OK 10 commandement statue "smashed to pieces"

Someone Smashed The Disputed Oklahoma Ten Commandments Monument To Pieces

AP / Huffington Post | By Sean Murphy

  • So - a vandal accomplished what our Constitution could not.
Screw the Constitution, right? The nutters will have another one back up in no time.

(Ignore the bullet points. Apparently, god put them there.)

I hope they find the guy and bury him out in a cornfield
Good answer. We need a heavily armed christian militia that knows how to get the job done. A christian version of ISIS.

Ye haw.
The stupid thing is that most people don't realize that the Commandments are the foundation of modern law. They were purported to be written by the hand of God. This was in fact genius in it in it meant that they could not be changed as whatever the big enchilada of the day wished.

They do in fact belong in the halls of justice, but little truths like these are lost on so many mediocre-minded blow-hard hacks.

Balderdash. There is no factual basis to that belief.
It is perhaps their equation with religion which prevents some from seeing a very obvious correlation. If you separate religion and substitute it with something with something beyond popular or powerful will, then it might even become clearer, even to the slow-minded. The Constitution itself is based on the same concept.

You are exactly the kind of blow-hard hack I had mentioned and this is obviously way above your head.
I wonder what happened with the satanic statue they were planning to put next to the Ten Commandments? I was looking forward to a selfie of me on his lap for my facebook page. LOL!


True, It would only be fair to erect that statue ESPECIALLY given it is taken from the same book. Thats ANOTHER reason I don't concern myself w/ sky pixies & the gov't should keep that stuff of of gov't property anyway unless ALL of them are represented.
Anyone surprised that it was a mentally ill fundie who did this?
don't you mean a mentally ill Satanist fundie?.....


A fundie is a fundie is a fundie.

Gods are pretty much interchangeable. One makes as much sense as another.
fundamentalism doesn't require a god at all......we have atheist fundamentalists who post here religiously.....
Primarily, that serves as something of a choke collar to the more excitable of the fundie Christian zealots.
Someone Smashed The Disputed Oklahoma Ten Commandments Monument To Pieces

AP / Huffington Post | By Sean Murphy

  • So - a vandal accomplished what our Constitution could not.
Screw the Constitution, right? The nutters will have another one back up in no time.

(Ignore the bullet points. Apparently, god put them there.)
Regardless, vandalism is a crime. When they catch the person, they should be charged with vandalism.
It wasn't me. I have an alibi. :)
Hollie and Taz don't count.

God said no idols. That is using the ten commandments as an idol.

While there are many prohibitions about idolatry. it'd only qualify as that if they the thing became a center of worship. Then it'd be a graven idol.
Rachael took the idols from her father when she left with Jacob. I do not think those were worship idols.
why don't you think they were worship idols?......
They are first mentioned in Genesis 31:19 as images. Verses 32 mentions the items but no indication of the nature of them. Verse 34 states that the images Rachel took were in the camel's furniture and she was sitting on them as Laban was looking from them. Sitting on a worship idol would be bad karma I would think. I was thinking it specifically stated that Rachel put away the idols at some point but I did not see it. In 35:2 Jacob tells everyone in his household to put away their strange gods and they do but as Rachel had not given up her father's images as of yet I do not think she would then either. Later in the chapter, verse 18, Rachel dies during childbirth. I wonder if that was not due somewhat to the images not being put away. From all this one can not really draw a conclusion whether or not the images were objects of worship.

I do not know how it is for others but I am a very visual reader. I see visuals of what I am reading. I find the Bible very readable and have very vivid images most of the time I read. What Rachel was moving around and hiding looked more like something which is for display, probably pretty valuable and decorative not what would be considered spiritually powerful to the owner.
interesting.....not very logical, but interesting.......more likely they were the family's household gods that she was afraid to leave behind, knowing Jacob wasn't likely to give her new ones.......she sat on them, not because of disrespect, but because she knew if she didn't hide them from Jacob he would toss them......

I've always found it interesting that though the story of Jacob being tricked into marrying her sister first instead of his true love strikes sympathy in most people's hearts for Jacob and Rachel, it was Leah's child Judah who was the line from which Christ came and Rachel who carried idols into the marriage........
Anyone surprised that it was a mentally ill fundie who did this?
don't you mean a mentally ill Satanist fundie?.....


A fundie is a fundie is a fundie.

Gods are pretty much interchangeable. One makes as much sense as another.
fundamentalism doesn't require a god at all......we have atheist fundamentalists who post here religiously.....
Primarily, that serves as something of a choke collar to the more excitable of the fundie Christian zealots.
glad to see you've finally found purpose to your life.......
The stupid thing is that most people don't realize that the Commandments are the foundation of modern law. They were purported to be written by the hand of God. This was in fact genius in it in it meant that they could not be changed as whatever the big enchilada of the day wished.

They do in fact belong in the halls of justice, but little truths like these are lost on so many mediocre-minded blow-hard hacks.

Balderdash. There is no factual basis to that belief.
It is perhaps their equation with religion which prevents some from seeing a very obvious correlation. If you separate religion and substitute it with something with something beyond popular or powerful will, then it might even become clearer, even to the slow-minded. The Constitution itself is based on the same concept.

You are exactly the kind of blow-hard hack I had mentioned and this is obviously way above your head.

Three points -

One is that you might want to move to a country where sharia law is indeed the law of the land.

Two, why do you non-christians get so hysterical about something you so obviously despise? All one hgas to do is read your posts to know you hate the teachings of Jesus and don't believe in a god.

Three, you're well named.

Are the Ten Commandments really the basis for our laws - Bad Astronomy DiscoverMagazine.com Bad Astronomy

The Ten Commandments and Western Legal Systems From the Desk of Shamelessly Atheist...

Are the Ten Commandments the basis for our laws - Comments Page 1 - RichardDawkins.net
Last edited:
Someone Smashed The Disputed Oklahoma Ten Commandments Monument To Pieces

AP / Huffington Post | By Sean Murphy

  • So - a vandal accomplished what our Constitution could not.
Screw the Constitution, right? The nutters will have another one back up in no time.

(Ignore the bullet points. Apparently, god put them there.)
Regardless, vandalism is a crime. When they catch the person, they should be charged with vandalism.

Even though they're guilty of patriotism.
Anyone surprised that it was a mentally ill fundie who did this?
don't you mean a mentally ill Satanist fundie?.....


A fundie is a fundie is a fundie.

Gods are pretty much interchangeable. One makes as much sense as another.
fundamentalism doesn't require a god at all......we have atheist fundamentalists who post here religiously.....
Primarily, that serves as something of a choke collar to the more excitable of the fundie Christian zealots.
glad to see you've finally found purpose to your life.......
It's everyone's job to confront religious extremists.
Two points -

One is that you might want to move to a country where sharia law is indeed the law of the land.

Two, why do you non-christians get so hysterical about something you so obviously despise? All one hgas to do is read your posts to know you hate the teachings of Jesus and don't believe in a god.

Three, you're well named.

Are the Ten Commandments really the basis for our laws - Bad Astronomy DiscoverMagazine.com Bad Astronomy

The Ten Commandments and Western Legal Systems From the Desk of Shamelessly Atheist...

Are the Ten Commandments the basis for our laws - Comments Page 1 - RichardDawkins.net
I have no idea. Are you drunk?
I suspect some malcontent atheist will fly a plane into the Supreme Court building, particularly the east face where Moses is holding up the Ten Commandments.
Are you sure that's Moses? He's clean shaven....when has Moses ever been portrayed as clean shaven?
Someone Smashed The Disputed Oklahoma Ten Commandments Monument To Pieces

AP / Huffington Post | By Sean Murphy

  • So - a vandal accomplished what our Constitution could not.
Screw the Constitution, right? The nutters will have another one back up in no time.

(Ignore the bullet points. Apparently, god put them there.)

I hope they find the guy and bury him out in a cornfield
Does the same go for Moses? (I saw rightwinger's post just before typing this. Great
The stupid thing is that most people don't realize that the Commandments are the foundation of modern law. They were purported to be written by the hand of God. This was in fact genius in it in it meant that they could not be changed as whatever the big enchilada of the day wished.

They do in fact belong in the halls of justice, but little truths like these are lost on so many mediocre-minded blow-hard hacks.

Balderdash. There is no factual basis to that belief.
It is perhaps their equation with religion which prevents some from seeing a very obvious correlation. If you separate religion and substitute it with something with something beyond popular or powerful will, then it might even become clearer, even to the slow-minded. The Constitution itself is based on the same concept.

You are exactly the kind of blow-hard hack I had mentioned and this is obviously way above your head.

Three points -

One is that you might want to move to a country where sharia law is indeed the law of the land.

Two, why do you non-christians get so hysterical about something you so obviously despise? All one hgas to do is read your posts to know you hate the teachings of Jesus and don't believe in a god.

Three, you're well named.

Are the Ten Commandments really the basis for our laws - Bad Astronomy DiscoverMagazine.com Bad Astronomy

The Ten Commandments and Western Legal Systems From the Desk of Shamelessly Atheist...

Are the Ten Commandments the basis for our laws - Comments Page 1 - RichardDawkins.net
Luddly, you know if you have to post links to explain to someone how our legal system is indeed not founded on the ten commandments you are not going to get anywhere.

[oops, thought I that taken out that post referencing Moses. Oh well.]
don't you mean a mentally ill Satanist fundie?.....


A fundie is a fundie is a fundie.

Gods are pretty much interchangeable. One makes as much sense as another.
fundamentalism doesn't require a god at all......we have atheist fundamentalists who post here religiously.....
Primarily, that serves as something of a choke collar to the more excitable of the fundie Christian zealots.
glad to see you've finally found purpose to your life.......
It's everyone's job to confront religious extremists.
actually, that would be a job best left to those with the necessary qualifications........
Someone Smashed The Disputed Oklahoma Ten Commandments Monument To Pieces

AP / Huffington Post | By Sean Murphy

  • So - a vandal accomplished what our Constitution could not.
Screw the Constitution, right? The nutters will have another one back up in no time.

(Ignore the bullet points. Apparently, god put them there.)

I hope they find the guy and bury him out in a cornfield
Good answer. We need a heavily armed christian militia that knows how to get the job done. A christian version of ISIS.

Ye haw.
Good idea, eh?
Someone Smashed The Disputed Oklahoma Ten Commandments Monument To Pieces

AP / Huffington Post | By Sean Murphy

  • So - a vandal accomplished what our Constitution could not.
Screw the Constitution, right? The nutters will have another one back up in no time.

(Ignore the bullet points. Apparently, god put them there.)

I hope they find the guy and bury him out in a cornfield
Good answer. We need a heavily armed christian militia that knows how to get the job done. A christian version of ISIS.

Ye haw.
Good idea, eh?
Only in some twisted, alternate reality.
don't you mean a mentally ill Satanist fundie?.....


A fundie is a fundie is a fundie.

Gods are pretty much interchangeable. One makes as much sense as another.
fundamentalism doesn't require a god at all......we have atheist fundamentalists who post here religiously.....
Primarily, that serves as something of a choke collar to the more excitable of the fundie Christian zealots.
glad to see you've finally found purpose to your life.......
It's everyone's job to confront religious extremists.

then you shouldn't be upset when we challenge you

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