Oil Transported Through Keystone Will Be Consumed in the US

It won't be exported, according to the CEO of TransCanada Pipelines.

It certainly seems illogical that an oil pipeline should be elevated to the level of friction now represented by the Keystone XL project. But through one means or another, the project has become a source of real conflict. On Wednesday the CEO of TransCanada Corp. came pretty close to calling the President of the United States a liar. Russ Girling said that “the notion that this oil is going to get exported is pure fabrication by those that are opposed to our project.”

Later, he added: “It’s very highly unlikely that any of this crude leaves North America.”

The timing was important, because Mr. Obama made those very allegations just last week. The pipeline, he said was merely “providing the ability of Canada to pump their oil, send it through our land, down to the Gulf, where it will be sold everywhere else.” He was parroting the latest line in the war against Keystone mounted by U.S. environmentalists, which portrays Canada as a nefarious purveyor of dirty oil, with plans to send shipments across the pristine U.S. to ships in the Gulf, which will immediately transport it to China.

In reality, TransCanada doesn’t own the oil, it just ships it for the oil companies. It gets sent to a refining hub in Texas, which turns it into gasoline. The refiners say less than 10% of the gasoline they refine gets exported. If the refiners did decide, illogically, to export it all, they would have to ship in other oil from Venezuela or elsewhere to replace it, which makes no sense at all. The U.S. State Department, which has assessed Keystone to death, found that pipelines have no impact on U.S. exports, and that Alberta’s oil is likely to stay in the U.S.

The National Post
Toro, over a year or two ago, I READ an article that went over the notes from an investor meeting of TransCanada, and these investors WERE TOLD BY TRANSCANADA that the keystone xl was specifically to transport more oil to refineries that WOULD BE SHIPPED overseas, not for USA use, and the article specifically states this was to raise their prices on oil, because it would raise their capacity to refine more oil, outside of the midwest refineries, and release the back log of oil within their soil....they also said in this report to Investors that this would also raise the price of gasoline in the Midwest states.

I saved the link for this article back then, but now, trying to go in to the link for it, it says ''This link has been REMOVED''

They aren't an oil company though. Trans Canada is absolutely positively not an oil company. They build energy related infrastructure only.

So the article right from the get go is suspect because Trans Canada is only a moving company for crude. They wouldn't have any say in exporting oil from Gulf Refineries.

And whether enviro whackos like it or not your Gulf Refineries need and want the crude and it's heading to the Gulf whether it's by rail, truck or pipeline.
They aren't an oil company though. Trans Canada is absolutely positively not an oil company. They build energy related infrastructure only.

So the article right from the get go is suspect because Trans Canada is only a moving company for crude. They wouldn't have any say in exporting oil from Gulf Refineries.

And whether enviro whackos like it or not your Gulf Refineries need and want the crude and it's heading to the Gulf whether it's by rail, truck or pipeline.

Are you saying the country of Canada is incapable of building their own refineries?
Why can't you and others understand the very basics here? Trans Canada/Keystone is just a pipeline NOT A FREAKING OIL COMPANY.

And that somehow changes the fact that the there are business partners whose intentions are to profit from diverting their oil? It negates the fact that the end result will be rediverting the oil from the mid west in order to increase the selling price?

No, it does not change those facts. The effect of the Keystone XL will be to increase prices upon American consumers. That fact remains true.
"Rediverting"?...First, there is no such word. Second its a redundancy.
Now, your premise is obviously tied to the liberal narrative that all profit is evil.
Question....Would you invest or operate a business where the only hope would be to break even?
There is no "diversion" of crude oil;. Whomever told you to say that is a moron. Get it?
Now.....And I am chuckling here....where did you get the idea that the sole purpose of Keystone XL is to "increase prices upon Americans"?
Please bestow your wisdom upon us. Post some links...
Have fun.
U.S. petroleum refineries running at record levels
Published 07/24/2014 | Source Refineries
U.S. refineries have been processing record volumes of oil recently. Refinery inputs hit a record-high 16.8 million barrels per day (bbl/d) in each of the past two weeks, exceeding the previous record from summer 2005.
View the entire story at the U.S. Energy Information Administration

the same BS story posted by the OP says refineries in Texas don't have enough oil..

uh huh, riiiiight.

  • Texas was the leading crude oil-producing state in the nation in 2013 and exceeded production levels even from the federal offshore areas.
  • As of January 2014, the 27 petroleum refineries in Texas had a capacity of over 5.1 million barrels of crude oil per day and accounted for 29% of total U.S. refining capacity.
  • Texas accounted for about 29% of U.S. marketed natural gas production in 2013, making it the leading natural gas producer among the states..

got it ! the OP is full of chitte.
"Not at all. A business has the right to make money at the expense of any Podunk citizen."

I guess you are right. And big business whines like little kids about regulations. Heck, they can do whatever they want. And people condone this because a profit is to be made.Can a property owner at least be on his own property watching and observing the workers or is that against the law too?
You may be able to watch but you can't do anything about it.
Why can't you and others understand the very basics here? Trans Canada/Keystone is just a pipeline NOT A FREAKING OIL COMPANY.

And that somehow changes the fact that the there are business partners whose intentions are to profit from diverting their oil? It negates the fact that the end result will be rediverting the oil from the mid west in order to increase the selling price?

No, it does not change those facts. The effect of the Keystone XL will be to increase prices upon American consumers. That fact remains true.

Well we have Keystone I and II going to the midwest. Illinois and Oklahoma. Not one drop of crude has been diverted.

As a matter of fact the southern leg of XL is complete and they've been delivering crude to the Gulf now for almost a freaking year.

Not one drop diverted. If anything XL south has freed up the overloaded Cushing location.

You are full of shit.
Then do tell how do you want to make up the shortfall from what you produce?

That's another red herring. Your attempt to pose a dilemma does not change the fact that the effect of the Keystone XL will be to divert oil to other markets so that it can be sold at higher prices.

How are you going to get away without importing crude?

Considering that we already import a great deal of crude from a variety of sources, and considering the fact that domestic production is increasing, and considering the fact that the United States is on pace to become the world's largest oil producing country by the end of 2015, as well as the up and coming technological developments such as cheap automobiles that will average 84 mpg and the MYT engine that will offer even greater fuel economy, I'm not really too worried about the future of US oil consumption needs. American industry seems to be doing a pretty good job of meeting the potential challenges for our long term future.

Damn straight if your oil and gas had to be rationed which it would have to be if you stopped importing the prices would go thru the roof.


So is that what we're looking at now? Either build the Keystone XL, or all Canadian exports to the US will be suspended in order to cripple the US economy? Wow, that's pretty extremist and would border on state sponsored terrorism on Canada's part.
  • 1999 (June 10) An Olympic gasoline pipeline ruptured near Bellingham, Washington, resulting in 3 deaths, a fly fisherman and two 10-year-old boys. The cause was a series of errors and malfunctions in relief systems and process control computer systems in the Olympic Pipeline system, resulting in 277,000 gallons of gasoline spilled to Whatcom Creek. The fire burned for five days.[26][27]
  • 2000 (20 August) A 30-inch El Paso Energy natural gas pipeline exploded, killing five adults and five children and leaving two other people in critical condition in southeast New Mexico. They were camping under a bridge which carried the pipeline across the Pecos River. The explosion occurred underground on the east side of the river 200 to 300 yards from the campers around 5:30 a.m.. The explosion left a crater 86 feet long, 46 feet wide and 20 feet deep. The fireball was visible 20 miles north in Carlsbad, N.M. The pipeline was installed in 1950.[28]
  • 2004 (May 24) A pinhole-sized leak caused by wear unleashed thousands of gallons of gasoline that fueled the BP / Olympic pipeline fire and explosion near the Westfield Shoppingtown Southcenter in Renton, Washington. The blaze sent three firefighters to the hospital, and a mile-square area, which included a nearby fire station, was cordoned off. The leak occurred in a half-inch-wide tube of stainless steel that Olympic operators use to extract fuel samples from the system's 16-inch-wide main line. A metal electrical conduit had rubbed against the stainless steel sampling tube to open the pinhole leak.[29]
  • 2010 (September 9) At 6:11 PM, a PG&E 30-inch natural gas line exploded in San Bruno, California, killing 8. Eyewitnesses reported the initial blast "had a wall of fire more than 1,000 feet high".[30]
  • 2010 (July 25) Crude oil pipeline ruptures near Marshall, Michigan, spilling over 840,000 gallons of oil into the Kalamazoo River [31] [32]
  • 2012 (12 December) a 20-inch transmission line owned by NiSource Inc., parent of Columbia Gas, exploded, leveling 4 houses, between Sissonville and Pocatalico in Kanawha County, West Virginia (WV). When it blew, nobody at pipeline operator, Columbia Gas Transmission knew it. An 800' section of I-77 was obliterated.[33][34] “The fire melted the interstate and it looked like lava, just boiling.” Later the West Virginia Public Service Commission released several pages of violations by Columbia Gas.[35] Forty families were "impacted" by the explosion.[36] The investigation cited "corrosion" as the cause of the blast. [37][38]
  • 2013 (29 March) ExxonMobil pipeline carrying Canadian Wabasca heavy crude from the Athabasca oil sands ruptured in Mayflower, Arkansas, about 25 miles northwest of Little Rock. Approximately 12,000 barrels (1,900 m3) of oil mixed with water had been recovered by March 31. Twenty-two homes were evacuated.[1] The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classified the leak as a major spill. A reported 5,000−7,000 barrels of crude were released. [39]
  • 2013 (20 August) Explosion of a natural gas pipeline near Kiowa southwest of Oklahoma City [40]
  • 2013 (8 October) Explosion of a natural gas pipeline near Rosston, Oklahoma.[41]
  • 2014 (Jan 25) A Trans Canada pipeline about 15 miles south of Winnipeg ruptured and exploded. The incident prompted the precautionary closure of two nearby pipelines. The pipelines supply the main source of natural gas to more than 100,000 Xcel Energy customers in eastern North Dakota, northwestern Minnesota and western Wisconsin.[42] The explosion happened near Otterburne, Manitoba, about 15 miles south of the provincial capital, Winnipeg. The area was evacuated as a precaution. No injuries were reported but the fire burned for more than 12 hours.[43]
  • 2014 (Feb) In Knifely, Adair County, Kentucky, a Columbia Gulf gas pipeline exploded at 1 a.m. flattening homes, burning barns, and causing one casualty. The 30-inch natural gas pipeline was about 100 feet from Highway 76 and buried 30 feet underground. When it exploded, large rocks and sections of pipeline flew into the air, leaving a 60-foot crater. Columbia Gulf, part of NiSource’s Columbia Pipeline Group, owns and operates more than 15,700 miles of natural gas pipelines, one of the largest underground storage systems in North America. The pipeline that exploded was carrying natural gas from the Gulf of Mexico to New York.[44]
  • 2014 (Feb 11) A Hiland gas pipeline exploded about six miles south of Tioga, North Dakota. Hiland was “blowing” hydrates, ice-like solids formed from a mixture of water and gas that can block pipeline flow, out of the pipeline.[45]
  • 2014 (Mar 14) A Northern Natural Gas Company pipeline erupted near the intersection of county roads 20 and O, about six miles north of Fremont, Nebraska. A company spokesman said, "In the summer you can tell if you've got a gas leak by vegetation, sometimes it dies in the ground."[46]
  • 2014 (May 26) A Viking gas pipeline explosion near Warren, Minnesota was "hell on earth," shaking the ground and shooting a fireball over 100 feet in the air. Roads within a two-mile radius were blocked off. Authorities suspected natural causes because there was still frost in the ground and the soil was wet.[47][48]
List of pipeline accidents - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Yes. We should exist in a world that is 100% risk averse
Then do tell how do you want to make up the shortfall from what you produce?

That's another red herring. Your attempt to pose a dilemma does not change the fact that the effect of the Keystone XL will be to divert oil to other markets so that it can be sold at higher prices.

How are you going to get away without importing crude?

Considering that we already import a great deal of crude from a variety of sources, and considering the fact that domestic production is increasing, and considering the fact that the United States is on pace to become the world's largest oil producing country by the end of 2015, as well as the up and coming technological developments such as cheap automobiles that will average 84 mpg and the MYT engine that will offer even greater fuel economy, I'm not really too worried about the future of US oil consumption needs. American industry seems to be doing a pretty good job of meeting the potential challenges for our long term future.

Damn straight if your oil and gas had to be rationed which it would have to be if you stopped importing the prices would go thru the roof.


So is that what we're looking at now? Either build the Keystone XL, or all Canadian exports to the US will be suspended in order to cripple the US economy? Wow, that's pretty extremist and would border on state sponsored terrorism on Canada's part.

You still use more than you produce moron.

And who the hell would stop exporting to the US refineries?

You're getting this oil no matter what you whackos on the left say or want.

Pick your poison. Rail, truck or pipeline. You are still getting it. Your refineries are buying it. They want it and Canada's got it.

What's your problem with this?
"Not at all. A business has the right to make money at the expense of any Podunk citizen."

I guess you are right. And big business whines like little kids about regulations. Heck, they can do whatever they want. And people condone this because a profit is to be made.Can a property owner at least be on his own property watching and observing the workers or is that against the law too?
Sure. As the new Interstate is under construction, one may watch the activity to their heart's content.
Where the hell are you going with this nonsense?
Again, is Canada completely incapable of constructing their own refineries?

Oh sweet Lord. We have our own refineries. We have our own pipelines.

Your companies want the crude for crying out loud so consequently Canada sells to them.

Geeze louise we aren't begging you to take the shit for crying out loud.

Your American refineries want it.
Why can't you and others understand the very basics here? Trans Canada/Keystone is just a pipeline NOT A FREAKING OIL COMPANY.

And that somehow changes the fact that the there are business partners whose intentions are to profit from diverting their oil? It negates the fact that the end result will be rediverting the oil from the mid west in order to increase the selling price?

No, it does not change those facts. The effect of the Keystone XL will be to increase prices upon American consumers. That fact remains true.

Well we have Keystone I and II going to the midwest. Illinois and Oklahoma. Not one drop of crude has been diverted.

As a matter of fact the southern leg of XL is complete and they've been delivering crude to the Gulf now for almost a freaking year.

Not one drop diverted. If anything XL south has freed up the overloaded Cushing location.

You are full of shit.

So, by not completing the XL, the plan has not come to fruition. Therefore, we should complete the XL, and expect that the plan won't come to fruition still.

That's ridiculous. :lol:

Hey, keep your canuck lies up north. I've already shown you that the entire point is to divert the oil to sell it at higher prices. This comes from TransCanada and the Canadian government. That you can't be honest about it shows you are a lying piece of shit and an enemy of the United States. Do we need to send some drones up your way to bomb your ass into submission?
Our companies?

Name them..

Again, is Canada completely incapable of constructing their own refineries?

Oh sweet Lord. We have our own refineries. We have our own pipelines.

Your companies want the crude for crying out loud so consequently Canada sells to them.

Geeze louise we aren't begging you to take the shit for crying out loud.

Your American refineries want it.

aka Shell

then there's Exxon Mobil and Citgo

but all you Saudi lovers please raise you hands.


an aside ...

Saudi BUILT and owns the largest oil refinery in Texas AND THE COUNTRY ... so much for RW BS about no refineries have been built since the 70's EH ? So much for Keystone averts this country from mid eastern oil EH ?

same RW bullshit. They have NO idea wtf they're talking about.. and honestly they don't give a shit either !

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You're getting this oil no matter what you whackos on the left say or want.

Great! We're going to get the oil, and we don't even have to build the rest of the XL. That means we don't need the XL, and thus avoid the risk of the XL diverting oil so that it gets sold at higher prices. Personally, I really like the fact that the US gets discounted crude from Canada, due to Canada's lack of accessibility to higher priced markets. It's in our best interest to preserve that discount.
Most of the increase in production is going to be WCS-type barrels, which is what refiners on the Gulf Coast want,” Lipow said. “The first thing that increased Canadian production would compete with is Mexican and Venezuelan crude, which can go elsewhere..


yeah, Saudi is planning to keep Canadian Oil after they spent 10 billion on a refinery in Texas .. the largest refinery in the country plans to keep Canadian oil after they ship and refine their own crude ... from SAUDI.

the RW house of cards in action ..
Why can't you and others understand the very basics here? Trans Canada/Keystone is just a pipeline NOT A FREAKING OIL COMPANY.

And that somehow changes the fact that the there are business partners whose intentions are to profit from diverting their oil? It negates the fact that the end result will be rediverting the oil from the mid west in order to increase the selling price?

No, it does not change those facts. The effect of the Keystone XL will be to increase prices upon American consumers. That fact remains true.

Well we have Keystone I and II going to the midwest. Illinois and Oklahoma. Not one drop of crude has been diverted.

As a matter of fact the southern leg of XL is complete and they've been delivering crude to the Gulf now for almost a freaking year.

Not one drop diverted. If anything XL south has freed up the overloaded Cushing location.

You are full of shit.

So, by not completing the XL, the plan has not come to fruition. Therefore, we should complete the XL, and expect that the plan won't come to fruition still.

That's ridiculous. :lol:

Hey, keep your canuck lies up north. I've already shown you that the entire point is to divert the oil to sell it at higher prices. This comes from TransCanada and the Canadian government. That you can't be honest about it shows you are a lying piece of shit and an enemy of the United States. Do we need to send some drones up your way to bomb your ass into submission?

Your companies want the oil. Get off my back jack. You just march into your oil companies and refineries board meeting and tell them you want them to stop importing Canadian oil. Go ahead big mouth on a board.

You are busted because you are full of shit. Prove to me that Illinois and other mid west refineries are being short changed. You can't because it's a lie.

The shipping to the Gulf has been going on for almost a year now. So big mouth find me a link that has mid west refineries screaming for more Canuck crude.


Trans Canada has no say where the oil goes from the fields to the refineries.

They are a taxi cab for crude. They are just a moving company for crude.

Now I should add that of the oil companies up here in Alberta 70% plus are multi national. So don't blame just Canadians moron.

Here. I can show you the link that proves that the southern leg of the pipeline is complete and running.

Check the date asshole. You can't get enough Canuck crude.

"Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland, Texas

NEDERLAND, TEXAS--(Marketwired - Jan. 22, 2014) - TransCanada Corporation (TSX:TRP) (NYSE:TRP) (TransCanada) announced today that at approximately 10:45 a.m. CST on January, 22, 2014, the Gulf Coast Project began delivering crude oil on behalf of our customers to Texas refineries.

The completion of this US$2.3 billion crude oil pipeline provides a safe and direct connection between the important oil hub in Cushing, Oklahoma and delivery points on the U.S. Gulf Coast.

"This is a very important milestone for TransCanada, our shippers and Gulf Coast refiners who have been waiting for a pipeline to supply oil directly from Cushing," said Russ Girling, president and chief executive officer. "

This project is a critical, modern piece of American energy infrastructure that allows producers to safely connect growing production with the world's most efficient refiners on the U.S. Gulf Coast. It also provides those American refineries the opportunity to use more of the crude oil produced in both Canada and the United States for decades to come."

Construction of the 487-mile crude oil pipeline involved more than 11 million hours of labor completed by 4,844 workers in the United States of America, more than 50 contracts with manufacturers and companies building the pipeline and equipment from across the U.S. It also includes the addition of 2.25 million barrels of new oil storage capacity at Cushing, Oklahoma.

"The workers who helped build this project are in addition to 8,969 men and women who constructed the initial Keystone Pipeline system, and we are waiting for approval of Keystone XL so we can employ more than 9,000 more Americans who are waiting to put their skills and experience to work," added Girling.

The Gulf Coast Project was designed to help relieve the glut of crude oil in places like Cushing, Oklahoma and will transport growing supplies of U.S. supply to meet refinery demand.

It provides Gulf Coast refineries with access to lower cost domestic production and reduces America's reliance on foreign sources of crude oil."

You're an idiot if you actually believe the shit you spew.

Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland Texas
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Our companies?

Name them..

Again, is Canada completely incapable of constructing their own refineries?

Oh sweet Lord. We have our own refineries. We have our own pipelines.

Your companies want the crude for crying out loud so consequently Canada sells to them.

Geeze louise we aren't begging you to take the shit for crying out loud.

Your American refineries want it.

aka Shell

then there's Exxon Mobil and Citgo

but all you Saudi lovers please raise you hands.


an aside ...

Saudi BUILT and owns the largest oil refinery in Texas AND THE COUNTRY ... so much for RW BS about no refineries have been built since the 70's EH ? So much for Keystone averts this country from mid eastern oil EH ?

same RW bullshit. They have NO idea wtf they're talking about.. and honestly they don't give a shit either !


We are your number one.

And we will continue to be your number one.

Your State Department issuing the permits for Keystone I and Keystone II states unequivocably in their press release that they are thrilled to death with the Keystone pipelines providing energy security for America.That's just a simple basic fact.

If you don't like it go blow dead bears for all I care.
Why can't you and others understand the very basics here? Trans Canada/Keystone is just a pipeline NOT A FREAKING OIL COMPANY.

And that somehow changes the fact that the there are business partners whose intentions are to profit from diverting their oil? It negates the fact that the end result will be rediverting the oil from the mid west in order to increase the selling price?

No, it does not change those facts. The effect of the Keystone XL will be to increase prices upon American consumers. That fact remains true.

Well we have Keystone I and II going to the midwest. Illinois and Oklahoma. Not one drop of crude has been diverted.

As a matter of fact the southern leg of XL is complete and they've been delivering crude to the Gulf now for almost a freaking year.

Not one drop diverted. If anything XL south has freed up the overloaded Cushing location.

You are full of shit.

So, by not completing the XL, the plan has not come to fruition. Therefore, we should complete the XL, and expect that the plan won't come to fruition still.

That's ridiculous. :lol:

Hey, keep your canuck lies up north. I've already shown you that the entire point is to divert the oil to sell it at higher prices. This comes from TransCanada and the Canadian government. That you can't be honest about it shows you are a lying piece of shit and an enemy of the United States. Do we need to send some drones up your way to bomb your ass into submission?

Your companies want the oil. Get off my back jack. You just march into your oil companies and refineries board meeting and tell them you want them to stop importing Canadian oil. Go ahead big mouth on a board.

You are busted because you are full of shit. Prove to me that Illinois and other mid west refineries are being short changed. You can't because it's a lie.

The shipping to the Gulf has been going on for almost a year now. So big mouth find me a link that has mid west refineries screaming for more Canuck crude.


Trans Canada has no say where the oil goes from the fields to the refineries.

They are a taxi cab for crude. They are just a moving company for crude.

Now I should add that of the oil companies up here in Alberta 70% plus are multi national. So don't blame just Canadians moron.

Here. I can show you the link that proves that the southern leg of the pipeline is complete and running.

Check the date asshole. You can't get enough Canuck crude.

"Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland, Texas

NEDERLAND, TEXAS--(Marketwired - Jan. 22, 2014) - TransCanada Corporation (TSX:TRP) (NYSE:TRP) (TransCanada) announced today that at approximately 10:45 a.m. CST on January, 22, 2014, the Gulf Coast Project began delivering crude oil on behalf of our customers to Texas refineries.

The completion of this US$2.3 billion crude oil pipeline provides a safe and direct connection between the important oil hub in Cushing, Oklahoma and delivery points on the U.S. Gulf Coast.

"This is a very important milestone for TransCanada, our shippers and Gulf Coast refiners who have been waiting for a pipeline to supply oil directly from Cushing," said Russ Girling, president and chief executive officer. "

This project is a critical, modern piece of American energy infrastructure that allows producers to safely connect growing production with the world's most efficient refiners on the U.S. Gulf Coast. It also provides those American refineries the opportunity to use more of the crude oil produced in both Canada and the United States for decades to come."

Construction of the 487-mile crude oil pipeline involved more than 11 million hours of labor completed by 4,844 workers in the United States of America, more than 50 contracts with manufacturers and companies building the pipeline and equipment from across the U.S. It also includes the addition of 2.25 million barrels of new oil storage capacity at Cushing, Oklahoma.

"The workers who helped build this project are in addition to 8,969 men and women who constructed the initial Keystone Pipeline system, and we are waiting for approval of Keystone XL so we can employ more than 9,000 more Americans who are waiting to put their skills and experience to work," added Girling.

The Gulf Coast Project was designed to help relieve the glut of crude oil in places like Cushing, Oklahoma and will transport growing supplies of U.S. supply to meet refinery demand.

It provides Gulf Coast refineries with access to lower cost domestic production and reduces America's reliance on foreign sources of crude oil."

You're an idiot if you actually believe the shit you spew.

Gulf Coast Project Begins Delivering Crude Oil to Nederland Texas

So let's recap....

The US gets oil from many places, including Mexico and Venezuela. We are getting our fill. Canadian companies want a piece of the action in the Gulf Coast, because they currently have none of that market. Their inability to tap that market causes them to sell their oil at a discount to the US mid west, because of built up excess. This gives the United States access to discounted oil, and thus lower gas prices. Building the Keystone XL will allow Canadian oil companies to divert oil to the Gulf Coast markets and sell at a higher price, instead of selling at a discount in the mid west. This will result in higher prices for American consumers, as the mid west discount is eliminated.

Sorry, but I like the fact that American consumers can buy Canadian oil at a discount. I have no interest in projects that will eliminate that.

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