OK Matt Gaetz………What do we do now?

They stepped aside by voting 208-0 in support of ousting Kevin McCarthy?

You just get stupider or what, Elmo?
If the Republicans were together and and all voted for McCarthy not being fired, they wouldn't need any Democrat votes.
THE REPUBLICANS HAVE THE MAJORITY but they are in chaos feuding with each other. Don't blame the Democrats. Blame a bunch of MAGA clowns,
They stepped aside by voting 208-0 in support of ousting Kevin McCarthy?

You just get stupider or what, Elmo?
Why would they support him? He reneges on his deals. At first he called for an investigation into Jan 6th, only to flip flop after being force to kiss the ring......
Blame their obvious dysfunction on the Democrats and hope the flock's hatred for their fellow Americans continues holds sway over reason and common sense?
You have to e kidding. You are describing the Republicans. They would even admit so.
You are an excuse maker, ignoring the truth
We get a speaker that isn't afraid to take a stand... McCarthy was always the wrong guy for the job....
How about you take a stance, NOW,
and Tell us your Yeses for Speaker and Your Noes for Speaker.

You don't have the balls or the knowledge to name names.

I'll do it for you?

1). Scalise...........Yes
2). trump...........Hell No
3). Donald.........LOLLOL
4). Other......just NOT one of the Crazies, and the House is LOADED with RW Crazies.
How about you take a stance, NOW,
and Tell us your Yeses for Speaker and Your Noes for Speaker.

You don't have the balls or the knowledge to name names.

I'll do it for you?

1). Scalise...........Yes
2). trump...........Hell No
3). Donald.........LOLLOL
4). Other......just NOT one of the Crazies, and the House is LOADED with RW Crazies.
Personally I like Donald but he may want to run for Governor in Florida... time will tell...
If the Republicans were together, they wouldn't need any Democrat votes.
THE REPUBLICANS HAVE THE MAJORITY but they are in chaos feuding with each other.

How stupid you are. Republicans are not "feuding," what you are seeing dummy is how democracy is SUPPOSED to work. A bunch of individuals acting and seeing things INDIVIDUALLY, according to their constituents, not like a bunch of sewn up monkeys all bleating in unison like a bunch of lock-step socialized, castrated sheep.

The fact that you cannot predict the GOP makes them honest, makes their decisions real. I can predict how the DNC will vote to the person 99.999% of the time.

That isn't "unity" or "harmony," that is being fixed, rigged, sewn up, 2-dimensional, and bought and paid for, like a wooden toy.
It doesn't take all that much to take "a stand". You want your bills passed, don't you?
Don't act like McCarthy is being punished for this one thing... for years while he was minority leader... Pelosi played him like a fiddle... it was embarrassing and look where we are today....
Do I like this?... no it's wrong to do this but the grand ol party has lost its way and that means the leadership must change....
Why would they support him?
You should ask them. McCarthy was far more friendly to the Dems than will be his replacement!

At first he called for an investigation into Jan 6th, only to flip flop after being force to kiss the ring......
Guess you don't know yet the big egg McCarthy just laid on the Bidens exposing what the government really knows about Joe & Son and their little racket on his way out of the speakership for the next Speaker and investigators to pick up on! :71:

If I were the Biden's, I'd be getting myself a lot more lawyers.
Don't act like McCarthy is being punished for this one thing... for years while he was minority leader... Pelosi played him like a fiddle... it was embarrassing and look where we are today....
Do I like this?... no it's wrong to do this but the grand ol party has lost its way and that means the leadership must change....
Look, this is a GOP problem. I'm just enjoying it. Really enjoying it.
Look, this is a GOP problem. I'm just enjoying it. Really enjoying it.
Too bad your party marches in lock step.... that fact alone would send me away from that kind of a political party....
How'd that turn out for Reid?
Turned out great for Pelosi and bad for Reid, the point is both sides are the same in that regard. I also don’t want Congress making laws just to make laws, so I don’t mind when the House, Senate and Presidency are split by party, it slows agendas down because quite frankly I don’t trust either party to do the right thing and apparently neither did our forefathers.
If the Republicans were together and and all voted for McCarthy not being fired, they wouldn't need any Democrat votes.
THE REPUBLICANS HAVE THE MAJORITY but they are in chaos feuding with each other. Don't blame the Democrats. Blame a bunch of MAGA clowns,
The Dems are not marching in lockstep. They are just able to grasp the big picture. The GOP looks incompetent.
Seems to me that this is just the next logical step in our socio-political collapse.

The goal is to destroy our institutions, destroy the state, and separate us into warring tribes. It's working.

The GOP doesn't give a shit about changing anything, they're there to keep billionaire traitors from having to pay taxes, and that is their sole reason for existence. They loved Biden's giant corporate welfare bill, after Dems threw in a big tax break for hedge fund managers and an 'accelerated depreciation' write off for somebody or other. They just make lots of noise and posturing BS for the yokels back home, and Gaetz is no different; they can just raise more campaign money by pretending to be 'anti-establishment' now than back when the Party was the main source of campaign money, is all. All hat and no cattle, as the saying goes around here.

If the GOP was really backing up their BS they would be winning by landslides, not little piss ant 2% margins and a crummy little 12 seat lead or whatever in the House. And, like with most Democrats, few are in danger of ever losing their seats, thanks to gerrymandering, no matter how incompetent they are. This 'grid lock' is pretty much permanent, as is our banana republic status.
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Seems to me that this is just the next logical step in our socio-political collapse.

The goal is to destroy our institutions, destroy the state, and separate us into warring tribes. It's working.

The ouster of McCarty exposed how extreme MAGA really is. Voters out there needed to know that in no uncertain terms.

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