Oil Transported Through Keystone Will Be Consumed in the US

Why can't you and others understand the very basics here? Trans Canada/Keystone is just a pipeline NOT A FREAKING OIL COMPANY.

And that somehow changes the fact that the there are business partners whose intentions are to profit from diverting their oil? It negates the fact that the end result will be rediverting the oil from the mid west in order to increase the selling price?

No, it does not change those facts. The effect of the Keystone XL will be to increase prices upon American consumers. That fact remains true.

Well we have Keystone I and II going to the midwest. Illinois and Oklahoma. Not one drop of crude has been diverted.

As a matter of fact the southern leg of XL is complete and they've been delivering crude to the Gulf now for almost a freaking year.

Not one drop diverted. If anything XL south has freed up the overloaded Cushing location.

You are full of shit.

So, by not completing the XL, the plan has not come to fruition. Therefore, we should complete the XL, and expect that the plan won't come to fruition still.

That's ridiculous. :lol:

Hey, keep your canuck lies up north. I've already shown you that the entire point is to divert the oil to sell it at higher prices. This comes from TransCanada and the Canadian government. That you can't be honest about it shows you are a lying piece of shit and an enemy of the United States. Do we need to send some drones up your way to bomb your ass into submission?

Your companies want the oil. Get off my back jack. You just march into your oil companies and refineries board meeting and tell them you want them to stop importing Canadian oil. Go ahead big mouth on a board.

You are busted because you are full of shit. Prove to me that Illinois and other mid west refineries are being short changed. You can't because it's a lie.

The shipping to the Gulf has been going on for almost a year now. So big mouth find me a link that has mid west refineries screaming for more Canuck crude.


Trans Canada has no say where the oil goes from the fields to the refineries.

They are a taxi cab for crude. They are just a moving company for crude.

Now I should add that of the oil companies up here in Alberta 70% plus are multi national. So don't blame just Canadians moron.

Here. I can show you the link that proves that the southern leg of the pipeline is complete and running.

Check the date asshole. You can't get enough Canuck crude.

"Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland, Texas

NEDERLAND, TEXAS--(Marketwired - Jan. 22, 2014) - TransCanada Corporation (TSX:TRP) (NYSE:TRP) (TransCanada) announced today that at approximately 10:45 a.m. CST on January, 22, 2014, the Gulf Coast Project began delivering crude oil on behalf of our customers to Texas refineries.

The completion of this US$2.3 billion crude oil pipeline provides a safe and direct connection between the important oil hub in Cushing, Oklahoma and delivery points on the U.S. Gulf Coast.

"This is a very important milestone for TransCanada, our shippers and Gulf Coast refiners who have been waiting for a pipeline to supply oil directly from Cushing," said Russ Girling, president and chief executive officer. "

This project is a critical, modern piece of American energy infrastructure that allows producers to safely connect growing production with the world's most efficient refiners on the U.S. Gulf Coast. It also provides those American refineries the opportunity to use more of the crude oil produced in both Canada and the United States for decades to come."

Construction of the 487-mile crude oil pipeline involved more than 11 million hours of labor completed by 4,844 workers in the United States of America, more than 50 contracts with manufacturers and companies building the pipeline and equipment from across the U.S. It also includes the addition of 2.25 million barrels of new oil storage capacity at Cushing, Oklahoma.

"The workers who helped build this project are in addition to 8,969 men and women who constructed the initial Keystone Pipeline system, and we are waiting for approval of Keystone XL so we can employ more than 9,000 more Americans who are waiting to put their skills and experience to work," added Girling.

The Gulf Coast Project was designed to help relieve the glut of crude oil in places like Cushing, Oklahoma and will transport growing supplies of U.S. supply to meet refinery demand.

It provides Gulf Coast refineries with access to lower cost domestic production and reduces America's reliance on foreign sources of crude oil."

You're an idiot if you actually believe the shit you spew.

Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland Texas

So let's recap....

The US gets oil from many places, including Mexico and Venezuela. We are getting our fill. Canadian companies want a piece of the action in the Gulf Coast, because they currently have none of that market. Their inability to tap that market causes them to sell their oil at a discount to the US mid west, because of built up excess. This gives the United States access to discounted oil, and thus lower gas prices. Building the Keystone XL will allow Canadian oil companies to divert oil to the Gulf Coast markets and sell at a higher price, instead of selling at a discount in the mid west. This will result in higher prices for American consumers, as the mid west discount is eliminated.

Sorry, but I like the fact that American consumers can buy Canadian oil at a discount. I have no interest in projects that will eliminate that.
This is typical of the gross over simplification that the lib posters are this site are known for.
In reality things are more complex than that.
And that somehow changes the fact that the there are business partners whose intentions are to profit from diverting their oil? It negates the fact that the end result will be rediverting the oil from the mid west in order to increase the selling price?

No, it does not change those facts. The effect of the Keystone XL will be to increase prices upon American consumers. That fact remains true.

Well we have Keystone I and II going to the midwest. Illinois and Oklahoma. Not one drop of crude has been diverted.

As a matter of fact the southern leg of XL is complete and they've been delivering crude to the Gulf now for almost a freaking year.

Not one drop diverted. If anything XL south has freed up the overloaded Cushing location.

You are full of shit.

So, by not completing the XL, the plan has not come to fruition. Therefore, we should complete the XL, and expect that the plan won't come to fruition still.

That's ridiculous. :lol:

Hey, keep your canuck lies up north. I've already shown you that the entire point is to divert the oil to sell it at higher prices. This comes from TransCanada and the Canadian government. That you can't be honest about it shows you are a lying piece of shit and an enemy of the United States. Do we need to send some drones up your way to bomb your ass into submission?

Your companies want the oil. Get off my back jack. You just march into your oil companies and refineries board meeting and tell them you want them to stop importing Canadian oil. Go ahead big mouth on a board.

You are busted because you are full of shit. Prove to me that Illinois and other mid west refineries are being short changed. You can't because it's a lie.

The shipping to the Gulf has been going on for almost a year now. So big mouth find me a link that has mid west refineries screaming for more Canuck crude.


Trans Canada has no say where the oil goes from the fields to the refineries.

They are a taxi cab for crude. They are just a moving company for crude.

Now I should add that of the oil companies up here in Alberta 70% plus are multi national. So don't blame just Canadians moron.

Here. I can show you the link that proves that the southern leg of the pipeline is complete and running.

Check the date asshole. You can't get enough Canuck crude.

"Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland, Texas

NEDERLAND, TEXAS--(Marketwired - Jan. 22, 2014) - TransCanada Corporation (TSX:TRP) (NYSE:TRP) (TransCanada) announced today that at approximately 10:45 a.m. CST on January, 22, 2014, the Gulf Coast Project began delivering crude oil on behalf of our customers to Texas refineries.

The completion of this US$2.3 billion crude oil pipeline provides a safe and direct connection between the important oil hub in Cushing, Oklahoma and delivery points on the U.S. Gulf Coast.

"This is a very important milestone for TransCanada, our shippers and Gulf Coast refiners who have been waiting for a pipeline to supply oil directly from Cushing," said Russ Girling, president and chief executive officer. "

This project is a critical, modern piece of American energy infrastructure that allows producers to safely connect growing production with the world's most efficient refiners on the U.S. Gulf Coast. It also provides those American refineries the opportunity to use more of the crude oil produced in both Canada and the United States for decades to come."

Construction of the 487-mile crude oil pipeline involved more than 11 million hours of labor completed by 4,844 workers in the United States of America, more than 50 contracts with manufacturers and companies building the pipeline and equipment from across the U.S. It also includes the addition of 2.25 million barrels of new oil storage capacity at Cushing, Oklahoma.

"The workers who helped build this project are in addition to 8,969 men and women who constructed the initial Keystone Pipeline system, and we are waiting for approval of Keystone XL so we can employ more than 9,000 more Americans who are waiting to put their skills and experience to work," added Girling.

The Gulf Coast Project was designed to help relieve the glut of crude oil in places like Cushing, Oklahoma and will transport growing supplies of U.S. supply to meet refinery demand.

It provides Gulf Coast refineries with access to lower cost domestic production and reduces America's reliance on foreign sources of crude oil."

You're an idiot if you actually believe the shit you spew.

Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland Texas

So let's recap....

The US gets oil from many places, including Mexico and Venezuela. We are getting our fill. Canadian companies want a piece of the action in the Gulf Coast, because they currently have none of that market. Their inability to tap that market causes them to sell their oil at a discount to the US mid west, because of built up excess. This gives the United States access to discounted oil, and thus lower gas prices. Building the Keystone XL will allow Canadian oil companies to divert oil to the Gulf Coast markets and sell at a higher price, instead of selling at a discount in the mid west. This will result in higher prices for American consumers, as the mid west discount is eliminated.

Sorry, but I like the fact that American consumers can buy Canadian oil at a discount. I have no interest in projects that will eliminate that.
This is typical of the gross over simplification that the lib posters are this site are known for.
In reality things are more complex than that.


No, gross oversimplification is you saying "how can more oil create higher prices?"
Well we have Keystone I and II going to the midwest. Illinois and Oklahoma. Not one drop of crude has been diverted.

As a matter of fact the southern leg of XL is complete and they've been delivering crude to the Gulf now for almost a freaking year.

Not one drop diverted. If anything XL south has freed up the overloaded Cushing location.

You are full of shit.

So, by not completing the XL, the plan has not come to fruition. Therefore, we should complete the XL, and expect that the plan won't come to fruition still.

That's ridiculous. :lol:

Hey, keep your canuck lies up north. I've already shown you that the entire point is to divert the oil to sell it at higher prices. This comes from TransCanada and the Canadian government. That you can't be honest about it shows you are a lying piece of shit and an enemy of the United States. Do we need to send some drones up your way to bomb your ass into submission?

Your companies want the oil. Get off my back jack. You just march into your oil companies and refineries board meeting and tell them you want them to stop importing Canadian oil. Go ahead big mouth on a board.

You are busted because you are full of shit. Prove to me that Illinois and other mid west refineries are being short changed. You can't because it's a lie.

The shipping to the Gulf has been going on for almost a year now. So big mouth find me a link that has mid west refineries screaming for more Canuck crude.


Trans Canada has no say where the oil goes from the fields to the refineries.

They are a taxi cab for crude. They are just a moving company for crude.

Now I should add that of the oil companies up here in Alberta 70% plus are multi national. So don't blame just Canadians moron.

Here. I can show you the link that proves that the southern leg of the pipeline is complete and running.

Check the date asshole. You can't get enough Canuck crude.

"Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland, Texas

NEDERLAND, TEXAS--(Marketwired - Jan. 22, 2014) - TransCanada Corporation (TSX:TRP) (NYSE:TRP) (TransCanada) announced today that at approximately 10:45 a.m. CST on January, 22, 2014, the Gulf Coast Project began delivering crude oil on behalf of our customers to Texas refineries.

The completion of this US$2.3 billion crude oil pipeline provides a safe and direct connection between the important oil hub in Cushing, Oklahoma and delivery points on the U.S. Gulf Coast.

"This is a very important milestone for TransCanada, our shippers and Gulf Coast refiners who have been waiting for a pipeline to supply oil directly from Cushing," said Russ Girling, president and chief executive officer. "

This project is a critical, modern piece of American energy infrastructure that allows producers to safely connect growing production with the world's most efficient refiners on the U.S. Gulf Coast. It also provides those American refineries the opportunity to use more of the crude oil produced in both Canada and the United States for decades to come."

Construction of the 487-mile crude oil pipeline involved more than 11 million hours of labor completed by 4,844 workers in the United States of America, more than 50 contracts with manufacturers and companies building the pipeline and equipment from across the U.S. It also includes the addition of 2.25 million barrels of new oil storage capacity at Cushing, Oklahoma.

"The workers who helped build this project are in addition to 8,969 men and women who constructed the initial Keystone Pipeline system, and we are waiting for approval of Keystone XL so we can employ more than 9,000 more Americans who are waiting to put their skills and experience to work," added Girling.

The Gulf Coast Project was designed to help relieve the glut of crude oil in places like Cushing, Oklahoma and will transport growing supplies of U.S. supply to meet refinery demand.

It provides Gulf Coast refineries with access to lower cost domestic production and reduces America's reliance on foreign sources of crude oil."

You're an idiot if you actually believe the shit you spew.

Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland Texas

So let's recap....

The US gets oil from many places, including Mexico and Venezuela. We are getting our fill. Canadian companies want a piece of the action in the Gulf Coast, because they currently have none of that market. Their inability to tap that market causes them to sell their oil at a discount to the US mid west, because of built up excess. This gives the United States access to discounted oil, and thus lower gas prices. Building the Keystone XL will allow Canadian oil companies to divert oil to the Gulf Coast markets and sell at a higher price, instead of selling at a discount in the mid west. This will result in higher prices for American consumers, as the mid west discount is eliminated.

Sorry, but I like the fact that American consumers can buy Canadian oil at a discount. I have no interest in projects that will eliminate that.
This is typical of the gross over simplification that the lib posters are this site are known for.
In reality things are more complex than that.


No, gross oversimplification is you saying "how can more oil create higher prices?"
Yes why dont you explain how more supply leads to higher prices.
This ought to be good.
So, by not completing the XL, the plan has not come to fruition. Therefore, we should complete the XL, and expect that the plan won't come to fruition still.

That's ridiculous. :lol:

Hey, keep your canuck lies up north. I've already shown you that the entire point is to divert the oil to sell it at higher prices. This comes from TransCanada and the Canadian government. That you can't be honest about it shows you are a lying piece of shit and an enemy of the United States. Do we need to send some drones up your way to bomb your ass into submission?

Your companies want the oil. Get off my back jack. You just march into your oil companies and refineries board meeting and tell them you want them to stop importing Canadian oil. Go ahead big mouth on a board.

You are busted because you are full of shit. Prove to me that Illinois and other mid west refineries are being short changed. You can't because it's a lie.

The shipping to the Gulf has been going on for almost a year now. So big mouth find me a link that has mid west refineries screaming for more Canuck crude.


Trans Canada has no say where the oil goes from the fields to the refineries.

They are a taxi cab for crude. They are just a moving company for crude.

Now I should add that of the oil companies up here in Alberta 70% plus are multi national. So don't blame just Canadians moron.

Here. I can show you the link that proves that the southern leg of the pipeline is complete and running.

Check the date asshole. You can't get enough Canuck crude.

"Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland, Texas

NEDERLAND, TEXAS--(Marketwired - Jan. 22, 2014) - TransCanada Corporation (TSX:TRP) (NYSE:TRP) (TransCanada) announced today that at approximately 10:45 a.m. CST on January, 22, 2014, the Gulf Coast Project began delivering crude oil on behalf of our customers to Texas refineries.

The completion of this US$2.3 billion crude oil pipeline provides a safe and direct connection between the important oil hub in Cushing, Oklahoma and delivery points on the U.S. Gulf Coast.

"This is a very important milestone for TransCanada, our shippers and Gulf Coast refiners who have been waiting for a pipeline to supply oil directly from Cushing," said Russ Girling, president and chief executive officer. "

This project is a critical, modern piece of American energy infrastructure that allows producers to safely connect growing production with the world's most efficient refiners on the U.S. Gulf Coast. It also provides those American refineries the opportunity to use more of the crude oil produced in both Canada and the United States for decades to come."

Construction of the 487-mile crude oil pipeline involved more than 11 million hours of labor completed by 4,844 workers in the United States of America, more than 50 contracts with manufacturers and companies building the pipeline and equipment from across the U.S. It also includes the addition of 2.25 million barrels of new oil storage capacity at Cushing, Oklahoma.

"The workers who helped build this project are in addition to 8,969 men and women who constructed the initial Keystone Pipeline system, and we are waiting for approval of Keystone XL so we can employ more than 9,000 more Americans who are waiting to put their skills and experience to work," added Girling.

The Gulf Coast Project was designed to help relieve the glut of crude oil in places like Cushing, Oklahoma and will transport growing supplies of U.S. supply to meet refinery demand.

It provides Gulf Coast refineries with access to lower cost domestic production and reduces America's reliance on foreign sources of crude oil."

You're an idiot if you actually believe the shit you spew.

Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland Texas

So let's recap....

The US gets oil from many places, including Mexico and Venezuela. We are getting our fill. Canadian companies want a piece of the action in the Gulf Coast, because they currently have none of that market. Their inability to tap that market causes them to sell their oil at a discount to the US mid west, because of built up excess. This gives the United States access to discounted oil, and thus lower gas prices. Building the Keystone XL will allow Canadian oil companies to divert oil to the Gulf Coast markets and sell at a higher price, instead of selling at a discount in the mid west. This will result in higher prices for American consumers, as the mid west discount is eliminated.

Sorry, but I like the fact that American consumers can buy Canadian oil at a discount. I have no interest in projects that will eliminate that.
This is typical of the gross over simplification that the lib posters are this site are known for.
In reality things are more complex than that.


No, gross oversimplification is you saying "how can more oil create higher prices?"
Yes why dont you explain how more supply leads to higher prices.
This ought to be good.


I just did, and have been this whole time. There won't be more oil. It's largely a diverting of oil away from the mid west, where Canadian oil is sold at a discount due to excessive supply, so it can displace Mexican oil sold at a higher price at the Gulf Coast.
HoHo, you're dumber than a box of rocks.

Check the US reserves. Check the US shale production. Then ask yourself why in hell would this country bother wit a bunch of dumbass Canadians ... we have our own OIL you prick.

then take a flying kiss at my ass

That's very nice and all, but here in the real world, the United States imported 9.8 million barrels of oil a day last year, accounting for about half of all American consumption. Canada was the biggest exporter to the US, selling 3.1 million barrels per day to America.

U.S. Total Crude Oil and Products Imports
Yes. We should exist in a world that is 100% risk averse

From a society that is afraid of getting rid of ketchup from school meals, but will put pipelines through people's communities with little to no regard for life in those communities, you can see why the US is morally bankrupt.
Our companies?

Name them..

Again, is Canada completely incapable of constructing their own refineries?

Oh sweet Lord. We have our own refineries. We have our own pipelines.

Your companies want the crude for crying out loud so consequently Canada sells to them.

Geeze louise we aren't begging you to take the shit for crying out loud.

Your American refineries want it.

aka Shell

then there's Exxon Mobil and Citgo

but all you Saudi lovers please raise you hands.


an aside ...

Saudi BUILT and owns the largest oil refinery in Texas AND THE COUNTRY ... so much for RW BS about no refineries have been built since the 70's EH ? So much for Keystone averts this country from mid eastern oil EH ?

same RW bullshit. They have NO idea wtf they're talking about.. and honestly they don't give a shit either !

Toro :eusa_whistle:

Toro, over a year or two ago, I READ an article that went over the notes from an investor meeting of TransCanada, and these investors WERE TOLD BY TRANSCANADA that the keystone xl was specifically to transport more oil to refineries that WOULD BE SHIPPED overseas, not for USA use, and the article specifically states this was to raise their prices on oil, because it would raise their capacity to refine more oil, outside of the midwest refineries, and release the back log of oil within their soil....they also said in this report to Investors that this would also raise the price of gasoline in the Midwest states.

I saved the link for this article back then, but now, trying to go in to the link for it, it says ''This link has been REMOVED''

Here is a link to the WaPost article which refutes that claim.

Oil Transported Through Keystone Will Be Consumed in the US Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You can read the State Department's environmental assessment which says that most of the oil will stay in the US here.


Edit - I would like to read your link if you can find it somewhere.
Last edited:
I'll believe the vast amounts of reports saying the same thing President Obama is saying over the self-serving, lone comment from an oil corporation executive, thank you very much.
^ that

What does Toro take us for? :eusa_eh:
Since you are of the Party of "education and science" why don't you grow the fuck up and educate yourself.

Do some reading, do some digging...

U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA

World Oil - Upstream News Technology Exploration Drilling Production Statistics Careers Events

Oil Gas Journal- Oil and Gas News Prices Oil Drilling Exploration and Production

Welcome to Exploration Production Exploration Production

Welcome to Midstream Business Midstream Business

You fuckers make me sick. :fu:
Those are almost all industry rag shills shit stain. You lose Mr. H. :laugh:
You are one fucking lost cause.
Again, is Canada completely incapable of constructing their own refineries?

We have our own refineries.Lots of them. We have our own pipelines.

What on earth does that have to do with American companies wishing to buy and refine Canadian crude?

Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia
New Brunswick
Lubricant Refinery

  • Mississauga (Suncor Energy), 15,600 bbl/d (2,480 m3/d) - aka Clarkson Refinery - base oil production is 13,600 bbl/d (2,160 m3/d) of API Group II capacity and 2,000 bbl/d (320 m3/d) of API Group III capacity. Formerly Petro-Canada (before Aug 2009) and historically a Gulf refinery.
Upgraders (improve the quality of crude for sale at a higher price)

Bitumen Upgraders (turn bitumen into synthetic crude, which then must be further refined)

British Columbia
List of oil refineries - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I would hope the private property owners who are being gouged can put up at least a stink to make the construction miserable... in the least/. To have your needs trumped at the expense of a company would be very wrong.
EVEN IF a portion of the tarsands was to remain in the U.S. the issue is extracting it at all in the first place. It cost WAAAY more to refine AND produces more GHG's in the process. I say axe it & the sooner the better!!! :mad-61:

Senator Boxer s climate offensive
“Tar sands oil is much more carbon intensive, producing 17 percent more carbon per barrel than domestic crude oil, and if the dirty tar sands oil is produced for the Keystone XL pipeline, it will open up production even more,” said Boxer. “Canada is seeking to increase tar sands production by 300 percent by 2030.”

In addition, Boxer noted new concerns about health impacts that would occur by expanding oil sands production and has asked Secretary of State John Kerry to conduct a “comprehensive health impact study on tar sands oil and the Keystone XL pipeline.”

“Current information tells us that misery follows the tar sands from extraction, to transportation, to refining, to waste storage,” said Boxer. “We should leave them where they are.”
Is this pipeline going to go across private property? If so, what if the property owner objects?
The property owners will be offered compensation.
If they object, the process of eminent domain takes place.
The same eminent domain the Right has said repeatedly in the past that should never be used for a private company's profit.

Suddenly the use of eminent domain for the benefit of a private company will be AOK. And that is what the Right means by standing for a principle!!!!
EVEN IF a portion of the tarsands was to remain in the U.S. the issue is extracting it at all in the first place. It cost WAAAY more to refine AND produces more GHG's in the process. I say axe it & the sooner the better!!! :mad-61:

Senator Boxer s climate offensive
“Tar sands oil is much more carbon intensive, producing 17 percent more carbon per barrel than domestic crude oil, and if the dirty tar sands oil is produced for the Keystone XL pipeline, it will open up production even more,” said Boxer. “Canada is seeking to increase tar sands production by 300 percent by 2030.”

In addition, Boxer noted new concerns about health impacts that would occur by expanding oil sands production and has asked Secretary of State John Kerry to conduct a “comprehensive health impact study on tar sands oil and the Keystone XL pipeline.”

“Current information tells us that misery follows the tar sands from extraction, to transportation, to refining, to waste storage,” said Boxer. “We should leave them where they are.”

Boxer is full of shit because when you start comparing GHG's Canada is barely a bump compared to all the other shit in America and globally.

Your coal plants are 60 x the output of GHG's than the oilsands.

She's so full of shit it's amazing. Boxer and her like should start looking in the mirror on what America puts out and most certainly I'd love to see you guys put your efforts where your mouths are and start hitting China.

"In fact, after a total “well to wheel” accounting for GHGs, oil from other countries is responsible for a greater output of GHGs per barrel than is oilsands oil:

Because Nigeria—a major exporter to the U.S.—recklessly burns off the natural gas emitted by its oil production, Alberta’s oilsands oil already has a 20% lower footprint than oil from that country.

Meantime the U.S. government’s National Energy Technology Laboratory estimates that Venezuela’s “ultraheavy” oil emits at least as much, and possibly more, GHGs per barrel than the oilsands.

As the world’s reserves of the lightest crude oil run out, heavier oil is becoming a greater part of every country’s energy mix.

Already, the average barrel of pure oilsands oil comes with a carbon footprint not much more than 10% higher than the average world’s blended barrel. That is certain to shrink even smaller in the coming years.

But the oilsands are just one small part of the world’s energy supply, and when it comes to carbon emissions, as the proliferation of Chinese coal plants shows, the oilsands are a relatively minor issue compared to some of the other challenges the world must face if we want to reduce CO2 output.

America’s coal-fired power plants, too, output more GHGs than the oilsands: about 60 times as much.

The Chinese government estimates that within a decade, its coal-powered economy will have developed to the point where its emitting 330 times more carbon dioxide than Canada’s oilsands."

More truth at link:

Ethical Oil.org Mythbusting Are the Oilsands Major greenhouse Gas Emitters
Oil Transported Through Keystone Will Be Consumed in the US

Based on everything I've heard and read - that is a LIE.

That is because you read nothing but far left propaganda sites...

Although even the far left Washington Posts says you are wrong!

Fact Checker Not all Canadian oil from Keystone pipeline will leave United States - The Washington Post
In fact, TransCanada refused to support a requirement that oil on Keystone XL be used in the United States in a recent Congressional hearing. Earlier this month, Representative Edward Markey asked TransCanada's President Alex Pourbaix to support a condition that would require the oil on Keystone XL to be used in the United States. Mr. Pourbaix refused, saying that a requirement to keep oil on Keystone XL in the United States would cause refineries to back out of their contracts. That very well may be the case as Valero, one of the largest prospective purchasers of Keystone XL's crude, has already told its investors the its future business is in international export.

Here it is straight from the horses mouth, Trans Canada will make no commitment to sell the oil products in the US at least equal to what they have been selling us.

Your companies want the oil. Get off my back jack. You just march into your oil companies and refineries board meeting and tell them you want them to stop importing Canadian oil. Go ahead big mouth on a board.

You are busted because you are full of shit. Prove to me that Illinois and other mid west refineries are being short changed. You can't because it's a lie.

The shipping to the Gulf has been going on for almost a year now. So big mouth find me a link that has mid west refineries screaming for more Canuck crude.


Trans Canada has no say where the oil goes from the fields to the refineries.

They are a taxi cab for crude. They are just a moving company for crude.

Now I should add that of the oil companies up here in Alberta 70% plus are multi national. So don't blame just Canadians moron.

Here. I can show you the link that proves that the southern leg of the pipeline is complete and running.

Check the date asshole. You can't get enough Canuck crude.

"Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland, Texas

NEDERLAND, TEXAS--(Marketwired - Jan. 22, 2014) - TransCanada Corporation (TSX:TRP) (NYSE:TRP) (TransCanada) announced today that at approximately 10:45 a.m. CST on January, 22, 2014, the Gulf Coast Project began delivering crude oil on behalf of our customers to Texas refineries.

The completion of this US$2.3 billion crude oil pipeline provides a safe and direct connection between the important oil hub in Cushing, Oklahoma and delivery points on the U.S. Gulf Coast.

"This is a very important milestone for TransCanada, our shippers and Gulf Coast refiners who have been waiting for a pipeline to supply oil directly from Cushing," said Russ Girling, president and chief executive officer. "

This project is a critical, modern piece of American energy infrastructure that allows producers to safely connect growing production with the world's most efficient refiners on the U.S. Gulf Coast. It also provides those American refineries the opportunity to use more of the crude oil produced in both Canada and the United States for decades to come."

Construction of the 487-mile crude oil pipeline involved more than 11 million hours of labor completed by 4,844 workers in the United States of America, more than 50 contracts with manufacturers and companies building the pipeline and equipment from across the U.S. It also includes the addition of 2.25 million barrels of new oil storage capacity at Cushing, Oklahoma.

"The workers who helped build this project are in addition to 8,969 men and women who constructed the initial Keystone Pipeline system, and we are waiting for approval of Keystone XL so we can employ more than 9,000 more Americans who are waiting to put their skills and experience to work," added Girling.

The Gulf Coast Project was designed to help relieve the glut of crude oil in places like Cushing, Oklahoma and will transport growing supplies of U.S. supply to meet refinery demand.

It provides Gulf Coast refineries with access to lower cost domestic production and reduces America's reliance on foreign sources of crude oil."

You're an idiot if you actually believe the shit you spew.

Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland Texas

So let's recap....

The US gets oil from many places, including Mexico and Venezuela. We are getting our fill. Canadian companies want a piece of the action in the Gulf Coast, because they currently have none of that market. Their inability to tap that market causes them to sell their oil at a discount to the US mid west, because of built up excess. This gives the United States access to discounted oil, and thus lower gas prices. Building the Keystone XL will allow Canadian oil companies to divert oil to the Gulf Coast markets and sell at a higher price, instead of selling at a discount in the mid west. This will result in higher prices for American consumers, as the mid west discount is eliminated.

Sorry, but I like the fact that American consumers can buy Canadian oil at a discount. I have no interest in projects that will eliminate that.
This is typical of the gross over simplification that the lib posters are this site are known for.
In reality things are more complex than that.


No, gross oversimplification is you saying "how can more oil create higher prices?"
Yes why dont you explain how more supply leads to higher prices.
This ought to be good.


I just did, and have been this whole time. There won't be more oil. It's largely a diverting of oil away from the mid west, where Canadian oil is sold at a discount due to excessive supply, so it can displace Mexican oil sold at a higher price at the Gulf Coast.
You need to think that one through a little better.
hey genius....Do you know where we'd be without oil from Canada?
Try 7 bucks per gallon...
Projects in the Canadian oil sands, offshore fields in Norway and drilling-intensive U.S. shale deposits are among the most vulnerable as oil prices come perilously close to production costs. The world’s largest oil companies have rarely spent so much for so little reward.
Even before this week’s sharp drop-off in prices, French research house IFP Energies Nouvelles expected investment in the industry to fall 8 percent this year. With oil approaching a four-year low, producers will be even more cautious about sanctioning investment, chairman Olivier Appert said Wednesday.
“Oil companies will think twice before launching new projects,” he said.
Austerity will also be severely felt by oil services companies, which rely on drilling and construction contracts from producers. So far this month the Bloomberg World Oil & Gas Services Index has dropped 13 percent versus a 8.4 percent decline in the same index for oil products.
Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM), Royal Dutch Shell Plc and Total SA are already paring back as new investment fails to yield positive returns. Total said last month that capital spending in 2017 will be 11 percent below 2013’s peak.
“The situation is not sustainable,” said Yves-Louis Darricarrere, head of exploration and production at Total, France’s largest oil company. “It’s jeopardized some projects and caused delays or cancellations of others.”


sure they want Keystone, the FWENCH have already bought the pipe ... FROM INDIA, NOT AMERICA ..

F' em.
That's very nice and all, but here in the real world, the United States imported 9.8 million barrels of oil a day last year, accounting for about half of all American consumption. Canada was the biggest exporter to the US, selling 3.1 million barrels per day to America.

U.S. Total Crude Oil and Products Imports
Earlier you said we import HALF of our oil from Canada, now you say it is 1/3, were you lying then or are you lying now?

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