OK be honest: have you or a person you know had CV19?

I only know one person who I believe actually had it. She was a server at a bar and grill. My Uncle who died of colon cancer a few months ago tested positive, the problem was he never had it in the first place. He couldn't walk so he never went anywhere, and nobody that was near him ever had it. After he died from the colon cancer, they marked his death certificate as a Covid death.
My three grandchildren went to a family birthday party a month or so ago. One of the attendees was a teacher in a daycare center, and she seems to have brought in the bug (she had been routinely tested the day before and got her positive results a couple days after the party). Of the dozen or so people at the party six later tested positive - two kids and four adults. Two of the adults (both healthy and in their thirties) got sick, the others did not. The two adults did not feel the need to go to a hospital, and both are fully recovered.

My grandchildren were the only ones who wore masks at the party, and they "distanced" as much as they could without being jerks about it. They all tested negative four days after the party.

Everyone quarantined for three weeks after the party/news.

My grandchildren have a sleep-over at our house two days a week, They go to daycare and school (suspended now), so my wife and I are probably Covid outlaws, taking unnecessary and unreasonable risks with our health. I'm 71 and my wife is 68. I feel certain that the vast majority of grandparents in the U.S. would do the same, under the same circumstances.

About 10 I know had it, 2 over 65 both almost died but now are slowly recovering the remaining 8 were under 40 including 2 kids all except one of them recovered except for a 49 yr old male that was a marathon runner and he has permanent heart and lung damage and considered a long hauler.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?
My husband travels a lot for his job that covers two different industries one including medical---we know several that have had the virus but only two that supposedly died of the virus and both of them happened last week. Both people were in their 90's ..........One had been sick a long time with cancer and end of life organ failure for months so even without the covid, it was just his time to go. The other was the mother of a hispanic friend. Our friend and both of his parents in their 90's all came down with the virus and put in the hospital at the same time. Our friend and his father made it out---his mother didn't although I don't recall any unusual medical issues for her. The reason why I mention race is that the disease has been hitting hispanics and native americans hard----infecting and killing at a higher percentage among the indians. It's hard to tell though because the government is keeping the stats hidden and only by accident do we find out them. An article about reservation indians voting ------mentions a 5% kill rate for the Navaho infected reservation Indians....and an article about desantis reveals that it is the hispanic agricultural workers that are spreading the disease in florida and elsewhere or atleast was the case in the spring but not with the kill ratio of the Indians........

Several at his work have had it.....but the odd thing is that they don't get it at the same time so it isn't like his work is spreading the disease. Usually it is one person was exposed here or there by their family-------small clusters of workers have been exposed at work here or there but luckily so far no major wide spread company outbreaks and really no deaths of the workers-- Occasionally, we hear about someones family member had died but not with the worker being infected . This I suspect is highly likely to change over the winter---since now the virus is at its strongest point of the year. I think the SUN is truly our savior when fighting virus's. I think during the winter, the virus spreads easier and is more likely to kill if infected. I hope that I am wrong, but I think the kill ratio goes up over the next few months and this why two people that we had personally met have died in one week although was in florida and the other was in chicago.
Out of the thousands of people I know, only one young person who thought he had the virus because the symptoms matched. He got over it in about a week. My son works at a company that employs 12,000 people. They have 2 confirmed cases and one possible. How about you?

My daughter, grandaughter, father in law, brother in law, 2 sister in laws and my mother in law. None serious

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