OK Matt Gaetz………What do we do now?

OK, OK they stuck out a foot and tripped an elephant.

You mean a hoof.

Like a dog chasing a car, not knowing what to do after he caught it

Matt has been chasing McCarthy for nine months
Now that he kicked him out, what does he do next ?

Took 15 tries to approve McCarthy. He only got the job by conceding his power to MAGA

What Speaker is going to accept the position under the same terms that McCarthy did?

He's going to run for Florida governor.

He doesn't give a shit about results. He only cares about likes and donations. And he's right. That's all that matters to the Republican base these days.

If Trump endorses him, he will win.

But I don't think he will.

Byron Donald is also going to run, and he's a big Trump backer.

Donald is like Gaetz except everyone doesn't hate him.
Like a dog chasing a car, not knowing what to do after he caught it

Matt has been chasing McCarthy for nine months
Now that he kicked him out, what does he do next ?

Took 15 tries to approve McCarthy. He only got the job by conceding his power to MAGA

What Speaker is going to accept the position under the same terms that McCarthy did?
Who cares who it is? I care what he or she does.

The next speaker can either get the job by making promises to the Republican wing of the Republican Party, like cutting Pelosi's post-COVID budget, which was bizarrely larger than the COVID era budget, or they can cut a deal with the Dems. The budget cutters have finally realized that the establishment GOP is not interested in cutting the budget in the slightest and assume something will happen somehow to save us from the coming fiscal collapse. So, no more deals, no more Sallozo tricks.

The only way for a non-budget cutter to become speaker is to cut a deal with the Democrats. I expected them to save McCarthy, I really did. Who better than an "opposition" leader who specializes in giving them everything they want so he can be admired by the media?
The country needs a speaker who gets things done.

Not a child who throws a tantrum whenever they don’t get exactly what they want.
Like Reid who tabled every bill the Republicans put forth or the uncompromising Pelosi?
Used to be called compromise
You get part of what you want, I get part of what I want

Worked for over 200 years
That worked fine when the parties and Americans were separated by small things….we are lightyears apart on all issues nowdays…Democrats/the left are batshit crazy and Americas worst enemy and everybody sane and decent knows it….you NEVER make deals with the enemy.
That worked fine when the parties and Americans were separated by small things….we are lightyears apart on all issues nowdays…Democrats/the left are batshit crazy and Americas worst enemy and everybody sane and decent knows it….you NEVER make deals with the enemy.

Isn't the Taliban our enemy?
Blame their obvious dysfunction on the Democrats and hope the flock's hatred for their fellow Americans continues holds sway over reason and common sense?

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