ok leftists I need you to clear something up

yea, answer.

Don't like the answer? Tough shit, it's an answer.

And if you think anyone is going to give you a better one without having a back door into Putin's head you need to think again. Kremlin is not entirely rational, or well informed and it's why they are knee deep in Ukraine fiasco now.
I disagree.
I think Moscow is very well informed, and that is why they could not allow the Ukraine to be taken over by the US and put NATO nukes on Russia's border.
He invaded Ukraine for the wealth it holds and wants to re unite the USSR as the motherland. Some old sentimental Russian shit.

Now who not making any sense? You have contradicted yourself in the first two questions.
Try again.

That makes no sense.
Russia never wanted to invade anyone.
Invasion NEVER produces wealth, but destroy it instead.
The only reason the US keeps invading so many countries is not to make the US wealthy, but only to make US arms dealers wealthy.
The reason Putin had to invade the Ukraine is that the Ukraine forced them to, by stealing oil, violating treaties, trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, cutting off negotiations, etc.
Why lie ? Putin invaded
Georgia, Crimea, and now Ukraine
And your feeble attempt does not make any sense you lying sack of biden shit.

Georgia invade South Ossetia and Russia acted as a peacekeeper.
The Crimea had always been Russian, is populated by Russians, and it was the Ukrainian, Krushchev who illegally gave the Crimea to the Ukraine.
Russia was right to take it back, based on the principle of local autonomy.
That makes no sense.
Russia never wanted to invade anyone.
Invasion NEVER produces wealth, but destroy it instead.
Ukraine is the best farmland in the whole in the Northern hemisphere.

The only reason the US keeps invading so many countries is not to make the US wealthy, but only to make US arms dealers wealthy.
Not so. They invaded Vietnam trying g to stop commu ists. They invaded Iraq stopping Hussein from selling cheap oil all over the world. Nothing to do with arms son.
The reason Putin had to invade the Ukraine is that the Ukraine forced them to, by stealing oil, violating treaties, trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, cutting off negotiations, etc.
They were not stealing oil. As a sovereign state they are entitled to the oil.
They never violated any nato treaty. They wanted to be included in nato countries, that's why putin invaded.

America has had weapons pointed at Moscow for years but the Ukraine aren't allowed to protect themselves????? Are you completely ignorant.

I have never heard where they stopped negotiating or started, with Russia.
kkIf Russia interfered with the 2016 election to help Trump and Trump was in the pocket and buddy of Putin.
Why didn't Russia interfere with the 2020 election?
why did Putin stop invading countries only to start back after Trump left the white house?
because ONLY " Inquiring minds " care to know.Or ask.
That's the problem the Country has been put in position of.
Where only the Unfree Press and Lying corrupt Mainstream Media is
allowed access to political opinion.Any credible Opinion that defies what the
control freaks of the MSM and Unfree press state will not be tolerated.
Like how many times have We the People been tole ...
There will be No discussion ALLOOWED over the Election of 2020.
Like Covid.Like Mask and vaccine mandates.
We the People are more than :
Sick of It
Ukraine is the best farmland in the whole in the Northern hemisphere.

Not so. They invaded Vietnam trying g to stop commu ists. They invaded Iraq stopping Hussein from selling cheap oil all over the world. Nothing to do with arms son.

They were not stealing oil. As a sovereign state they are entitled to the oil.
They never violated any nato treaty. They wanted to be included in nato countries, that's why putin invaded.

America has had weapons pointed at Moscow for years but the Ukraine aren't allowed to protect themselves????? Are you completely ignorant.

I have never heard where they stopped negotiating or started, with Russia.
Then why is only the Water from Latvia used in the making of
Stolichnaya and the Real ingredients like wheat or rye come from
Farms in Tambov in Russia.
Whats next to Ban Smirnov Vodka on account of the name
Vladimir Smirnov

Why don't ya'll just try and :

Be 4 real
Ukraine is the best farmland in the whole in the Northern hemisphere.

Not so. They invaded Vietnam trying g to stop commu ists. They invaded Iraq stopping Hussein from selling cheap oil all over the world. Nothing to do with arms son.

They were not stealing oil. As a sovereign state they are entitled to the oil.
They never violated any nato treaty. They wanted to be included in nato countries, that's why putin invaded.

America has had weapons pointed at Moscow for years but the Ukraine aren't allowed to protect themselves????? Are you completely ignorant.

I have never heard where they stopped negotiating or started, with Russia.

Sure the Ukraine has excellent farming.
So who cares about farming anymore, since we can cultivate with robots and fertilize sand to grow crops if we want.

It is a lie to claim we invaded Vietnam to stop communism.
Ho Chi Minh spent a decade in the US, trying to get the US to help liberate Vietnam from the French.
Ho Chi Minh was no communist, but the US forced him to go to China and become one, because we turned him down.

Saddam was NOT selling cheap oil, Kuwait was. Saddam was obedient to OPEC. It was Kuwait who was not.
And the reason we murdered Saddam is because he paid reparations to those innocents deliberately harmed by Israel's "collective retribution".

The Ukraine was convicted in the world court of stealing oil and gas from Russia, by diverting it as it went through Russian pipelines in the Ukraine.
This is just one of many.

No one said that the Ukraine violated a NATO treaty, but that they violated the treaties they signed with Gorbachev in 1992, so that Russia would give them their independence. They pledged to not join organizations hostile to Russia.
The Ukraine also violated treaties with Russia by murdering thousands of ethnic Russians in the Donetsk and Crimea.
The Ukraine is NOT allowed to protect itself from Russia, because that was the deal they accepted in order to become independent. The current government in Kyiv is totally criminal.

Ukraine breaks off diplomatic ties with Russia​

By AFP24 February 2022,
Sure the Ukraine has excellent farming.
So who cares about farming anymore, since we can cultivate with robots and fertilize sand to grow crops if we want.

It is a lie to claim we invaded Vietnam to stop communism.
Ho Chi Minh spent a decade in the US, trying to get the US to help liberate Vietnam from the French.
Ho Chi Minh was no communist, but the US forced him to go to China and become one, because we turned him down.

Saddam was NOT selling cheap oil, Kuwait was. Saddam was obedient to OPEC. It was Kuwait who was not.
And the reason we murdered Saddam is because he paid reparations to those innocents deliberately harmed by Israel's "collective retribution".

The Ukraine was convicted in the world court of stealing oil and gas from Russia, by diverting it as it went through Russian pipelines in the Ukraine.
This is just one of many.

No one said that the Ukraine violated a NATO treaty, but that they violated the treaties they signed with Gorbachev in 1992, so that Russia would give them their independence. They pledged to not join organizations hostile to Russia.
The Ukraine also violated treaties with Russia by murdering thousands of ethnic Russians in the Donetsk and Crimea.
The Ukraine is NOT allowed to protect itself from Russia, because that was the deal they accepted in order to become independent. The current government in Kyiv is totally criminal.

Ukraine breaks off diplomatic ties with Russia​

By AFP24 February 2022,
Just for the record.Did or did not Saddam Hussein exploit and corrupt
almost entirely the - Oil for Food-, Program ? .By Issuing vouchers to
select diplomats that could help him alleviate the Iragi Sanctions.
Plus It was Saddam AGAIN all by his lonesome who set Oil Wells
ablaze { over 600 } after he failed in stopping Bush 41 in
The Gulf War with Operation Desert Shield.
The monstrous plume of Black smoke from all those oil wells
set on fire { and neediing to be capped or blown out } became a
potentially historic Environmental disaster that could devastate for
decades maybe centuries.
For the Record.
Sure the Ukraine has excellent farming.
So who cares about farming anymore, since we can cultivate with robots and fertilize sand to grow crops if we want.
The Russians do because their existing soils are poor. Youre excuse is pathetic.
It is a lie to claim we invaded Vietnam to stop communism.
You are an historical vacuum. You tried to stop the north Vietnamese invading the south.
Ho Chi Minh spent a decade in the US, trying to get the US to help liberate Vietnam from the French.
That was 10 plus years before you invaded.
Ho Chi Minh was no communist, but the US forced him to go to China and become one, because we turned him down.
Rubbish. He was always one. Maybe if you had helped him you wouldn't be treating China like an enemy. Thats wasn't real smart son.
Saddam was NOT selling cheap oil, Kuwait was.
Bullshit. The first thing that was done was stop the oil fires Saddam had lit. He did that to stop America getting it.
Saddam was obedient to OPEC. It was Kuwait who was not.
Do you remember it was Iraq who tried to invade kuwait? Of course not.
And the reason we murdered Saddam is because he paid reparations to those innocents deliberately harmed by Israel's "collective retribution".
You didn't murder him. His own people did. Youve got some severe memory problems.
The Ukraine was convicted in the world court of stealing oil and gas from Russia,

by diverting it as it went through Russian pipelines in the Ukraine.
This is just one of many.

No one said that the Ukraine violated a NATO treaty,
if you read a post above you will see that us what was said.
but that they violated the treaties they signed with Gorbachev in 1992, so that Russia would give them their independence. They pledged to not join organizations hostile to Russia.
The Ukraine also violated treaties with Russia by murdering thousands of ethnic Russians in the Donetsk and Crimea.
Yes. Just like the Russians killed more Ukrainians. That is well documented.
The Ukraine is NOT allowed to protect itself from Russia, because that was the deal they accepted in order to become independent
I will never accept that as fact especially now they are defending themselves with vigor. The Russians demanded they never join NATO but they ignored it
The current government in Kyiv is totally criminal.
No its not. It was democratically elected and certified by us officials who witnessed.

Basically you are still supporting the communist Russians on this as Trump demands. Why have you completely changed from defending freedom to supporting communists?
Does Trump have that much influence over your decisions?


Ukraine breaks off diplomatic ties with Russia​

By AFP24 February 2022,

Sure the Ukraine has excellent farming.
So who cares about farming anymore, since we can cultivate with robots and fertilize sand to grow crops if we want.

It is a lie to claim we invaded Vietnam to stop communism.
Ho Chi Minh spent a decade in the US, trying to get the US to help liberate Vietnam from the French.
Ho Chi Minh was no communist, but the US forced him to go to China and become one, because we turned him down.

Saddam was NOT selling cheap oil, Kuwait was. Saddam was obedient to OPEC. It was Kuwait who was not.
And the reason we murdered Saddam is because he paid reparations to those innocents deliberately harmed by Israel's "collective retribution".

The Ukraine was convicted in the world court of stealing oil and gas from Russia, by diverting it as it went through Russian pipelines in the Ukraine.
This is just one of many.

No one said that the Ukraine violated a NATO treaty, but that they violated the treaties they signed with Gorbachev in 1992, so that Russia would give them their independence. They pledged to not join organizations hostile to Russia.
The Ukraine also violated treaties with Russia by murdering thousands of ethnic Russians in the Donetsk and Crimea.
The Ukraine is NOT allowed to protect itself from Russia, because that was the deal they accepted in order to become independent. The current government in Kyiv is totally criminal.

Ukraine breaks off diplomatic ties with Russia​

By AFP24 February 2022,

Sure the Ukraine has excellent farming.
So who cares about farming anymore, since we can cultivate with robots and fertilize sand to grow crops if we want.

It is a lie to claim we invaded Vietnam to stop communism.
Ho Chi Minh spent a decade in the US, trying to get the US to help liberate Vietnam from the French.
Ho Chi Minh was no communist, but the US forced him to go to China and become one, because we turned him down.

Saddam was NOT selling cheap oil, Kuwait was. Saddam was obedient to OPEC. It was Kuwait who was not.
And the reason we murdered Saddam is because he paid reparations to those innocents deliberately harmed by Israel's "collective retribution".

The Ukraine was convicted in the world court of stealing oil and gas from Russia, by diverting it as it went through Russian pipelines in the Ukraine.
This is just one of many.

No one said that the Ukraine violated a NATO treaty, but that they violated the treaties they signed with Gorbachev in 1992, so that Russia would give them their independence. They pledged to not join organizations hostile to Russia.
The Ukraine also violated treaties with Russia by murdering thousands of ethnic Russians in the Donetsk and Crimea.
The Ukraine is NOT allowed to protect itself from Russia, because that was the deal they accepted in order to become independent. The current government in Kyiv is totally criminal.

Ukraine breaks off diplomatic ties with Russia​

By AFP24 February 2022,

Sure the Ukraine has excellent farming.
So who cares about farming anymore, since we can cultivate with robots and fertilize sand to grow crops if we want.

It is a lie to claim we invaded Vietnam to stop communism.
Ho Chi Minh spent a decade in the US, trying to get the US to help liberate Vietnam from the French.
Ho Chi Minh was no communist, but the US forced him to go to China and become one, because we turned him down.

Saddam was NOT selling cheap oil, Kuwait was. Saddam was obedient to OPEC. It was Kuwait who was not.
And the reason we murdered Saddam is because he paid reparations to those innocents deliberately harmed by Israel's "collective retribution".

The Ukraine was convicted in the world court of stealing oil and gas from Russia, by diverting it as it went through Russian pipelines in the Ukraine.
This is just one of many.

No one said that the Ukraine violated a NATO treaty, but that they violated the treaties they signed with Gorbachev in 1992, so that Russia would give them their independence. They pledged to not join organizations hostile to Russia.
The Ukraine also violated treaties with Russia by murdering thousands of ethnic Russians in the Donetsk and Crimea.
The Ukraine is NOT allowed to protect itself from Russia, because that was the deal they accepted in order to become independent. The current government in Kyiv is totally criminal.

Ukraine breaks off diplomatic ties with Russia​

By AFP24 February 2022,
Sure the Ukraine has excellent farming.
So who cares about farming anymore, since we can cultivate with robots and fertilize sand to grow crops if we want.

It is a lie to claim we invaded Vietnam to stop communism.
Ho Chi ⁷
Putin believed Trump would kill NATO When he wasn't elected again putin attacked Ukraine
Telling NATO the free ride is over is not trying to kill it. Another fake narrative.
If Putin believed Trump would kill NATO and if Putin helped Trump win the 2016 election why didn't he help Trump in 2020. You leftists have created a narrative that you cannot defend.
Georgia invade South Ossetia and Russia acted as a peacekeeper.
The Crimea had always been Russian, is populated by Russians, and it was the Ukrainian, Krushchev who illegally gave the Crimea to the Ukraine.
Russia was right to take it back, based on the principle of local autonomy.
Nope I am correct
I never said there was collusion. Settle down princess. Youre off your meds.

Wrong again. I never said that.

I have no idea. Perhaps you know why.

Are you implying he needed trumps approval or Trump stopped him.
Nato is what kept America out if it.

Its easy to check why he is invading countries and its nothing to do with any country like America.
Trump couldn't stop a fart.

What's you opinion of Trump praising putin as a genius?
Your attempted deflections make no sense. Maybe you should up date your programming. Are you saying that the narrative of Trump Russian collision was never created? Just because "YOU" never said doesn't mean it wasn't the leftist narrative.
I have no idea. Can you tell why that is so?

Who cares?

Real about what?
Life for starters.Then Booze of ones' choice which reacts alongside
life.Sometimes for the good and utter times not so mush.
Depending on the quality of ingredients and temperment of those
Unless you prefer to Imbibe " All By Myself ".
Like the George Thorogood song ... - I Drink Alone -.
BTW a really good vodka from Ukraine is :
It's getting hard to find on the shelves.
I disagree.
I think Moscow is very well informed

Their plan was 5 day take over of Kiev.

Kremlin has fired or put under house arrest their intelligence chiefs.

And here is you, idiot talking about how well informed they are.
Last edited:
Let me do some clearing please

Biden's actions​

This is the worst foreign policy crisis in a very long time, and I think Biden is handling it excellently. He screwed up the withdrawal from Afghanistan, but in this case, I think he's making all the right moves and surrounding himself with highly competent advisors.

We can contrast this with trump who screwed up every single thing he touched, and largely led to Putin and Kim Jong-un thinking they are real equals to us. All while undermining Ukraine. The worst most incompetent idiot ever to sit in the White House. Biden, on the other hand, is old but realizes that you need to surround yourself with good people, not install incompetents who pretend to love you.

As I stated repeatedly through the trump years, the damage he was doing to our civil service will take decades to reverse. Installing buffoons and incompetents wherever possible caused many good people to quit. I hope Biden can continue to heal some of that damage.
Their plan was 5 day take over of Kiev.

Kremlin has fired or put under house arrest their intelligence chiefs.

And here is you, idiot talking about how well informed they are.
Not an inch of Russia has been taken.Kiev is surrounded.
The Caspian Sea belongs to Russia more by the day.
Yer being Hoodwinked by the New World order in concert
with Today's MSM.As both a distraction for the utter failures
of the Biden regime.There's no way to credibly know if what is being
reported is Fact or a lot of Fiction.The same Crap the scoundrels in
Palestine { Their Liberation Army } in concert with the Muslim
Brotherhood had been pulling.Where members of our Congress
{ The Squad } help out as much as possible whatever crap the
Muslim Brotherhood reports.Plus Hillary's right hand man { Huma Abedin }
has Family members who work in the Muslim Brotherhood.
Where the mere mention of that causes instant banning.

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