Oil Transported Through Keystone Will Be Consumed in the US

Will this due? It is not an investor meeting but the Canadian government itself.

Canada looks to diversify oil export markets - Politics - CBC News

Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver says a big priority for his government is finding new places to sell Canadian oil other than the U.S.

Oliver is in California to attend the APEC Transportation and Energy conference, but he told reporters on a conference call that at the top of his agenda is talking about new markets.

"We export 97 per cent of our energy to the U.S. and we would like to diversify that," he said.


This has nothing to do with the OP.

After Keystone, the United States is seen as a less reliable partner in Canada. It is rational for Canada to seek other markets.

Most of the increase in production is going to be WCS-type barrels, which is what refiners on the Gulf Coast want,” Lipow said. “The first thing that increased Canadian production would compete with is Mexican and Venezuelan crude, which can go elsewhere..


and Canadian trash oil hops a ride with Mexican and Venezuelan trash oil and moves to other shitholes like China.

end of story

If what you and eddy posted are irrelevant to the OP, then yes, it is the end of the story.

The United States is and will continue to be by far and away the biggest importer of Oil Sands product whether Keystone is built or not.
But only if the USA is willing to pay $3.9 billion more for it, the very number given to your government by Trans Canada that the price would increase in order to justify the added cost of the KXL.

When Canadian regulators at the National Energy Board (NEB) considered the Keystone XL proposal in 2008, they asked TransCanada to justify another pipeline when there was already so much spare capacity. TransCanada conceded that Keystone XL would take oil from existing pipelines, increasing shipping costs. However, TransCanada argued that this cost would be more than offset as shifting Canadian oil from the Midwest to the Gulf would increase the price that Americans paid for Canadian oil by $3.9 billion.
Toro should give-up while he's behind.

How cute, little Dottie wants to talk with the grown ups!!
Because Obama thinks he is a supreme leader and what he says goes.

He won two national elections by large margins, the first by a landslide.

That's called a mandate.
And he lost Congress because the People want him stopped.
No, he lost 8 Senate seats that Democrats shouldn't have even been holding.

Now pay attention:

The only reason those seats were held by (conservative) Democrats is because those Senators only won due to Obama's huge landslide in 2008, with his huge coattails. No one expected them to stay Democratic.
Keystone XL’s leak detection system would miss spills smaller than half a million gallons a day

Landowners will not be pleased to know that they are on the front lines when it comes to detecting leaks that pass notice of Keystone XL's real time leak detection system, which State acknowledged can't detected leaks smaller than 500,000 to 750,000 gallons per day. Keystone XL’s real time leak detection system has a minimum threshold of 1.5 to 2 percent.

Translated for a 830,000 bpd pipeline, this means the KXL can only detect leaks larger than 500,000 to 750,000 gallons per day in real time. This is consistent with recent revelations of industry-wide gaps in leak detection – leak detection systems missing 19 out of 20 spills. State’s review of Keystone XL recognizes the front line role that landowners play in detecting pipeline spills, noting the leaks smaller than 500,000 gallons a day may be identified by direct observations by the public. That’s small comfort for the farmers and ranchers along the proposed route for the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.

A deeper dive State s environmental review of Keystone XL tar sands pipeline shows it is not in the nation s interest Anthony Swift s Blog Switchboard from NRDC
Because Obama thinks he is a supreme leader and what he says goes.

He won two national elections by large margins, the first by a landslide.

That's called a mandate.

Oh good! I'm glad you agree that the GOP Congress that's to be sworn in next year also has a mandate.

So that means you admit you have a double standard and can therefore be dismissed from this discussion. Buh-bye!
If that happens, then environmentalists won't have to worry about a pipeline leak. Instead, they can worry about a tanker spill and crude washing up into New York Harbor or the beaches of Florida.
Because those are the only oil tankers on the high seas?

We've been living with that threat for decades.
Because Obama thinks he is a supreme leader and what he says goes.

He won two national elections by large margins, the first by a landslide.

That's called a mandate.

Oh good! I'm glad you agree that the GOP Congress that's to be sworn in next year also has a mandate.

So that means you admit you have a double standard and can therefore be dismissed from this discussion. Buh-bye!
No, it means that you start respecting Democratic mandates and we will respect Republican ones.
I talked to a good friend of mine who is high up at one of the big Calgary energy firms who have contracted on Keystone about this last week.

Keystone is the most economic means of transporting heavy crude to the Gulf Coast refineries. However, if Keystone gets shut down, the oil will still be transported to the Houston refineries for processing anyways. Canada is converting the TransCanada pipeline from Alberta to Quebec, and a new small pipeline will be built through New Brunswick. There, the crude will be placed on barges and sailed down the east coast and into the Gulf, where it will be unloaded in Texas and transported to the refineries from there.

It will cost more, but not a whole lot more.

So if the idea is to try to stop mining the Oil Sands to Save the Planet - which is ultimately the reason behind the opposition - stopping Keystone will fail.

What about the existing pipeline to the Patoka and Cushing?
Edit - I would like to read your link if you can find it somewhere.
Will this due? It is not an investor meeting but the Canadian government itself.

Canada looks to diversify oil export markets - Politics - CBC News

Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver says a big priority for his government is finding new places to sell Canadian oil other than the U.S.

Oliver is in California to attend the APEC Transportation and Energy conference, but he told reporters on a conference call that at the top of his agenda is talking about new markets.

"We export 97 per cent of our energy to the U.S. and we would like to diversify that," he said.


This has nothing to do with the OP.

After Keystone, the United States is seen as a less reliable partner in Canada. It is rational for Canada to seek other markets.

Most of the increase in production is going to be WCS-type barrels, which is what refiners on the Gulf Coast want,” Lipow said. “The first thing that increased Canadian production would compete with is Mexican and Venezuelan crude, which can go elsewhere..


and Canadian trash oil hops a ride with Mexican and Venezuelan trash oil and moves to other shitholes like China.

end of story

If what you and eddy posted are irrelevant to the OP, then yes, it is the end of the story.

The United States is and will continue to be by far and away the biggest importer of Oil Sands product whether Keystone is built or not.
But only if the USA is willing to pay $3.9 billion more for it, the very number given to your government by Trans Canada that the price would increase in order to justify the added cost of the KXL.

When Canadian regulators at the National Energy Board (NEB) considered the Keystone XL proposal in 2008, they asked TransCanada to justify another pipeline when there was already so much spare capacity. TransCanada conceded that Keystone XL would take oil from existing pipelines, increasing shipping costs. However, TransCanada argued that this cost would be more than offset as shifting Canadian oil from the Midwest to the Gulf would increase the price that Americans paid for Canadian oil by $3.9 billion.

Considering Trans Canada is not an oil company, does not drill for oil and does not refine oil how on earth can they control the flow of crude when the decision making would lie with the oil companies and their customers?

Link to the transcript of the testimony before the NEB. I'd really like to know how the pipeline company who built Keystone I and Keystone II to those midwest refineries have the authority to deny oil to the midwest refineries.

All they are is a moving company for crude. And why on earth would they have spent billions building the other two lines if they were just going to give them up in a couple of years?

It makes no sense. So before I buy into this so called promise to the NEB I'd like to read the testimony.
It has everything to do with the OP and nothing to do with the failure to get the KXL passed. You just don't want to admit that the primary reason for the KXL is EXPORT even when your government comes right out and says so!!!!!

The Canadian government saying that it should diversify its markets is not the same thing as saying most or all of Keystone's product will be sold abroad.

This isn't hard.

look HoHo, we get it. You're anti American and Pro French... and no amount of logic, or factual evidence will ever chance that.

Pro French? How ignorant are you about Canada?

Will this due? It is not an investor meeting but the Canadian government itself.

Canada looks to diversify oil export markets - Politics - CBC News

Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver says a big priority for his government is finding new places to sell Canadian oil other than the U.S.

Oliver is in California to attend the APEC Transportation and Energy conference, but he told reporters on a conference call that at the top of his agenda is talking about new markets.

"We export 97 per cent of our energy to the U.S. and we would like to diversify that," he said.


This has nothing to do with the OP.

After Keystone, the United States is seen as a less reliable partner in Canada. It is rational for Canada to seek other markets.

Most of the increase in production is going to be WCS-type barrels, which is what refiners on the Gulf Coast want,” Lipow said. “The first thing that increased Canadian production would compete with is Mexican and Venezuelan crude, which can go elsewhere..


and Canadian trash oil hops a ride with Mexican and Venezuelan trash oil and moves to other shitholes like China.

end of story

If what you and eddy posted are irrelevant to the OP, then yes, it is the end of the story.

The United States is and will continue to be by far and away the biggest importer of Oil Sands product whether Keystone is built or not.
But only if the USA is willing to pay $3.9 billion more for it, the very number given to your government by Trans Canada that the price would increase in order to justify the added cost of the KXL.

When Canadian regulators at the National Energy Board (NEB) considered the Keystone XL proposal in 2008, they asked TransCanada to justify another pipeline when there was already so much spare capacity. TransCanada conceded that Keystone XL would take oil from existing pipelines, increasing shipping costs. However, TransCanada argued that this cost would be more than offset as shifting Canadian oil from the Midwest to the Gulf would increase the price that Americans paid for Canadian oil by $3.9 billion.
Toro should give-up while he's behind.

My money is on Toro. :)

Because he is completely right. The crude's coming baby!

By rail, by truck or pipeline. Pick your poison. You need it. You want it. You buy it.
My money is on Toro. :)

Because he is completely right. The crude's coming baby!

By rail, by truck or pipeline. Pick your poison. You need it. You want it. You buy it.

OK, I pick Canada building refineries and the US trucking it across the border...

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