OK Matt Gaetz………What do we do now?

There are plenty of issues where compromise is possible

Tax rates, defense funding, social programs, environmental regulations, immigration

It is when you declare the other side “the enemy” that compromise becomes impossible
No such thing exist with leftist. What are you willing to give up to have a compromise?
You have to e kidding. You are describing the Republicans. They would even admit so.
You are an excuse maker, ignoring the truth
Nope not kidding(ops yeah I was). I answered the question from the Neo-GOP point of view as the Democrats have no say in the matter. Succinctly, project their failure onto the Democrats and hope the flock follows. It's part of their pattern. However for the Democrats, they should grab some popcorn, sit back and watch the big shoe. Unless of course a few moderate Republicans want to make a serious and binding deal, which most people think is NFL.
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Is there no way to do what the constitution suggests, That we work together for a balance of power?
War IS a last resort, and not a good one. We fully agree on that. Unfortunately we had a violent conflict thst was left smoldering and never actually resolved over the last 150+ years.

A smoldering fire eventually reignites into a blaze unless it is fully put out. I don’t believe we can fully extinguish what was not put out in 1865 without seeing it reemerge as a major blaze. The military conflict ended but the social, cultural and ideological schism has never been closed.
Sure it is, because the massive fraud machine is still oiled and ready. Some states are changing the laws that made the fraud easy. It will be harder to cheat this time but it will happen and there is no doubt about it.
After all the time that has passed since the Loser failed to overthrow the certified results of the 2020 election, which states have been exposed as having falsified their election results? Who has been charged with such a perversion of the democratic will?

Such multiple cases of massive fraud would not all remain hidden, obviously.
It may be looking good from inside the bubble, but to a lot of the country, it’s a clown show!

The only clown show the country sees and cares about is Biden's handling of the border, crime, immigration, the economy, education, the government, the dollar, the world stage, food, energy, Hawaii, Ohio, Florida, Russia, internal government integrity, and, well, everything, asshole.
After all the time that has passed since the Loser failed to overthrow the certified results of the 2020 election, which states have been exposed as having falsified their election results? Who has been charged with such a perversion of the democratic will?

Such multiple cases of massive fraud would not all remain hidden, obviously.
They sure will remain hidden. The FBI buried a voter fraud case in MI. reported a week before the election. 8 to 10,000 registrations turned in all at once. The police report details GBI's involvement.
Nope not kidding(ops yeah I was). I answered the question from the Neo-GOP point of view as the Democrats have no say in the matter. Succinctly, project their failure onto the Democrats and hope the flock follows. It's part of their pattern. However for the Democrats, they should grab some popcorn, sit back and watch the big shoe. Unless of course a few moderate Republicans want to make a serious and binding deal, which most people think is NFL.
Sorry, I was a little slow on the take, on that one.
The only clown show the country sees and cares about is Biden's handling of the border, crime, immigration, the economy, education, the government, the dollar, the world stage, food, energy, Hawaii, Ohio, Florida, Russia, internal government integrity, and, well, everything, asshole.
When I say ‘country’, I mean ‘where the people live’. You, apparently, aren’t from there. How do we know your status? You don’t sound like the majority of Americans!
What is good about a speaker who is held hostage by his parties extremes?

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