OK Matt Gaetz………What do we do now?

Look at Leftwhiner pretending to care what “we” do now that McCarthy has gotten tossed to the curb.

Maybe Leftwhiner should worry about the senior House positions if and when the Dims again have a majority.

Meanwhile, any future GOP House Speaker (for the immediate future) is on clear notice that the GOP as a Party doesn’t want to play nice nice with the Dims unless and until the direction of our national policies has been firmly moved away from the insanity of libturd progressive Dim ideology.

The message is clear…
The overwhelming majority of reasonable Republicans are ignored as the party leadership panders to the militant minority.

Why shouldn’t reasonable Republicans team with Democrats and tell MAGA to fuk itself?
What about his “word” to the majority of Republicans who supported it?
Why should a small number of bomb throwers get to dictate GOP policy?

Did he promise them to pass continuing resolutions no matter what?

He reneged on a deal he made to become speaker. Actions have consequences. Now the Freedom Caucus may find the consequences as well.

Also, this shows Moderate Republicans the Dems won't help them. They could have easily saved McCarthay, even using just their most conservative reps, but they didn't.
The message is clear…
The overwhelming majority of reasonable Republicans are ignored as the party leadership panders to the militant minority.

Why shouldn’t reasonable Republicans team with Democrats and tell MAGA to fuk itself?

Why would they team with Dems going forward when they didn't help them save McCarthary?
The message is clear…
The overwhelming majority of reasonable Republicans are ignored as the party leadership panders to the militant minority.

Why shouldn’t reasonable Republicans team with Democrats and tell MAGA to fuk itself?
You’re very unclear.

The majority of Republicans are a problem when they engage in their usual behavior of “go along to get along” with the Dims.

In many ways, it is surprising that the Dims (in typical lockstep fashion) failed to save McCarthy from being ousted as Speaker. They aren’t likely to do better with anyone who gets approved now.

In fact, now that the Republican Members have seen what can happen if they don’t change their usual modus operandi, it is possible that the next Speaker will politically HAVE TO STEER more to the right. 👍

God Bless America.
In fact, now that the Republican Members have seen what can happen if they don’t change their usual modus operandi,
Very true

Republicans have to learn to contain their radical fringe and keep them from destroying the party and the country along with it.

Pelosi did it
Very true

Republicans have to learn to contain their radical fringe and keep them from destroying the party and the country along with it.

Pelosi did it

But wrong conclusions and assertions from you are nothing new.

The new Speaker (whoever it may be) is going to be confronted by the same problems McCarthy had. If the same behavior is exhibited again, the result will be another ouster.

Good. That’s what’s needed. Insert a bit of conservative spine into the GOP House.
Very true

Republicans have to learn to contain their radical fringe and keep them from destroying the party and the country along with it.

Pelosi did it
They are not radical. They want secure borders, safe cities, and elections with integrity. There is nothing, 0, radical about that. You are such a hapless liar.
The country needs a speaker who gets things done.
...no matter how much money we have to print, right?

Nah, im all set on "speakers who get things done". The only thing Speakers do is blow through tax dollars with reckless abandon.
The new speaker wont be distrusted like McCarthy was. They obviously had a good reason to distrust him.

The new Speaker won’t accept any demands to pander to the radical fringe.

They created this crisis in the party…now they have to fix it

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