OK anti-abortion ultrasound un-Constitutional

Also, this is a debate board. When you post nonsense, and it is negated by real information, cited and linked, then that's called "losing an argument", on a debate board. Grow the fuck up and stop spreading lies.
I'm glad you're okay with incomplete records that make sure women continue to be cut apart...for the sake of killing babies.

Funny you're okay with little girls getting probed in order to kill their babies...

But you aren't interested in anyone actually being able to confirm the age of those babies (well, either of the babies...moms or infants). Apparently the constitution is only there to protect SOME people.
Also, this is a debate board. When you post nonsense, and it is negated by real information, cited and linked, then that's called "losing an argument", on a debate board. Grow the fuck up and stop spreading lies.

Lol! The irony! :lmao:

I have no desire to attempt rational debate over this topic wih you. I've done this dance before, and you always disregard any facts that don't follow your world view. You purposefully derail abortion threads with your spam and refuse to allow any debate between posters to take place.

I am very greatful that your rigid views are the expection and not the norm. Go play with Cici, you can pat each other on the back and talk about how america is being overrun by nazis.
You don't debate rationally. You make stupid statements, then refuse to back them up and call evidence that they're complete garbage "spam".

I know you think you're a major player, too. Which makes it even more laughable. If this was a 6th grade debate, you'd get an "F" and be sent back to 5th grade.
Lol, "I think I'm a major player"? You know this is the Internet not high school ,right? Try not to be such a drama llama.:rolleyes:

If you want a stage to do your abortion dance on, start a thread, because I try not to repeat past mistakes, and thinking you have the ability to be an adult and rational about this topic and wasteig time engaging you on it, was one of them.
I'll dance on this stage, thanks. I like to blow your idiocy out of the water. You don't have a clue about abortion, yet you insist on debating it. And you think saying moronic things like "everybody knows" and "common sense dictates" will hide the fact that you have absolutely NO facts to back up the retarded claims you make.

People who are so stupid they know beforehand that they have no facts to support what they say aren't just stupid, they're dishonest.
You don't debate rationally. You make stupid statements, then refuse to back them up and call evidence that they're complete garbage "spam".

When you can't debate the facts, you attack the poster. You say that we haven't posted links - where are yours?

Here's a link to the Induced Abortion Statistics for the Government of Canada:

Induced Abortion Statistics : Product main page

Here's a report in the National Post - a right wing Canadian newspaper, which says abortion is declining in Canada, which of course contains the usual comment from anti-abortion groups that they're lying.


Oh right, because everyone else is lying except those who are only interested in supressing the rights of women, and could care less about what happens to those lives they "save" after the babies are born.

Here's a website with abortion statistic by country. Only Godless formerly Communist Russia has a higher rate of abortion than the United States. In countries where abortion is fully legal and paid for under government health care, it's declining:


I don't have to lie as you do. Every fact relating to abortion says that where access and cost are not an issue, and public opposition to abortion is low, abortion is declining. You want to end abortion, stop fighting it. THE ANTI-ABORTION CRUSADERS IN THE US ARE MAKING IT WORSE, NOT BETTER.

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I'll dance on this stage, thanks. I like to blow your idiocy out of the water. You don't have a clue about abortion, yet you insist on debating it.And you think saying moronic things like "everybody knows" and "common sense dictates" will hide the fact that you have absolutely NO facts to back up the retarded claims you make.

People who are so stupid they know beforehand that they have no facts to support what they say aren't just stupid, they're dishonest.

Been hitting the bottle early today? Or you just felt like posting but were too lazy to read the posts you're responding to?
I posted links, and quotes...from a variety of sources. Amy has posted none.

I don't give a shit about canada, btw. As I already told you.
I'll dance on this stage, thanks. I like to blow your idiocy out of the water. You don't have a clue about abortion, yet you insist on debating it.And you think saying moronic things like "everybody knows" and "common sense dictates" will hide the fact that you have absolutely NO facts to back up the retarded claims you make.

People who are so stupid they know beforehand that they have no facts to support what they say aren't just stupid, they're dishonest.

Been hitting the bottle early today? Or you just felt like posting but were too lazy to read the posts you're responding to?

Show me a fact, Amy. One that's supported by (*gasp*) actual numbers. A source. Something real. Not something out of the echoing antechamber of your noggin. Something real.
Why don't you give it a whirl.

Late term abortions are expensive, more hazardous to the mothers health and are only performed at a handful of places in our country.

They make up less than 1% of abortions performed, and are largely do to fetal abnormalities.

This is a good place to start.

Post the source of this information, so we can all see how well informed you are, and you can confirm that you aren't a retarded hack.
Psst...this is where you say "I COULD post the evidence, but you'd just point out it's not true!"

Cuz when you say stuff like that it really proves you're on top of the game by admitting your source is crap.
I'll dance on this stage, thanks. I like to blow your idiocy out of the water. You don't have a clue about abortion, yet you insist on debating it.And you think saying moronic things like "everybody knows" and "common sense dictates" will hide the fact that you have absolutely NO facts to back up the retarded claims you make.

People who are so stupid they know beforehand that they have no facts to support what they say aren't just stupid, they're dishonest.

Been hitting the bottle early today? Or you just felt like posting but were too lazy to read the posts you're responding to?

Show me a fact, Amy. One that's supported by (*gasp*) actual numbers. A source. Something real. Not something out of the echoing antechamber of your noggin. Something real.
she supplied them to you already. now if youre too ignorant to believe numbers and facts, then you are beyond help.
And when asked for them, she stated that she wasn't going to.

My links, which I provided upthread, are not right wing blogs or groups which have either a pro-choice or anti-abortion stance, but rather they are to websites which correlate reports from government reports and throughout the world to provide country by country direct comparisons. Generally, the pro-choice sites have better statistics, because every statistic there is says that where quality birth control is readily and cheaply available, abortion rates are going down, all over the world.

Sadly, the US falls into a list of countries where abortion, while not illegal, is increasingly difficult to obtain due to states restrictions, waiting periods, and expensive unnecessary testing and so-called "informed consent" which requires doctors to present women with false and misleading information in an effort to talk them out of having an abortion. Birth control and abortion are not paid for with taxpayers' money, and thus for difficult for poor women to access, in a continuing battle by the right to control women and impose right-wing religious beliefs on the unbelieving.

You can call me a liar, or any other name you choose, but the fact remains, that as a woman who opposes abortion but who believes fully in my right to choose, I have talked the talk and I have walked the walk and I am proud of the choices I have made.

If God had not wanted women to have abortions, he would not have created miscarrriages.
It doesn't matter. Guttmacher, the CDC and Planned Parenthood all concede there is no way to know the numbers, since so many states (including California) don't have to report.

I don't care if you're proud of your abortions or not, I don't recall giving a shit. And an abortion is not a miscarriage, anymore than death from cancer is the same as death at the hands of your husband.

Thanks for the irrelevant logical fallacies and rambling personal ... stuff, though. It's always enlightening.
It doesn't matter. Guttmacher, the CDC and Planned Parenthood all concede there is no way to know the numbers, since so many states (including California) don't have to report.

I don't care if you're proud of your abortions or not, I don't recall giving a shit. And an abortion is not a miscarriage, anymore than death from cancer is the same as death at the hands of your husband.

Thanks for the irrelevant logical fallacies and rambling personal ... stuff, though. It's always enlightening.
as i said before, facts are posted and you are to ignorant to actually understand them.

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