OK be honest: have you or a person you know had CV19?

Paulo Dybala, my favorite soccer player, had corona, but no longer has it. he tested positive 4 times in 4 weeks, but made it in the end!
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?
Not one.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?
I'm pretty sure I did...I was sick the last 3 weeks in Jan

Fever, chills, headaches, bad cough, absolutely no energy, I knew something wasn't right
but I didn't put 2+2 together until February

You may have had the ordinary influenza or a different bug. If you really want to confirm it, an antibody test might be a good idea.
MY wife participates in an on-line gossip group with 25 or people who went to grade school with her during the Stone Age. One of their husbands caught it. In the hospital for 4 days, and another two weeks for close-to- full recovery. Never on a respirator.

That's it.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?
I'm pretty sure I did...I was sick the last 3 weeks in Jan

Fever, chills, headaches, bad cough, absolutely no energy, I knew something wasn't right
but I didn't put 2+2 together until February

You may have had the ordinary influenza or a different bug. If you really want to confirm it, an antibody test might be a good idea.
Same difference

No, I don't want confirmation
It seems like an anecdotal argument. I only know one person who has been diagnosed with Covid-19, but I also only know one person who was fucked to death by a broomstick in prison. It doesn't mean both are occurring at an equal rate.
It seems like an anecdotal argument. I only know one person who has been diagnosed with Covid-19, but I also only know one person who was fucked to death by a broomstick in prison. It doesn't mean both are occurring at an equal rate.
It's not an argument really, just an informal USMB "poll". I'm trying to put in perspective that occurrences of less than one in a thousand often means no one you know has had it.
There are posters on here who have lost relatives to the virus. I know several people who have had it including one fatality. What are you trying to prove with this thread ?

He wants to know about people who are suffering and dying.

He gets a sick thrill from it. Most of the far right radical extremists on this board do.

Now that is rich !! Of all people to be making such an accusation !! Wow, what fucking nerve !
You're the one who cannot wait to post the virus doom and gloom stories !
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

I haven't had the virus.

My last living and favorite aunt had it.

It killed her on April 14th.

Yes I know you're happy about that. I'm not she was a great woman.

I think it's sick that you people want so many people to die.
Dana 7360, I think it is sick you want to think "you people" want so many people to die. I am sure I speak for all that we do not want to read of anyone dying of any health issues.

I am around 45 people daily and no one has contracted any virus or flu nor do I personally know of anyone who has had it. Nor do they know of anyone who has had it. It is a frequent discussion among us. Our county of approx. 50, 000 people have had very few cases of COVID-19.

I am very sorry for the loss of your favorite aunt. May she rest in peace.

Then explain to me why republicans and far right radical extremists are protesting the shut downs. Explain to me why republican states are opening up before they have met the guidelines set by trump.

The only reason I can see why republicans and far right radical extremists are demanding the shutdowns end now before meeting the guidelines trump set is because you all want more people infected with the virus and more people to die needlessly.

You all have been told over and over what will happen if you reopen too soon before the guidelines are met. Yet you ignore it.

It's the only logical explanation.
the only logical reason i can see is people need money to buy supplies to survive and in order to get that money you have to get out and work......
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

I haven't had the virus.

My last living and favorite aunt had it.

It killed her on April 14th.

Yes I know you're happy about that. I'm not she was a great woman.

I think it's sick that you people want so many people to die.
That was a typical hyper emotional response I expect from Liberal anti-Trumpers. The only thing you see is your Aunt dying and you completely ignore all of those dying DUE to the shutdown. Suicides, overdoses, domestic violence, people afraid to go to the hospital dying of heart attacks. Are those deaths "better" in any way than your Aunt? I would say they are worse since not only are people dying, kids are starving, nearly 40 million people lost their jobs, businesses are closing forever. Try looking beyond your own personal circumstance for a change.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

I haven't had the virus.

My last living and favorite aunt had it.

It killed her on April 14th.

Yes I know you're happy about that. I'm not she was a great woman.

I think it's sick that you people want so many people to die.
Dana 7360, I think it is sick you want to think "you people" want so many people to die. I am sure I speak for all that we do not want to read of anyone dying of any health issues.

I am around 45 people daily and no one has contracted any virus or flu nor do I personally know of anyone who has had it. Nor do they know of anyone who has had it. It is a frequent discussion among us. Our county of approx. 50, 000 people have had very few cases of COVID-19.

I am very sorry for the loss of your favorite aunt. May she rest in peace.

Then explain to me why republicans and far right radical extremists are protesting the shut downs. Explain to me why republican states are opening up before they have met the guidelines set by trump.

The only reason I can see why republicans and far right radical extremists are demanding the shutdowns end now before meeting the guidelines trump set is because you all want more people infected with the virus and more people to die needlessly.

You all have been told over and over what will happen if you reopen too soon before the guidelines are met. Yet you ignore it.

It's the only logical explanation.

You would not know logical if it bit you on your oversized ass.

I have co-workers who have it and are suffering through (and returning to work).

They were infected by a Biden supporter who didn't think her sore throat was anything to worry about.

This after her husband was fired from his job because he got sick and returned to work before his test results came in.

So what.

There is no "too soon" you asshole.
He wants to know about people who are suffering and dying. He gets a sick thrill from it. Most of the far right radical extremists on this board do.

Only a mentally disturbed individual would make such an unintelligent, emotionally hate-driven, partisan statement like that.
yes one elderly relative dead....one tested positive in quarantine
both lived/or live in high covid rate areas...
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

Oddly, I've been sick more this year, with all the social distancing, and mask wearing, than at any other time in my life. I've been sick 4 or 5 times in one year.

However, I do not know if any of them were Covid-19, at least not for certain. The last time I got sick, the company required I get tested, so I did, and it was negative.

So I don't know.
There are posters on here who have lost relatives to the virus. I know several people who have had it including one fatality. What are you trying to prove with this thread ?

He wants to know about people who are suffering and dying.

He gets a sick thrill from it. Most of the far right radical extremists on this board do.

Yeah? And what are you going to do about it? Nothing. Evil hate filled garbage people that you are. We'd all be better off if all of you died of Covid, and left this country to those that are just flat out better people than you.
It's nice to see all these people who are faring well. My company has had an employee's wife die, and about 5 or 6 wives who got sick, but recovered. Our company is only 40 odd employees. We have had about 15 positive cases requiring them to be out two weeks or longer. Our Army command is shutdown and everyone working from home. Our parent command is also in the same shape and they are the largest employer in the entire area as they serve the whole Army. My daughter and daughter-in-law just came down with it. It is running rampant in my state and neighboring states.

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