Ok Conservatives, don't get too excited but...

Both sides do it!!! Equally!!!!! There is NO WAY that one of the major parties is more to blame than the other when it comes to dirty money in politics, negative campaigning and misinforming the populace in order to scare them into the voting booth. NO WAY, I tell ya!

That is a liberal LIE. The LIE is used to excuse liberals lying, shocker. /sarcasm

I'm so glad that you told us you were being sarcastic.

Apparently you failed grammar in school.
...In this one instance you guys were right, Harry Reid is a douche and a half. "No apology" thing for claiming erroneously Mitt Romney hadn't paid any taxes during the Presidential run and 'ends justify the means' thing.

You guys were right, he's a dick. :)

I think most Americans know this.

For example, before winning reelection in Nevada, Dirty Harry's approval rating was around 10%, yet he won anyway.

I've read how the election results were probably tampered with, and the scathing remarks about his Tea Party opponent that are blamed for such election results. It was probably a combination of the two. The press does a good job demonizing any and all opponents of Progressive ideology, and the people, like yourself, just lap it up.

So as you can see today, we all would have been better had he lost the election. Shrug.

Unfortunately, democracy is no more. We continue to be ruled by a Congress that has maintained an approval rating around 10% or so. There is no getting rid of them.

Recall the Congressional approval rating poll which said "lice has a higher rating." :)

So you do know.

The only way to right the ship is to take away the power usurped by the federal government. States need to reclaim their rights or the centralized power within the federal government will only grow worse, as will the approval ratings.

The scary part is, even though we can still vote our votes are essentially powerless to stop this. What needs to happen is for states to rise up under Article V of the Constitution and amend the Constitution devoid of federal intervention. It has never been done before and it was put in the Constitution for this very purpose.

If Congress is a ship that needs righting then my first thought is sometimes trying to right it isn't as wise as just abandoning it completely

Both sides do it!!! Equally!!!!! There is NO WAY that one of the major parties is more to blame than the other when it comes to dirty money in politics, negative campaigning and misinforming the populace in order to scare them into the voting booth. NO WAY, I tell ya!

That is a liberal LIE. The LIE is used to excuse liberals lying, shocker. /sarcasm

But both sides do, do it.

Again, the issue is not a particular party, it is the system and the fact that power corrupts. Too much power for anyone will destroy us all.

Riiiight go ahead then tell us one lie from the GOP that is anywhere close to "If you like your plan and your doctor you can keep them, period". Got nothing? Yeah I didn't think so.

Liberals, by and large dishonest to the core throw this "both sides do it" excuse out there every time one of their lowlife lying scum liberal politicians get caught in a whopper lie.
...In this one instance you guys were right, Harry Reid is a douche and a half. "No apology" thing for claiming erroneously Mitt Romney hadn't paid any taxes during the Presidential run and 'ends justify the means' thing.

You guys were right, he's a dick. :)

Harry Reid is Satan incarnate. Too bad you didn't recognize this when he was holding the Senate hostage for the last 6 years. Oh well, better late than never I suppose.
The ends justify the means with the liberals. Reid did what they wanted and the liberal media happily obliged by not challenging him. It's disgraceful. I will never vote Democrat.
Reid needs to be prosecuted. Not I want him to be, but he needs to be. Otherwise we're saying you can lie form the Senate floor during an election to throw it.
Yeah, I would love to see that.

At some point, these people need to be taught that they can't get away with this kind of behavior.

There has to be a turning point for both sides to learn this, and this would be a good start.


The real turning point came when Clinton got away with lying under oath. Wagging his finger in our collective faces and lying out his ass. Yeah what Reid did was bad but is it the worse thing he has done? Not by a long shot. Getting Yucca mountain closed puts the majority of the nation in danger and he just doesn't care, for one thing.
Well, whatever the turning point was, it's time for both ends of the spectrum to grow up, stop lying, stop hating.

We're unraveling here, and it's a self-inflicted wound.

What I don't understand is why we don't see this.

Sorry to say but you are dreaming, if you think the lying and zealotry is going to stop. It is very effective at dividing Americans so the oligarchy can continue to control us.

And...most Americans don't see it because they are uninformed, propagandized, or just do not care.
Well, that's what I'm concerned about.

The zealots are so stuck in their patterns that this appears to be beyond party, beyond country, and damn near in their DNA.

That's why, if we could just get a little momentum going, we still may have a shot.

It may end up taking a situation like this, in which some "leaders" (cough) are willing to show some spine and police themselves, to set an example.

I dunno.

Unfortunately I think you know they will never police themselves and they prove it every day. The amazing level of corruption in DC that has existed for decades, no matter which party is in the majority, would seem proof enough. Almost nothing is done to stop it.

What is needed is for the American people to unite and put a stop to rule by elite.
...In this one instance you guys were right, Harry Reid is a douche and a half. "No apology" thing for claiming erroneously Mitt Romney hadn't paid any taxes during the Presidential run and 'ends justify the means' thing.

You guys were right, he's a dick. :)

Harry Reid is Satan incarnate. Too bad you didn't recognize this when he was holding the Senate hostage for the last 6 years. Oh well, better late than never I suppose.

Perhaps if you guys didn't describe every Democrat that way, the one time you were right woulda stuck out more :)
Can we tone down the " every conservative is a bigot and homophobe" then from your side?
Both sides do it!!! Equally!!!!! There is NO WAY that one of the major parties is more to blame than the other when it comes to dirty money in politics, negative campaigning and misinforming the populace in order to scare them into the voting booth. NO WAY, I tell ya!

That is a liberal LIE. The LIE is used to excuse liberals lying, shocker. /sarcasm

But both sides do, do it.

Again, the issue is not a particular party, it is the system and the fact that power corrupts. Too much power for anyone will destroy us all.

Riiiight go ahead then tell us one lie from the GOP that is anywhere close to "If you like your plan and your doctor you can keep them, period". Got nothing? Yeah I didn't think so.

Liberals, by and large dishonest to the core throw this "both sides do it" excuse out there every time one of their lowlife lying scum liberal politicians get caught in a whopper lie.

I guess you actually need others to tell you when they are being sarcastic. It must suck to be you.

Saying "both sides do it" is a nutter thing. How can you not know that?
Both sides do it!!! Equally!!!!! There is NO WAY that one of the major parties is more to blame than the other when it comes to dirty money in politics, negative campaigning and misinforming the populace in order to scare them into the voting booth. NO WAY, I tell ya!

That is a liberal LIE. The LIE is used to excuse liberals lying, shocker. /sarcasm

But both sides do, do it.

Again, the issue is not a particular party, it is the system and the fact that power corrupts. Too much power for anyone will destroy us all.

Riiiight go ahead then tell us one lie from the GOP that is anywhere close to "If you like your plan and your doctor you can keep them, period". Got nothing? Yeah I didn't think so.

Liberals, by and large dishonest to the core throw this "both sides do it" excuse out there every time one of their lowlife lying scum liberal politicians get caught in a whopper lie.

I guess you actually need others to tell you when they are being sarcastic. It must suck to be you.

Saying "both sides do it" is a nutter thing. How can you not know that?

I guess you actually need someone to tell you that the attempt to claim it was sarcasm isn't working. It must suck when you get called out on something and can't defend yourself other than blaming someone else. Typical left wing way of doing things.
Both sides do it!!! Equally!!!!! There is NO WAY that one of the major parties is more to blame than the other when it comes to dirty money in politics, negative campaigning and misinforming the populace in order to scare them into the voting booth. NO WAY, I tell ya!

That is a liberal LIE. The LIE is used to excuse liberals lying, shocker. /sarcasm

But both sides do, do it.

Again, the issue is not a particular party, it is the system and the fact that power corrupts. Too much power for anyone will destroy us all.

Riiiight go ahead then tell us one lie from the GOP that is anywhere close to "If you like your plan and your doctor you can keep them, period". Got nothing? Yeah I didn't think so.

Liberals, by and large dishonest to the core throw this "both sides do it" excuse out there every time one of their lowlife lying scum liberal politicians get caught in a whopper lie.

I guess you actually need others to tell you when they are being sarcastic. It must suck to be you.

Saying "both sides do it" is a nutter thing. How can you not know that?

The ignorance you spew is physically painful.
Geez...you needed this recent story to prove to yourself Reid is a dick...really?

Reid is not alone...nearly all pols in both parties are lying dicks...if only Americans would wake up to this fact. Our political class is nothing more than common criminals.

Maybe my problem was when conservatives diss EVERY not-conservative you tend to tune it out after a while. So if some genuine criticism comes up it's lost among all the rest?

We are pretty much right about them too.

Prove it and I'll get the tar and feathers. Until then...:)

There's plenty of proof if YOU are willing to accept it. When you won't, nothing will satisfy you. Until then . . . .
Both sides do it!!! Equally!!!!! There is NO WAY that one of the major parties is more to blame than the other when it comes to dirty money in politics, negative campaigning and misinforming the populace in order to scare them into the voting booth. NO WAY, I tell ya!

That is a liberal LIE. The LIE is used to excuse liberals lying, shocker. /sarcasm

But both sides do, do it.

Again, the issue is not a particular party, it is the system and the fact that power corrupts. Too much power for anyone will destroy us all.

Riiiight go ahead then tell us one lie from the GOP that is anywhere close to "If you like your plan and your doctor you can keep them, period". Got nothing? Yeah I didn't think so.

Liberals, by and large dishonest to the core throw this "both sides do it" excuse out there every time one of their lowlife lying scum liberal politicians get caught in a whopper lie.

I guess you actually need others to tell you when they are being sarcastic. It must suck to be you.

Saying "both sides do it" is a nutter thing. How can you not know that?

The ignorance you spew is physically painful.

Cool. Like a swift kick in the ass, right?
Reid needs to be prosecuted. Not I want him to be, but he needs to be. Otherwise we're saying you can lie form the Senate floor during an election to throw it.

If he NEEDS to be prosecuted, in your words, why would you not want that to happen?
Both sides do it!!! Equally!!!!! There is NO WAY that one of the major parties is more to blame than the other when it comes to dirty money in politics, negative campaigning and misinforming the populace in order to scare them into the voting booth. NO WAY, I tell ya!

That is a liberal LIE. The LIE is used to excuse liberals lying, shocker. /sarcasm

But both sides do, do it.

Again, the issue is not a particular party, it is the system and the fact that power corrupts. Too much power for anyone will destroy us all.

Riiiight go ahead then tell us one lie from the GOP that is anywhere close to "If you like your plan and your doctor you can keep them, period". Got nothing? Yeah I didn't think so.

Liberals, by and large dishonest to the core throw this "both sides do it" excuse out there every time one of their lowlife lying scum liberal politicians get caught in a whopper lie.

I guess you actually need others to tell you when they are being sarcastic. It must suck to be you.

Saying "both sides do it" is a nutter thing. How can you not know that?

I guess you actually need someone to tell you that the attempt to claim it was sarcasm isn't working. It must suck when you get called out on something and can't defend yourself other than blaming someone else. Typical left wing way of doing things.

You believe that my comments were not sarcastic? That's amazing stupidity on display.
That is a liberal LIE. The LIE is used to excuse liberals lying, shocker. /sarcasm

But both sides do, do it.

Again, the issue is not a particular party, it is the system and the fact that power corrupts. Too much power for anyone will destroy us all.

Riiiight go ahead then tell us one lie from the GOP that is anywhere close to "If you like your plan and your doctor you can keep them, period". Got nothing? Yeah I didn't think so.

Liberals, by and large dishonest to the core throw this "both sides do it" excuse out there every time one of their lowlife lying scum liberal politicians get caught in a whopper lie.

I guess you actually need others to tell you when they are being sarcastic. It must suck to be you.

Saying "both sides do it" is a nutter thing. How can you not know that?

I guess you actually need someone to tell you that the attempt to claim it was sarcasm isn't working. It must suck when you get called out on something and can't defend yourself other than blaming someone else. Typical left wing way of doing things.

You believe that my comments were not sarcastic? That's amazing stupidity on display.

I believe when you got called out you used that as an excuse. The stupidity is thinking the rest of us believe your claim that it was.
That is a liberal LIE. The LIE is used to excuse liberals lying, shocker. /sarcasm

But both sides do, do it.

Again, the issue is not a particular party, it is the system and the fact that power corrupts. Too much power for anyone will destroy us all.

Riiiight go ahead then tell us one lie from the GOP that is anywhere close to "If you like your plan and your doctor you can keep them, period". Got nothing? Yeah I didn't think so.

Liberals, by and large dishonest to the core throw this "both sides do it" excuse out there every time one of their lowlife lying scum liberal politicians get caught in a whopper lie.

I guess you actually need others to tell you when they are being sarcastic. It must suck to be you.

Saying "both sides do it" is a nutter thing. How can you not know that?

The ignorance you spew is physically painful.

Cool. Like a swift kick in the ass, right?

Whatever gets you through your miserable life lib. I'm off to spend a gob of my money I greedily hoarded from liberals, later.
Reid needs to be prosecuted. Not I want him to be, but he needs to be. Otherwise we're saying you can lie form the Senate floor during an election to throw it.

If he NEEDS to be prosecuted, in your words, why would you not want that to happen?

Just clarifying it's not a personal vendetta so much as since he obviously lied and we don't want to set that sort of precedent he needs to be held responsible. Unlike others, I don't irrationally despise an entire political party because they're not my own. I'm neutral and unaffiliated and don't get a mouthful of saliva for either. If someone screws up I'm all over their ass.
But both sides do, do it.

Again, the issue is not a particular party, it is the system and the fact that power corrupts. Too much power for anyone will destroy us all.

Riiiight go ahead then tell us one lie from the GOP that is anywhere close to "If you like your plan and your doctor you can keep them, period". Got nothing? Yeah I didn't think so.

Liberals, by and large dishonest to the core throw this "both sides do it" excuse out there every time one of their lowlife lying scum liberal politicians get caught in a whopper lie.

I guess you actually need others to tell you when they are being sarcastic. It must suck to be you.

Saying "both sides do it" is a nutter thing. How can you not know that?

I guess you actually need someone to tell you that the attempt to claim it was sarcasm isn't working. It must suck when you get called out on something and can't defend yourself other than blaming someone else. Typical left wing way of doing things.

You believe that my comments were not sarcastic? That's amazing stupidity on display.

I believe when you got called out you used that as an excuse. The stupidity is thinking the rest of us believe your claim that it was.

I think you are projecting.
He's a politician, being a lying dick is a prerequisite for the job. What I don't get is why anyone is surprised.
Reid needs to be prosecuted. Not I want him to be, but he needs to be. Otherwise we're saying you can lie form the Senate floor during an election to throw it.

If he NEEDS to be prosecuted, in your words, why would you not want that to happen?

Just clarifying it's not a personal vendetta so much as since he obviously lied and we don't want to set that sort of precedent he needs to be held responsible. Unlike others, I don't irrationally despise an entire political party because they're not my own. I'm neutral and unaffiliated and don't get a mouthful of saliva for either. If someone screws up I'm all over their ass.

No you're not. You admit Reid NEEDS to be prosecuted. That means you believe he screwed up. Saying something needs to happen then saying it shouldn't isn't getting all over their ass. It's kissing it.
Riiiight go ahead then tell us one lie from the GOP that is anywhere close to "If you like your plan and your doctor you can keep them, period". Got nothing? Yeah I didn't think so.

Liberals, by and large dishonest to the core throw this "both sides do it" excuse out there every time one of their lowlife lying scum liberal politicians get caught in a whopper lie.

I guess you actually need others to tell you when they are being sarcastic. It must suck to be you.

Saying "both sides do it" is a nutter thing. How can you not know that?

I guess you actually need someone to tell you that the attempt to claim it was sarcasm isn't working. It must suck when you get called out on something and can't defend yourself other than blaming someone else. Typical left wing way of doing things.

You believe that my comments were not sarcastic? That's amazing stupidity on display.

I believe when you got called out you used that as an excuse. The stupidity is thinking the rest of us believe your claim that it was.

I think you are projecting.

Another typical Liberal response. The problem is you're too stupid to realize the rest of us have you figured out and you can't see it.

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