OK Matt Gaetz………What do we do now?

You really are deluding yourself.

McCarthy was the obvious choice for majority leader but still took a dozen ballots to be chosen.

Now he’s the first modern speaker to be removed.

You guys have no idea what you’re doing. There’s no plan.
Not buying the rotten fish you peddle doesn’t make me the deluded one.

I’m thrilled McCarthy is out.
80% of the GOP is weak. It's not "fringe" to expect Republicans who run on fiscal conservatism to actually be fiscally conservative. Holding them to their campaign promises, especially when inflation is so high and the USD is so over inflated.
FFS, just since Obama, the USD value has lost a ton of it's value, because of Obama, Trump and Biden. Moreso under Trump because he spent so much in such a short time.
This makes it hard on businesses. It makes it hard for people to buy a home or even shop. That effect every single person in this country, unless they're rich.
What's actually fringe are the "kick the can" republicans.

96% > 4%
You really are deluding yourself.

McCarthy was the obvious choice for majority leader but still took a dozen ballots to be chosen.

Now he’s the first modern speaker to be removed.

You guys have no idea what you’re doing. There’s no plan.

First time that you ever posted something that made sense.

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Sure it is, because the massive fraud machine is still oiled and ready. Some states are changing the laws that made the fraud easy. It will be harder to cheat this time but it will happen and there is no doubt about it.
You hate democracy, don’t you? :cool-45:
Dude, you shit the bed and are trying to get everyone to tell you "good job".
Dude. You’re projecting.

I am sure lots of your fellow libturds will be happy to tell you, though, that you’re making any sense.

You’re not.
You really are deluding yourself.

McCarthy was the obvious choice for majority leader but still took a dozen ballots to be chosen.

Now he’s the first modern speaker to be removed.

You guys have no idea what you’re doing. There’s no plan.

There's a plan by the fiscal conservatives to get the party back to supporting fiscal conservatism. And not this unlimited credit card the Federal Reserve has issued them.

Did you happen to notice all the jobs that's been outsourced in the last 4 decades. Or the fact that a half way decent vehicle is $30,000 now? Or hamburger meat is $5lb?
Or even that $15hr is practically a poverty wage now?

Does any of that mean anything to you?

Or how about the fact that every omnibus bill that's been passed since at least Trump was over $1 trillion. That included BS funding for things that's way over the budget? Things like gay parades in Progue. Or some political candidate in Bulgaria? Gender studies in Pakistan.
You hate the republic.

We haven't been a Republic in decades. Somewhere about the time the lobbyist took over DC.

Did you happen to catch the debates just prior to the vote (to oust McCarthy) Gaetz was boo'd by republicans for bringing up the fact that lobbyist control most Republicans.
Dude. You’re projecting.

I am sure lots of your fellow libturds will be happy to tell you, though, that you’re making any sense.

You’re not.
You can’t be this delusional. Even most of the Republican Party knows there is no plan.

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