ok leftists I need you to clear something up

Let me do some clearing please

Biden's actions​

This is the worst foreign policy crisis in a very long time, and I think Biden is handling it excellently. He screwed up the withdrawal from Afghanistan, but in this case, I think he's making all the right moves and surrounding himself with highly competent advisors.

We can contrast this with trump who screwed up every single thing he touched, and largely led to Putin and Kim Jong-un thinking they are real equals to us. All while undermining Ukraine. The worst most incompetent idiot ever to sit in the White House. Biden, on the other hand, is old but realizes that you need to surround yourself with good people, not install incompetents who pretend to love you.

As I stated repeatedly through the trump years, the damage he was doing to our civil service will take decades to reverse. Installing buffoons and incompetents wherever possible caused many good people to quit. I hope Biden can continue to heal some of that damage.
Your deflection and attempted derailment makes sense. It makes sense to deflect and derail when you cannot give an answer that a person with common sense will be able to make sense of your explanation.
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Your deflection and attempted derailment makes sense. It makes sense to deflect and derail when you cannot give an answer that a person with common sense will be able to make sense of your expectations.
Lets make a deal REB
I'd love to ignore Trump.
but you twitterama fools want to bring him back
and continually throw out nonsense like nothing bad would ever happen if we had Trump in charge

did he stop Covid - no, didn't even try
did he add massive debt - yes
did he greenlight Putin's aggression - yes
did he keep putting donor money in his own pocket - yes
did he cheat on his taxes - yes
did he sit on his ass and tweet all day instead of leading - hell yes!

so I'll make you a deal
I'll stop bashing Trump when you fools stop touting him for another term.
Lets make a deal REB
I'd love to ignore Trump.
but you twitterama fools want to bring him back
and continually throw out nonsense like nothing bad would ever happen if we had Trump in charge

did he stop Covid - no, didn't even try
did he add massive debt - yes
did he greenlight Putin's aggression - yes
did he keep putting donor money in his own pocket - yes
did he cheat on his taxes - yes
did he sit on his ass and tweet all day instead of leading - hell yes!

so I'll make you a deal
I'll stop bashing Trump when you fools stop touting him for another term.
Your response makes no sense.
Derailment attempt.
As we can see the leftist position is weak. So they must troll and deflect in defense of that failed position.
It's all they have left.

They see what is coming... and they are losing their shit over it.

Not an inch of Russia has been taken.Kiev is surrounded.

Kiev surrounded? It is not idiot and Russia is NEVER taking Kiev. Kremlin has already declared "first objectives achieved" and switched their rhetoric back to just "liberation" of Dombas.

Russian economy is in for loooong historic recession. Their interest rates are 20%, their energy exports are fucked and no one wants to have anything to do with their toxic country.

10,000+ Russians already dead in Ukraine and thousands more dying every week and Russian propaganda will only conceal the destruction and death going on Ukraine only for so long.

Invasion of Ukraine has become Putin's biggest blunder and will quite likely be the beginning of end of his rule over Russia.
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Idiot, Russian economy is in for loooong historic recession. Their interest rates are 20%, their energy exports are fucked and no one wants to have anything to do with their toxic pos country.

10,000+ Russians already dead in Ukraine and thousands more dying every week. Russian propaganda will only conceal the destruction and death going on Ukraine for so long.

Invasion of Ukraine has become Putin's biggest blunder and will quite likely be the beginning of end of his rule over Russia.
How are their energy exports fucked? China hasn't stopped doing business with Russia.
How are their energy exports fucked? China hasn't stopped doing business with Russia.
Why don't you check what Russians are selling their oil for compared to the rest of the world. They are bleeding dry.

Hard stop on Russian exports to US and Nord stream II already cancelled. EU is striking deals to compeltely get off Russian energy long term.

Putin has proved to the west that doing bussiness with Russia is a really bad idea. Their brand is in shatters and you have to be an idiot to think that is not going to be detrumental to their way of life going forward.
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Why don't you check what Russians are selling their oil for compared to the rest of the world. They are bleeding dry.

Nord stream II already cancelled and EU is striking deals to compeltely get off Russian energy long term.

Putin has proved to the west that doing bussiness with Russia is a really bad idea. Their brand is in shatters and you have to be an idiot to think that is not going to be devastating to their way of life going forward.
Lets make a deal REB
I'd love to ignore Trump.
but you twitterama fools want to bring him back
and continually throw out nonsense like nothing bad would ever happen if we had Trump in charge

did he stop Covid - no, didn't even try
did he add massive debt - yes
did he greenlight Putin's aggression - yes
did he keep putting donor money in his own pocket - yes
did he cheat on his taxes - yes
did he sit on his ass and tweet all day instead of leading - hell yes!

so I'll make you a deal
I'll stop bashing Trump when you fools stop touting him for another term.
Trump is being appreciated more each passing day.For his ability
to Make America as good as possible.Where Biden is doing the polar
opposite.Do you actually expect a good portion of America to just
slough that off.No way Jose.Even Hispanics living here pre-covid
have a newfound respect for Trump.
You may ask ... then why do those like CNN and MSNBC and
the Networks { NBC,ABC,CBS } and The Washington Post and
N.Y.Times,L.A.Times.Boston Globe.Politico and the new invention
Mediate seem in love with hating on Trump.Because it pays.
The more Hatred the more viewers,followers and the like.
Like what inspired Cock-fighting.Illegal most everywhere.
For good reason.It is antithetical to Americana and our inherent
values.Like Honesty and fair play.3 strikes and yer out.
No whining and being cry babies.That is leftism.
Because the Left does not value TRUTH.leftists never say they
are sorry or apologize.Barack Obama made it Fashionable to Hate
those of a different Party.Starting with the Tea Party.
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What about Iran.
Oh yes who can forget Iran, they'll sell oil to each other.

Oh yes who can forget Iran, they'll sell oil to each other.

Oh that's just great.Real peachy-creamy.Like the way Iran and Russia
exchange Nuclear tools.Since the Democrats gave Iran Billions in an
Unamerican Nuclear deal and then a Prisoner swap for moola
in the dead of night { pallets of cash } aboard a Transport carrier.
And Trump and Carlson
Carlson has a fantastic record of being correct.
Name when he wasn't.In order to save face.
Your lack of Face and Faith.Why wasn't Russia acting up
during Trumps 4 years.And as one poster commented how come
if Putin is in the pocket of Trump he never helped Trump one lick
in the Election of 2020.
Huh ... huh huh Huh .

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