberals who make up America’s ruling class.

The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

A lot of them have been brainwashed. One hopes they will eventually get over it.
Sorta funny even though hate crimes have risen since Trump preached a violent reaction to protest at his rallies. Given Trump is a draft dodger, fear plays a part in his insecure psyche. He doesn't have the honor or restraint to let criticism go, and it is the reason the Russians wanted him over Hillary. Weak, insecure men can be more easily played as the conservative right in America is played by big money. For the interested reader check out 'The Plot to Hack America: How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election' by Malcolm Nance, it shows clearly who Trump is as a man.
Not only do I assume my plumber is a Trump supporter, I want my plumber to be a Trump supporter.

I don't want some liberal namby-pamby screwing with my plumbing. I've had enough water problems.
Sorta funny even though hate crimes have risen since Trump preached a violent reaction to protest at his rallies. Given Trump is a draft dodger, fear plays a part in his insecure psyche. He doesn't have the honor or restraint to let criticism go, and it is the reason the Russians wanted him over Hillary. Weak, insecure men can be more easily played as the conservative right in America is played by big money. For the interested reader check out 'The Plot to Hack America: How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election' by Malcolm Nance, it shows clearly who Trump is as a man.
Wow, that's some serious deflection there.

Were you meaning to post in a different thread?
Sorta funny even though hate crimes have risen since Trump preached a violent reaction to protest at his rallies. Given Trump is a draft dodger, fear plays a part in his insecure psyche. He doesn't have the honor or restraint to let criticism go, and it is the reason the Russians wanted him over Hillary. Weak, insecure men can be more easily played as the conservative right in America is played by big money. For the interested reader check out 'The Plot to Hack America: How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election' by Malcolm Nance, it shows clearly who Trump is as a man.
Your fake news tell you that?
Great find Mac.

"And in a notorious Yale Law Journal article, feminist law professor Wendy Brown wrote about an experience in which, after a wilderness hike, she returned to her car to find it wouldn’t start. A man in an NRA hat spent a couple of hours helping her get it going, but rather than display appreciation for this act of unselfishness, Brown wrote that she was lucky she had friends along, as a guy like that was probably a rapist.

Another law professor, Douglas Laycock, wrote an article in response entitled, appropriately enough, Vicious Stereotypes In Polite Society. In polite society, expressing fear of unknown blacks is unacceptable; expressing fear of working-class white men, on the other hand, is not. “It is useful to consider how the story would have been told if Professor Brown’s car had broken down in Harlem instead of in the mountains. Suppose her benefactor had been a young black male with a radical political button. ... I am confident that her report of the encounter would have been very different.”

I often comment on how the contempt and fear these people have for working class whites, a sizable minority who are on their side, is racism.

I was at a party hosted by a liberal friend of mine, before the election who at one point was discussing with some of his other friends politics and how bad Trump was.

And it occurred to me, that my friend, a middle class, barely, middle aged, white straight male, is supporting a party and a political class that has nothing but contempt for him.

I've know him. He's been beating his head against a brick wall for a long time trying to get ahead. Yet, Hillary and her ilk would have him "check his privilege" and would make it even HARDER for him in order to help even more so, traditionally disadvantaged groups.
The problem is stereotyping. In the cases presented in this thread what the people were scared of are people who knew what they were doing, acted professionally, acted with a good heart, and in reality didn't threaten them in any real way. So naturally those traits are not the traits of a liberal. Thus it is like being scared of an Alien departing a spaceship.
It is a mental disorder, a mental illness can possibly be cured.

The mental disorder known as Libtardis Spasmodic Dystrophy can be cured in a recreational manner.

Sorta funny even though hate crimes have risen since Trump preached a violent reaction to protest at his rallies. Given Trump is a draft dodger, fear plays a part in his insecure psyche. He doesn't have the honor or restraint to let criticism go, and it is the reason the Russians wanted him over Hillary. Weak, insecure men can be more easily played as the conservative right in America is played by big money. For the interested reader check out 'The Plot to Hack America: How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election' by Malcolm Nance, it shows clearly who Trump is as a man.
Wow, that's some serious deflection there.

Were you meaning to post in a different thread?

Funny how people say that people who didn't serve in Vietnam naturally were draft dodgers. Except when it was Clinton or Obama. When in reality there were few real draft dodgers.

I think what needs done here is what is already being done. Let's all just keep pushing the innuendo that the Russians elected Trump. Let's go back to the 1980's just because we don't like the white man. Of course we don't want to outright say it. What we want to say are things like, "if the Russians hacked the election then what does that mean for democracy?" Knowing most will substitute their bias for the word "if."
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Folks, in all seriousness, this is just getting more troubling by the day.

Oikophobia on the rise after Trump win: Glenn Reynolds

How crazy has the reaction to Trump’s impending presidency gotten? So crazy that Democratic operatives are scared of plumbers, and I don’t mean the Watergate kind.

No, really. Ned Resnikoff, a “senior editor” at the liberal website ThinkProgress, wrote on Facebook that he’d called a plumber to fix a clogged drain. The plumber showed up, did the job and left, but Resnikoff was left shaken, though with a functioning drain. Wrote Resnikoff, “He was a perfectly nice guy and a consummate professional. But he was also a middle-aged white man with a Southern accent who seemed unperturbed by this week’s news.”

This created fear: “While I had him in the apartment, I couldn’t stop thinking about whether he had voted for Trump, whether he knew my last name is Jewish, and how that knowledge might change the interaction we were having inside my own home.

Roger Scruton coined the term “oikophobia” (from the Greed oikos for “home”) to describe the fear of one’s fellow countrymen. And there seems to be rather a lot of it among the gentry liberals who make up America’s ruling class.

The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

It's weird to see a leftist with a functional ability in statistics. He is absolutely right, his plumber probably is a Trump supporter.

Choices, choices... whether to accept that most productive people are Trump voters and boycott everything or have a functioning drain.
Okay, Trump and the Russians have contaminated the liberals water supply with some kind of neurotoxin.
Not only do I assume my plumber is a Trump supporter, I want my plumber to be a Trump supporter.

I don't want some liberal namby-pamby screwing with my plumbing. I've had enough water problems.

A Liberal plumber would only work on your plumbing if it had black piping.

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