OK be honest: have you or a person you know had CV19?

I know 3 peeps.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

I haven't had the virus.

My last living and favorite aunt had it.

It killed her on April 14th.

Yes I know you're happy about that. I'm not she was a great woman.

I think it's sick that you people want so many people to die.
Dana 7360, I think it is sick you want to think "you people" want so many people to die. I am sure I speak for all that we do not want to read of anyone dying of any health issues.

I am around 45 people daily and no one has contracted any virus or flu nor do I personally know of anyone who has had it. Nor do they know of anyone who has had it. It is a frequent discussion among us. Our county of approx. 50, 000 people have had very few cases of COVID-19.

I am very sorry for the loss of your favorite aunt. May she rest in peace.

Then explain to me why republicans and far right radical extremists are protesting the shut downs. Explain to me why republican states are opening up before they have met the guidelines set by trump.

The only reason I can see why republicans and far right radical extremists are demanding the shutdowns end now before meeting the guidelines trump set is because you all want more people infected with the virus and more people to die needlessly.

You all have been told over and over what will happen if you reopen too soon before the guidelines are met. Yet you ignore it.

It's the only logical explanation.
FUCK YOU,,,we dont want more to die,,,if that were true then we would want cars banned among many other things,,,

Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

I haven't had the virus.

My last living and favorite aunt had it.

It killed her on April 14th.

Yes I know you're happy about that. I'm not she was a great woman.

I think it's sick that you people want so many people to die.
Dana 7360, I think it is sick you want to think "you people" want so many people to die. I am sure I speak for all that we do not want to read of anyone dying of any health issues.

I am around 45 people daily and no one has contracted any virus or flu nor do I personally know of anyone who has had it. Nor do they know of anyone who has had it. It is a frequent discussion among us. Our county of approx. 50, 000 people have had very few cases of COVID-19.

I am very sorry for the loss of your favorite aunt. May she rest in peace.

Then explain to me why republicans and far right radical extremists are protesting the shut downs. Explain to me why republican states are opening up before they have met the guidelines set by trump.

The only reason I can see why republicans and far right radical extremists are demanding the shutdowns end now before meeting the guidelines trump set is because you all want more people infected with the virus and more people to die needlessly.

You all have been told over and over what will happen if you reopen too soon before the guidelines are met. Yet you ignore it.

It's the only logical explanation.
, dear lord , maybe if dems didnt lie about every single thing for the past decade maybe we could believe you . Unfortunately dems have zero credibility. So its up in the air ...
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

I haven't had the virus.

My last living and favorite aunt had it.

It killed her on April 14th.

Yes I know you're happy about that. I'm not she was a great woman.

I think it's sick that you people want so many people to die.
Just asking the question, no need to get personal. Sorry about your Aunt.

Thank you for your condolences about my aunt.

What I stated following that is only logical as far as I can see. Opening up the country without meeting the guidelines trump has laid out guarantees more people die needlessly.

The only logical reason I can see for that is you want more people to die needlessly. Whether it's because you enjoy it or some other reason, I haven't figured that out yet.
FUCK YOU,,,no one wants more people to die,,,in fact they want fewer people to suffer and die from starvation or losing their homes because they cant buy food or pay their bills,,,,

Oh so it's ok for you people to create threads saying democrats want to kill people when it's not true.

But when you people actually take action that you know will cause more needless death no one can speak the truth to your actions?


You want more people to die needlessly.

If you don't why are your actions doing the exact thing I say you're doing?

Words are just air. Meaningless. It's actions that matter. Your actions scream you want more people dead needlessly from the virus.

If you don't like it, that's your problem. Not mine.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

I haven't had the virus.

My last living and favorite aunt had it.

It killed her on April 14th.

Yes I know you're happy about that. I'm not she was a great woman.

I think it's sick that you people want so many people to die.
Just asking the question, no need to get personal. Sorry about your Aunt.

Thank you for your condolences about my aunt.

What I stated following that is only logical as far as I can see. Opening up the country without meeting the guidelines trump has laid out guarantees more people die needlessly.

The only logical reason I can see for that is you want more people to die needlessly. Whether it's because you enjoy it or some other reason, I haven't figured that out yet.
FUCK YOU,,,no one wants more people to die,,,in fact they want fewer people to suffer and die from starvation or losing their homes because they cant buy food or pay their bills,,,,

Oh so it's ok for you people to create threads saying democrats want to kill people when it's not true.

But when you people actually take action that you know will cause more needless death no one can speak the truth to your actions?


You want more people to die needlessly.

If you don't why are your actions doing the exact thing I say you're doing?

Words are just air. Meaningless. It's actions that matter. Your actions scream you want more people dead needlessly from the virus.

If you don't like it, that's your problem. Not mine.
Just keep talking. You're winning converts with every word -- for Trump!
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

I haven't had the virus.

My last living and favorite aunt had it.

It killed her on April 14th.

Yes I know you're happy about that. I'm not she was a great woman.

I think it's sick that you people want so many people to die.
Just asking the question, no need to get personal. Sorry about your Aunt.

Thank you for your condolences about my aunt.

What I stated following that is only logical as far as I can see. Opening up the country without meeting the guidelines trump has laid out guarantees more people die needlessly.

The only logical reason I can see for that is you want more people to die needlessly. Whether it's because you enjoy it or some other reason, I haven't figured that out yet.
FUCK YOU,,,no one wants more people to die,,,in fact they want fewer people to suffer and die from starvation or losing their homes because they cant buy food or pay their bills,,,,

Oh so it's ok for you people to create threads saying democrats want to kill people when it's not true.

But when you people actually take action that you know will cause more needless death no one can speak the truth to your actions?


You want more people to die needlessly.

If you don't why are your actions doing the exact thing I say you're doing?

Words are just air. Meaningless. It's actions that matter. Your actions scream you want more people dead needlessly from the virus.

If you don't like it, that's your problem. Not mine.
whats this YOU PEOPLE???

youre right words are meaningless and yours prove that,,,

I think it's sick that you people want so many people to die.

I would like the far right radical extremists to explain the reason to start a thread saying those who are dying are those who are unproductive. Justifying the deaths of tens of thousands of human beings with the sick and lame excuse that they are unproductive. With almost all of the far right radical extremists on this board agreeing with it and writing posts trying to justify it. Even posts attacking those who disagreed with that twisted and very selfish viewpoint that it's ok to allow old people to die of the virus because they're unproductive.

Never mind they had full lives of being productive to help preserve the United States for us and future generations.

I would love the far right radical extremists explain to me why so many are protesting the shutdowns.

I would love to know why the far right radical extremists follow trump's every word except his guidelines to open up the nation safely.

The actions by the far right radical extremists scream they want more people dead.

It has nothing to do with whether anyone agrees with me or not. You all don't even agree with trump and his guidelines to open up.

I base my belief on your actions.

If you don't like it. That's just too bad. Deal with it.
I would like the far right radical extremists to explain the reason to start a thread saying those who are dying are those who are unproductive. Justifying the deaths of tens of thousands of human beings with the sick and lame excuse that they are unproductive. With almost all of the far right radical extremists on this board agreeing with it and writing posts trying to justify it. Even posts attacking those who disagreed with that twisted and very selfish viewpoint that it's ok to allow old people to die of the virus because they're unproductive.

Never mind they had full lives of being productive to help preserve the United States for us and future generations.

I would love the far right radical extremists explain to me why so many are protesting the shutdowns.

I would love to know why the far right radical extremists follow trump's every word except his guidelines to open up the nation safely.

The actions by the far right radical extremists scream they want more people dead.

It has nothing to do with whether anyone agrees with me or not. You all don't even agree with trump and his guidelines to open up.

I base my belief on your actions.

If you don't like it. That's just too bad. Deal with it.

Most of what you wrote is nothing but Straw Man arguments and false dilemmas. Your questions have been answered repeatedly for days now. You just don't accept the answers.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

I haven't had the virus.

My last living and favorite aunt had it.

It killed her on April 14th.

Yes I know you're happy about that. I'm not she was a great woman.

I think it's sick that you people want so many people to die.
Just asking the question, no need to get personal. Sorry about your Aunt.

Thank you for your condolences about my aunt.

What I stated following that is only logical as far as I can see. Opening up the country without meeting the guidelines trump has laid out guarantees more people die needlessly.

The only logical reason I can see for that is you want more people to die needlessly. Whether it's because you enjoy it or some other reason, I haven't figured that out yet.
FUCK YOU,,,no one wants more people to die,,,in fact they want fewer people to suffer and die from starvation or losing their homes because they cant buy food or pay their bills,,,,

Oh so it's ok for you people to create threads saying democrats want to kill people when it's not true.

But when you people actually take action that you know will cause more needless death no one can speak the truth to your actions?


You want more people to die needlessly.

If you don't why are your actions doing the exact thing I say you're doing?

Words are just air. Meaningless. It's actions that matter. Your actions scream you want more people dead needlessly from the virus.

If you don't like it, that's your problem. Not mine.
I don't know if Cuomo wanted to kill nursing homes residents I only know his DIRECTIONS directly led to the deaths of thousands of defenseless nursing home residents. You are under the delusion that everyone who wants the country opened wants people to die which is over-emotional nonsense. We want the country open because lock downs have been incredibly damaging to the country and they have failed to protect the vulnerable. We need to open the country, be as safe as possible and most importantly protect the vulnerable. This is the worst of all possible worlds because we decimated our economy to protect the vulnerable and they died anyway.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?
I would like the far right radical extremists to explain the reason to start a thread saying those who are dying are those who are unproductive. Justifying the deaths of tens of thousands of human beings with the sick and lame excuse that they are unproductive. With almost all of the far right radical extremists on this board agreeing with it and writing posts trying to justify it. Even posts attacking those who disagreed with that twisted and very selfish viewpoint that it's ok to allow old people to die of the virus because they're unproductive.

Never mind they had full lives of being productive to help preserve the United States for us and future generations.

I would love the far right radical extremists explain to me why so many are protesting the shutdowns.

I would love to know why the far right radical extremists follow trump's every word except his guidelines to open up the nation safely.

The actions by the far right radical extremists scream they want more people dead.

It has nothing to do with whether anyone agrees with me or not. You all don't even agree with trump and his guidelines to open up.

I base my belief on your actions.

If you don't like it. That's just too bad. Deal with it.
Why do you want peoples lives ruined by not having jobs and businesses to fail?
Had a 78yo uncle die from it just over a week ago. He was fairly healthy, expected to live, but the line they had in um became infected and turned septic. He could not fight the infection in his blood and COVID-19 simultaneously. He was a great man.
I had Hershey Squirts for a few days in March. Probably the Kung Fu China virus. :(
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Yep, and in fact at this very moment a nephew's wife is on a ventilator, and not improving, and not looking like she is going to make it.
And like I keep updating in my thread on my wife's nephew, he is still not doing real well after 17 days in ICU, despite Hercluean efforts by medical staff.
Age 47, with no known pre-existing conditions.
Of course not. The odds are about 1 in 100 and most come from nursing homes where no one hangs out and most are 70+ whose interactions are generally limited to a few family members.
It's all straight bullshit... I feel for those that have lost loved ones due to this virus but, other than a few aberrations, those that have passed would have been affected by any other virus that we have to deal with on this rock. Do I think that this COVID-19 is nasty? Certainly! For my household, we dealt with a nasty bug around February and the symptoms sounds just like this nonsense.

The one thing I've noticed is that the people who are pushing for the lock down to continue are very against Prez Trump... It's sad to think that people would hate our President this much that they want our economy to tank. You have to ask yourselves, do you really think we should keep the Nation closed just to make Prez Trump look bad or should we open it back up and get back on track? I mean good lord we were looking at a golden age, economic wise, for the States before this "nonsense" hit... I mean before March my retirement looked more than pretty...
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

No one in my family had it but I know old timers who got it back up north
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That was cases were increasing. Canada's cases are decreasing: We're doing fewer tests because fewer people are getting sick and asking for test.


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