OK anti-abortion ultrasound un-Constitutional

I don't consider people who look different to be non-human.

If I did, I would consider blacks, asians and down syndrome people to be non-human and worthy of execution.
Another one bites the dust.

When, oh when, will the GOP give up pandering to the Evangelical base and start doing something MEANINGFUL for the country?

What a waste of time and money.

Durant Daily Democrat - Okla court says abortion laws unconstitutional

Thank God for checks and balances.

Thank God this wasn't an fringe-right activist judge.

Thank God women in OK can make decisions about their body without having to endure unnecessary procedures forced on them by men.
Another one bites the dust.

When, oh when, will the GOP give up pandering to the Evangelical base and start doing something MEANINGFUL for the country?

What a waste of time and money.

Durant Daily Democrat - Okla court says abortion laws unconstitutional

Thank God for checks and balances.

Thank God this wasn't an fringe-right activist judge.

Thank God women in OK can make decisions about their body without having to endure unnecessary procedures forced on them by men.

Don't know about where you live but men in OK want their women to have all the information available BEFORE they make a decision. Ain't nothing worse than an ignorant woman.
I guess when something goes wrong with the abortion (that could have been detected with the ultrasound), then the woman will just sue the doctor.

Are x-rays unconstitutional when doctors seek to treat broken bones?

Are MRIs unconstitutional prior to brain surgery?

Most tests are diagnostic, but many are precautionary to detect potential problems before going through with a procedure.

I know this contradicts the left's stance that abortion is easy and safe and no more serious than than cleaning your ears. An ultrasound would show a fetus that is shaped exactly like a human baby and it is moving. Perhaps some women would rethink things if they saw it and some panic at the thought. It's difficult enough to control the population without stopping poor minorities (the target of Planned Parenthood) from having abortions. I don't care what people decide, but can't stand the hypocrisy and think that people who deliberately remain ignorant do so in order to stomach the procedure. They are told that it's a preventative measure and I think influenced by PP to abort. They certainly don't appreciate doctors shedding any light on what it actually occuring during the procedure or what is being aborted.

The left tells us we pay no matter what, so we should be grateful they encourage the cheaper route.

A person can opt out of any tests, but the doctor should decide if they are comfortable proceeding when they feel they don't have enough details to go on.

Of course, the left says it's about choice. They just prefer that the women making the choice remain as ignorant as possible. And then they seek to force doctors to do this and to force religious organizations to pay for this. I guess that is where choice ends.
I don't care if you're proud of your abortions or not, I don't recall giving a shit. And an abortion is not a miscarriage, anymore than death from cancer is the same as death at the hands of your husband.

I have never had an abortion, nor have either of my daughters because we oppose abortion but we are committed to being pro-choice. I guess you missed that part.

If God believed that every pregnancy was sacred, as you seem to believe, then He would not have given women the ability to miscarry. Miscarriage is proof positive that God does not oppose terminating a pregnancy.

Very well said - but you shouldn't have bothered. Things tend to slip by KG.
I tend not to take logical fallacy seriously, it's true. It has no place in intelligent discussion. But lefties don't know that.
I tend not to take logical fallacy seriously, it's true. It has no place in intelligent discussion. But lefties don't know that.

Brilliant! Almost as brilliant as the tried and true "Common sense dictates" and "I'm ot going to cite because you'll just prove me wrong" bs that that idiot Amy Nation pulls.
The ignorance and dishonesty of those who think that abortion is anything but killing babies, and "choice" is anything but pro-abortion, is astounding.
PS..I've been quite fertile, thank you. Eventually the left will just abort itself into non-existence, the way the French are doing.
The ignorance and dishonesty of those who think that abortion is anything but killing babies, and "choice" is anything but pro-abortion, is astounding.
the ignorance and dishonestly lies solely with your side of the argument. those of us who dont live in the dark ages understand the difference between pro-choice and pro-murder, as does the rest of the industrialized world. take your "baby killer" rhetoric someplace else. the educated adults in the room can distinguish between the 2, apparently you fit into neither category.
I guess when something goes wrong with the abortion (that could have been detected with the ultrasound), then the woman will just sue the doctor.

Are x-rays unconstitutional when doctors seek to treat broken bones?

Are MRIs unconstitutional prior to brain surgery?

Most tests are diagnostic, but many are precautionary to detect potential problems before going through with a procedure.

I know this contradicts the left's stance that abortion is easy and safe and no more serious than than cleaning your ears. An ultrasound would show a fetus that is shaped exactly like a human baby and it is moving. Perhaps some women would rethink things if they saw it and some panic at the thought. It's difficult enough to control the population without stopping poor minorities (the target of Planned Parenthood) from having abortions. I don't care what people decide, but can't stand the hypocrisy and think that people who deliberately remain ignorant do so in order to stomach the procedure. They are told that it's a preventative measure and I think influenced by PP to abort. They certainly don't appreciate doctors shedding any light on what it actually occuring during the procedure or what is being aborted.

The left tells us we pay no matter what, so we should be grateful they encourage the cheaper route.

A person can opt out of any tests, but the doctor should decide if they are comfortable proceeding when they feel they don't have enough details to go on.

Of course, the left says it's about choice. They just prefer that the women making the choice remain as ignorant as possible. And then they seek to force doctors to do this and to force religious organizations to pay for this. I guess that is where choice ends.
Did you read the law? Any of the forced probe laws?
Don't know about where you live but men in OK want their women to have all the information available BEFORE they make a decision. Ain't nothing worse than an ignorant woman.

Maybe men should be subjected to a rectal ultrasound and receive information about STD's before they are permitted to have sex. Nothing worse than an ignorant man.

Some of the so-called "information" required to be provided in "informed consent" states is of questionable validity, especially that bit about women who have had abortions having a higher risk for breast cancer. Any studies which they quote were done by anti-abortion groups and the figures are highly suspect.

There is a substantial body of evidence which says that women who don't breast feed are at a higher risk of breast cancer, but you don't hear right-wingers saying that all women should breast feed their babies for the sake of their own health as well as the baby's health.

There is also evidence which suggests that having sex regularly reduces a women's risk for breast cancer. Betcha never heard about that one either. The religious right isn't keen on that one either.

It would seem that God WANTS us to have regular sex and to breast feed our babies. The "taking birth control encourages the wrong kind of sex" crowd certainly doesn't want you to find out that recreational sex reduces the risk of breast cancer now do they. Sadly, multiple partners does lead to a greater incidence of cervical cancer so maybe God just intended for us to be horny, but faithful. I'm fine with that.

As for the "wrong kind of sex", I have difficulty understanding what would that be. I mean Rick Santorum and the guys probably think that this means sex where the woman has fun, or worse, at least one orgasm, but I always think of it as sex which one or the other partner derives no pleasure or finds it outright distasteful for some reason. For some reasons it really bothers fundamentalists when women enjoy sex. Christians, Muslims, doesn't matter. Fundamentalists want to control the women and keep them from enjoying sex.

I think that if God didn't want us to have sex, He wouldn't have issued the equipment.
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