Oil Transported Through Keystone Will Be Consumed in the US

It won't be exported, according to the CEO of TransCanada Pipelines.

It certainly seems illogical that an oil pipeline should be elevated to the level of friction now represented by the Keystone XL project. But through one means or another, the project has become a source of real conflict. On Wednesday the CEO of TransCanada Corp. came pretty close to calling the President of the United States a liar. Russ Girling said that “the notion that this oil is going to get exported is pure fabrication by those that are opposed to our project.”

Later, he added: “It’s very highly unlikely that any of this crude leaves North America.”

The timing was important, because Mr. Obama made those very allegations just last week. The pipeline, he said was merely “providing the ability of Canada to pump their oil, send it through our land, down to the Gulf, where it will be sold everywhere else.” He was parroting the latest line in the war against Keystone mounted by U.S. environmentalists, which portrays Canada as a nefarious purveyor of dirty oil, with plans to send shipments across the pristine U.S. to ships in the Gulf, which will immediately transport it to China.

In reality, TransCanada doesn’t own the oil, it just ships it for the oil companies. It gets sent to a refining hub in Texas, which turns it into gasoline. The refiners say less than 10% of the gasoline they refine gets exported. If the refiners did decide, illogically, to export it all, they would have to ship in other oil from Venezuela or elsewhere to replace it, which makes no sense at all. The U.S. State Department, which has assessed Keystone to death, found that pipelines have no impact on U.S. exports, and that Alberta’s oil is likely to stay in the U.S.

The National Post

TransCanada, from the beginning, said themselves that the point was to divert oil to different markets. Part of that is diverting oil from the mid-west to the Gulf Coast. Part of that is sending oil overseas. Just what TransCanada said in the beginning. Now, maybe they're saying that it won't leave the US. Does not change the fact that the primary mission of the Keystone XL is to simply divert oil in such a way as will increase prices on the American consumer.

Since 2006, the price of Cold Lake Blend has been discounted compared with the price of Mexican Maya heavy crude oil at the USGC. This price discount suggests that the supply of Canadian heavy crudes has exceeded demand in their main markets north of the USGC. PGI submitted that in 2008, the average discount for Cold Lake Blend at the USGC was approximately US$3.24 per barrel. It indicated that by increasing market access for Canadian heavy crudes, this discount should be avoided in the future.


Are you illiterate?
HoHo, you're dumber than a box of rocks.

Check the US reserves. Check the US shale production. Then ask yourself why in hell would this country bother wit a bunch of dumbass Canadians ... we have our own OIL you prick.

then take a flying kiss at my ass
^ that

liked and friends request sent :)
The Kochs are supposed to make a hundred billion out of this and well, feq those corrupt, polluting, screw the workers, lying, fascist a-holes.
Wow....Just wow.
Yeah, it is a CRIME to invest in projects that will make money for the investors.
North Korea awaits you.
In 2013 we exported more than we imported. This thread title is a lie.
And the problem with that is?
Obviously the balance between production and consumption is in the favor of the consumer.
Not seeing a problem.
Face it, the only reason you oppose this project is because Obama objects to it.
If the oil from this proposed pipeline that the Lakotas have vowed to stop is to be consumed in the US, then Canada can refine it on site and sell it to trucks at the border to bring to various storage facilities here on land. No need whatsoever to have it in Texas ports to be shipped anywhere else.

Problem solved.
Problem solved? Refined on site? By what refineries?
Oh, the same type of refineries that they have in Texas. You know, the ones that were around during the Triassic Era. Oh, wait, no, that's right...men built those.

I guess they don't have men who can build in Canada. My bad.
There hasn't been a new refinery built in Canada since 1984. In the US, just one new refinery has been built since the late 70's. Go ahead! Propose a new refinery in the US or Canada. It would take 10 years to get permits and another 4 to build it, IF you could get by the same tree huggers that want to stop Keystone.

since when did Canada need proposals from Americans to do anything ? Since when did Americans promote giving away another Americans land to a foreign country ?
Dumber than a post, aren't you?

Canada has the same type of environmentalist wacko anti-capitalist obstructionists we have.
I'll believe the vast amounts of reports saying the same thing President Obama is saying over the self-serving, lone comment from an oil corporation executive, thank you very much.

Trans Canada is not an oil company. Trans Canada neither drills nor refines oil. They are stictly an infrastructure company.

They have no say in what happens to the oil they deliver from point A to point B.

Why can't you and others understand the very basics here? Trans Canada/Keystone is just a pipeline NOT A FREAKING OIL COMPANY.

They're just a bloody moving company for a product called crude.

Now to the exports your very own EIA states that at minimum 80% refined will stay domestic.

Use your brain here. You only produce at max right now 9 million barrels of oil a day BUT you use up to 18 million barrels a day.

Of course most of the oil will be used domestically.

Sheesh. I wish common sense over ideology could take place for just one freaking discussion.
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It won't be exported, according to the CEO of TransCanada Pipelines.

It certainly seems illogical that an oil pipeline should be elevated to the level of friction now represented by the Keystone XL project. But through one means or another, the project has become a source of real conflict. On Wednesday the CEO of TransCanada Corp. came pretty close to calling the President of the United States a liar. Russ Girling said that “the notion that this oil is going to get exported is pure fabrication by those that are opposed to our project.”

Later, he added: “It’s very highly unlikely that any of this crude leaves North America.”

The timing was important, because Mr. Obama made those very allegations just last week. The pipeline, he said was merely “providing the ability of Canada to pump their oil, send it through our land, down to the Gulf, where it will be sold everywhere else.” He was parroting the latest line in the war against Keystone mounted by U.S. environmentalists, which portrays Canada as a nefarious purveyor of dirty oil, with plans to send shipments across the pristine U.S. to ships in the Gulf, which will immediately transport it to China.

In reality, TransCanada doesn’t own the oil, it just ships it for the oil companies. It gets sent to a refining hub in Texas, which turns it into gasoline. The refiners say less than 10% of the gasoline they refine gets exported. If the refiners did decide, illogically, to export it all, they would have to ship in other oil from Venezuela or elsewhere to replace it, which makes no sense at all. The U.S. State Department, which has assessed Keystone to death, found that pipelines have no impact on U.S. exports, and that Alberta’s oil is likely to stay in the U.S.

The National Post

TransCanada, from the beginning, said themselves that the point was to divert oil to different markets. Part of that is diverting oil from the mid-west to the Gulf Coast. Part of that is sending oil overseas. Just what TransCanada said in the beginning. Now, maybe they're saying that it won't leave the US. Does not change the fact that the primary mission of the Keystone XL is to simply divert oil in such a way as will increase prices on the American consumer.

Since 2006, the price of Cold Lake Blend has been discounted compared with the price of Mexican Maya heavy crude oil at the USGC. This price discount suggests that the supply of Canadian heavy crudes has exceeded demand in their main markets north of the USGC. PGI submitted that in 2008, the average discount for Cold Lake Blend at the USGC was approximately US$3.24 per barrel. It indicated that by increasing market access for Canadian heavy crudes, this discount should be avoided in the future.


business model ... kornfuzin' aint it ?

Anericanadians the new RW's ... screw America,support Canada !!
Why can't you and others understand the very basics here? Trans Canada/Keystone is just a pipeline NOT A FREAKING OIL COMPANY.

And that somehow changes the fact that the there are business partners whose intentions are to profit from diverting their oil? It negates the fact that the end result will be rediverting the oil from the mid west in order to increase the selling price?

No, it does not change those facts. The effect of the Keystone XL will be to increase prices upon American consumers. That fact remains true.
As far as I am concerned Keystone XL is good for the country. Politics should be cast aside.
Unfortunately we have a president who considers politics and his own enormous ego FIRST. All other priorities and considerations come LAST
As far as I'm concerned, Obama's infrastructure bill is good for the country. Yet Republicans won't let it come up for a vote.

Politics should be cast aside.

Unfortunately we have a Speaker who considers politics and his own enormous ego FIRST. All other priorities and considerations come LAST

I can play this game all night.
What infrastructure bill?
There is no such thing. BTW the executive branch does not write bills.
We were told the Obama stimulus was to pay for "shovel ready projects". "Put America back to work". "Build roads, schools and repair same"....
One trillion dollars later and we then told "there were no shovel ready projects"....
Schools? LIE. Funded mainly by local property taxes.
Obama has no plans for infrastructure. None whatsoever. He merely talks about it. But has never offered any clues as to funding nor have there been any plans presented. And if you really want to suffer the embarrassment of being slapped around on legislation left on a desk, we can rip Harry Reid a new asshole so large one could take the Hoover Dam and shove it that old crinkly ass of his and not need any lube.
It won't be exported, according to the CEO of TransCanada Pipelines.

It certainly seems illogical that an oil pipeline should be elevated to the level of friction now represented by the Keystone XL project. But through one means or another, the project has become a source of real conflict. On Wednesday the CEO of TransCanada Corp. came pretty close to calling the President of the United States a liar. Russ Girling said that “the notion that this oil is going to get exported is pure fabrication by those that are opposed to our project.”

Later, he added: “It’s very highly unlikely that any of this crude leaves North America.”

The timing was important, because Mr. Obama made those very allegations just last week. The pipeline, he said was merely “providing the ability of Canada to pump their oil, send it through our land, down to the Gulf, where it will be sold everywhere else.” He was parroting the latest line in the war against Keystone mounted by U.S. environmentalists, which portrays Canada as a nefarious purveyor of dirty oil, with plans to send shipments across the pristine U.S. to ships in the Gulf, which will immediately transport it to China.

In reality, TransCanada doesn’t own the oil, it just ships it for the oil companies. It gets sent to a refining hub in Texas, which turns it into gasoline. The refiners say less than 10% of the gasoline they refine gets exported. If the refiners did decide, illogically, to export it all, they would have to ship in other oil from Venezuela or elsewhere to replace it, which makes no sense at all. The U.S. State Department, which has assessed Keystone to death, found that pipelines have no impact on U.S. exports, and that Alberta’s oil is likely to stay in the U.S.

The National Post

TransCanada, from the beginning, said themselves that the point was to divert oil to different markets. Part of that is diverting oil from the mid-west to the Gulf Coast. Part of that is sending oil overseas. Just what TransCanada said in the beginning. Now, maybe they're saying that it won't leave the US. Does not change the fact that the primary mission of the Keystone XL is to simply divert oil in such a way as will increase prices on the American consumer.

Since 2006, the price of Cold Lake Blend has been discounted compared with the price of Mexican Maya heavy crude oil at the USGC. This price discount suggests that the supply of Canadian heavy crudes has exceeded demand in their main markets north of the USGC. PGI submitted that in 2008, the average discount for Cold Lake Blend at the USGC was approximately US$3.24 per barrel. It indicated that by increasing market access for Canadian heavy crudes, this discount should be avoided in the future.


business model ... kornfuzin' aint it ?

Anericanadians the new RW's ... screw America,support Canada !!
hey genius....Do you know where we'd be without oil from Canada?
Try 7 bucks per gallon...
If this is oil destined only for the US, why is Canada considering as an alternative building a pipeline east to the Atlantic?

So it can be shipped to refineries in Texas.

The only reason why the Energy East option is being pursued is because Obama and the Democrats are stalling on Keystone.

If that happens, then environmentalists won't have to worry about a pipeline leak. Instead, they can worry about a tanker spill and crude washing up into New York Harbor or the beaches of Florida.

Boehner is ass deep in Keystone related investments and has been since 2009. That's why Keystone is being pursued.


This is why those sands should not even be extracted. :talktothehand:

That's nice.

But here in the real world -->


HoHo, you're dumber than a box of rocks.

Check the US reserves. Check the US shale production. Then ask yourself why in hell would this country bother wit a bunch of dumbass Canadians ... we have our own OIL you prick.

then take a flying kiss at my ass

You produce 9 million barrels a day. You use 18 million barrels a day.
Do the freaking math.

You are a double dumb ass for not knowing that you don't produce enough for your own consumption.

THAT'S why you need Canuck crude, Mexican crude, Venezuelan crude etc. moron.

We've been your number one supplier since 2004.

So fuck you. You are a blatant lying mother fucker that this is all about Boehner. Kiss my ass liar.

Hey. I know.

I'll give you the reason why you should trust Canadian imports. It's a glowing recommendation. Doubt it will stop your lying bullshit you keep spreading on the board but what the heck. I'm more than happy to embarrass your sorry ass.


Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
March 14, 2008

Keystone Pipeline Presidential Permit
On March 14, the Department of State issued a Presidential Permit authorizing TransCanada Keystone Pipeline LP to construct, operate and maintain facilities related to the Keystone crude oil pipeline project. The Keystone pipeline will extend 1,300 miles from the Canadian border through the U.S. Midwest. When fully operational, the Keystone pipeline is anticipated to increase U.S. oil imports from Canada by an amount equivalent to as much as 4.5 percent of total U.S. daily imports.

Canada is the United States' largest supplier of oil, natural gas, and electricity. The Department has determined that issuance of the permit to TransCanada Keystone Pipeline LP is in the national interest, in part, because it increases U.S. market access to crude oil supplies from a stable and reliable trading partner, Canada, that is in close proximity to the United States.

Canadian oil represents a safe, secure supply for the North American market. In 2004, Canada became the largest supplier of crude oil to the United States. In 2006, Canada supplied the United States with 2.3 million barrels of oil per day (mbd), equivalent to 17% of total U.S. imports.

The permit was signed in the State Department’s Treaty Room by the Undersecretary of State for Economics, Energy and Agriculture Affairs, Reuben Jeffery III, who also serves as the Department’s International Energy Coordinator. Canadian Ambassador Michael Wilson witnessed the signature. The United States and Canada have a wide array of bilateral and multilateral mechanisms to discuss energy and the environment, and will continue to address the importance of mitigating greenhouse gases from all sources of energy production.

Prior to making its determination to issue the permit to TransCanada Keystone Pipeline LP, the Department completed an environmental review of the entire project. All public documents related to the Department’s decision regarding TransCanada Keystone LP’s application can be downloaded at www.keystonepipeline.state.gov.


Keystone Pipeline Presidential Permit
If a CEO says something one has to be very skeptical..very skeptical. And if it is not true can he be held accountable? Of course not. I thought we wanted to be energy independent? If we do, then that oil stays here otherwise WHY BUILD THE PIPELINE? If we need more oil then take this oil at the price WE decide.

Fool you don't pump out enough. You still need imports just to maintain what you use.

You build the pipeline by the way the THIRD freaking Keystone to get more crude to the Gulf AND pick up what you're pumping out of the Bakken Fields in North Dakota AND relieve the block up at Cushing.

And the CEO of TransCanada has no "oil" skin in this game. Trans Canada doesn't drill and doesn't refine the crude.

Just a delivery system. And when it comes to believing someone. How the hell can any sane person believe one word that comes out of the Administration.

All proven liars.
It won't be exported, according to the CEO of TransCanada Pipelines.

It certainly seems illogical that an oil pipeline should be elevated to the level of friction now represented by the Keystone XL project. But through one means or another, the project has become a source of real conflict. On Wednesday the CEO of TransCanada Corp. came pretty close to calling the President of the United States a liar. Russ Girling said that “the notion that this oil is going to get exported is pure fabrication by those that are opposed to our project.”

Later, he added: “It’s very highly unlikely that any of this crude leaves North America.”

The timing was important, because Mr. Obama made those very allegations just last week. The pipeline, he said was merely “providing the ability of Canada to pump their oil, send it through our land, down to the Gulf, where it will be sold everywhere else.” He was parroting the latest line in the war against Keystone mounted by U.S. environmentalists, which portrays Canada as a nefarious purveyor of dirty oil, with plans to send shipments across the pristine U.S. to ships in the Gulf, which will immediately transport it to China.

In reality, TransCanada doesn’t own the oil, it just ships it for the oil companies. It gets sent to a refining hub in Texas, which turns it into gasoline. The refiners say less than 10% of the gasoline they refine gets exported. If the refiners did decide, illogically, to export it all, they would have to ship in other oil from Venezuela or elsewhere to replace it, which makes no sense at all. The U.S. State Department, which has assessed Keystone to death, found that pipelines have no impact on U.S. exports, and that Alberta’s oil is likely to stay in the U.S.

The National Post
Toro, over a year or two ago, I READ an article that went over the notes from an investor meeting of TransCanada, and these investors WERE TOLD BY TRANSCANADA that the keystone xl was specifically to transport more oil to refineries that WOULD BE SHIPPED overseas, not for USA use, and the article specifically states this was to raise their prices on oil, because it would raise their capacity to refine more oil, outside of the midwest refineries, and release the back log of oil within their soil....they also said in this report to Investors that this would also raise the price of gasoline in the Midwest states.

I saved the link for this article back then, but now, trying to go in to the link for it, it says ''This link has been REMOVED''
Because Obama thinks he is a supreme leader and what he says goes.

He won two national elections by large margins, the first by a landslide.

That's called a mandate.
It figures. Your Obama suck up has such a high awareness that you'd insanely entertain the possibility that the US actually HAS a supreme leader..
Shows a very needy disorder on your part.
Ya know what, you don't even fabricate lies very well.
Obama NEVER had a mandate.
In fact, save for 3 million GOP voters that cast ballots in 2008 staying home in 2012, Obama would be a mere footnote.
Footnote is exactly what Obama's legacy will be. Right down on the list with Jimmy Carter. Now THAT is a legacy with which one can be proud.
The fact that you are still hanging on to that grisly piece of cartilage that is any hope of Obama ever being recognized as successful is a clear indication that you have this creepy sick worship for Obama.
Supreme ruler.....Let me know when you stop being a retard.
How empty is your life that you find it necessary to worship a holder of an elected office?
hey genius....Do you know where we'd be without oil from Canada?
Try 7 bucks per gallon...

First of all, such a claim requires substantiation.

Second, your statement is nothing more than a red herring.

Then do tell how do you want to make up the shortfall from what you produce?

How are you going to get away without importing crude?

Damn straight if your oil and gas had to be rationed which it would have to be if you stopped importing the prices would go thru the roof.
Because Obama thinks he is a supreme leader and what he says goes.

He won two national elections by large margins, the first by a landslide.

That's called a mandate.
Oh..Once again you show a propensity to distort the facts.
Landslide kicks in when the margin is by more than 20 percentage points.
Obama never got 60% of the electorate.
Bye now, stupid
It won't be exported, according to the CEO of TransCanada Pipelines.

It certainly seems illogical that an oil pipeline should be elevated to the level of friction now represented by the Keystone XL project. But through one means or another, the project has become a source of real conflict. On Wednesday the CEO of TransCanada Corp. came pretty close to calling the President of the United States a liar. Russ Girling said that “the notion that this oil is going to get exported is pure fabrication by those that are opposed to our project.”

Later, he added: “It’s very highly unlikely that any of this crude leaves North America.”

The timing was important, because Mr. Obama made those very allegations just last week. The pipeline, he said was merely “providing the ability of Canada to pump their oil, send it through our land, down to the Gulf, where it will be sold everywhere else.” He was parroting the latest line in the war against Keystone mounted by U.S. environmentalists, which portrays Canada as a nefarious purveyor of dirty oil, with plans to send shipments across the pristine U.S. to ships in the Gulf, which will immediately transport it to China.

In reality, TransCanada doesn’t own the oil, it just ships it for the oil companies. It gets sent to a refining hub in Texas, which turns it into gasoline. The refiners say less than 10% of the gasoline they refine gets exported. If the refiners did decide, illogically, to export it all, they would have to ship in other oil from Venezuela or elsewhere to replace it, which makes no sense at all. The U.S. State Department, which has assessed Keystone to death, found that pipelines have no impact on U.S. exports, and that Alberta’s oil is likely to stay in the U.S.

The National Post

TransCanada, from the beginning, said themselves that the point was to divert oil to different markets. Part of that is diverting oil from the mid-west to the Gulf Coast. Part of that is sending oil overseas. Just what TransCanada said in the beginning. Now, maybe they're saying that it won't leave the US. Does not change the fact that the primary mission of the Keystone XL is to simply divert oil in such a way as will increase prices on the American consumer.

Since 2006, the price of Cold Lake Blend has been discounted compared with the price of Mexican Maya heavy crude oil at the USGC. This price discount suggests that the supply of Canadian heavy crudes has exceeded demand in their main markets north of the USGC. PGI submitted that in 2008, the average discount for Cold Lake Blend at the USGC was approximately US$3.24 per barrel. It indicated that by increasing market access for Canadian heavy crudes, this discount should be avoided in the future.


business model ... kornfuzin' aint it ?

Anericanadians the new RW's ... screw America,support Canada !!
hey genius....Do you know where we'd be without oil from Canada?
Try 7 bucks per gallon...

yeah, buying oil on the global market and paying GLOBAL prices just like we do with ALL Canadian oil ... you freakin MORON.

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