OK be honest: have you or a person you know had CV19?

Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

My son is an ER doctor at a large NYC hospital, he had it and one of his nurses died from it. Our CFO had it, her husband had it, 2 of my colleagues had it one was hospitalized for 10 days. Apparently it had HIV spliced into the genes so that no vaccine was possible, but that had the effect of making several variations: some bad, others mild
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?
a coworker of my wife died last night after 6 weeks of hell of induced comas ,,,he had several complications including having his gall bladder removed an ulcer repaired which caused an infection kidney damage,,,not sure exactly which one caused the death,,,
keepitreal, that could have been any variation of the flu though. To top it off testing results in many false positives.

Tommy Tainant, I guess it is simply a random sample of what people actual know vs. the false narrative of the politicians, etc. A very interesting stat is that folks who got flu shots (which are generally totally ineffective and dangerous) are more likely to test positive for the Kung Flu and if elderly with other conditions die with it.
Is that from the authoritative "Science I pulled out of my arse" paper ?
I think it's from the put covid positive patients under the same roof as the most vulnerable paper.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

I haven't had the virus.

My last living and favorite aunt had it.

It killed her on April 14th.

Yes I know you're happy about that. I'm not she was a great woman.

I think it's sick that you people want so many people to die.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

I haven't had the virus.

My last living and favorite aunt had it.

It killed her on April 14th.

Yes I know you're happy about that. I'm not she was a great woman.

I think it's sick that you people want so many people to die.
Just asking the question, no need to get personal. Sorry about your Aunt.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?
zip, 3100 employees. son in laws, none UPS And Waste Management.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

I haven't had the virus.

My last living and favorite aunt had it.

It killed her on April 14th.

Yes I know you're happy about that. I'm not she was a great woman.

I think it's sick that you people want so many people to die.
I console you for your loss. However, her death came while people are in stay at home. so technically, that death wasn't avoided by the action taken by government. That's all. Nor have I seen any number out there that says there was any reason to go into hibernation. did hibernation work? no one will ever know.

There are many other elements in this that if I get into it I will be again banned from a thread. So,

I'm sorry for your loss.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

My son is an ER doctor at a large NYC hospital, he had it and one of his nurses died from it. Our CFO had it, her husband had it, 2 of my colleagues had it one was hospitalized for 10 days. Apparently it had HIV spliced into the genes so that no vaccine was possible, but that had the effect of making several variations: some bad, others mild
my relatives all think they had it in November and January. The symptoms were different than the flu. all recovered. but officially they weren't diagnosed with it. I'd prefer honest information from scientists. we aren't getting that. to claim all deaths wuhan doesn't help.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

I haven't had the virus.

My last living and favorite aunt had it.

It killed her on April 14th.

Yes I know you're happy about that. I'm not she was a great woman.

I think it's sick that you people want so many people to die.
I have trouble believing she actually died OF the disease. I'm guessing you dont know that.

We already KNOW that IF YOU HAVE IT, and die, that is listed as the cause of death.

That's what happens when the government begins to LIE to the people.

I'm done being bullied by people like you who demand we dont voice opinions you dont like
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

I haven't had the virus.

My last living and favorite aunt had it.

It killed her on April 14th.

Yes I know you're happy about that. I'm not she was a great woman.

I think it's sick that you people want so many people to die.
no one wants more people to die so save that shit for your therapist,,,,
Best I can do is a guy I work with but hardly know because he works a few miles from my office, his mother might have had it. She passed away at 92. He wasn't 100% sure she had it. But we quarantined him for 2 weeks. He's back to work and fine.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

I haven't had the virus.

My last living and favorite aunt had it.

It killed her on April 14th.

Yes I know you're happy about that. I'm not she was a great woman.

I think it's sick that you people want so many people to die.
Dana 7360, I think it is sick you want to think "you people" want so many people to die. I am sure I speak for all that we do not want to read of anyone dying of any health issues.

I am around 45 people daily and no one has contracted any virus or flu nor do I personally know of anyone who has had it. Nor do they know of anyone who has had it. It is a frequent discussion among us. Our county of approx. 50, 000 people have had very few cases of COVID-19.

I am very sorry for the loss of your favorite aunt. May she rest in peace.
I don't know anyone that has had it. My grandson works in a hospital it came Close to closing because of no business. They have since opened without one admission with the Chinese virus. Early on an 85 year old man on a ventilator with COPD died. He was said to have died of the Wuflu.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?
Yes...quite a few.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?
Yes, I have. Late March. Feel great. Media exaggerated it.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

I haven't had the virus.

My last living and favorite aunt had it.

It killed her on April 14th.

Yes I know you're happy about that. I'm not she was a great woman.

I think it's sick that you people want so many people to die.
Just asking the question, no need to get personal. Sorry about your Aunt.

Thank you for your condolences about my aunt.

What I stated following that is only logical as far as I can see. Opening up the country without meeting the guidelines trump has laid out guarantees more people die needlessly.

The only logical reason I can see for that is you want more people to die needlessly. Whether it's because you enjoy it or some other reason, I haven't figured that out yet.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

I haven't had the virus.

My last living and favorite aunt had it.

It killed her on April 14th.

Yes I know you're happy about that. I'm not she was a great woman.

I think it's sick that you people want so many people to die.
Just asking the question, no need to get personal. Sorry about your Aunt.

Thank you for your condolences about my aunt.

What I stated following that is only logical as far as I can see. Opening up the country without meeting the guidelines trump has laid out guarantees more people die needlessly.

The only logical reason I can see for that is you want more people to die needlessly. Whether it's because you enjoy it or some other reason, I haven't figured that out yet.
FUCK YOU,,,no one wants more people to die,,,in fact they want fewer people to suffer and die from starvation or losing their homes because they cant buy food or pay their bills,,,,

I had a temp of 102, and my wife coughed like crazy at the same time. It didn't last long, and who knows if it was just the flu. That is the problem. If it doesn't become serious, you don't really know if you had it or not.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

I haven't had the virus.

My last living and favorite aunt had it.

It killed her on April 14th.

Yes I know you're happy about that. I'm not she was a great woman.

I think it's sick that you people want so many people to die.
Dana 7360, I think it is sick you want to think "you people" want so many people to die. I am sure I speak for all that we do not want to read of anyone dying of any health issues.

I am around 45 people daily and no one has contracted any virus or flu nor do I personally know of anyone who has had it. Nor do they know of anyone who has had it. It is a frequent discussion among us. Our county of approx. 50, 000 people have had very few cases of COVID-19.

I am very sorry for the loss of your favorite aunt. May she rest in peace.

Then explain to me why republicans and far right radical extremists are protesting the shut downs. Explain to me why republican states are opening up before they have met the guidelines set by trump.

The only reason I can see why republicans and far right radical extremists are demanding the shutdowns end now before meeting the guidelines trump set is because you all want more people infected with the virus and more people to die needlessly.

You all have been told over and over what will happen if you reopen too soon before the guidelines are met. Yet you ignore it.

It's the only logical explanation.

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