OK...Let's Get Real Serious For A Minute

What is this continuing whining about Obama all about?

What has he been blamed for? Obamacare? All his so he should be blamed. Syria, Libya, Iraz, Iran... all him, you know the buck stops here.

Benghazi? People died and he lied, that is proved beyond a doubt. So again it is all him, who else is president and lied to us. And it is not like Beghazi was the only attack on a diplomatic facility during Obama's reign. Benghazi is different.

What is pitiful is what the left wants to give him credit for, like the unemployment rate. The ship on him taking credit for that passed many years ago and many trillions of dollars.

Obama is getting blamed, rightfully for things that he should be blamed, the left just creates a meme running a cover story.

You peckerheads keep hammering away about four deaths of people who were drawing hazardous duty pay from the government and were serving full knowledge of the danger. Get Screwed Benghazi!!

American Military Casualties in Iraq:

American Deaths during Bush Years 4493
Since Obama Inauguration (1/20/09)
American Wounded Official 32021

'Course a bunch of dead soldiers are expected and anticipated while Republicans are doing their tricks. Cheney cleared $25,000,000 from his holdings in Halliburton during the turmoil in Iraq!! Soldiers need barracks and food and those are Halliburton specialties.
And the left is placing a candidate up as their top dog who voted for the Iraq war as well. That is ignored though - not a big deal.
Hillary not only acknowledged her blunder with that decision, but paid the price by not being nominated by her party to represent them in 2008. Try again.

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And the left cannot trip over themselves fast enough to excuse her 'error' while trying to sink anyone in the republican party with the same. I don't need to try again - the rank hypocrisy is obvious.
"If the plane which went down in Egypt had been an international flight which originated in the United States....."

The plane did not originate in Russia and it did not go down in Egypt. DUUUUHH!
It's clearly a direct result of Putin's involvement in the "war on terror". ISIS is showing Putin what is what. Since the American rightwing is invested in the narrative that Putin is strong and Obama is weak they are absolutely silent on this MASSIVE failure by Putin, because it pops that bubble entirely.

It's crystal clear to see.

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what did Putin fail at you idiot?? and it was the Left who first INSISTED it couldnt have been a terror attack. that's who was silent on what leftard.
Putin effed up, big time, and now two hundred and something of his fellow citizens got blown out of the sky due to his recklessness.

Let's see what the FOOL does next.

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how does Putin "effing up" even if he has, excuse obama from being seen as the weakling he is???
This thread is about Putin and his MASSIVE blunder which has now caused the deaths of hundreds of innocent Russians including women and children.

Start another of the 10,001 threads about how bad Obama is and how much you hate his guts. Go knock yourself out.

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He really didn't though. Putin is a monster and does not care about a few hundred of his own people. That has always been obvious. That is simply the price he willingly pays to get what he wants in the area.

There is no comparison between Putin and Obama. Never has been.
If the plane which went down in Egypt had been an international flight which originated in the United States the Right would already be screaming, "It's Obama's Fault!"

Tell Me!!!! Was this one Putin's fault?

It would have been blamed on Putin if the flight had originated in Russia. It didn't!

The plane was a Russian airliner and Russians have been conducting bombing raids in Syria against ISIS DUUUUHH!!

"DUUUUUHH" is the smartest thing you've said in this thread pal.

How the hell would you know?
If the plane which went down in Egypt had been an international flight which originated in the United States the Right would already be screaming, "It's Obama's Fault!"

Tell Me!!!! Was this one Putin's fault?

Oh c'mon now.. If a bomb got on board in EGYPT? How ridiculous is this question?
The right would be demanding that Obama BOMB the airport in Egypt that it took off from..

Fox News et al. would have the rubes bleeving Obama planted the bomb on the plane on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood and Valerie Jarrett.

Speaking of rubes, what the hell is bleeving?

That's what the Bible Thumpers do.....THEY BLEEEV HEY ZEUS WILL MEET THEM ON A CLOUD!!

It takes a sorry bastard to mock those that get comfort form their faith.

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